| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to Voyage 200 BASIC Files |
 | lzt.zip | 429k | 14-02-12 |  | Laplace and Z transform This program calculates a direct and inverse transformation. Parts of the program are two shells for a simulation of electric circuits and dynamical systems described by block diagram algebra. |
 | addition.zip | 1k | 11-05-29 |  | Addition Find the sum of all numbers between two given ones while stepping at a given interval. |
 | addup.zip | 8k | 08-03-24 |  | Addup For all who tend to mistype whenever they add up more than two items. The program allows you to check the inputs and correct them using the four arrow keys and the delete key. Simply try it! There are an Englisch and a German version. Für alle, die sich beim Addieren gerne vertippen. Das Programm erlaubt es, mit den vier Pfeiltasten eine falsche Eingabe anzusteuern und mit der Löschtaste zu korrigieren. Probieren Sie's einfach aus! Es gibt eine deutsche und eine englische Programmversion. |
 | algorithm_division.zip | 5k | 08-04-14 |  | Division Algorithm Division algorithm (long, written form with remainder) Usage: divalg(dividend, divisor) where dividend and divisor are natural numbers Divisionsalgorithmus (schriftliches Dividieren) mit Rest Aufruf: divalg(Dividend, Divisor), wobei Dividend und Divisor natürliche Zahlen sind |
 | asi_v200.zip | 148k | 04-03-07 |  | Advanced Symbolic Integration - version 2.0.0b ASI: Advanced Symbolic Integration is a fast program that can integrate by use of special-functions and integrate expressions containing special-functions. ASI is equipped with a library of highly flexible special-functions, and it is easy to use all of it. |
 | atan2.zip | 1k | 12-01-08 |  | atan2 Four-quadrant inverse tangent (atan2.89f or atan2.v2f) Syntax: P = atan2(Y,X) Description: Computes the arctangent of y / x given y and x, but with a range of (−π, π]. Any imaginary parts of the inputs are ignored. |
 | ballpick.zip | 1k | 11-05-29 |  | Ball Picking A text file that lists solutions to the most popular (and relatively simple) probability problems. |
 | baseconverter.zip | 1k | 11-05-29 |  | Base Converter Converts numbers between two bases from 2 to any symbols that the user wishes to use for bases greater than 36. |
 | bezout.zip | 1k | 04-11-20 |  | Bezout bezout relation |
 | bicenter.zip | 1k | 11-05-29 |  | Bicentric Quadrilateral Compute different properties of bicentric quadrilaterals. |
 | brahmagu.zip | 1k | 11-05-29 |  | Brahmagupta's Formula / Heron's Formula Compute the area of a cyclic quadrilateral or cyclic triangle. |
 | bretang.zip | 1k | 11-05-29 |  | Bretschneider's Angle Formula Uses Bretschneider's Angle formula to find the area of a quadrilateral. |
 | bretdiag.zip | 1k | 11-05-29 |  | Bretschneider's Diagonal Formula Uses Bretschneider's diagonal formula to find the area of a quadrilateral. |
 | calc.zip | 8k | 10-06-27 |  | calc You want to improve your head-calculating skills? Then this program is alright for you. Solve as many calculations as possible in the given time in your head and try to make no mistakes. Save your report if you want and compare it with your friends. |
 | cardano01.zip | 1k | 04-10-12 |  | Cardano Solucion de Ecuaciones Este programa es capaz de solucionar ecuaciones de tercer grado mediante el Metodo de Cardano, mostrando el resultado y tambien las constantes caracteristicas de este metodo, con una interfaz amigable y sencilla... cualquier comentario se los agradecere |
 | cat_v200.zip | 48k | 04-09-08 |  | Complex Analysis Tools - version 2.0.0 CAT: Complex Analysis Tools is a strong package of functions that helps to solve problems in complex analysis. The functions in CAT have many possibilities for adjustments, e.g. most functions can show the used steps. |
 | centraltheta.zip | 1k | 11-05-30 |  | Central Angle Find the area of a quadrilateral from the measure of the angle formed by the intersection of the diagonals and either its diagonal lengths or its side lengths. |
 | charmat.zip | 82k | 06-10-15 |  | Matrix Characteristic Its a very simple and light function that calculates the characteristic of a matrix that is the dimension of the biggest contained determinant. |
 | circl3pt.zip | 1k | 11-05-30 |  | Circle from Three Points Find the equation of a circle that passes through three points. |
