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| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Files |  | | 7k | 19-04-07 |  | A1-3PRIME&PRIME1-4 A1PRIME: This program finds the prime factors of a positive integer. It is an ideal compromise between speed and size with its 157 bytes, and list of 8 numbers, which it divides the number with. 1444447 is confirmed to be a prime in about two seconds, on an 84 Plus CE. A2PRIME&A3PRIME: These programs count from both 2 and upwards, and from the square root of the number and downwards. A2PRIME has four labels and 484 bytes. A3PRIME is written without labels, and has 477 bytes. PRIME1,2,3&4: These programs are even faster with the bigger numbers. Thorough descriptions in the text file. |  | | 1k | 17-02-18 |  | X^3+aX^2+bX+c=0 A3: This little program of 236 bytes solves third degree polynomials on the form: X^3+aX^2+bX+c=0. You only get the numerical roots though. A3S: This little program of 258 bytes solves third degree polynomials on the form: aX^3+bX^2+cX+d=0. Only the numerical roots though. |  | | 10k | 19-04-18 |  | A5PRIME This program calculates the numerical sum of a number of your choice, and then finds its prime factors, which it also finds the numerical sum of. There are quite a lot of numbers that has the same numerical sum as its prime factors. For example, 58, 85, 852, and 666. You are to find some more. |  | | 1k | 13-06-17 |  | ABC Formula solver - Color version This is a port of your normal ABC formula solver program, but now with COLOR! |  | | 21k | 15-09-25 |  | ABSOLUTE&ABSOLUT1 These programs solves problems like abs(X-3)=4, abs(X^2-4X-5)=7. abs(X^2-X-1.25)=1.5. You need to input the left and right side separately. The left side must be written as: abs(.X…), there must not be anything outside of that. So if the equation is: abs(X-3)-2=2, you must rewrite it as: abs(X-3)=4. The right side can also be an expression in X: abs(2X-3)=X+2, or abs(2X-3)=X^2-4X-5. These are the only programs for the TI 84 CSE/CE, I know of that can give you all four solutions for a second degree expression. They also tell you if a solution is false. |  | | 7k | 21-04-15 |  | ACT Helper Based from Act for the TI-83 and 84 created by Chris Bethal and Ryan McClain, RoccoLox Programs gives you the ACT Helper for the TI-84 color screen calculators. Has almost all the same features that the original Act program/app gives you, but with even more! Some added features include a unit circle, polar to rectangle and rectangle to polar coordinate conversion, and a radical simplifier. Read the README text document to see all the features this program includes. |  | | 32k | 15-03-08 |  | ACUBICe The Program finds the three Solutions of the cubic equation Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D = 0 and GRAPHS the corresponding function. The graph displays the x-intercept(s), the local maximum and minimum (if they exist) and the inflection point. |  | | 2k | 19-07-16 |  | Adding Machine v 1.04 Adding Machine v 1.04 By: Ryan Pederson This is an adding machine that stores up to 100 numbers in a 10x10 matrix. It adds them up when 0 is added to the sum or it hits the one hundred number maximum. Enter adding machine mode and after each number is keyed in press the enter key to add to the total The adding machine will solve a line as the calculator normally would and store it as a number in the [J] matrix Negative numbers can be added to subtract ***Added new features*** 1)Nullify the last line by adding X Add X again to delete the second last number as well and so on... 2)Display the running total by adding XX 3)The running total is now stored as variable T so it is now possible to add a quick tax to a sum by adding Example 0.11T for 11% taxes 4)Better Instructions added in menu 5)An Easter egg that will not affect the sum (can be deleted or modified) 6)Adding XXXX stores the total as Y 7)Adding XXXXX Enters a side calculator mode that accepts normal TI 84 math input and stores as Var S 8)Fixed bug that crashed program when nothing left to delete by adding X 9)It now has the possibility to add the numbers that call the menus if entered by roughly a one in a billion chance and wanted to add to the total. The number that calls menus is (Ïe)^1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. The program has the option to edit and view all numbers after it has been added up. It is also possible to simply manually view and edit the matrix as well. If adding machine mode is entered again it will automatically zero the stored figures, use add it again if you have edited any of the figures and it will be recalculated to the correct figure. |  | | 2k | 17-10-10 |  | Factoring Trinomials ADDMULT: This program asks for two numbers A and B, then finds two numbers C and D, that add up to A and multiply to B, so that A=C+D, and B=C*D, if that is possible. If not, the program gives you a "FAILED". This is for factoring trinomials. ADDMULT1: This program assumes that the trinomial you are trying to factor is a quadratic equation on the form: AX^2+BX+C=0, so if it can't find two integers that add up to A and multiply to B, it solves it by giving you two irrational or two complex numbers.The program always asks for A. ADDMULT2: This program is less complicated to use. It asks you for two numbers A, and B, and then finds the two numbers C, and D, that add up to A, and multiply to B, wether C or D are real integers or irrational/complex numbers. ADDMULT3: This program is aimed for the general problem. It asks you for the degree of the first term, then for its coefficient, the degree of the second term, and its coefficient, then for the last term. If the "roots" are real and rational it factors them for you. But it can also handle complex numbers if they are rational. I would like some feedback on these programs. Please let me know what you think of them! |  | | 1k | 14-02-06 |  | AFACTOR1 This program is an economical version of APOLYFAC7, in this directory, where the program finds the linear factors, and lets you guess the rest. Only 890 bytes. You can even guess for non real factors. |  | | 12k | 18-03-01 |  | AFACTOR2 This program is the same as AFACTOR in this directory, except that it can also handle irrational and/or rational coefficients in the equation. Only 1155 bytes. Take a look at the screenshots. |  | | 3k | 18-08-30 |  | AFACTOR3&4 These programs are differently built up, than the other programs in the series. They use a polynomial division program to test the factors, instead of the usual algorithm, which is used to find linear integral factors. The advantage is that you can solve equations like: 2x^4+3x^3+6x^2+3x+2= 2x^2+x+1,and x^2+x+2. i.e. factors that are second degree equations, beyond the usual integral factors like: 2x+3, 3x^2-4, 4x^4-7. Also, the use of Euclids algorithm divides out all numbers that are common in the coefficients, wether they are rational or irrational. The drawback is that they run slower. Number 3 is for real factors, and number 4 handles both real and imaginary factors. Both of them can also handle irrational and/or rational coefficients in the equation. They are very compact for what the can achieve. |  | | 11k | 20-03-12 |  | AFACTOR5 This program can factor all real integer polynomials that have real integer factors. i.e. when the function-curve crosses the x-axis. It has tricks like taking the second and third roots out of the possible divisors conditionally. It uses the polynomial division algorithm for both factors like, {7,0,0,0,0,5}, and {2,1,1}, to confirm they are correct. Unlike AFACTOR3&4, it takes on only integer polynomials. You enter the coefficients as a list, and you get the factors as lists. UPDATE: The program is now much faster, and can handle a polynomial like, {1,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,4}. |  | | 2k | 20-03-12 |  | AFACTOR6 This program can factor polynomials with complex coefficients, as well as imaginary and real ones. But only integer coefficients with rational coefficients in the factors. You enter the polynomials coefficients as a list, i.e. it is the size of the list that decides the degree of the polynomial, so there must be a number for each position in the polynomial. For example: 64x^6-729, is entered as, {64,0,0,0,0,0,-729}. The program is based on AFACTOR5. There is a choice wether to search for real factors or imaginary and complex ones. A subroutine, ADIVCMPX, needs to be installed. News in this version is that you can enter multiple equations at once, if you wish. You separate them with pi. |  | | 10k | 21-02-04 |  | AFACTOR7 This program is shorter and faster than the other programs in this series, in relation to its capabilities. With just 1860 bytes, it can factor most of the equations with real integer coefficients and rational factors, that you will ever encounter. Look at the screenshots! |  | | 14k | 22-06-09 |  | AFACTORX,Y&Z AFACTORX: Update: This program have been improved in the first two sections of it. It still has just one filter, to eliminate non valid second degree factors though. On the other side of it, it should be 100% reliable. The speed isnât bad, but the other two are much faster. The equation, 72x^5+189x^4-104x^3-198x^2+165x-34=0, comes out as, {24,23,-17} and {3,5,-7,2}, in one minute and 15 seconds. AFACTORY: This program has also been improved the same way, as the above one. It has two filters for second degree factors. The equation above is factored in 45 seconds. But I canât claim that it is 100% foolproof. AFACTORZ: This program also has two filters, but the second filter is different to that of AFACTORY. The above equation takes 40 seconds. It is generally faster than the other, but not always, the equation, 18x^6-72x^5-35x^4-102x^3-54x^2-371x-294, takes 2 minutes and 40 seconds for this program, while AFACTORY does it in 2 minutes and 25 seconds. AFACTORX takes 4 minutes and 15 seconds. |  | | 1k | 20-09-30 |  | AFACTOR How small can a program that factors polynomials get, without losing speed? This is an attempt to an answer. 117x^4-20x^3-390x^2+20x+273 is factored in 5 seconds by this 609 bytes program! 8ix^3-27i is factored to, {2 -3} and {4i 6i 9i}. The program finds the linear factors and what it can't factor is shown as a list. Look at the screenshots! UPDATE: The program has been further simplified to have no more than 483 bytes, without losing its speed. |  | | 1k | 21-07-26 |  | Afrac v.1.1 Update! Reduces fractions with continued fraction, now with even better precision. Can handle fractions with numerator and denominator of several millions. |  | | 3k | 18-07-21 |  | ALGEBRA 1-2 This program has seven programs for algebra: Quadratic equation, distance, midpoint, slope, tri distance, pythagorean, and polynomial factoring. 3961 bytes. Thorough documentation in the text file. |  | | 2k | 13-10-11 |  | ALGEBRA1 This program has six programs for algebra1: Quadratic equation, distance, midpoint, slope, tri distance, and pythagorean. 2341 bytes. Thorough description in the text file. |  | | 2k | 21-03-22 |  | Algebra Program This program has many features for students taking Algebra 1 or Algebra 2 in High School |  | | 2k | 20-08-10 |  | AlgebraSolverV2 This program is the new and advanced version of the recent AlgebraSolver. Same equations plus a couple of newly added ones. |  | | 1k | 20-08-06 |  | AlgebraSolver This program helps solve some of your Algebra questions like Linear Systems, Linear Slope, Pythagorean Theorem, and Quadratics. |  | | 3k | 14-02-16 |  | The Ultimate Algebra Solver v.2.0 UPDATE: **ALL NEW LOOK**! This totally awesome program will solve almost everything you'll encounter in Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 and many thing in Algebra 2. Solve for x, radicals, factor a polynomial, pythagoream thereum, quadradic, 2 points, point and slope, midpoint, simultaneous equation, find intersect, quadrants, even a built-in calculator!! everyone is using this program-and they're lovin' it!! |  | | 144k | 18-09-24 |  | ALGEBRAZ This algebra program has 28 sub-programs, and more than 14000 bytes. Thorough documentation. Each program has its own text file. |  | | 15k | 13-10-26 |  | ALLINEQUe The Program solves ALL linear INEQUALITIES in x including 1: Single, such as 4(1 – 2x) < -12, 2: 3-Part, such as 2 < 5(8 – 3x) < 9, 3: Compound AND, such as 5 < 2(x + 7) and 3(1 – x) > 2, 4: Compound OR, such as 3(2 – x) > -3 or 11 > 2(3x – 1), 5: Absolute value, such as abs(2x + 3) < x + 10. |  | | 11k | 22-05-01 |  | Allmath v7.14 Updated for TI-84 CE! Allmath is an all-inclusive math program that will calculate and do a variety of things (work and equations shown on most functions) including: complete the square, direct/indirect variation, number of solutions, midpoint, prime numbers, Pythagorean theorem, quadratic formula, slope, distance, vertex, area, volume, surface area, y intercept, Fibonacci sequence, circumference, average, simplified square roots, proportions, system of equations, distance of point to line, types of quadrilaterals, scientific notation, a point of an isosceles trapezoid, Pythagorean triples, law of sines/cosines, DMS, geometric mean, circle equation maker, lateral area, apothem finder, point-slope to Y-intercept, frustums, graphing without Y= format, graphing < and >, vector magnitude and direction, vector addition, and 3D distance, test for collinear points, 3D midpoint, sphere equation maker, distance of parallel lines, modulus, 3 variable system of equations, standard form to y intercept, cramers rule, 3 points to equation for parabola, graphing inequalities, All about conics (equation makers, details about, and etc.), logarithms of X base, iterations, sequences, sum of sequences, Cramer's Rule for a system of 3 equations. Allmath is compatible with MirageOS. This version is specific to TI-84+ C/CE calculators, for TI-83/84 calculators see corresponding version on ticalc directory. Recommended for Pre-algebra through Calculus. Version 7.14. |  | | 26k | 15-02-28 |  | ALLSETe Press ENTER and the Program 1. Clears lists L1, L2, L3 and moves their contents to L4, L5, L6, just in case the data needs to be used later, 2. Clears TABLE, 3. Clears DRAW, 4. Removes conflicts between graphs and plots, 5. Resets some default settings that another program, or you, may have changed. Use ALLSET for the above, or anytime something seems wrong with the calculator. |  | | 11k | 15-09-25 |  | All Simultaneous Equations This program can handle any number of unknown in linear equations, provided that you've got enough equations for it to be mathematically possible to solve, and that you have enough memory. Just enter the coefficients horizontally, starting with the first equation, and the constants vertically, starting from the top. The answer comes as a matrix with the first unknown on top. It is only 217 bytes. |  | | 1k | 13-09-05 |  | ALLSOLVE ALLSOLVE: This is a multi purpose equation solver for real roots. It can solve a wide variety of equations. For example: log(X^2)=.4, abs((X-3)(X+2))=4, cos(X^2)=.5, (X-300)(X-400)(X-500)(X-600)=0, cos(X)=X^2+3X, (X+1.1)(X+1.2)(X+1.3)=0, abs(X^3-1)=7, (X^3-7)^(1/3)=X-1. First you enter the equation, then you enter the number of solutions that you search for. The program can find six solutions at the most. ALLSOLV1: This is the same program as the one above, except that you don't have to figure out how many roots the equation has. It shows them as it finds them. On the other hand it stops with an "ERROR: NO SIGN CHANGE", if there are less than six roots. Just press [ 1 ] then to quit. The roots are in list L1, and in the first six value memories. |  | | 2k | 13-09-05 |  | ALLSOLVE2 This program is a multi purpose equation solver which can find up to six real roots, and five extremes ( maxima/minima ). It can solve a wide variety of equations. For example: log(X^2)=.4, abs((X-3)(X+2))=4, cos(X^2)=.5, (X-300)(X-400)(X-500)(X-600)=0, cos(X)=X^2+3X, (X+1.1)(X+1.2)(X+1.3)=0, abs(X^3-1)=7, (X^3-7)^(1/3)=X-1. It also can find four terrace points or four inflection points. |  | | 110k | 15-03-11 |  | AMORTSCHe This Program makes an AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE