Spray Rate Calculator Pro
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Spray Rate Calculator Pro
This is a spray program intended for AG use it can be used on a tank of any size Menu Map Option 1 A small built in converter to convert the temp. from C to F and back and a volume converter that converts gallons to Liters to gallons Uk back and forth. Option 2 Spray Program that will calculate how much chemical and water level you will need per tank with error checking so that you don't overfill the tank. It has the following required inputs Tank size, Applied rate in (US)gallons per acre, Chemical rate L per acre. If X is entered for acres the program will figure out a full tank mixture based on your input. the program will display an error if the tank would be overfilled. Always follow the instructions as per the label. Option 3 A quick acres per hour calculator enter in the feet of the implement and how many miles per hour your going and it will figure out the work rate. Option 4 A Spray mix calculator. This will calculate the max acres the tank will spray. It requires all inputs. Tank Size, Chem L/ac, Acres, Applied gallons per acre, Jug Size in L. From those inputs the program will check if the load would fit the tank size, and then display how many L of chemical required, how many jugs required, and + Liters (the amount needed from the next jug) I hope someone finds this useful. this was written for myself for agriculture. For any comments or suggestions contact Pedersonr@gmail.com
Ryan P (pedersonr@gmail.com)
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Math Programs
File Size
50,261 bytes
File Date and Time
Wed Jul 3 17:25:41 2019
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