 | clockang.zip | 1k | 11-05-30 |  | Clock Angles Find the angle made by the minute- and hour-hand at a certain time (HH:MM:SS). |
 | cmpletsq.zip | 1k | 11-05-30 |  | Complete the Square Complete the square to find the equation of a circle. |
 | cnvhullv200.zip | 38k | 06-10-27 |  | Convex Hull Area This program calculates the area of a 2D convex hull given a matrix of points (order is not important). |
 | cof2d.zip | 62k | 06-10-27 |  | Center of Gravity 2D This function calculates the center of gravity of a convex polygon given the matrix of vertexes. |
 | complex.zip | 6k | 10-03-20 |  | Two complex number functions. Two complex number functions: A trigonometric form converter an a root finder. |
 | comsquar.zip | 1k | 03-08-08 |  | Completing the Square v1.0 This program does "completing the square" and displays work at every step. Fractions and radicals are kept in their simplest form, and not converted to decimals (provided your calculator is in AUTO or EXACT mode). It also will return imaginary roots, if necessary. This is VERY useful for math classes from Algebra I to Precalculus. Please note that sometimes the final answer looks a smidge goofy (all of the work is fine, however), so you might want to use the calculator's solve function to see how the answer should be written. Please let me know if the program happens to throw any incredibly heinous results at any point. This file contains programs for the 89, 92, 92+, and V200. |
 | connetv200.zip | 159k | 06-10-27 |  | Automatic Control Networks Analysis v 2.02 It's a very powerful program that allows an advanced analysis in Bode diagram of a transfer function and of a user entered control network. You can try different solutions and analyze their fundamental parameters: 0 decibel frequency, phase margin, gain margin and eventually peaks. You can also chose and trace different types of drawing: real and asymptotic TF graph and phase graph. |
 | coordply.zip | 1k | 11-05-30 |  | Coordinates of a Regular Polygon Get the coordinates of a regular polygon with a given length centered around the origin. |
 | counters.zip | 104k | 05-10-27 |  | Counter Synthesis This is a tool to edit counters modulo n (n<16), to make automatic synthesis with JK flip-flops and to simulate it. (This is a part of my logical suite.) |
 | curvesv200.zip | 149k | 06-10-27 |  | Advanced 2D/3D Curve Analysis The program analyses a parametric 3D curve and calculates length barycenter, curvilinear abscissa scalar and vectorial curvilinear integrals, potential and more over. All results can be saved and reloaded in a second time. |
 | cvpolyg.zip | 40k | 06-10-27 |  | Polygon Analysis Calculates area, perimeter and centre of gravity of a polygon given vertexes in whatever their order may be. In case of one or more points inside the polygon the program calculates also the barycentre of all the points. |
 | datamanagerv200.zip | 417k | 06-10-27 |  | Data Manager v 1.03 Data Manager is a very useful program that allows an easy and fast management of all data on your TI, in every fold. It is particularly useful with numeric data because it can interpolate two data rows choosing column and requested value. It's some more fast renaming it Kbdprgm1-9. Scientific data packs are also available. Interpolation improved. |
 | ddnewton.zip | 1k | 05-01-15 |  | Differ Divided of Newton: This program shows a matrix with Newton's Divided Differences. |
 | dh.zip | 1k | 12-01-08 |  | Denavit-Hartenberg Transformation Matrix Homogeneous transformation matrix from Denavit-Hartenberg parameters (dh.89f or dh.v2f) Creates a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix from given DH parameters. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denavit%E2%80%93Hartenberg_parameters for more information. |
 | diffeqv200.zip | 79k | 06-10-27 |  | Differential Equation Solver v 2.03 Calculates a lot of differential equations (also of nth degree) and saves the solution in a new function ready to use. Litteral calculation improved. A bug fixed. |
 | dioph.zip | 4k | 09-04-26 |  | Diophante ( équation de ) [ French, prog. in french. ] Résolution complète des équations diophantiennes en SBS ultra-détaillé, i.e tel qu'il faut le rédiger sur une copie. Correspond(ait) au programme de TS spé maths. |