after finding the Payment necessary to reduce a loan to 0 given the Loan Amount P, Interest Rate r, Frequency of Payment m, and the Term of the loan t. Also found is the total interest I and the total payments TP. |  | | 2k | 21-01-24 |  | Approximations Five programs to give you approximations as fractions of rational and irrational numbers. One program, DFRAC, can also give a correct answer to 17/191+19/193+23/199 and similar fractions. The programs give one to six and more approximations depending of the number and program. |  | | 1k | 16-08-03 |  | APRIME8 This prime factor program shows the factors with their power, you never risk running out of screen with it. It is also very fast, using a list when searching for factors. Look at the screenshots! |  | | 7k | 19-05-04 |  | AP Statistics 2019 This program was created for the AP Statistics exam. It is based on The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) textbook. The program includes information on Distributions, Regressions, Experimental Design, Probability, Random Variables, Sampling Distributions, Confidence Intervals, Significance Tests, Chi-Squared Tests, and Data Inferences. |  | | 2k | 17-10-24 |  | Arclength, Surface, Volume of a Curve v2.01 This program calculates the arclength A of the curve of a function between two points P1 and P2 (lower and upper limit).The function may be CARTESIAN ( y=f(x) ), PARAMETRIC ( X=x(t), Y=y(t) ) or in POLAR form R=r(theta). Additionally, the surfaces Sx, Sy and the volumes Vx, Vy which result from the rotation of the curve Segment around the x- or y-axis are determined, too. The coordinates of P1 and P2, results and the curve itself are depicted graphically, the numerical values of A, Sx, Sy, Vx, Vy are stored in the list variable L3! |  | | 9k | 17-02-10 |  | Arithmetics These six programs offer support for those tedious arithmetic homework tasks, wether you are suposed to add, subtract, multiply, and/or divide. If you are in primary school, they can save you a lot of time and effort. UPDATE: New in this version, ADDMORE, which lets you add up to eight numbers. Also, ARITHMET, a menu-driven program containing the five individual programs |  | | 1k | 21-07-26 |  | ATAN2 Calculates the atan2() using the built-in TI-84+CE atan2() function. |  | | 16k | 19-10-09 |  | ATRIG13 This program solves trigonometric equations like sin(2x)=cos(3x), tan(4x)=.8, abs(sin(2x))=cos(3x), etc. It finds the precision to search with between 0-360 itself. The program has got enhanced functions with this update. It replaces the six programs in and |  | | 1k | 14-11-22 |  | Trigvalues This program finds the exact values in trigonometric functions, like square root 2 over 2, square root 3 over 3, and so on. The program does not change your mode. If you enter a value like 60 or pi/3, the program, regardless of what mode you are in, gives you the exact values for sine, cosine, and tangent, assuming that 60 is degrees and pi/3 is radians. If you enter sin(45 in mode degree, or sin(pi/4 in mode radian, the program will give you the values for the inverse sin/cos/tan in terms of degrees or radians/pi, depending of what mode you have. You can of course also enter values like sqrt(3)/2 or inverse sin(sqrt(3)/2. If you want to examine a value that is in the Ans-memory, just press X when you are asked: "VALUE?". UPDATE: The program now shows the input on the result screen, if that differs from the value on top. |  | | 231k | 13-03-08 |  | AutoCalc 4.0 An engine which tries to find out a matching exact form for each one of your calculations. Uses some asm subprograms. Does include a quadratic equation solver based on that engine. |  | | 1k | 24-05-27 |  | BaseConv 1.2 This program can convert to and from any base between base 2 and base 36, using the appropriate alphanumeric notation. Uses a custom algorithm that should be relatively fast, and can handle numbers up to 10^99. Versions 1.1 and 1.2 are bug-fix releases. |  | | 7k | 21-04-19 |  | BASECONV&BASECON2&3 These programs convert from any base 2-20, to any base 2-20. BASECONV is for integers and BASECON2 is for floating point numbers. i.e. You can convert a number like 125.875 in decimal to binary, and get 1111101.111. The programs are as simple as possible, with no safety catch built in. So if, for example, you choose from base two to base ten, and input a number like 1134, you will get, 22. There is also the limitation of the 14 significant digits in base 10: the number is first converted to a value memory in base10, so if it has more than 14 significant digits there, information is lost. BASECON3 gives the result as a fraction. If, for example, you input 156.48 in base 10, and convert it to base 16, you get: F48/19. The result is also shown in base 10: 3912/25. |  | | 14k | 20-07-17 |  | Base Conversions 1.0 Convert a number between different number bases, from base-2 to base-36, using the known alphanumeric notations, 0-9 and A-Z. Conversions from decimal to base-n uses strings to overcome digit limitations, while conversions from base-n to decimal returns a number for manipulating straight away. Fast and lightweight, each program is only about 200 bytes, for a total of about 440 bytes. If you need that space, pick this one over the others! Finally, abides by the UNIX principles, where one program does one thing and does it well. |  | | 1k | 13-08-18 |  | BASES1 This program converts from any base 2-20, to any base 2-20. What separates it from BASES is that it converts one digit at a time, and then adds the results in strings when the number is bigger than e13, which means that loss of information, when entering big numbers, is eliminated. Also, you can't use any operators when entering information, and it takes longer to get the result, when the number is bigger than e13. The number to convert is in Str0, and the result is in Str1. |  | | 1k | 13-08-18 |  | BASES The program converts from any base 2-20, to any base 2-20. The number is then shown in its two bases for your convenience. Look at the screenshots. What makes it extra useful is that you can add, subtract, multiply, divide, and raise to the power of, numbers in any base 2-20. Only one operator at a time though. For example: 111010110*11011101, in base 2, and then convert it to base 10=103870. If you want to find out what 3333 square in base four is in base 10, you enter: 3333^2, and the answer comes out as: 65025. Remember to give the exponent in the same base. |  | | 1k | 20-08-06 |  | BasicMathSolver This is a program that includes a couple of easy and quick ways to do math. The formulas involved are simplifying radicals, distance and midpoint, Pythagorean theorem, and converting radians/degrees. |  | | 91k | 19-02-24 |  | Bayes' Theorem In this update I replaced the given symbol "g" with the true symbol, "|". Given 2 or more prior probabilities of P(A(i)) and P(B|A(i)) you can calculate the posterior probabilities, P(A(i)|B), given new information about B. You can also use the results of one calculation if additional information about B is discovered. |  | | 18k | 15-03-11 |  | BAYESe The Program computes the result of a 2x2 Bayes’ Theorem problem and gives P(A|B), that is, the probability of A given B. You enter P(A), P(B|A), and P(B|A’). |  | | 13k | 22-06-20 |  | Bessel Functions This program calculates the Bessel functions of the second kind, J_n(x), and both modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind, I_n(x) and K_n(x). This can be done for any positive integer n (0 also included) and a real number x. This is extremely useful in areas such as thermal engineering. |  | | 14k | 15-02-26 |  | BESTFITe The Program graphs the scatter plot and shows the best fit for regression types: linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic, ln, exp, and power. The equation of best fit type is given and a prediction can be made. |  | | 2k | 19-07-07 |  | Big Number Calculations This program calculates big numbers which are accomplished with either exponentiation, multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction. For example: 789^5, 12345678901234567890/123, 147852369147852369-123456789012345, 12345678901234567890+12345678901234567890, 475896123617*963258741236. The operations are entirely list based, so you can get up to 999 digits. Should the result of an operation become negative, only the first digit in the resulting list is negative: For example, 191-888=-697, and the answer comes out as, {-6 9 7}. This is to be seen as: -600-90-7, NOT as, -600+90+7, i.e. all the digits are to be seen as negative, if the first one is so. The program also gives the sum of the digits in the resulting list. A bug in the division part has been corrected in this version. |  | | 10k | 19-09-16 |  | Binary Operations Four programs that add, subtract, multiply, and divide binary numbers. Text file included. |  | | 16k | 15-03-11 |  | BINOCOe The Program lists the COEFFICIENTS of the Binomial Theorem, that is, the coefficients of the expansion of (a + b)^n for your choice of n. |  | | 4k | 18-03-01 |  | Binomial Expansion This program gives you the binomial expansion on the form (AX+B)^N, in just 135 bytes. The answer is given as a list ( L1 ), with the coefficients of the polynomial. There is no other limit to how far you can you can expand than memory, i.e. how many digits of a number that you can see in a list. |  | | 20k | 15-03-03 |  | BINOMIALe Enter n, the number of trials and p, the probability of success on a single trial The Program gives you all you need to know about a Binomial Distribution, that is: the mean, median, standard deviation, variance, and graph. For X successes, you also get P(X = A), P(X <= A), P(X >= A), and P(A <= X <= B) as a decimal and fraction, if possible. In the lists is displayed the probability of X successes from 0 to n. |  | | 12k | 19-09-19 |  | Binary to Decimal and Decimal to Binary BINTODEC&DECTOBIN: These two programs converts from binary to decimal numbers and back. The limit is the 14 significant decimal digits that the calculators value memories can hold, i.e. you get 47 binary digits if you convert 99999999999999 to binary, and you get 99999999999999 if you convert those 47 binary digits back to decimal. BINADEC&DECIBIN: These two programs are the same as the above ones, except that they also can handle decimals. BINDEC&DECBIN: These two programs are not limited to the 14 digits of the value memories. They can take on values that are restricted only by how many digits a list can hold. |  | | 1k | 16-02-08 |  | Calc2:The Better Calculator Calc2 is (in my opinion) a program that makes calculations MUCH easier. With auto fractions, equation solving, and more, it is a pretty awesome program. It is based of the built-in calculator in Mathtools, also made by me. |  | | 5k | 15-06-14 |  | Calculus A math program that finds the arc length, average value theorem, Riemann sum, tangent finder, rotation volume/surface. Requires Doors CSE for the TI-84 Plus CSE. Works also on the TI-84 Plus CE. |  | | 54k | 15-03-15 |  | CHEBYe The Program uses CHEBYSHEV’S RULE to show 1. The least PERCENT of data that are within K>1 standard deviations of the mean, and 2. The INTERVAL containing at least P percent of the data. |  | | 20k | 15-03-22 |  | CHISQe The Program does a CHI-SQUARE TEST of INDEPENDENCE given a contingency table of values. It displays the Expected Values, Chi-Square, the p-value, the degrees of freedom, and states dependent or independent based on your level of significance alpha. Also, it fines the p-value for given df and critical value. |  | | 1k | 19-03-01 |  | Circle Equation Converter convert equations from general form AX²+AY²+BX+CY=D to standard form (X-H)²+(Y-K)²=R² instantly |  | | 1k | 20-03-29 |  | CircleSolver A program that helps solve circles using 5 of the many formulas that are used to solve circles. |  | | 10k | 22-01-10 |  | Collatz Conjecture These are four programs on Collatz Conjecture, also called the 3X+1 problem, a prediction that states that whatever positive integer you start with, you will end up on one, if you divide with two if even, or multiply with three and add one, if odd, and keep repeating that on the numbers you get. Program COLLATZ shows just that, and it also gives the number of iterations until you reach one. COLLATZ2 shows that the inverse of the conjecture can give the continuous integers from 1 and upwards, if the number you start with: A=1, is counted up by one repeatedly. COLLATZ3 is a demonstration of how futile it is, to try and make the inverse of the conjecture give a continuous number of integers from 1 and upwards: if you let it go to 100, 13 numbers will be missing: the pathway down to 1 from any number, is like a tree with an infinite number of branches, and so by trying the inverse of the prediction, you are inevitably going to end up in a branch, and miss numbers. COLLATZ4 is a bit more complicated. It lets you give a number that the inverse conjecture is going to achieve. Then it makes a calculation as to the highest number it has to go, to get there. 31 for example, demands that you go as high as to 9232, and so it takes several thousand iterations before you get there. So it is no wonder that 31 is one of the numbers that are missing, when you let COLLATZ3 count to 100. This conjecture is a problem that aspiring mathematicians are advised to avoid, and for good reasons. |  | | 1k | 14-02-16 |  | Complete the Square This little program solves the quadratic equation on the form AX^2+BX+C=0 by completing the square, without any annoying fuzz: There is no screen to tell you who did it, and you don't have to choose various alternatives from menus. Just the works and nothing else. The results are simplified as you go along. |  | | 190k | 19-05-19 |  | Complex Math This program allows you to enter 1 or 2 complex numbers, Z1 and Z2, and work with them. When you enter a complex number in any form, it will automatically display the rectangular form and the two trigonometric forms (in radians and degrees). The result do math with 2 complex numbers is stored in Z1. You can add, subtract, multiply, divide, find powers or all roots of a complex number, and compute the exponential or natural log of a complex number. Load both programs onto you calculator; SUBZ is a subroutine of the main program. |  | | 17k | 15-04-19 |  | CONCHARTe The Program displays a CONTROL CHART showing control lines at M + 3S, M + 2S, M + S, M, M – S, M – 2S, and M – 3S that are based on an expected mean M and standard deviation S. |  | | 7k | 15-03-07 |  | CRITVALe The Program computes z and t CONFIDENCE INTERVALS for the mean of a population showing 80%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99%, and 99.9% confidence along with the MARGIN OF ERROR for each interval. The intervals are also shown on a graph so you can see the difference the confidence level makes. |  | | 7k | 15-03-08 |  | CONFINTe The Program computes z and t CONFIDENCE INTERVALS for the mean of a population showing 80%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99%, and 99.9% confidence along with the MARGIN OF ERROR for each interval. The intervals are also shown on a graph so you can see the difference the confidence level makes. |  | | 4k | 17-06-15 |  | Eccentricity Calculator and Conic Grapher The user enters values for the coefficients of the general, two-variable, quadratic equation: Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0. The program: (a) Computes the eccentricity of the conic section (or informs the user that the conic section is degenerate or not real) and (b) Graphs the conic section (including degenerate cases) on the real plane. |  | | 1k | 18-08-04 |  | Conics Conics gives the properties of a circle, ellipse, hyperbola and parabola. |  | | 2k | 14-06-20 |  | CONVERTS Converts has 820 conversions in eleven categories: Length, Area, Volyme,Time, Temperature, Mass, Force, Pressure, Energy, Power and Speed. The program has the same categories and units as the built in program for the TI-85 and the TI-86, plus ounce in mass and KPM in energy, and works basically the same way: You can convert between any pair of units in each