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Math Master v2.0 CSE


Ranked as 26894 on our all-time top downloads list with 2210 downloads.
Ranked as 9119 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename mathmstr.zip (Download)
Title Math Master v2.0 CSE
Description This is a constant work in progress. Slow, but still making headway. Requirements: - TI-84+ CSE - Does NOT require Doors CSE8 (future support possible) Changelog: v2.0 beta 3 - Totally revamped and included my Triangles program (TRIANGLE) - Totally revamped and included my Pythagorean program (PYTHAG) - Optimized and included my Word Problems program (WP) - Those three run separately (99% finished)
Author Noah Greene (m1dn1ghtn1nj4@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Math Programs
File Size 3,616 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 23 20:32:48 2013
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  card creed
Reviewed on 2023-05-24
The triangle program included with it broke my calculator and I had to reinstall my OS. The graph/display method wouldn't disappear after quitting the program, turning off and on the calculator, and resetting it via the mechanical (pin button) reset on the back. The main (master) program is not complete with most of the options not working (available but nothing happens when you press the number associated with it), or there is an error.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TRIANGLE.8xp   566
WP.8xp   926
MATHMSTR.8xp   2437
PYTHAG.8xp   628
README.txt   1501

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