 | dirderiv_basic.zip | 12k | 10-11-04 |  | Gradient and directional derivatives This archive contains functions to calculate function gradients and directional derivatives. Functions are included for TI-nspire and 68k-models. |
 | discreta.zip | 1k | 04-07-13 |  | Distribuciónes de Probabilidad Discretas Programa que te ayuda a sacar las distribuciones: Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson e Hipergeométrica. Muy sencillo de utilizar, además te saca la Esperanza matemática y la Varianza. |
 | distancetwopoints.zip | 1k | 11-06-01 |  | Distance Formula Get the distance between two points. |
 | drawpoly.zip | 1k | 11-06-01 |  | Draw a Regular Polygon Draw a regular polygon on the graph screen. |
 | ecfas.zip | 22k | 06-06-03 |  | Ecuaciones Fasoriales English: This program solves phasor equation (or complex ones) wich have 2 variables that calculators can not solve directly. To solve this kind of equation the user would normally have to use graphical methods or trig methods, but with ECFAS you only have to enter the equation and that's all. Español: Este programaresuelve equaciones fasoriales (o complejas) las cuales tienes dos variables y que las calculadoras no resuelven directamente. Para resolver este tipo de ecuaciones el ususario tendría que emplear métodos gráficos y las leyes de senos y cosenos, pero con ECFAS solo tienes que introducir la ecuación y eso es todo. |
 | eigenbac.zip | 10k | 03-05-25 |  | symbolic eigenbase finder it will let you do symbolic eigen vectors show you the eigenvalues, charataristic polynolium (expanded and in factors) and even give you an symbolic eigenbase in exact values if possible. you can even finde the eigenbase of a matrix like [[a,b,c][0,d,e][0,0,f]] a word of warning This program IS not fully developed.. it does contain bugs, and sometimes it does select the wrong eigen vectors |
 | eqman.zip | 101k | 06-11-18 |  | Equation Solver and Manager v 1.03 Its a very powerful and light program to solve and manage your equations quickly and easily. You can organize them in groups and create or delete a group or simply an equation. At last you can decide to use the normal or the numeric solving. Physic Pack (physicsolver.zip) available in my page. |
 | esolve3.zip | 1k | 04-03-09 |  | esolve3 even better than esolve 2! it has 2 new calculating functions and it shows its work for both of them! it even has a built in 6 page tutorial with instructions on every feature and a graphical toolbar! it also has 6 different introductions, including intro off mode! a must have for any algebra student. p.s. i still have esolve 3 on my voyage 200 and i use it alot! i even used it on my prize winning science fair project to perform advanced calculations! |
 | esolve4.zip | 3k | 04-06-11 |  | Esolve 4 This is Esolve taken to new hights, leaving Esolve 2 and 3 in the dust. With almost 30 formulas and loads of new features that are NOT INCLUDED WITH YOUR AVARAGE ALGEBRA PROGRAM!. Everything from square root solvers to speed, perpindicular lines to the pythagorean therom. This is truely the ultimate math program, but I plan to add the quadratic formula and 50 formulas to Esolve 5. ps if you catch any bugs, or have any suggestions for esolve 5, email me at agranger@visi.com! |
 | euclid.zip | 2k | 03-10-06 |  | Euclid in french (sorry, but thie program is only neccesary in french for the scool):Ce programme vous faite en SBS le célébre algorythme d' Euclide, mais en plus des autres progs similaires, celui ci vous calcule aussi ,en SBS, les restes succesifs en conbinaison linéaires de a et de b. |
 | euler.zip | 2k | 03-03-24 |  | Euler mejorado con Tolerancia Método de Euler mejorado y con tolernacia para resolver ecuaciones diferenciales |
 | exzeros.zip | 38k | 06-11-18 |  | Exhaustive Zeros Finder Unlike normal Zeros function, it finds all the zeros of a given equation. |
 | factrial.zip | 1k | 11-06-02 |  | Factorial Obtain the factorial of a given number when it (the factorial) exceeds 10^999. Works for all numbers less than ~9.65 billion. |
 | fct92p2006.7sp2ticaide.zip | 303k | 03-06-21 |  | Fct Voyager Fctv200 is a big program designed for algebric problems sorry, it's french for the moment, but if fct get a good popularity, i will translate it.. please mail your comments, and don't forget our site : www.msc.fr.st Fctv200 est un programme destiné à l'etude des fonctions en tous genres, dispose d'assistant, d'un tableau de variations tres rapide, ainsi qu'une étude graphique complete souvent mis à jour, venez visiter www.msc.fr.st pour plus d'informations |