category. Thorough description in the text file. |  | | 70k | 19-07-01 |  | American Canadian converter This is Convert it will convert. units feel free to edit or add to this program 1)SPEED Miles Per Hour <-> Kilometers Per Hour <-> Meters Per Second <-> Feet Per Second 2)DISTANCE KILOMETERS <-> METERS <-> MILES <-> YARDS <-> FEET <-> INCHES 3)TEMPERATURE CELSIUS <-> FAHRENHEIT <-> KELVIN 5)WEIGHT KILOGRAMS <-> GRAMS <-> POUNDS <-> OUNCES 6)PRESSURE PSI <-> KPA <->BAR 7)COOKING LITRES <-> MILLILITRES <-> PINTS <-> CUPS <-> TBSP <-> TSP By Ryan Pederson |  | | 1k | 14-11-14 |  | Coordinates This program gives you the values as fractions for sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, and cot, for a point on the unit circle, when you input its coordinates separated by a comma. |  | | 10k | 15-09-19 |  | Cramer's Rule This program solves a system of two linear equations using Cramer's rule. It has only 100 bytes, so it will not take up much space on your calculator. |  | | 14k | 15-03-03 |  | CRITVALe This Program replaces the need for the z-table and t-table. It finds the critical value CV for a given 1. center area c, 2. right tail area A’, 3. left tail area A’, or 4. two tail area A’’. It also shows the graph of the area. |  | | 1k | 18-01-22 |  | Cross Note! This program is very basic. It's made by a 15 year old who doesn't have any experience making programs! So don't expect a lot of it. What the program does is, it calculates the middle of two numbers. I know there are easier ways to do this, but these are boring. Right now, the progress in % does not work. I need to make a formula to calculate the percentage of how far the number it is at now to the number it needs to get to. It is easier to understand it when you see the code. If you find a solution to my problem, feel free to e-mail me! ( |  | | 1k | 15-07-09 |  | CUBES This program gives you the factors of the sums and differences of cubes. You use X for variable, and enter the equations left side: For example, 8x^3 - 27, and the program answers, (2x - 3)(4x^2 + 6x + 9). The numbers need to be cubes of integers. There is no limit to the size. Only 707 bytes. |  | | 1k | 16-12-21 |  | Curvature_v1.02 The program finds for a point with coordinate x on the curve of a function ( Cartesian, parametric or polar ) the curvature C, radius of curvature R (= C^-1) and the center (xm|ym) of the circle being at tangent in x and draws the curve, points and the circle. |  | | 9k | 19-07-24 |  | Derivatives ADERIV:This program gives you most sorts of derivatives, when you input their primitive functions. Use A for constant, and F(X) and G(X) for functions other than, sin, cos, tan, ln, log, e^x, 10^(x), etc. If you input F(X)/G(X), the program will give: (F'(X)G(X)-F(X)G'(X))/G(X)^2. If you input: A^X, the program gives, ln(A)*A^X. If you input: sin(X) ( Don't forget the right hand bracket! ), the program will give, cos(X). The program also has L' Hopital's rule: Input F(A)=G(A)=0, you'll see. ADERIV1: This program is a bit more advanced than ADERIV. It has a subroutine, ADERSUB that you also need to install. It is an attempt to give you support by chopping up your expression bit by bit, giving you the formulas involved. It is also more forgiving than ADERIV. Just remember not to use implicit multiplication where you want the program to give you a formula: if you type sin(x)cos(x) the program will just give you, sin(x)'=cos(x) and cos(x)'=-sin(x), but not the multiplication formula, (F(X)*G(X))'= F'(X)*G(X)+F(X)G'(X). You have to type, sin(x)*cos(x). |  | | 39k | 15-02-28 |  | DESCRIPTe The Program describes a list of measurements giving the count, the sum, mean, median, standard deviation, variance, range, mode, the box plot and the z-score of each measurement. |  | | 1k | 15-09-09 |  | Distance Formula (shows work) This distance formula program requires no special programs underneath it and does the work for you. It shows all the steps. VERY USEFUL!!! |  | | 1k | 15-05-15 |  | DFRAC1&2 DFRAC1: This program is meant to help you with fractions in your schoolwork. It has a much bigger capacity than the built in program. You simply enter the expression, like for example: 1/4 - 8/17, and the program answers: -15/68, and after a while the expression comes up simplified: 17/68 - 32/68. An expression like 1/4 + 2/7*5/3 + 4/11, has the answer: 1007/924, and is simplified to: 231/924 + 440/924 + 336/924. DFRAC2: This program has the same function as DFRAC1, but the execution differs. |  | | 1k | 15-05-15 |  | DFRAC This program is meant to replace the built in fractions program. It has a much bigger capacity, and gives the fraction both as improper fraction and a mixed number, when the answer is bigger than one. It also gives a good approximation, when there is one. You simply enter the expression when called upon, and let the program do the rest. |  | | 1k | 13-10-04 |  | Diofantic Equations DIOFANT: This program solves diofantic equations on the form Ax + By = C. Just the solution though. Only 585 bytes. DIOFANT1: This program is more advanced than the above one. It also shows the works: Euklide's algorithm forwards and backwards, to a degree that should be sufficient for the examples you get in school. |  | | 1k | 18-08-09 |  | DIOPHANTINE EQUATIONS This program solves diophantine equations on the form Ax+By=C. It is very fast and does not take up a lot of memory. |  | | 1k | 20-12-20 |  | DistanceMidpointSolver This program helps solve Distance and Midpoint questions. |  | | 22k | 15-09-25 |  | Distance With Work DISTANCE: This program calculates the distance between two points in a plane, and shows the work. It also simplifies the square root if possible. It uses Output(- commands, so it’s fairly large: 799 bytes. DISTANC1: This program does the same thing as the above one, only it uses Text(- commands, and so it is much smaller: 338 bytes. Also it is better suited for decimal numbers. |  | | 1k | 19-09-24 |  | Three Divisor Programs Three divisor programs that uses the augment(-command to find the right divisors. Based on prime factor programs, they only count up to the square root of the biggest prime factor. |  | | 1k | 13-11-12 |  | Divisors This program gives you the divisors of a positive integer, and also tells you if the number is abundant, deficient or perfect. It uses a list when searching, and when it finds a factor, the number is divided by it. So it is a converted prime factor program, and very fast compared with the typical program. |  | | 1k | 16-03-21 |  | Calculus w/ lottery Megaball Lotto randomizer on first screen. If you press enter 3 times there is a lot of calculus/trig laws and tips |  | | 6k | 15-02-28 |  | DMSe The Program converts an angle measurement given in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds to just degrees as well as radians. If the measure is in degrees, it is converted to Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds and also radians. |  | | 1k | 15-10-16 |  | Dot Product This program calculates the dot product of two vectors. |  | | 1k | 14-12-06 |  | EFRAC This is an interesting application of Euklides’ algorithm: It is used to simplify expressions of fractions, whereas it’s usually used to find the greatest common divisor and/or the smallest common measurer. This little program has a much bigger capacity than the built in one, and is really fast. An expression like 17/191 + 19/193 comes out as, 6910 over 36863, in a fraction of a second. |  | | 7k | 21-11-16 |  | Egyptian Fractions These two programs (AEGYPT and EGYPT) give you Egyptian fractions i.e unit fractions, like: 1/2, 1/8 out of ordinary fractions like: 5/8. They are called so because the Egyptians did not have a format for the compact notation 5/8. Instead they had tables which aimed to cover every possible compact notation, PHEW! There is also a link to a page on the subject and some more info on the programs in the text file. Update: Both programs have been improved to perform better, and give smaller unit fractions. |  | | 410k | 21-06-29 |  | ELITE MATH CE (Ultimate Algebra Program) ELITE MATH CE is a unique program that has many built-in math functions. It has a built-in conic, quadratic, cubic, and numeric solver. It even solves linear systems, distance, midpoint, slope, point-slope, and many more. Simplifies radicals, pi, fractions, and complex numbers. Works on the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-84 Plus CE Python calculators. Requires OS 5.3 or higher. |  | | 6k | 16-11-12 |  | Equationconverter This program converts from AX^2 +BX +C= 0, to A(X -H)^2 +K= 0, and the other way around: From A(X -H)^2 +K= 0, to AX^2 +BX +C= 0. It also converts from (AX +B)(CX +D)= 0, to AX^2 +BX +C= 0, and from (AX +B)(CX +D)= 0, to A(X -H)^2 +K= 0. It has only 283 bytes. |  | | 7k | 18-08-11 |  | Equation EQUATION: A very simple program that uses the Solve(-function to give one answer to your equations in X. Enter the equation with, or without, a =-sign. For example, 2x-45=0, or sin(x)=1/sqrt2. Or 2x-45, or sin(x)-1/sqrt2. The program can handle even the tricky equations, without you having to make a guess for the root. EQUATN4: This program is an expansion of EQUATION, that can give four answers to for example a fourth degree equation like, 117x^4-20x^3-390x^2+20x+273=0. Or a statement like, abs((x+2)(x-5))=3. If there are less than four answers to the expression, the programs stops with an, ERROR: NO SIGN CHANGE. Just press 1: QUIT then. The answers are in memories A, B, C, and D. |  | | 14k | 15-05-08 |  | EQULIBPTe The Program finds the EQUILIBRIUM POINT or PRICE p to make Supply = Demand. You enter the Demand equation d = Mp + B and the Supply equation s = Ap + C and the program gives the equilibrium price and equilibrium demand. Also shown is the GRAPH of the two equations. Use TRACE and the arrow keys to move around the graph. In TABLE your may enter various prices and see the corresponding demand Y1 and supply Y2. |  | | 11k | 21-07-27 |  | Eratosthenes Sieve This program is a demonstration of Eratosthenes sieve. First it draws up all numbers 1-99, and then begins with eliminating 1 and all numbers that have a factor 2, and then the numbers with a factor 3, and then a factor 5, and finally the numbers with a factor 7, except numbers 2, 3, 5, and 7, so that in the end just the prime numbers 2-97 remain. You press ENTER for each row and number. |  | | 1k | 20-07-06 |  | Slope field with Euler solution Enter a diff eq and see the slope field and a specific solution with initial condition |  | | 2k | 13-11-02 |  | Exact Trig Values This program gives you exact values for trigonometric functions. There are 29 of them for sin, cos, and tan, between 0°- 90° alone. It works so that for every multiple of 7.5° and 18°, it gives you the exact value/s for either trigonometric function/s. Of course it works for radians as well. The program does not change your mode. If you enter a value like 60 or pi/3, the program, regardless of what mode you are in, gives you the exact values for sine, cosine, and tangent, assuming that 60 is degrees and pi/3 is radians. If you enter sin(45 in mode degree, or sin(pi/4 in mode radian, the program will give you the values for the inverse sin/cos/tan in terms of degrees or radians/pi, depending of what mode you have. You can of course also enter values like sqrt(3)/2 or inverse sin(sqrt(3)/2. If you want to examine a value that is in the Ans-memory, just press X when you are asked: "VALUE?". The program shows the input on the result screen, if that differs from the value on top. I enclose the link to the page I've been using for information. |  | | 2k | 21-10-10 |  | EXACTA&EXACTA4 These two programs give you exact values for some of the most common expressions. EXACTA gives you exact values for expressions like: sqrt(8)-255/457, sqrt(56)pi+5/78, sqrt(23)/pi-32/79, sqrt(89)e+5/6, sqrt(96)/e-24/25, at levels 0-4 respectively. If you are uncertain of what level to use, start at level 0, and the program will proceed from there onto level 4. The maximum integer within the root-sign is 100, and the maximum denominator in the constant outside is 500. EXACTA4 is the latest program in this series. It replaces EXACTA2&3. The program searches for the exact solution both from within the root-sign and outside for the constant. The maximum numerator and denominator when it searches is 25, but the maximum denominator for what it finds, either the value within the root-sign, or the constant outside, is 1000. It finds exact values like: sqrt(8/3)+193/567, or sqrt(193/567)-8/3. |  | | 6k | 15-03-15 |  | EXACTRIGe This Program displays an exact radical expression for sinX, cosX, or tanX, for X given in degrees or radians and X degrees is a multiple of 7.5 or 18. This includes 7.5, 15, 18, 22.5, 30, 36, 37.5, 45, 52.5, 54, 60, 67.5, 72, 75, 82.5, 90, 97.5, 105, 108, etc. and the corresponding radian measures pi/24, pi/12, pi/10, pi/8, pi/6, pi/5, 5pi/24, pi/4, 7pi/24, etc.. For example cos(15 degrees) displays as (sqrt(6) + sqrt(2))/4. |  | | 31k | 15-03-15 |  | EXPDISTe For an EXPONENTIAL Random Variable X with average a on the interval 0 to infinity, the Program gives the 1. expected value or mean E(X), 2. variance VAR(X), 3. standard deviation, 4. median, 5. P(X <= A), P(X >= A), P(A <= X <= B), and 6. graph of the distribution showing the probability. |  | | 2k | 14-06-07 |  | Experiment These programs are an experiment which aim is to decide the size of a factor in a composite number to +-3% accuracy. The programs then count from there with a conventional division algorithm, to establish the result, and save you time. The numbers from which they count can be found in List2. Please let me now of any failure you have experienced with them! Just bear in mind that a number can be counted several times, multiplied with various factors. Also, the programs does not work for smaller numbers such as 457*557. You need to try numbers like 302837*333667, 121367*157351, 170633*157351, etc. The programs work best when the number consists of two large primes. |  | | 8k | 22-01-21 |  | EXPONENT This program helps you restore an exponential value like 128^(3/4). However since there are two unknowns and just one equation or value, the program is set to give the smallest base possible. Which in this case is two. So the answer comes out as: 2^(21/4). Look at the screenshots! |  | | 2k | 17-11-16 |  | FACTOR1 This is a more comprehensive version of the program: It now solves real rational polynomials with rational real and imaginary roots. Just as before, it can make a substitution, X^N. It can therefore find roots like: ( 2X^3 - 3), or ( 3X^4 - 5i ). If there is something left over of the polynomial, it is texted out on the graph screen, not as before given as a list of coefficients. It is really small, considering what it can do. With this update the program has gotten more abilities. |  | | 9k | 15-03-03 |  | FACTORe This Program not only factors an integer N into PRIMES, but also lists its FACTOR PAIRS. For N = 100, you get 2, 2, 5, 5 and 2x50, 4x25, 5x20, 10x10. |  | | 3k | 18-09-17 |  | FACTOR FACTOR: This program finds the linear factors of a polynomial of one variable. Try for example 117X^4 -20X^3 -390X^2 +20X +273. If the polynomial only has rational factors it will be completely factored. The above example will factor as (X-1)(X+1)(9X+13)(13X-21), If the polynomial has irrational or imaginary/complex roots in addition to rational roots, or if the program can't find any factor, the program will show the coefficients of the remaining polynomial. For example: X^3 +X^2 +X -3, will give a linear factor of (X-1), the program will then display: OTHER FACTOR: {1 2 3}. Which means that 1X^2 +2X +3, is another integral factor. If the program can't find any linear factor, or when there is not enough of them, it tries a substitution for X^2. It can then find factors like, (AX^2+B). This makes it more likely that it finds all the integral factors. Try for example: X^5-X^4+2X^3-2X^2-15X+15.The program is now three times faster for the first equation above, than the original version. FACTORS: This is the same program as FACTOR, except that if the equation will not allow itself to be factored at all, or partly, it ,or the rest of it, will be printed out on the graph screen. This comes at a cost of an additional 128 bytes. |  | | 71k | 15-02-26 |  | FINANCEe 1: For Simple Interest, the Program finds: interest, principal, future value, rate, time, and the payment for add- on interest. 2: For Compound Interest, the Program finds: interest, principal, future value, time, and effective rate. 3: For Annuities, found is future value (both ordinary and due), present value, sinking fund payment, the loan payment, and the loan balance. 4: An amortization Schedule can be created if the number of payments is not to large for the memory. |  | | 200k | 16-11-30 |  | Function Defined by F(x), F'(x), F''(x), I(x) v1.10 This program finds for a function f(x) of n-th degree (2<= n <=4) given as f(x) = a*x^n + b*x^(n-1) + c*x^(n-2) + ... the numerical values of the unknown coefficients a, b, c, ... dependent to pre-set conditions. |  | | 28k | 17-12-30 |  | Function of 4th Order ( Quartic Equation ) - v1.02 The program finds the solutions of a quartic function given as y(x) = A*x^4 + B*x^3 + C*x^2 + D*x + E = 0 and depicts the curve in the graph-screen. The results may be real and/or complex. |  | | 1k | 15-02-04 |  | Some formulas 1.1 the same formulas i made now with more |  | | 13k | 17-03-11 |  | FRACSOLVER This program simplifies fractions and gives back two expressions with the same value. For example: 157/199 - 145/197, is simplified to, 2074/39203, which is turned into, 52/197 - 42/199 and, 157/199 - 145/197. If, for example, you are a teacher and want to demonstrate that an expression of fractions might be written in more than one way. Or, you can start with the answer. For example 36/77. You get: 2/7 + 2/11 and, 9/7 - 9/11. Which should be a lagom task for your pupils. |  | | 21k | 15-09-09 |  | Reducing Fractions Two programs which reduces fractions. AFRAC0 works with continued fraction, and has a capacity to solve fractions with a numerator and denominator of over a million. The precision is so good that for example √2 gives a fraction with seven digits in the numerator and denominator, which exactly corresponds to the 14 digit number of the calculator. So it can’t be used to separate rational numbers from irrational. That, on the other hand, can be done with DFRAC0, which has a somewhat lower capacity. It can handle fractions with six digits in the numerator and denominator. If the number is irrational, it comes out in its decimal form. As it also does if the fraction is too big. New for these versions is that they are able to handle small numbers as well, such as 37/1234567890. These two programs should be useful as subroutines, or in their own right. |  | | 1k | 17-05-30 |  | FRAC and FRAC1 These programs can handle really large fractions, they are limited only by how many digits you can read, provided that there is an arithmetic expression. If you input a number like log(7), you get an approximation, the programs uses AFRAC1 for that. |  | | 16k | 15-03-03 |  | FREQDISTe Enter a frequency distribution. The Program displays: mean, median, standard deviation, variance, relative frequencies, and graph. |  | | 9k | 15-05-08 |  | FREQMAKEe The program makes a Frequency Distribution from given raw data entered into L1. After the program runs, the unique data is then displayed in L1 with frequencies in L2 and relative frequencies in L3. The original data is moved to L4 and sorted in L5. |  | | 3k | 24-12-16 |  | Graph 3D Pro This is the first and only 3D graphing program for TI calculators that has more than one mode. This program will allow you to plot 3D graphs using Cartesian, Polar, Cylindrical, and Spherical coordinates. Tracing mode is also included. The program itself takes up only 3k of RAM! UPDATE: Fixes some issues and adds more color schemes improvements. |  | | 2k | 14-12-10 |  | GCD and LCM for Rational Numbers GDCLCM: This program calculates the GCD and LCM for two rational numbers. So the program can even handle fractions, and i.e: Numbers that are smaller than one! It is necessary as a subroutine in a program that factors quadratic equations with rational coefficients, for example. I use it in QUADRA12. It doesn't matter in which order the numbers are entered, nor does it matter if they are positive or negative. GDCLCM1: This program calculates the GCD and LCM for several rational numbers. Just input the numbers as a list. Other than that it works the same way as the above program. GCDLCM2: This program is for integers only. |  | | 1k | 14-11-28 |  | Greatest Common Divisor Two simple programs to determine the greatest common divisor, when there are more than two values involved. One works like when you do it on paper, and the other one shows the mathematics behind. |  | | 19k | 15-05-10 |  | GEODISTe Given the probability of success p, the Program 1. Graphs a GEOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION, 2. Gives its mean, standard deviation, and variance, and 3. Finds P(X = A), P(X <= A), P(X >= A), P(A <= X <= B), and 4. Shows the distribution in the LISTS. |  | | 1k | 21-03-22 |  | Geometry - V1.0.0 Basic geometry program with features that assist students in High School taking this class. |  | | 1k | 20-09-30 |  | GeometrySolver This program helps solves geometry problems. |  | | 2k | 21-06-29 |  | Geometry Formulas Includes 17 different area, volume, and surface area solvers. |  | | 59k | 13-04-19 |  | Graph 3D v4.1 Color 3D Grapher Graph3D v4.1 is a re-written version of my decade-old TI-BASIC 3D graphing application for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, taking full advantage of the new colorful LCD. It is a fully-integrated 3D graphing utility that can graph up to 6 simultaneous 3D equations of the form Z=f(X,Y). You can edit the window settings, zoom settings, and format from within the program. You can trace over any graph, and rotate and zoom graphs from the graphscreen. Among many other tweaks, this version overhauls the rotation code to be faster and more accurate compared with its monochrome ancestor. |  | | 23k | 15-05-22 |  | GRPDATAe This Program will display facts about GROUPED DATA: midpoints, relative frequency, mean, median, standard deviation, variance, and graph. |  | | 10k | 15-10-16 |  | Heron's Formula This program finds the area of a triangle using Heron's formula. You can either give the length of the three sides: A,B, and C, or you can give the coordinates, in which case you get the length of the three sides in decimal and simplest radical form. The area is also given in simplest radical form, and as a decimal number. |  | | 25k | 15-03-08 |  | HISTe The Program makes a Histogram from a list of measurements. It suggests the number of bars, or classes, K for your data, but you can override this. Also, the width range is given corresponding to your choice of K. You enter width W from the range. A whole number width is best, if possible. You will see the boundaries of each bar, the frequency and relative frequency of each class. |  | | 19k | 17-12-26 |  | Homogeneous Diff. Equation 2nd Order - v1.03 The program finds for a homogeneous differential equation of 2nd order given as y''+A*y'+B*y=0 the exact general solution and calculates the numerical quantities of the constants of integration C1, C2 dependent to preset initial conditions x0, y0(x0), y'0(x0). |  | | 10k | 15-04-01 |  | HOWTO10e This Program gives details of how to, by hand, go about FACTORING a polynomial. |  | | 66k | 15-03-03 |  | HOWTO1e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, 1. Solve a linear equation in one variable, 2. Find the equation of a line with given slope m going thru a given point (x,y), 3. Find the least common denominator or LCD. |  | | 1k | 15-03-08 |  | HOWTO2e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, 1. Shade a linear inequality, like Ax + By < C, without using a test point. 2. Graph equations of the form Ax + By = C, Ax + By = 0, Ax = C, and By = C. |  | | 10k | 15-03-11 |  | HOWTO3e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, find 1. The ODDS against an event E happening given the probability E will or will not happen, 2. The ODDS an event E will happen given the probability E will or will not happen, 3. The probability E will not happen given the ODDS against E happening or happening, 4. The probability E will happen given the ODDS against E happening or happening. |  | | 64k | 15-03-11 |  | HOWTO4e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, convert 1. A number from decimal notation to SCIENTIFIC NOTATION, and 2. A number from SCIENTIFIC NOTATION to decimal notation. Examples are given. |  | | 89k | 15-03-25 |  | HOWTO5e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, set up 1. VARIATION types, Direct, Inverse, Joint and 2. VARIATION PROBLEMS. |  | | 49k | 15-03-26 |  | HOWTO6e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, solve 1. ABSOLUTE VALUE statements of the form |A| = B, |A| > B, |A| < B, and 2. Three part inequalities like A < B < C. |  | | 73k | 15-03-29 |  | HOWTO7e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, find 1. The SLOPE m of a line given two points on the line. Included are horizontal and vertical lines. |  | | 37k | 15-04-01 |  | HOWTO8e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, solve 1. A SYSTEM of TWO LINEAR EQUATIONS in two variables by THE SUBSTITUTION METHOD. Includes an example. |  | | 24k | 15-04-01 |  | HOWTO9e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, find 1. The INVERSE of a 1-1 function. An example is included in the program. |  | | 49k | 15-03-22 |  | HYPERe The Program finds 1. The HYPERGEOMETRIC probability of getting K 'good' objects when R objects are selected from N objects in which G are 'good', 2. The mean, median, standard deviation, and variance of the HYPERGEOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION, 3. The graph of the distribution, and 4. P(X=K), P(X <= K), P(X >= K), P(A <= X <= B). |  | | 6k | 15-05-30 |  | IMAGIC This is a very small ( 46 bytes ) program to help out with imaginary numbers like: i^-45, i^71, i^-3.5 and so on. Look at the screenshot. |  | | 4k | 22-01-21 |  | Integer Factorer This program can find all factors of a number, and can also produce the prime factorization of said number. See the Readme for more information. |  | | 13k | 15-10-14 |  | Integral INTEGRAL: This program lets you integrate a function from A to B with the fnInt(-function. You use X for the variable, and get the numerical value. Then you get an estimate with Simpson's method for 100 intervals. Only 202 bytes. INTEGRA1: This is basically the same program as the one above. However it uses Simpson's method with cubic interpolation, ( Simpson's 3/8 rule ) instead of quadratic interpolation, which is normally used. |  | | 5k | 19-07-30 |  | INTEGRAL FORMULAS INTEGRA2: This program gives you the elementary formulas of integration, with all the symbols. Now with the fundamental theorem of calculus. Look at the screenshots. Only 891 bytes. INTEGRA3: This program is a bit more advanced than the other one in this file, which is a formula program. It works so that it chops up your expression into smaller bits, to give you its relevant formulas. That way you do not have to search for them. It is made to be as forgiving as possible, which of course comes with a drawback: you sometimes get more than you wanted. Do noÂt use implicit multiplication where you want the program to give you a formula. If you type sin(x)cos(x), for example, you just get the formulas for sin and cos, but not the formula for how to multiply them correctly. There is a subroutine, INTSUB that you also have to install. |  | | 33k | 15-03-22 |  | INTERVALe The Program finds the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd standard deviation INTERVALS about a known mean and standard deviation. If the data is from a sampling distribution, the standard error of the mean is also found. |  | | 349k | 21-06-25 |  | INTRPOL8 Version 2.1 Revised and improved! If you have a function you can use the CALC menu to find a value, find a zero of the function or find a maximum or a minimum. What if you only have equally spaced data points available without any functions? It is still possible to use only that data to obtain a value, find a zero of the function or find a maximum or a minimum. The process of doing this is referred to as Interpolation. In general, the data is in the form of a table, however, it is not required that the data come from a book. It can also have been generated by your calculator or a computer programmed with a set of equations to complex to be entered into your calculator. You can even obtain the data points from an experiment in a laboratory. INTRPOL8 is an interpolation program written in TI-BASIC that is able to perform these tasks usually using either 3, 5 or more (up to 10) data points. |  | | 1k | 21-11-05 |  | INVERF - Inverse error function calculator Takes the inverse of the error function using a 100 term Taylor series approximation. Accurate to at least the outputted 10 digits. |  | | 10k | 15-02-22 |  | IPOWERe This Program displays the exact result of i^n. For i^14, you get -1. |  | | 4k | 17-05-12 |  | Irrational Equations This program solves many irrational equations, but not all of them. To keep the size down, it is more than 4600 bytes with its four subroutines, I have been forced to compromise. |  | | 3k | 14-11-19 |  | Kaprekar's Constant Take any 4-digit number that does not repeat the same digit, and sort its digits in ascending and descending order, to get two numbers. Then subtract the smaller number from the bigger and repeat the process with the number you then get, and you will find yourself with 6174 as a result, in less than 8 iterations! There are also at least five more constants, in bases other than 10, that follow from the same procedure. |  | | 1k | 20-09-30 |  | SolveLawOfSineCosine This program helps solve the law of sine and cosine. |  | | 1k | 14-11-28 |  | Least Common Measurer Two simple programs to determine the least common measurer, when there are more than two values involved. One works like when you do it on paper, and the other one shows the mathematics behind. |  | | 1k | 14-07-09 |  | Linear Systems Solves a system of equations. Type systems just like in textbooks. |  | | 23k | 15-02-22 |  | LINEe The Program GRAPHS your line and gives its slope, x-intercept, y-intercept, and equation in standard form from any of these given facts: 1. Two points, 2. Point-slope, 3. Thru a point, parallel to a given line, 4. Thru a point, perpendicular to a given line, 5. Slope and y-intercept, 6. Standard form, 7. The line is vertical thru a given point, 8. Its intercepts. |  | | 36k | 15-02-22 |  | LINREGe This LINEAR REGRESSION Program displays the scatter plot, then the line of best fit, then its equation along with r and r2. In the lists you will see each actual y, the predicted y, the error and relative error of each y. |  | | 1k | 13-11-03 |  | Logarithm Solver A logarithm solver where you input two known variables and get the third unknown. The program starts in the graph window where you get the basic infomation, it then asks for the unknown variable, after wich you are promted to give the two known variables. After the calculation the variables used (A, B and X) hold their respective value. |  | | 1k | 13-10-26 |  | Maclaurin's series This program gives you Maclaurin's series for the most common cases: e^x, ln(1+x), (1+X)^a, sin(x), cos(x), and arctan(x). Only 336 bytes. Look at the screenshots! |  | | 245k | 20-10-01 |  | Math Finder Math Finder is a program for the TI 84 Plus CE that can find the volumes and surface areas of geometric shapes. Version 0.75 - Beta |  | | 3k | 13-11-23 |  | Math Master v2.0 CSE This is a constant work in progress. Slow, but still making headway. Requirements: - TI-84+ CSE - Does NOT require Doors CSE8 (future support possible) Changelog: v2.0 beta 3 - Totally revamped and included my Triangles program (TRIANGLE) - Totally revamped and included my Pythagorean program (PYTHAG) - Optimized and included my Word Problems