 | fft64.zip | 151k | 06-12-24 |  | Fast Fourier Transform 64 V3 Performs 64 points FFT on edited (built-in editor) or CBL collected data. Choose Fe, window and plot mode, etc... |
 | fftv200.zip | 154k | 06-12-19 |  | Fast Fourier Transform 128 V3 Performs 128 points FFT on edited (built-in editor) or CBL collected data. Choose Fe, window and plot mode, etc... |
 | fibonaciexp.zip | 1k | 11-06-02 |  | Fibonacci Sequence Find the nth term in the Fibonacci Sequence without simply recursively calling itself upon smaller numbers. This allows it to work on negative term numbers, too. |
 | finanzasv200.zip | 421k | 09-12-05 |  | Finanzas (cálculo intereses bancarios, TAE e i) [ESP]Finanzas calcula: interés simple vencido, interés simple anticipado, interés compuesto al tipo constante, interés compuesto al tipo variable, conversión TAE -> tasa interés, conversión tasa interés i -> TAE / [ENG] Finance estimates: payable simple interest, advance simple interest, compound interest at the constant rate, compound interest at a variable rate, conversion APR -> i, conversion i -> APR |
 | fosa.zip | 147k | 11-05-13 |  | FoSa 3.8.2 Formula management software with categories and search functions. It's possible to manage self made functions and easily exchange them. Programm zur Formelverwaltung auf dem Taschenrechner. Dieses Programm für den TI 89 und den TI Voyage 200 ermöglicht einen flexiblen Umgang mit Formeln, Funktionen und Voreinstellungen. Direkt aus Home kann übersichtlich nach kommentierten Formeleinträgen gesucht werden. Das gewählte Thema ist dann im Menü verfügbar. Fast alle Formeln, die man im Mikrotechnik-Studium bis zum 3. Semester benötigt, sind enthalten. Installation: Damit das Programm Platz hat, muss eventuell eine der grossen Anwendungen auf dem Rechner gelöscht werden, zum Beispiel CabriGeometrie. Alles im Ordner f muss in einen neuen Ordner auf den Rechner der ebenfalls f heisst kopiert werden, die "kbdprgm" müssen in den Ordner main. |
 | fourier.zip | 16k | 10-02-05 |  | fourier() A fourier() function that works as easily as taylor() to create a fourier series. |
 | frac.zip | 1k | 11-06-02 |  | Exact Fraction Obtain an exact fraction that approximates to a given decimal, but only when the fraction is "realistic" (i.e. both its numerator and denominator has less than five digits in them each). The function returns the boolean "false" otherwise. |
 | funktionslser.zip | 1k | 03-12-30 |  | funktionslser Ein kleines Programm, um die 1. bis 3. Ableitung zu bestimmen, Extrem- sowie Wendepunkte einer Funktion und deren Nullstellen zu bestimmen. Dazu kommen noch einige Textinfos über Ableitung, Stetigkeit usw. English Version will come soon!!! |
 | gaussseidel.zip | 1k | 05-01-15 |  | Gauss Seidel It programs for the solution of systems of lineal equations using iteratives methods (Gauss Seidel). |
 | gcd2.zip | 1k | 11-06-02 |  | GCD of Several Numbers Obtain the GCD of several numbers all at once, instead of obtaining the GCD of a measly two numbers. |
 | gena.zip | 1k | 11-06-02 |  | Gergonne-Nagel Obtain the distance between the Gergonne Point and the Nagel Point in a triangle. |
 | geommeanv200.zip | 1k | 03-05-12 |  | Geometric Mean Finder Installs functions for finding geometric means. |
 | get2dcor.zip | 3k | 06-06-04 |  | 3D Coordinates Converter This BASIC function converts 3D coordinates to 2D coordinates to be displayed on the screen, depending on the view angles. It doesn't render perspective. It is a kind of slow 3D engine, but you can see its formulas. |
 | gh.zip | 1k | 11-06-02 |  | Centroid-Orthocenter Obtain the distance between the Centroid and the Orthocenter in a triangle. |
 | ginv.zip | 107k | 11-02-18 |  | ginv The program computes the generalized inverse of a mxn real matrix |
 | gi.zip | 1k | 11-06-02 |  | Centroid-Incenter Obtain the distance between the Centroid and the Incenter in a triangle. |
 | gk.zip | 1k | 11-06-04 |  | Centroid-Symmedian Obtain the distance between the Centroid and the Symmedian Point in a triangle. |
 | gl.zip | 1k | 11-06-04 |  | Centroid-Longchamps Obtain the distance between the Centroid and the de Longchamps Point in a triangle. |
 | gna.zip | 1k | 11-06-04 |  | Centroid-Nagel Obtain the distance between the Centroid and the Nagel Point in a triangle. |