program (WP) - Those three run separately (99% finished) |  | | 13k | 17-01-09 |  | Mathtools: Algebra 1 Edition This ultimate program will solve EVERYTHING you'll find in Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 and many thing in Algebra 2. Features include solving for X, Factoring, Radical simplifying, Pythagorean Theorem, Quadratic equation, Everything related to linear equations, System of Equations, Statistics, Rational Equations, and TONS MORE. With over DOUBLE THE FEATURES of the Ultimate Algebra Solver, it is easily the best Algebra solver in existence. |  | | 4k | 20-07-19 |  | Adjucate/Classical Adjoint/Adjunct Matrix Finder Find the adjucate/classical adjoint/adjunct matrix for a 2-by-2 matrix easily. |  | | 6k | 20-07-19 |  | Determinant Finder for 2-by-2 Matrices Find the determinant of a 2-by-2 matrix easily. Unlike the built-in function in the TI-84 Plus CSE/CE, this program shows the intermediate steps. Particularly useful for students required to show intermediate workings. |  | | 1k | 24-05-31 |  | Mean/SD Used to find the mean and standard deviation of when given a probability table. You input your values into List 1 and the probability of each into List 2, and the program will spit out the values for you. |  | | 1k | 18-08-21 |  | Missing Side Finder If you have enough sides to find the area, surface area, or volume of any following shapes: circle, trapezoid, triangle, rhombus, cone, cylinder, pyramid, and sphere, you will get the answer immediately after inserting the following sides that need to be necessary to find the side that you are looking for. |  | | 3k | 20-07-01 |  | Math Helper CE MATH HELPER CE is a collection of 8 programs to help with math homework. Make sure to install both MTHHELP and ZMTHENG. Full description of features in the README file. I would appreciate feedback so I can improve it as needed. |  | | 1k | 18-02-20 |  | Newton-Raphson This is an application on Newton-Raphsons method, which lets you guess an initial value of X. You must then choose a value for X that not gives division with null, or lies outside of the functions defined X-values. For example the rational equation: (2x-2)/(x^2+4x-21)+4/(x+7)=2/(x-3), gives division with null for x=3 and x=-7. Furthermore it is not continuous, so normally you would get an ERR: DIVISION WITH 0, after a while, with this type of program, if you make a mistake of the root being negative or positive, when it is not. However there are some tricks here, that lets you solve these kind of equations, but with the limitation of the root being numerically smaller than 1000. |  | | 22k | 15-02-22 |  | NORMALe Start by selecting the type of curve you have: 1: Z (the standard normal curve) 2: X (a general normal curve) 3: X-bar (a sampling distribution ) FIND 1: PROBABILITY or 1: the area to the left of a known boundary R 2: the area to the right of a known boundary L 3: the area between two known boundaries L and R You may select to view the graph. The result shows z-scores of the boundaries. FIND 2: BOUNDARY of 1: a known LEFT AREA 2: a known RIGHT AREA 3: a known CENTRAL AREA The result is given as the z-score of the boundary, and actual boundary. The graph automatically displays. |  | | 2k | 17-05-10 |  | Number to String Four small and simple number to string routines, that you can use in your programs. Two for real numbers, and two for complex ones. This update includes bug fixes. |  | | 9k | 22-08-03 |  | Numbers and Primes These are four small and simple programs that give you the prime number of the order you decide, and the order of the prime number you give.The longer ones gets increasingly faster than the smaller ones, the bigger the numbers. NUMOFPR and NUMOFPR2 give the order of a prime number that you decide, and PROFNUM and PROFNUM2 give you the prime number of a certain order. Update: Fixed a bug in NUMOFPR2, which sometimes caused the program to stop with an ERROR: INVALID DIMENSION. Also changed the input/output sentences, so it should be clearer what the program is about. UPDATE: Added NUMOFPR3 and PROFNUM3. These programs contains the primes of the orders, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000, which are used when you search for numbers of orders bigger than 100, and so they are much faster. UPDATE: The later programs has got the prime numbers of the orders 1100 onto 2000 added, and the routines has been improved as well. |  | | 10k | 15-03-11 |  | ODDSe The Program finds 1. The ODDS against, and in favor, of an event with a known probability of happening, and 2. The PROBABILITY of, and not, happening when given the odds against the event or the odds in favor of the event . |  | | 11k | 17-11-10 |  | Interference of Two Oscillations v1.01 The program finds for two oscillations given as y1=A1*sin(gamma*t+phi1) and y2=A2*sin(gamma*t+phi2) or y1=A1*cos(gamma*t+phi1) and y2=A2*cos(gamma*t+phi2) the resulting oscillation y=A*sin(gamma*t+phi). If one term is in sin, the other one in cos, the last one has to be changed to a sin-expression by adding pi/2 to the phase shift phi (cf. example). The result is displayed in a graph, depicting the three oscillations and the numerical results. |  | | 1k | 14-01-30 |  | Outlier Finder This program finds outliers in a list of data. It also has the option of deleting them. Be sure to enter the data by either using a list or “{}” |  | | 1k | 14-11-27 |  | Palindromic Numbers A palindrome or palindromic number is a number that has the same value when read from both directions (left to right and right to left). This program investigates the creation of palindromic numbers using the Lychrel process. Full instructions are included in the README file. |  | | 3k | 24-12-16 |  | Parametric 3D Grapher This is the first and only parametric 3D graphing program for TI calculators that has more than one mode. This program will allow you to plot 3D graphs using Cartesian, Cylindrical, and Spherical coordinates. Tracing is enabled and you can also change color schemes. And it's all under 3K of RAM! Update: Some fixes and color scheme improvements. |  | | 2k | 15-01-22 |  | PERCENT PERCENT: This program lets you count with percent. It has four main cases: 1: SUM PERCENT INCLUDED, 2: SUM PERCENT EXCLUDED, 3: SUM AS PERCENT OF SUM, and 4: FIND PERCENT. Case one you use when for example the VAT is included in the price, and you want to find the net price. Case 2 has two choices, 1: INCREASE WITH PERCENT, and 2: DECREASE WITH PERCENT, when you want to either increase or decrease something with a certain percentage. Case three is used when you have got a sum as a percentage of another sum. It can either be the SMALLER SUM, or the BIGGER SUM. Case four is for finding a certain percent when you have a sum or a number, and want to increase or decrease it with a certain amount. If you are to increase you choose, ADDING TO SUM, otherwise you choose, SUBTRACTING FROM SUM. PERCENT1: This program is the same as PERCENT, except that it also shows you the calculations behind the results. If you choose case one and gross sum 184, and 15 percent included VAT, for example, it shows you the net sum 160, and OR, 184/1.15, plus the sum off, 24. PERCENT2: This program has the advantage of the possibility of entering chained percentages: If for example the net price has a VAT of 15 percent, and on top of that there is a fee of 6 percent, you enter {15,6} when asked PERCENTAGE/S AS LIST: If on the other hand the VAT isn’t included in the fee, you enter, {15+6}, or {21}, when asked. So you must be observant. |  | | 9k | 17-12-26 |  | Perfect Numbers The first seven perfect numbers are: 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, 8589869056, and 137438691328. There are presently 49 known such numbers, which are defined by the fact that the sum of their divisors is twice the number itself. For example 6 has the divisors: 1, 2, 3, 6, which adds up to 12. There is for now no known odd number that is perfect. But it has been proven that it has to be bigger than 10^1500, if it exists. All even perfect numbers are on the form: 2^(p-1)(2^p-1), where p and 2^p-1 are prime numbers. I have made one small program to demonstrate these numbers. |  | | 10k | 15-02-26 |  | PERMCOMBe The Program finds the number of PERMUTATIONS and COMBINATIONS of n objects taken r at a time. Also given is n! |  | | 200k | 16-12-08 |  | Perpendicular_Line84_v1.01 This program finds the perpendicular (normal) line to the graph of a function f(x) through a given point Pn (xn|yn) outside the curve and computes additionally the equation of the tangent line in the common point (xT|yT) on the curve. The program may be considered as completion to tangline84 in the same directory. |  | | 1k | 13-03-15 |  | Pi Eater v1.0 This Pi Day 2013 tribute program for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition teaches trigonometry while you eat pie. You choose the amount of pie to eat, first an amount, then whether that's times pi or not, and finally if the angle is degrees or radians. Along the way, the program will show you the sine, cosine, and tangent, of the angle of pie you have eaten so far. A fun way to visualize angles and trigonometry. |  | | 1k | 13-03-29 |  | Finding Equation of a Plane Using three points that are entered in a user friendly interface, you can get the equation of a plane, assuming the variable in the answer do not take up more than three spaces. Basic but Effective. |  | | 220k | 16-11-30 |  | Planes84_v1.10 This program from the field of Vector Algebra treats some exercises concerning a plane in combination with a second plane, a straight line or a point. It determines for: plane-plane: if parallel, the distance or the intersection line and intersection angle, planeâstraight line: if parallel, the distance, otherwise the intersection point and intersection angle, planeâpoint: the distance. |  | | 1k | 13-07-30 |  | Platonic Solids A math program that gives the properties of the platonic solids. It can calculate the inradius, midradius, circumradius, surface area and volume of a platonic solid by a given side. |  | | 25k | 15-03-24 |  | POISSONe Given a POISSON Random Variable X with mean or average a, the Program shows 1. the standard deviation and variance, 2. the histogram of the distribution, 3. the probability of 0,1,2,3, … occurrences (in the lists), and 4. P(X = A), P(X <= A), P(X >= A), P(A <= X <= B). |  | | 1k | 14-01-09 |  | POLYDIV&POLYDIV1 POLYDIV: This program divides polynomials. Enter them like: (X^3+X^2+X-3)(X^2+2X+3). You can also enter several polynomials: (117X^4-20X^3-390X^2+20X+273)(X^2-1)(9X+13)(13X-21). The first polynomial will then be divided by the second, and the quotient will be divided by the third, and so on. There are no other limits to the number of polynomials you can enter than memory, and of course the degree of the first polynomial. You will get the coefficients of the quotient and the remainder for each step. You can use any one variable A to theta. The terms can be entered in any order, and there can be more than one of the same power. POLYDIV1: This is a simpler version of POLYDIV, where you input the coefficients of the polynomials as lists. Only 171 bytes. |  | | 5k | 20-03-29 |  | APOLYFC0 This program is the same as APOLYFC8 in this directory, except that it can also find the non real roots of a one variable polynomial. The linear factors are found in the conventional way, and above that the program attempts to "look" at the rest. First you enter the degree, then the coefficients, and then you answer wether to look for non real roots or not. Only rational roots though, not irrational. Bug fixes in this version. |  | | 5k | 20-03-29 |  | APOLYF10 This program is an expansion of APOLYFC9 in this directory, for those who wish to also be able to find the non real roots of a one variable polynomial. You enter the equation as it stands in the text book. You can use any variable A to theta. Then you answer wether to search for non real roots or not. Only rational roots though, not irrational. The linear factors are found in the conventional way, and above that the program attempts to "look" at the rest. Bug fixes in this version. |  | | 2k | 20-07-06 |  | APOLYFC1 This program gives you the integral factors of most polynomials in one variable, and writes them out in factored form, when you enter them like they would appear in a text book. For example, 64x^6-729, is factored into: (2x-3)(2x+3)(4x^2+6x+9)(4x^2-6x+9). 8x^3+27, is factored into: (2x+3)(4x^2-6x+9), x^4+2x^2-15, is factored into: (x^2-3)(x^2+5). You can use any variable from A, to Theta, and there can be like terms in the expression, and it doesn't matter in which order they are entered. UPDATE: The program is basically the same as AFACTOR5, but with proper input and output. It has a subroutine, APOLSUB1, that needs to be installed. |  | | 1k | 15-06-14 |  | APOLYFAC2 This program is a shorter and simpler version of APOLYFAC/APOLYFC1. It gives you the linear factors of the polynomial, and if there is something more, it gives you the polynomial of the rest. For example: 8x^3+27, is factored into: (2x+3)(4x^2-6x+9). 117x^4-20x^3-390x^2+20x+273, is factored into: (x-1)(x+1)(9x+13)(13x-21). The input is as simple as possible: You give the degree, and then the coefficients. Note that the "COEF. OF X^0", is the constant. UPDATE: The program can now find factors like (Ax^2+B). x^5-x^4+2x^3-2x^2-15x+15 is factored to: (x-1)(x^2-3)(x^2+5) This makes it more likely that it will find all the integral factors. |  | | 1k | 15-06-14 |  | APOLYFAC3 This program is the same as APOLYFC2, except that it can also find linear imaginary factors ( If they are of the form: (ax+bi) and (ax-bi)). x^4+2x^2+1, is factored to: (x-i)(x-i)(x+i)(x+i). 117x^4-20x^3-390x^2+20x+273, is factored to: (x-1)(x+1)(9x+13)(13x-21). 8x^3+27, is factored to: (2x+3)(4x^2-6x+9). 16x^4-81, is factored to: (2x-3)(2x-3i)(2x+3)(2x+3i). Note that the "COEF. OF X^0", is the constant. UPDATE: The program can now find factors like (Ax^2+B). x^5-x^4+2x^3-2x^2-15x+15 is factored to: (x-1)(x^2-3)(x^2+5) This makes it more likely that it will find all the integral factors. |  | | 2k | 15-06-25 |  | APOLYFAC4 This program is the same as APOLYFC3, except that you input the polynomial as it stands in the text book. x^4+2x^2+1, is factored to: (x-i)(x-i)(x+i)(x+i). 117x^4-20x^3-390x^2+20x+273, is factored to: (x-1)(x+1)(9x+13)(13x-21). 8x^3+27, is factored to: (2x+3)(4x^2-6x+9). 16x^4-81, is factored to: (2x-3)(2x-3i)(2x+3)(2x+3i). You can use any variable A to Theta. UPDATE: The program can now find factors like (Ax^2+B). x^5-x^4+2x^3-2x^2-15x+15 is factored to: (x-1)(x^2-3)(x^2+5) This makes it more likely that it will find all the integral factors. |  | | 2k | 17-11-06 |  | APOLYFAC5 This program factors polynomials of one variable. You input the polynomials degree and then its coefficients. Then you choose wether to search for non-real roots or not. The program then searches for linear factors, and if there still remains terms of the polynomial, the program will search for a substitution: X^N, where N is any number 2, 3, 4⦠X^5 - X^4 + 2X^3 - 15X + 15, will be factored to: (X - 1)(X^2 - 3)(X^2 + 5). I.E. the program can find factors: ( Ax^N + B ), also when B/A is a non real number. If the substitution fails, the rest of the polynomial will be displayed together with any of the factors on the graph screen. The program can handle non real coefficients, like the polynomial: X^4 + 2iX^2 + 15, which is factored to: (X^2 - 3i)(X^2 + 5i). The program has got enhanced functions with this update. |  | | 1k | 15-06-25 |  | APOLYFAC6 This program factors real polynomials of one variable. You input the polynomials degree and then its coefficients. The program then searches for linear factors, and if there still remains terms of the polynomial, the program will search for a substitution: X^N, where N is any number 2, 3, 4… X^5 - X^4 + 2X^3 - 15X + 15, will be factored to: (X - 1)(X^2 - 3)(X^2 + 5). I.E. the program can find factors: ( Ax^N + B ). x^8 + 2x^4 - 15, is factored to: (x^4 - 3)(x^4 + 5). If the substitution/s fails, the rest of the polynomial will be displayed together with any of the factors on the graph screen. So this is a program for real numbers only. |  | | 2k | 15-06-25 |  | APOLYFAC7 This program factors real polynomials of one variable, with integer coefficients. It finds all linear factors for you, and if there is more to factor, the rest of the polynomial is shown as a list to you. For example: 64x^6-729, is factored to, (2x-3)(2x+3), and then the window shows: LEFT TO FACTOR: {16 0 36 0 81}, and when you press ENTER you are asked: TRY A FACTOR Y/N?. If no, the rest is texted out on the graph-window, which then will show: (2x-3)(2x+3)(16x^4+36x^2+81). If you have a better idea and answer yes, you will be asked: FACTOR? You can then enter: {4,6,9}, and the graph-window will show: (2x-3)(2x+3)(4x^2+6x+9)(4x^2-6x+9). Should your guess fail, the same procedure will repeat again. So, you can train your skills in factoring. Just remember to guess factors of at least second degree! |  | | 2k | 20-02-21 |  | APOLYFC8 This program is differently built than the other programs in this series. X^24-1, is factored to: (x-1)(x+1)(x^2+x+1)(x^2-x+1)(x^2+1)(x^4-x^2+1)(x^4+1)(x^8-x^4+1). X^36+1, is factored to: (x^4+1)(x^8-x^4+1)(x^24-x^12+1). 117x^4-20x^3-390x^2+20x+273, is factored to: (x-1)(x+1)(9x+13)(13x-21). The linear factors are found in the conventional way, and if there still remains anything of the polynomial, the program attempts to "look" at it, to find an even divisor. Bug fixes in this version. |  | | 2k | 20-02-21 |  | APOLYFC9 This program is the same as APOLYFC8, except that you enter the polynomial as it stands in the text book. You can use any variable A to theta. X^24-1, is factored to: (x-1)(x+1)(x^2+x+1)(x^2-x+1)(x^2+1)(x^4-x^2+1)(x^4+1)(x^8-x^4+1). X^36+1, is factored to: (x^4+1)(x^8-x^4+1)(x^24-x^12+1). 117x^4-20x^3-390x^2+20x+273, is factored to: (x-1)(x+1)(9x+13)(13x-21). The linear factors are found in the conventional way, and if there still remains anything of the polynomial, the program attempts to "look" at it, to find an even divisor. Bug fixes in this version. |  | | 2k | 20-07-06 |  | APOLYFAC This program gives you all the integral factors of most polynomials you'll ever encounter in school. For example, 64x^6-729, is factored into: (2x-3)(2x+3)(4x^2+6x+9)(4x^2-6x+9). 8x^3+27, is factored into: (2x+3)(4x^2-6x+9), x^4+2x^2-15, is factored into: (x^2-3)(x^2+5). It is also very fast compared with other programs of this type. You enter the degree and then the coefficients of the polynomial. UPDATE: The program is basically the same as AFACTOR5, but with proper input and output. It has a subroutine, APOLYSUB that needs installing. |  | | 2k | 14-01-30 |  | POLYNOMIAL MULTIPLICATION Two programs for multiplying polynomials. You enter them as: (x-2)(x^2-2)(x^3-2), or (x^2+x+1)(x^2-x+1). Thorough description in the text file. |  | | 1k | 20-02-27 |  | PolynomialToolKit Two programs for polynomial division and factoring |  | | 1k | 16-11-12 |  | POLYOPS This program multiplies, divides, and factors polynomials. When you make a choice of either one of the alternatives, you are asked to enter the coefficients of the polynomial/s. If you choose to multiply or divide, you enter the coefficients of the polynomials as lists, and you will get the coefficients of the product resp. the quotient and the remainder. If you want to factor, ( the program finds all of the linear factors of a polynomial ) you first give the degree, and then the coefficients of the p. The program then factors the polynomial. If there are irrational or imaginary/complex roots in addition to rational ones, the program gives you the coefficients of the remaining polynomial. If you want to multiply more than two polynomials, the product is in L3. Press ENTER and choose multiply again, and press L3 by the first question mark and insert the coefficients of the third polynomial by the second question mark. Similarly if you want to divide with more than one polynomial, the quotient is in L4. |  | | 5k | 16-11-12 |  | Polyplus This program either multiplies or divides polynomials depending on your input. If you input: (A+2)(A+3)(A-4), the polynomials will be multiplied. If you input: (X^2+5X+6)/(X+2)/(X+3), the first polynomial will be divided with the second, and the quotient will then be divided by the third. There is no limit to the number of polynomials other than memory. The terms can be in any order, and there can be more than one of each degree. For example: (A^2-3A+A^4+3A^3-2A^4)(A^2+A-1). |  | | 2k | 21-03-17 |  | Pre/CCP Calculus Program V.1.3.0 This programs contains a variety of features/solvers that help the average student in Precalculus and Calculus! |  | | 9k | 22-03-06 |  | Prime Number Programs These are four programs that either finds the prime factors of a number, (3), or gives the prime numbers in an interval of your choice, (1). The smallest one has 76 bytes, and finds the prime factors. It skips all numbers divisible with 2 and 3, for numbers bigger than 3. |  | | 2k | 13-09-26 |  | Brent-Pollard Rho Algorithm APRIMEBP: This is the Brent-Pollard rho algorithm. It is a monte carlo method for factoring composite numbers. Its speed varies because some of the constants are randomized, so the time differs for the same number. In average though, it is a very fast algorithm. It will only give you one factor, which won't always be the smallest one. APRIMEP: This is Pollards monte carlo method which Brent improved upon. It's a lot simpler, but a bit slower. Brent says that he's algorithm is about 24% faster, and that seems correct. APRIMBPT: This is an alteration of Brent's algorithm for which I am responsible. |  | | 5k | 22-08-03 |  | Prime Numbers Nine programs that give prime numbers. APRIMA and PRIMES gives the primes from 2 and upwards. APRIMA1, APRIMA2, PRIMES2, PRLIST, PRIMENUM and PRIMENM2 gives the primes in an interval of your choice. PRIMENM3 gives you the last prime in a series of primes, when you give it a number to start from. Some divides with a list of primes, and the others divide with one number at a time. |  | | 4k | 19-08-17 |  | Primes with Fermat This program utilizes the fact that if you have two positive numbers A and B, and sqrt(B^2 - A) is a positive integer, then B - sqrt(B^2 - A) and B + sqrt(B^2 - A) are factors in A. If A has two factors, ( which may or may not be prime numbers ), B is ( F1 + F2)/2, where F1 is the smallest factor. This is known as Fermats factorisation method. So B is always bigger than or equal to sqrt A and smaller than or equal to F2. Therefore this method is extremely fast when the two factors are of similar size. However it is just as slow a way, when there is a big difference in size, compared to an ordinary program, and so this program also features a very fast conventional program, which counts up much faster than the ordinary one. New in this version is a much faster program, that replaces the previous four. Enclosed is a link to a Wikipedia article on the subject. |  | | 20k | 15-03-03 |  | PROBDISTe Enter a Probability Distribution in L1 and L2. The Program finds: the mean, median, standard deviation, variance, and graph*. Also found is P(X <= A), P(X >= A), and P(A <= X <= B). |  | | 25k | 15-03-24 |  | PROFITe The Program finds the PROFIT FUNCTION P = AX + C and its graph. You enter the Revenue function R = pX and the Cost function C = MX + B and given are profit function and the BREAK-EVEN quantity. Use TRACE and the arrow keys to move around the graph of the three functions. In TABLE you may enter various quantities X and see resulting revenue Y1, cost Y2, and profit Y3. |  | | 17k | 17-12-27 |  | PROJECT This does projectile motion calculations. It is great help for a math class or a physics class. Enjoy:) |  | | 1k | 19-12-09 |  | Pythag 2.0 A well needed update to the original Pythag program |  | | 21k | 15-09-25 |  | Pythagorean Theorem PYTHAGOR: This program solves for the missing side in the Pythagorean triangle: A^2 + B^2 = ?^2, or A^2 + ?^2 = C^2. The answers, √ (A^2 + B^2), or √ (C^2 - A^2), are reduced if possible. PYTHAG1: This program is the same as the above one, except that you can input imaginary numbers as well. It uses Text(- commands instead of Output(- ones. |  | | 1k | 20-12-22 |  | PythagoreanTheoremSolver This program helps solve problems related to the Pythagorean theorem. |  | | 1k | 19-09-11 |  | PyThag The Ultimate tool for Pythagorean Theorem! solves Pythagorean theorem like ckae! easy and simple to use! |  | | 1k | 17-05-03 |  | QR Matrix Factorer This application works great in linear algebra to determine the QR decomposition of a matrix. Simply store the matrix you would like to factor as [A] and run the program. Q is saved as [A], R is saved as [B]. The original [A] matrix is stored as [C]. |  | | 1k | 16-08-13 |  | QUADFINDER This program finds the integer coefficients of the quadratic equation, Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0, when you enter its roots. If, for example, you are a teacher and want to ensure that the equations you give have the correct difficulty, with rational, irrational, and/or imaginary solutions. |  | | 1k | 13-09-05 |  | Quadratic Formula Solver A simple program which solves the Quadratic Formula with your inputs. This program is mainly a way to try to eliminate errors caused by solving the Quadratic Formula yourself. |  | | 92k | 14-03-31 |  | Quadratic formula solve and graph This program solves and graphs quadratic equations. (I am aware that there is a program that does the same thing that this one does, but the other one doesn't graph the equation). 136 bytes. |  | | 1k | 13-03-13 |  | Measures of a Quadrilateral v1.1 Given the vertices of a quadrilateral, this program will draw the shape and compute the lengths of the sides and the diagonals. I ported from a QBASIC program I saw in a Geometry Textbook in March 2003. I updated it 11 days shy of a full decade later to be more polite in restoring graphscreen settings and to add a missing file to the zip. Also supports the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. |  | | 1k | 13-09-13 |  | QUADRA11 This program factors all quadratic equations on the form AX^2 +BX+C=0, where A, B, and C are integers. So even equations that are prime gets factored, which means that i and the square root sign are used. Look at the screenshots for more information. |  | | 28k | 15-04-13 |  | QUADRATe The Program GRAPHS the quadratic function y = Ax^2 + Bx + C and SOLVES the quadratic equation Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0. 1. The solutions display in SIMPLIFIED radical form, and in decimal form, 2. The graph shows the intercepts and vertex allowing you to move from point to point using the right and left arrow keys, 3. The vertex (h, k) is given allowing you to create the form y = A(x – h)^2 + k. 4. The discriminant, Disc, and the focus are given. |  | | 5k | 16-08-03 |  | QUADRA A simple quadratic solver that gives you the necessary information. It shows you the basic formulas and the numerical roots. 200 bytes. |  | | 16k | 15-03-24 |  | QUADREGe The Program finds the Quadratic Equation of the graph that goes thru three given points. In general it does Quadratic Regression. |  | | 1k | 19-01-22 |  | Quads With Quads you may enter the quadratic coefficients in either standard form or vertex form. The output is shown in the screen shots. At the end of the output you will see the vertex form if you entered the standard form and vice versa. If the discriminate is positive, there will be 2 solutions, if zero, 1 solution, and if negative, 2 imaginary solutions. |  | | 18k | 20-03-12 |  | Quads This is an update incorporating a new function in the latest OS update: toString. With Quads you may enter the quadratic coefficients in either standard form or vertex form. The output is shown in the screen shots. At the end of the output you will see the vertex form if you entered the standard form and vice versa. If the discriminate is positive, there will be 2 solutions, if zero, 1 solution, and if negative, 2 imaginary solutions. |  | | 9k | 22-06-20 |  | QUADX This program finds the rational roots of the quadratic equation, on the form: ax^2+bx+c=0, when you enter its coefficients as a list. For example: {4,5,-6 gives x1,x2: -2 and 3/4. What is unique with it, is that it does not use the formula, it derives its way to the answers. Usually you use the derived function to find maxima, minima and inflection points, but this program shows there is a connection between the repeatedly derived function, which is added or subtracted to the equation before, and the roots. However tedious and faint. Fixed some bugs. |  | | 2k | 19-01-07 |  | Quadratics Four programs that give you the exact and numerical values of the roots in the quadratic equation, for real and non real solutions. The largest one shows the works. |  | | 1k | 19-04-16 |  | RADICAL1&RADICAL2 RADICAL1: This program reduces square roots with maximum speed. Itâs unlocked so you can see how it is done. RADICAL2: This is the same program as RADICAL1, but for all indexes. The higher the index the faster it is. |  | | 13k | 22-01-10 |  | RADICALX This program reduces radicals of an index of your choice. First it finds the prime factors of the number you want to reduce, and prints them out on the screen with their power. Then it gives you the reduced radical on the bottom line. Look at the screenshots. Previous version: Added CFRAC to make the program able to present fraction roots correctly, also increased the number of columns for the prime factors. This version: Added a list to divide the number, that speeds up the program. Also added parentheses around the fraction roots. |  | | 1k | 13-09-20 |  | Radical Reduction This program reduces radicals to simplest form with indexes of your choice. You just enter the index and then the expression. You don't have to input the coefficient, numerator, and denominators separately. The program uses DFRAC. Only positive roots though. Look at the screenshots. |  | | 41k | 15-03-08 |  | RANDOMe The Program replaces the need for a random number table. It makes a list of RANDOM NUMBERS for you. You enter how many numbers you need and from what range they are to be selected. You may select without replacement or with replacement. |  | | 2k | 13-11-16 |  | Cross-platform Random Walk This program performs a random walk around the homescreen of your calculator, and collects the number of steps taken each run. Once no move can be made without crossing a previously visited spot, the program terminates, and reports the number of steps taken, the min and max steps, the mean and median, and the standard deviation. Supports multiple calculators in one file! Download |  | | 12k | 15-10-14 |  | Recursive Sequences RECURING: This program calculates recursive sequences. It can deal with two previous terms: F(N-1), and F(N-2). You enter them as X and Y. For example the Fibonacci sequence: You enter 1 for F(1), and then X+Y for F(N), and for ’Find Term N?’, you enter the number in the sequence you wish to find, for example 25. Then the calculator displays F(2)-F(25), and shows: ’TERM:’,25,’IS:’,75025. You can of course also find sequences of just X. For example 2X+1. REKURSIV: This program is the same as RECURING, except that it can deal with three previous terms: F(N-1), F(N-2), and F(N-3). RECURS: This program is list based and can deal with up to 999 previous terms. You input F(N) as for example: L1(1)+L1(2)+L1(3). You also get the sum of the terms. |  | | 96k | 14-03-31 |  | Restrictions of a variable This program states the restriction(s) of a variable in an equation so that the denominator does not equal 0. |  | | 1k | 20-07-06 |  | Riemann Sums Draws rectangles and gives right, left, or midpoint sums |  | | 1k | 16-02-08 |  | The Ultimate Right Triangle Solver This is a simply incredible program that uses the Pythagorean Theorem, Sine, Cosine and Tangents to solve all sides and angles of a right triangle. With an easy to use interface and extremley quick solving, it is a must have for people taking units related to right triangles. This is one of the many tools that will soon be available in Mathtools: Geometry Edition. |  | | 1k | 17-01-13 |  | ROOTS ROOTS: This program calculates the roots for any index: 2, -3, 4â¦, 1/2, 1/3, -4/3â¦, when x and y in xây are rational . So the program then relies on general formulas. Other than that, the built in formulas are used. So instead of just one root for every index, you get them all, plus their angles, provided x and y are rational. ROOTS1: If the above program is mostly for the math nerds, this program is a useful subroutine since it is short and also, like the other, does not miss out when the answer is an integer, which often happens with the built in xây: 3â7^3, ( MATH 4 ) for example, gives an fPart = 1. Answers are the same as xây. ROOTS2: This is a short and useful program, which does not miss out when the answer is an integer. Can handle imaginary/complex answers as well. |  | | 4k | 19-04-22 |  | ROOT This program calculates the root with any positive index: 2, 3, 4â¦, even 1/3, 1/4, etc. of a positive number. The advantage it has over the built in root program is that it is more exact: It does not miss out when the answer is an integer, for example, which often happens with the built in one. So this is a useful subroutine when you want as exact a value as possible. |  | | 11k | 19-06-30 |  | Reverse Polish Notation ARPN: This program gives you RPN ( Reverse Polish Notation ), on your 84 CSE/CE. You can use all of the functions on the calculators buttons, such as sin(, cos(, tan(, log(, ln(, etc. You can also use some functions in the MATH menu, but you can not use any of the various tests or logic. ARPN1: This program gives you RPN ( Reverse Polish Notation ) on your 84 CSE/CE. It differs from ARPN in that you press ENTER after every input. Like ARPN it has a stack of four numbers, and you can use all the functions on the calculators buttons, and the same functions in the Math-menu, and you can also do complex numbers. More information in the text files. ARPN2: This program is the same as ARPN, except that you have a stack of over a 1000 units. The program uses list1 to stack numbers, so that you can do your calculations entering your data in one input. There are also some improvements in these versions. |  | | 17k | 18-01-22 |  | Differential Equation of 1st Order - v1.02 The program finds for a differential equation of 1st order given as y'=f(x,y) the numerical approximation by the method of Runge-Kutta and provides a plot of the result. Necessary inputs are the interval x1<=x<=x2 to be scrutinized, the increment of steps h and the initial conditions x0, y0(x0). The result is stored in lists L1 and L2. |  | | 17k | 18-01-22 |  | Differential Equation of 2nd Order - v1.02 The program finds for a differential equation of 2nd order given as y''=f(x,y,y') the numerical approximation by the method of Runge-Kutta and provides a plot of the result. Necessary inputs are the interval x1<=x<=x2 to be scrutinized, the increment of steps h and the initial conditions x0, y0(x0),y'0(x0). The result is stored in lists L1, L2, and L3. |  | | 26k | 18-01-22 |  | System of 2 Differential Equations - v1.01 The program analyzes the system of two differential equations of 1st order x'=f(t,x,y) and y'=g(t,x,y) and finds the numerical approximation by the method of Runge-Kutta. A plot of the result is provided. Inputs are the interval t1<=t<=t2 to be scrutinized, the increment of steps h and the initial conditions t0,x0(t0), y0(t0). The results are stored in the lists L1, L2, L3 and can be retrieved by the key combination [stat] 1:Edit. |  | | 25k | 15-04-01 |  | SAMPSIZEe The Program finds the necessary SIZE n of a SAMPLE to produce a confidence interval of confidence level c based on a known standard deviation S and desired maximum error E. |  | | 3k | 20-08-10 |  | SatMath2Solver This program solves equations like distance, midpoint, distance with 3 variables, law of sin/cos, double angle for sin and cos, pythagorean theorem, etc. |  | | 2k | 20-09-30 |  | SatMathSolver This program helps solves problems on the SAT. |  | | 4k | 16-01-21 |  | SCRAMBLE SCRAMBLE: This program scrambles the consecutive integers from A onto B, in a list that is generated from your choice of A and B. It uses a multiply with carry random generator as subroutine, which you must install as well. The program is meant to be used as a subroutine, in for example, games, statistics, or whatever. SCRAMBL1: This is the same program, but without the MWC-generator. It uses the built in random generator. SCRAMBL2: This program has the same function, only it uses just one list. |  | | 25k | 14-06-30 |  | Sum of Series Six programs in various sizes, to give you the sums of arithmetic and geometric series. Thorough description in the text file. |  | | 20k | 19-03-31 |  | Series Calculator Calculates nth term, sum, ranges, etc for Arithmetic, Geometric, Quadratic and Cyclic progressions, and more. |  | | 69k | 15-03-03 |  | SHADEe The Program graphs A SYSTEM OF LINEAR INEQUALITIES in two variables. Inequalities can be in the form, Ax + By <= C, x <= C, x >= C, Ax + By >= C, or y >= 0. You may enter as many inequalities as desired as in LINEAR PROGAMMING. The program shades the non-solution side of the lines. |  | | 3k | 13-09-03 |  | Decimal Simplifier Decimal Simplifier is a program that simplifies decimals stored in the answer memory. For instance, sin(pi/4) = .7071067812 will simplify to the sqrt(2)/2. If you arrive at the decimal equivalents for any of the following, they will simplify: pi/3, -4e, 9*sqrt(5)/2, sqrt(6)-2i, pi*sqrt(511232), 5e*sqrt(439), pi+501/12, e+1/235, 80137/13812, -5/(2pi), 3pi^2, 5e^2, 7pi^2*sqrt(3), 8e^2*sqrt(2052338). These are just a few examples. Generally, Decimal Simplifier will act as a radical simplifier and simplify any fraction multiplied by 'pi' or 'e.' |  | | 2k | 21-06-07 |  | SIMPRAT2 This is the final version, ( I hope ), the program is now better and shorter than before. It should be able to solve all the rational equations you get in school, like: 95/(X+12)=35/X, 1/X+1/5=1/3, (2x-2)/(x^2+4x-21)+4/(x+7)=2/(x-3), 4/(x+5)+6/(x-5)=4, 8/x+6/7=8/(7x), 16/x+(6x-5)/(x+2)=6. At 5483 bytes, it is 1608 bytes shorter than the previous version. Please let me know if you find any bugs. Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the program to remove the wrong denominator. |  | | 4k | 23-06-19 |  | ULTIMATE Sine/Cosine Law Calculator WELCOME to your ultimate all-in-one experience finely crafted for the purpose of⦠solving⦠triangles! With the laws of sines and cosines. Okay, so maybe itâs not all that exciting (especially considering that you are currently trying to load a program onto your calculator to do it for you), BUT I can guarantee to you that this program is the ULTIMATE calculator for all things sine and cosine. It has all your bases covered. If you want to skip ahead to the important stuff (Conveniently labeled âImportant Stuffâ down below) you can, but if you wish to savor this moment with me and learn a little bit more about this mystical program that (perhaps) will save your grade, tarry with me a bit and all things shall be made known unto you. You may be wondering, âWhat makes this sine/cosine law program different from all the 10,000,000,000 (thatâs billion) other co/sine law calculators out there?â GOOD QUESTION. The answer is, all the other programs are garbage while mine isnât! Most programs are made to parse certain variables in a specific way based on the universal sine/cosine law diagram. If you want to find side c, for example, you need to know side a, side b, and angle C. Very little wiggle room. This program, on the other hand, is built to give you as much wiggle room as possible. In fact, if you input your variables, it wonât just solve for one side or angle - itâll solve the WHOLE triangle! In addition to that, this program was built to be as easy to use as possible. You donât need to memorize which measurements are needed for which equation or solution. All you need to do is tell the program the measurements you do know, and then your calculator takes it from there. The UI was crafted to be easy and intuitive to use, and you can switch between different display styles! For example, maybe you donât want to use angles A, B, or C. Perhaps you would rather use the α, β, γ formatting. YOU CAN DO THAT! There is no endless menuing, there is no convoluted visual trickery. Everything is laid out before you in an easy to parse visual manner. Itâs magnificent! --------------------------------------------------------- -----[[ IMPORTANT STUFF ]]----- // Installation // This program was made for TI-84 Plus CE. When installing the program, send it to Archive. This is pretty easy to install. However, if you donât know how to install a program onto your calculator, I would suggest visiting here to find out how: // Usage // This program appears on the calculator under the name âSINCOLAWâ (regrettably, the name does bear a resemblance to the dreaded salad food, coleslaw, but I guess weâll just have to put up with that for now). To run the program, simply find it in your program list then hit enter to run it! Once the program has opened up, you will be treated to its luxurious menu screen. The arrows are your cursor. Move the cursor around the screen via the D-Pad. Select the measurement values you already know by pressing enter. Selected measurements will show a bracket around their names. To deselect, just press enter again. If you want to change the measurement display, you have three button options. To toggle between angle display options, press the [ y= ] key (first key, top row). To toggle between side display options, press the [zoom] key (third key, top row). To toggle both simultaneously, press the [window] key (second key, top row). If you want to quit the program from this menu, press the [clear] button (fifth key, fourth row). Once you have selected all the known measurements, you may proceed to solving the rest of them. Pressing either the [trace] key (fourth key, top row) or the [graph] key (fifth key, top row) will take you to the inputs screen. You will be asked to input the known measurements. Press enter after inputing each one. Once youâve done that, the program will pause a moment to calculate the rest of the triangle, then display all the measurements. Press enter once more to |  | | 44k | 16-08-05 |  | Slope Field You'll like it better or my name isn't Mason Peterson! This is the best slope field program out there, simply stated. It is extremely user friendly and has many options so that you are able to get the desired graph. Enjoy! |  | | 1k | 15-09-28 |  | Slope This program finds the equation, slope, y-intercept, and x-intercept for linear functions. You can choose between an input of two points, one point and slope, or the equation, ( where you give the slope and the y-intercept ). Only 620 bytes. |  | | 1k | 20-07-06 |  | Slope fields Draws slope field. Enter diff. eq. in equation editor using X and alpha Y. |  | | 48k | 15-02-26 |  | SOLEe This Program will solve a System Of Linear Equations with any number of variables (limited only by memory). The result will display as One Solution (in fraction form and decimal form), No Solution, or Infinitely Many Solutions (displayed as a system in matrix form). |  | | 37k | 13-09-05 |  | SOLVEITe The Program finds the Real Solutions of your typical high school or college algebra textbook equation. This includes polynomial, absolute value, and other equations. Some problems that may cause trouble are even index radical equations where a radicand may become negative, rational equations where the denominator may become zero, and double roots such as (x+2)^2 = 0. They may cause a NO SIGN CHANGE error. |  | | 1k | 13-11-03 |  | Inequality Solver 1 This program is a multi purpose inequality solver. You can use all of the = ≠ > < ≥ ≤ -signs. The program uses the solve(- function and can find up to six inequalities, or six roots. If there are less of them, the program stops with an ERROR: NO SIGN CHANGE. Just press for QUIT then. For the program to work, the graph needs to cross the X- axis at least once. So if you don't get an answer, press [ GRAPH ]. If the graph is entirely above, or below, the X- axis, the answer should be for all X's defined, or for no X's, if it's an inequality. Otherwise you have no solution. Some statements it can handle: A*abs(BX+C)+D≥E, abs(X^2+2X-3)≤X+1, abs((X-3)(X+2))=4, (X^3-7)^(1/3)>X-1, √(7X-4)<7X-4, √(4X+3)+√(4X-3)>4. If the statement gives a continuous function the program can solve it if the function is differentiable in the proximity of its real roots. |  | | 12k | 23-03-26 |  | SOLVERX This program solves polynomials using the Solve(-function. To avoid getting the same value it divides the function with the factors as it goes: Solve(y1,x, {-100,100}->A, Solve(y1/(x-A),x, {-100,100}->B. It can repeat this process up to four times, but it can also combine the roots to solve equations of a higher degree than four, as you can see from the screenshots. The program can find second degree factors like: {2,-8,-7}, {1,8,-1} etc. It can also find factors like 5x^6-3 all the way down to 2x-1. There is a subroutine, SOLVSUB, which has 960 bytes, while the main program has 621 bytes, a total of 1581 bytes. If the program stops with an ERROR: NO SIGN CHANGE, press 1 to quit then, and if there is information missing, check list4, as seen in a screenshot. Sometimes the program factors the equation into both linear and quadratic factors, as seen in one other screenshot. A couple of bugs has been corrected in this version. |  | | 1k | 13-11-02 |  | Inequality Solver This program is a multi purpose inequality solver. You can use all of the = ≠ > < ≥ ≤ -signs. The program uses the solve(- function and can find up to four inequalities, or four roots. If there are less of them, the program stops with an ERROR: NO SIGN CHANGE. Just press for QUIT then. For the program to work, the graph needs to cross the X- axis at least once. So if you don't get an answer, press [ GRAPH ]. If the graph is entirely above, or below, the X- axis, the answer should be for all X's defined, or for no X's, if it's an inequality. Otherwise you have no solution. Some statements it can handle: A*abs(BX+C)+D≥E, abs(X^2+2X-3)≤X+1, abs((X-3)(X+2))=4, (X^3-7)^(1/3)>X-1, √(7X-4)<7X-4, √(4X+3)+√(4X-3)>4. If the statement gives a continuous function the program can solve it if the function is differentiable in the proximity of its real roots. |  | | 2k | 14-09-09 |  | Spirographing v1.0 This edutaining program lets you graph curves of the kind created by the popular "Spirograph" toy. In math terms, it produces parametric curves in the epicycloid and hypocycloid families. The user controls the value of R, r, A, the number of revolutions, and the color of the graph, and this program graphs it. This program includes six demo curves, and you can modify the parameters of any of the demos to experiment with your own designs. When you create a design you like, you can export to any of the parametric equations so you can explore your curve in the TI-OS. A great way for students to see the connection between math and art! Requires Doors CSE 8. |  | | 49k | 19-07-03 |  | Spray Rate Calculator Pro This is a spray program intended for AG use it can be used on a tank of any size Menu Map Option 1 A small built in converter to convert the temp. from C to F and back and a volume converter that converts gallons to Liters to gallons Uk back and forth. Option 2 Spray Program that will calculate how much chemical and water level you will need per tank with error checking so that you don't overfill the tank. It has the following required inputs Tank size, Applied rate in (US)gallons per acre, Chemical rate L per acre. If X is entered for acres the program will figure out a full tank mixture based on your input. the program will display an error if the tank would be overfilled. Always follow the instructions as per the label. Option 3 A quick acres per hour calculator enter in the feet of the implement and how many miles per hour your going and it will figure out the work rate. Option 4 A Spray mix calculator. This will calculate the max acres the tank