 | gn.zip | 1k | 11-06-04 |  | Centroid-Nine Point Center Obtain the distance between the Centroid and the Nine-Point Center in a triangle. |
 | go.zip | 1k | 11-06-04 |  | Centroid-Circumcenter Obtain the distance between the Centroid and the Circumcenter in a triangle. |
 | gsp.zip | 1k | 11-06-04 |  | Centroid-Spieker Obtain the distance between the Centroid and the Spieker Point in a triangle. |
 | gs.zip | 14k | 04-04-27 |  | Gram-Schmidt Proceso de ortonormalización de Gram-Schmidt. Es una función para la Voyage200, recibe como argumento una matriz y aplica el proceso de Gram-Schmidt a sus columnas, el resultado es una matriz cuyas columnas son vectores ortonormales. |
 | height_area.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Height to Area Obtain the area of a triangle given the lengths of its three altitudes. |
 | hfib.zip | 22k | 04-09-27 |  | Big Fibonacci Calculator v1.7 Calculates, in just a couple seconds, very large Fibonacci Numbers that would normally exceed the calculator's abilities. These functions are now extended to include the Lucas Numbers or any other Generalized Fibonacci sequence. The companion functions provide further information useful for the study of the digits of any Generalized Fibonacci sequence. Examples: The one-trillionth Fibonacci Number has 208987640250 digits and begins 425842268899. The last eight digits of the one-billionth Lucas Number are 61328127. Included are versions and source code for TI-92/92+/V200, and also the TI-89 Titanium. |
 | hge.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Orthocenter-Gergonne Obtain the distance between the Orthocenter and the Gergonne Point in a triangle. |
 | histogramv200.zip | 39k | 06-11-18 |  | Histograms Creates a histogram by a list and plots it like a xyline plot: this allows a very faster exploration of big histograms. |
 | hk.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Orthocenter-Symmedian Obtain the distance between the Orthocenter and the Symmedian Point in a triangle. |
 | hm.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Orthocenter-Mittenpunkt Obtain the distance between the Orthocenter and the Mittenpunkt in a triangle. |
 | hna.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Orthocenter-Nagel Obtain the distance between the Orthocenter and the Nagel Point in a triangle. |
 | hsp.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Orthocenter-Spieker Obtain the distance between the Orthocenter and the Spieker Point in a triangle. |
 | ige.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Incenter-Gergonne Obtain the distance between the Incenter and the Gergonne Point in a triangle. |
 | ik.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Incenter-Symmedian Obtain the distance between the Incenter and the Symmedian Point in a triangle. |
 | il.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Incenter-Longchamps Obtain the distance between the Incenter and the de Longchamps Point in a triangle. |
 | im.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Incenter-Mittenpunkt Obtain the distance between the Incenter and the Mittenpunkt in a triangle. |
 | ina.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Incenter-Nagel Obtain the distance between the Incenter and the Nagel Point in a triangle. |
 | info.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Triangle Center Symbols Lists various symbols used to depict various important points in a triangle (i.e. incenter, orthocenter, etc.). |
 | intcalc.zip | 1k | 03-12-30 |  | intcalc Graphische Integralrechnung. Bestimme den Berich zwischen zwei Punkten unter einer Funktion und die Stammfunktion. Mit Shade-Funktion und Zoom-Menü. |
 | inter4pt.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Intersection of Four Points Given four points, this function joins the first two and the last two and returns the intersection of those two lines. |
 | interestnly.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Interest Formulas A string containing two interest formulas: one for compounding n-ly and one for compounding continuously. |
 | interpolacin.zip | 1k | 15-05-06 |  | Interpolación Los programas realizan interpolación en 2 y en 3 dimensiones, las instrucciones aparecen al correr el programa. |
 | interpolv200.zip | 80k | 06-11-20 |  | Single & Double Interpolator The most powerful program for single and double interpolations. |
 | interpol.zip | 44k | 09-07-01 |  | Interpol [ESP] Interpolación lineal entre 2 variables (solución exacta y aproximada) [ENG] Linear interpolation between 2 variables (exact and approximate solution) |
 | intnum.zip | 69k | 10-04-10 |  | IntNum 1.0. (Integ. num.: Trapecio, Regla de Simpson) [ESP] Cálcula integración numérica por el método del Trapecio y la regla de Simpson).[ING] Calculates the numerical integration method Trapeze and Simpson's rule). |
 | intpart.zip | 1k | 03-04-14 |  | Integración por partes Muestra los pasos de la integración por partes y contiene ayuda para la selección de u y dv en la fórmula |
 | intpt.zip | 45k | 07-12-19 |  | Interior Point Algorithm This program approximates the solution of a linear programming problem using the Interior Point Algorithm. |
 | inv_laplace.zip | 90k | 06-12-26 |  | Inverse Laplace Transformation v 1.04 Returns the inverse Laplace transformation of a f(s) function. Bugs fixed. |
 | in.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Incenter-Nine Point Obtain the distance between the Incenter and the Nine-Point in a triangle. |
 | io.zip | 1k | 11-06-06 |  | Incenter-Circumcenter Obtains the distance between the Incenter and the Circumcenter in a triangle. |
 | ipi.zip | 1k | 08-12-05 |  | iPi This little programm will show you the first 10, 100 or 200 decimal places of Pi. I'm sorry, but it's only in german. |
 | iscnstru.zip | 1k | 11-06-06 |  | Is Constructable Returns a boolean (true / false) indicating whether or a not a regular polygon with given sides is constructable with a compass and straightedge. |
 | isp.zip | 1k | 11-06-06 |  | Incenter-Spieker Obtains the distance between the Incenter and the Spieker Point in a triangle. |
 | iterv200.zip | 65k | 06-11-20 |  | Iterative Solver The program solves implicit equations with a transparent iterative method, showing all steps. It's ideal for exams! |
 | jacobi.zip | 1k | 05-01-15 |  | Jacobi It programs for the solution of systems of lineal equations using iteratives methods (Jacobi). |
 | ko.zip | 1k | 11-06-06 |  | Symmedian-Circumcenter Obtains the distance between the Symmedian Point and the Circumcenter in a triangle. |
 | lagrange3.zip | 199k | 10-04-10 |  | Lagrange 1.1. (Polinomio interpolador de Lagrange) [ESP] Calcula el polinomio de interpolación por Lagrange aproximando funciones. [ING] Calculate the Lagrange interpolation polynomial approximating functions. |
 | lagrangeinterpolation.zip | 38k | 06-12-26 |  | Lagrange Interpolation A useful function that returns the Lagrange interpolating polynomial for given points. |
 | laplacev200.zip | 84k | 06-12-26 |  | Laplace It's a compact and powerful function that calculates Laplace transformations also with literal parameters |
 | lcm2.zip | 1k | 11-06-06 |  | Enhanced LCM Obtains the LCM of multiple numbers at once, as opposed to the built-in LCM function, which only evaluates for a measly two numbers. |
 | lge.zip | 1k | 11-06-06 |  | Longchamps-Gergonne Obtains the distance between the de Longchamps Point and the Gergonne Point in a triangle. |
 | lgib20.zip | 15k | 04-11-20 |  | General Fibonacci Final Digits 2.5 Function developed for the high-speed calculation of the final digits of any Generalized Fibonacci Number G(a,b,n). Configurable to calculate any number of final digits up to two hundred or more. Configuration is now nearly twice as fast. Returns twenty digits in less than 8sec on the V200 - 17sec absolute worst case. Available for the TI-89/ 92Plus/ V200. Added a version for the TI-92. Example: Last eighty digits of the trillionth Lucas Number are returned in 12.8sec and are ... 8107402237 8151629520 2428526180 8761835664 0376812699 1914147577 6463747024 5361328127 |
 | lh.zip | 1k | 11-06-06 |  | Longchamps-Orthocenter Obtains the distance between the de Longchamps Point and the Orthocenter in a triangle. |
 | lineal.zip | 137k | 05-07-05 |  | Lineal 1.1 (Linealización de ecuaciones) Programa que efectúa la linealización de un sistema de ecuaciones. Sirve para problemas de regulación automática-control. Paso a paso y con manual |
 | linebis.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Angle Bisector Given two non-parallel lines on the Cartesian plane, this program finds the two lines that bisect the angle created by the two original lines. |