will spray. It requires all inputs. Tank Size, Chem L/ac, Acres, Applied gallons per acre, Jug Size in L. From those inputs the program will check if the load would fit the tank size, and then display how many L of chemical required, how many jugs required, and + Liters (the amount needed from the next jug) I hope someone finds this useful. this was written for myself for agriculture. For any comments or suggestions contact |  | | 2k | 17-11-18 |  | Arbitrary Precision Square Root Calculator This program will allow you to calculate the square root of an inputted number to as many decimal places as you prefer. This is more accurate than your calculator will normally give you! Also included is a program to calculate the golden ratio, phi, using the same algorithm. |  | | 5k | 15-03-24 |  | STANDDEVe The Program shows the steps used to hand compute the STANDARD DEVIATION of a sample entered in L1. This includes the deviations from the mean in L2 and the deviations squared in L3. Given are the sum of L1 and the sum of L3. Then you will see the parts used to find the VARIATION and the standard deviation. |  | | 227k | 16-11-30 |  | Straight_Lines84_v2.02 This short program from the field âVector Algebraâ finds for two straight lines L1: s1 + a*t1 and L2: u2 + b*v2 the distance between the lines, the points P1 and P2 of minimal distance on both lines, the intersection angle and checks, whether the lines are parallel or have a common point of intersection. If v2 is entered as {0,0,0}, the problem is handled as straight line L1 and point P with {ux,uy,uz}. In this case the program finds the distance, the perpendicular point x0 and the reflected point Pâ . |  | | 1k | 15-06-25 |  | Sum of Cubes A simple program that took about an hour to make, whose purpose is to solve the sums and differences of cubes. Only goes up to (-9)^3 to (9)^3!. Works on Ti-84 CE and Ti-84 CSE. Feedback appreciated! |  | | 3k | 15-06-14 |  | Synthetic Division 1&2 These two programs does synthetic division, and shows the work. One on the home-screen, and the other on the graph-screen. Input and output is like in a text book. They both have their advantage over the other: The result on the home-screen can be scrolled, which you can't on the graph-screen, but on the other hand the graph-screen has more information. It's important that you enter a comma between polynomials. Ex: x^3-2x^2+x+1,x-3 You can enter several polynomials, the only limit is memory, and of course the degree of the first polynomial. You can choose variable from A to Theta. The result is in Str2. UPDATE: The programs can now also handle irrational and imaginary numbers. Try, X^3 - 2, X - 3√2 ( the third root of 2, math 4 ), and X^2 + 9, X - 3i. |  | | 2k | 13-11-02 |  | Synthetic Division SYNDIV: This program does synthetic division. It has scroll abilities: You can scroll to the left and right, and you can also advance the scroll, if the screen isn't wide enough for your equation, i.e. you can go to any degree. To advance the scrolling you give a number when asked: Goto X^ . If you want to see the end, you input the max. degree of the equation. The program shows the works too. SYNDIV1: This program is the same as SYNDIV, except that you input the equation as it is typed in a text book. You can use any variable A to Theta, and it doesn't matter in wich order the terms are inputted, and there can be more than one of each degree. |  | | 1k | 13-09-14 |  | Synthetic Division This program does synthetic division, and shows the work. Only with lists though, to keep the size down. But you input the polynomials as they appear in a text book. It's important that you enter a comma between polynomials. Ex: x^3-2x^2+x+1,x-3 You can enter several polynomials, the only limit is memory, and of course the degree of the first polynomial. You can choose variable from A to Theta. |  | | 1k | 21-04-15 |  | Tangent Line Solver A very simple yet useful program that just has you enter in an equation (in terms of Y=) and then the X value of the tangent line. From there, the program will calculate the equation of the tangent line for that equation and at the entered X value. This program will also store both equations into the Y1 and Y2 variables of the calculator. |  | | 204k | 16-11-30 |  | Tangent_Line84 v1.10 This program finds the tangent line to a curve in a common point on the curve or calculates the tangentâs equation of a line through a point P1 (xp|yp) outside the curve. For both cases the calculation of the normal (perpendicular) line in the tangent point is included. |  | | 1k | 20-07-06 |  | Derivative drawn as function Draws tangent lines and plots numerical values of slopes |  | | 1k | 17-11-29 |  | Taxfind 2017 CE This program calculates applied tax on the input amount. VERY HELPFUL!!! UPDATE: Now allows you to set a custom tax percentage and store it locally, idea provided by KermPhd |  | | 2k | 21-04-15 |  | The X-Graph A very useful program that will let you graph equations in terms of X=, instead of the TI-OS Y= graph. This program is easy to use and will allow you to change most of the graph settings and window settings within the program itself. The program can graph up to 6 equations at a fairly quick speed (the more equations the longer it will take)! This program will even let you trace the graphs. |  | | 237k | 13-09-13 |  | TI-Freakware's Converter This is version 2.0.4 of the TIFC. The previous version only supported roughly 68 conversions, took 4 programs and a picture variable, and was around 6kb in size. Version 2.0.X supports the usage of a single program, and boasts 708 conversions available in this single program of just over 7kb in size. It is also available for the TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+/84+ and TI-84+CSE, with the potential of being programmed on other calculators at a later date. |  | | 3k | 18-08-09 |  | TINT TINT, or TI Number Theory, is a package of lists and programs designed for number theoretic computation and analysis on the TI-84+ series of calculators. These programs are designed to be used as subprograms for larger projects, and are optimized for numbers less than 10^12. |  | | 1k | 14-06-07 |  | Tip Calculator Simple tip calculator which allows you to split your bill. |  | | 9k | 15-10-14 |  | Triangle Measures This program gives you the sides and angles of a triangle, when you input its coordinates. You begin with the coordinates of A in the triangle ABC, then B and C. If the coordinates you input doesn't make a triangle, the program tells you so. It also works without changing you mode. The angles are given both in degrees and radians. |  | | 35k | 19-05-18 |  | Triangles Updated: In most triangle solvers you enter angles 1, 2, or 3 and sides 1, 2, or 3 and the output is displayed in the same way. In this program you enter angles as A, B, or C and sides as a, b, or c. The output is displayed the same way. There are 20 configurations of ways to enter the 3 inputs to solve a triangle. This program gives you options for entering data in all 20. |  | | 1k | 22-08-03 |  | Super Triangle Solver (Solves any side+angle and Area) Input any 3 parts of a triangle (SSS, SAS, AAS, ASA, or SSA) and the triangle solver will solve all 3 others parts of the triangle. It will then display a triangle labeled with all the sides and angles (COLOR CODED!!). It also calculates the area and the perimeter. Super simple to use! |  | | 2k | 15-09-09 |  | Triangle Solver Will solve any triangle if you know at least one angle and a side, or two sides. You must download all .8XT programs or it will not work. |  | | 22k | 15-09-19 |  | Triangle Triangle is a simple to use program that divides the problem of calculating the different values of a triangle into five cases: SAS, SSA, ASA, SAA and SSS, depending on what information you have. Handles the ambiguous case. |  | | 18k | 15-08-23 |  | Trig Equation TRIGEQU: This program solves equations on the form: A*sin(x) + B*cos(x) = C. It gives you, at the most, two solutions in the interval 0 - 360 degrees. The error lies within 0.01 degrees, and the error in C is less than 1/1000. The advantage with that is that you get values that you can grasp, not some 14 digit decimal numbers which can’t be expressed as a fraction by the built in program. The program is also really small and simple with 393 bytes. The drawback is that it takes a while. TRIGEQU1: This program gives you the exact values for the above equation, without delay. It has only 245 bytes. TRIGEQU2: This program is the same as TRIGEQU1, except that it also gives you approximations of the values. |  | | 1k | 13-09-28 |  | Trig Finder v3.0 This is a port and upgrade of Trig Finder v2.0 to the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. It now supports all possible angles, both degree and radian measures, and will automatically fix your angle settings when it quits. Simply run the program, enter the angle in degrees, and the program will give you all six trig functions for the angle: sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent. Also includes a Doors CSE 8 icon. |  | | 1k | 14-08-26 |  | Trigonometric Identities This is a port of the Ti-83/4 program 'Trigonometric Identities 1.5' for the TI-84 + C SE. Original Description =>(Contains all the fundamental trigonometric identities, including the reciprocal, quotient, pythagorean, cofunction, even/odd, and sum & difference identities. There is no input, but just the formulas. Great for cheating on tests... |  | | 1k | 13-10-03 |  | Trigvalues This program gives the values for an angle in sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent, when you enter it in degrees or radians. It has 19 exact values, and does not change your mode. The program states when a function is not defined for a certain angle. Degree- or radian-sign are assigned automatically in this version. |  | | 32k | 15-03-29 |  | TRIMe The Program finds the TRIMMED MEAN of a list of measurements. Enter the data in L1, start the program, and enter the percent of trim. You see the mean and count n of the original data and also the mean and count n of the trimmed data. |  | | 19k | 15-03-03 |  | TWOLINESe Finds the intersection of two lines and the intercepts of each line. Shows the graph with the intersection and intercepts labeled. |  | | 10k | 15-02-22 |  | TWOPOINTe Enter two points. The Program shows 1. The graph of the points and the line thru them. 2. The slope m and the y-intercept b of the line. 3. The distance between them in radical and decimal form, and 4. The mid-point of the segment. |  | | 4k | 13-03-23 |  | Ulam Spiral Generator This program draws an Ulam Spiral on the graphscreen of your calculator. Ths program works on both Color and non-color calculators. |  | | 32k | 15-03-29 |  | UNIFORMe Given a UNIFORM Random Variable X on an interval [L, R], the Program shows 1. the height F(X) of the probability density function graph, 2. the mean or expected value E(X), 3. the variance and standard deviation, 4. P(X < B), P(X >A), P(A< X < B), and 5. the boundary c for a given probability. |  | | 1k | 20-10-19 |  | Unit Circle 2.3 Just like version 1.0, the Unit Circle 2.3 is a simple program that displays the unit circle onto the graph screen of the calculator. From there, the program displays a red dot representing which degree measure you are on. By using the arrow keys you can change the degree measure and then hit ENTER to see the Radian measure, the sine (y/r), cosine (x/r), tangent (y/x), cosecant (r/y), secant (r/x), and cotangent (x/y) values of the selected degree measure. |  | | 1k | 21-09-29 |  | Unit Circle Cheat Sheet This is Final Version if there are any bugs email with program and problem This program comes with no warranty whatsoever For instructions how to use visit What does it do? Displays the unit circle How to use 1)Run program (press PRGM then press UNTCRCLE) 2)Program will display angles from 0' to 180' or pi press enter to see angles from 180 to 360 or pi to 2pi. 3)Press enter one more time to exit the program, DO NOT EXIT BY TURNING OFF OR PRESSING ON if you do so then your functions will be turned off and your axes will be off How to fix problems that might occur #Axes are turned off Press 2nd Format then switch Axes On #Functions are turned off Press Y= and hover over the plus signs, press enter while on a plus sign to turn functions off and on |  | | 1k | 20-08-06 |  | UnitCircleSolver This program shows you all trig values of radians on the unit circle. First, locate the radians on the Unit Circle in the program. Second, Plug into the desired trig property... and just like that, you're done. |  | | 1k | 20-03-29 |  | Unit Circle The Unit Circle program is a simple program that displays the unit circle onto the graph screen of the calculator. From there, the program assigns each point a number. To use this program just type in the number of the point and hit ENTER to view the value of that point. The program will show you the x, y, degree, and radian values of the entered point. |  | | 5k | 18-12-28 |  | Unit Converter This program is similar to the TI-73 conversion menu with added conversions. This program converts values of length, area, volume, temperature, mass, velocity, time, force, energy, power, and pressure. Also include constants. |  | | 1k | 21-11-23 |  | VECTADD VECTADD VECTADD is a program that finds the sum of two vectors (u + v). The vectors are entered as lists in the form {r,θ}, that is in terms of their magnitude and direction. The program finds the sum of the vectors and displays the sum in both magnitude and direction form as well as component form. Note that the angles must be entered in degrees. If one wants to find the difference of the two vectors, that is find (u â v), they should simply enter the negative of the magnitude of v. Example: u = 3 at 45° and v = 5 at 150° a) Find u + v - Enter {3,45} for u in the program. - Enter {5,150} for v in the program. - The output is 5.122 at 115.546° or <-2.209, 4.621> b) Find u â v - Enter {3,45} for u in the program. - Enter {-5,150} for v in the program (note the use of the negative of r). - The output is 6.463 at 356.641° or <6.451, -0.379> If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me at Feedback is always appreciated. Sincerely, Junaid Mansuri |  | | 285k | 19-06-30 |  | Vector Math (Final Version)(I hope! Update 3: I added the ability to work with 3 vectors at a time, including finding the 3 reaction forces to a 3-dimension force vector. Also, you can compute the Scalar Triple Product and Vector Triple Product directly. Update 2: I added the ability to multiply a vector by a scalar and took out some extraneous code that was no longer needed. Update: Fixed a bug in converting a vector to spherical form; in some cases it would not compute the correct theta angle. This is a complete recode of my program. You can work with 2- or 3-dimensional vectors. The menus are more user friendly and easier to get around in. It has the same functionality as the prior version and an entirely new calculation with vectors. |  | | 1k | 18-07-27 |  | Vieta's formula calculator This programm will calculate the sum and product of quadratic roots. You can also use this to find the roots of a quadratic using system of equations. Read the notepad README for more information |  | | 21k | 15-05-06 |  | WITDATAe Where is the data? The Program tells you how many and what percent of your data are within K standard deviations of the mean. It computes the mean, standard deviation, and shows the data that are within K standard deviations of the mean for a sample or population. |  | | 10k | 15-09-19 |  | Y=MX+B This is a small ( 191 bytes ) program, that solves for either Y, M, X or B, in the equation Y= MX+ B. You make your choice of which variable you want to solve from a menu when you start up the program. The three known values are then promted, and you get the unknown. Look at the screenshots. |  | | 32k | 15-03-03 |  | ZTXVALUEe The Program finds five values: The “z-score” of an x or x-bar, the “t-value” of an x-bar, the “x value” of a known z-score, the “standard error of the mean”, and the “coefficient of variation”. |