 | linedist.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Distances Between Non-Zero Dimensional Loci Finds the distance between either a point and a line, a point and a plane, a line and a line, a plane and a plane, or a point and a parabola (in 2D). |
 | linptslp.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Point-Slope to Slope-Intercept Given a point and the slope of the line, this program find the line through that given point with that given slope and puts the line in slope-intercept, or y-intercept, form. |
 | logbase.zip | 2k | 01-12-16 |  | Logbase(base,arg) Function Archive this function and don't ever make a change of base again! |
 | logb.zip | 3k | 07-09-05 |  | Logarithm to the base n [ENGLISH]This function is very simple to use, just type logb(number,base) in HOME to get the logarithm of "number" to the base "base".[SPANISH]Esta función es muy fácil de usar, solo digite logb(número,base) en el HOMEpara obtener el logaritmo de "número" en base "base". |
 | logicv200.zip | 127k | 06-12-30 |  | Logic Toolbox Logic Toolbox is a group of functions and programs created to support Boolean logic operations like interactive True-Tables and Karnaugh's maps. |
 | lo.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Longchamps-Circumcenter Obtains the distance between the de Longchamps Point and the Circumcenter in a triangle. |
 | main.esolve2.zip | 1k | 04-02-19 |  | Esolve This program calculates a lines equasion from only 2 points AND IT SHOWS ITS WORK a MUST HAVE for any algebra |
 | main.rangsum.zip | 12k | 04-06-11 |  | Rangsumme (u-Test This programs makes a statistical calculation known as u-Test or Ranksum You enter rangsum(list1,list2) and get as much information as I think is useable (u-value, sorted listd, sigma, z and the evaluated ties for sigma-correction) sorry - it is not the fastest... |
 | main.triang.zip | 148k | 03-10-30 |  | Triang Completa triángulos(rectos u oblicuos), con sus ángulos en grados o en radianes. Complete any triangle |
 | mat7.bisecc.zip | 1k | 04-08-24 |  | Metodo de Biseccion Metodo numerico con el cual para aproximar solucion de ecuaciones que no pueden resorverse por metodos directos. |
 | mat7.mmuller.zip | 1k | 05-01-15 |  | Method of Muller method for the solution of equations of a variable, also finds complex roots. |
 | mat7.mnewton.zip | 1k | 04-08-24 |  | Metodo de Newton Metodo numerico para la aproximacion de solucion de ecuaciones utilizando rectas tangentes. |
 | mat7.msecante.zip | 1k | 04-08-24 |  | Metodo de la Secante Metodo numerico para la aproximacion de solucion de ecuaciones utilizando sin tener que evaluar derivadas, como en el metodo de newton. |
 | mat7.pollagra.zip | 1k | 05-01-15 |  | Polynomial of Lagrange It programs that it approaches a polynomial which is good to interpolate some value. |
 | mat7.posfalsa.zip | 1k | 05-01-15 |  | False position Method for the solution of equations of a variable, is of the union of the method of the blotter and that of bisection. |
 | mat7.ptofijo.zip | 1k | 04-08-24 |  | Metodo del Punto Fijo Metodo de aproximacion de soluciones de ecuaciones. Es un metodo muy efectivo aunque para utilizarlo la funcion f(x) debe tener un punto tal que g(P)=P. |
 | mat7.steffens.zip | 1k | 05-01-15 |  | Method of Steffensen Method for the solution of equations of a variable, needs of a function g(x) that clears up of f(x) that has a point such p that g(p)=p. |
 | mathutils.zip | 455k | 15-02-22 |  | MathUtils 0.6 Suite with functions for applied math, electronics and HAM radio - now including some digital signal processing functions |
 | matresc.zip | 125k | 11-11-08 |  | MATRESC v1.0 Resolución paso a paso de un sistema de Ecuaciones de 3x3 (Homogénea). Por el método de Matriz Escalonada Reducida (Reduced Row Echelon Form) ó Método de Gauss-Jordan por operaciones entre Fila. © 2011 - Elmer L. Tzirín J. PD: Es necesario la Librería "Imprimir" (que se incluye). También es necesario el Flash APP "EQW" (no se incluye) |
 | maxplus.zip | 3k | 05-03-02 |  | Max-Plus Algebra Toolbox Several small programs and functions dealing with the Max-Plus algebra. German help only. |
 | median_area.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Median Lengths to Area Given the lengths of the three medians of a triangle, obtains the area of said triangle. |
 | mfun.zip | 242k | 07-12-27 |  | MFun This is a rewriting of MULTIFUNV200 by Paolo Silingardi. A simple basic program to help people who needs something fast to build compound function without boring himself with "when(" instruction very difficult to use on the command line bar especially with bigger functions. It stores the function you wrote in the first empty field on Y= editor. |
 | mk.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Mittenpunkt-Symmedian Obtains the distance between the Mittenpunkt and the Symmedian Point in a triangle. |
 | modfib.zip | 4k | 05-09-13 |  | Modular Generalized Fibonacci Functions v1.0 Collection of functions that will very quickly calculate the values of the Fibonacci, Lucas, Generalized Fibonacci, and Perrin Sequences to any modulus. Speed improved by using modular exponentiation with the Q-Matrix method, performing 32-digit calculations in about 15sec and 64-digit calculations in one minute. |
 | moneyval.zip | 4k | 06-01-28 |  | Financial Equations Solver V2.1 The program solves the classical Time/Value/Money equations. It presents data in a spreadsheet like format using the Dialog and Request functions of the TI-92 Plus/TI-89/TI Voyage 200 family of calculators. |
 | msimplex.zip | 43k | 07-12-17 |  | msimplex Program written in Basic, uses modified simplex method to solve linear programming problems. It accepts the Big M method. |
 | msp.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Mittenpunkt-Spieker Obtains the distance between the Mittenpunkt and the Spieker Point in a triangle. |
 | multifunv200.zip | 59k | 03-12-01 |  | Multiple Functions Editor Allows easier analysis of large functions through examining discrete intervals. |
 | nag.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Nagel-Centroid Obtains the distance between the Nagel Point and the Centroid in a triangle. |
 | nai.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Nagel-Incenter Obtains the distance between the Nagel Point and the Incenter in a triangle. |
 | nan.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Nagel-Nine Obtains the distance between the Nagel Point and the Nine Point Center in a triangle. |
 | nao.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Nagel-Circumcenter Obtains the distance between the Nagel Point and the Circumcenter in a triangle. |
 | nasp.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Nagel-Spieker Obtains the distance between the Nagel Point and the Spieker Point in a triangle. |
 | neville.zip | 1k | 05-01-15 |  | Method of Neville Iterative method for the interpolation of a number in a series of data. |
 | ng.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Nine-Centroid Obtains the distance between the Nine Point Center and the Centroid in a triangle. |
 | nh.zip | 1k | 11-06-08 |  | Nine-Orthocenter Obtains the distance between the Nine Point Center and the Orthocenter in a triangle. |
 | normalv2.zip | 51k | 06-10-28 |  | Normal v1.01 Normal v1.01 is a TI-83,84 style command-line distribution function package. Running normcdf(-infinity,36,35,2) returns 0.691462461274, full 12 decimal accuracy. The built-in TI cumulative normal is only accurate to 8 decimals.This is a 5.6k option for those who want normal and inverse normal distribution functions without having to load the whole 317k Stat LE Flash App. |
 | normal.zip | 1k | 04-07-24 |  | Tablas Z de la distribución normal estándar Este programa te ayuda a encontrar el valor Z(area) de una manera sencilla, ya no tienes que cargar esas molestas hojas para encontrar el valor adecuado, además de ofrecerte mayor precisión en los cálculos. |
 | nsp.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Nine-Spieker Obtains the distance between the Nine Point Center and the Spieker Point in a triangle. |
 | nullsp.zip | 39k | 07-12-18 |  | Null Space The program finds a base for the null space of a real valued mxn matrix. |
 | numericalmethods.zip | 658k | 08-08-24 |  | Numerical Methods This program is a compound of methods taken from my numerical methods class wich was based on the book Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires,methods included are bisection, fixpoint,jacobi,gaussseidel,lagrange,cubicsplines,derivation,integration and no linear equations systems. |
 | numregin.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Number of Regions, Etc. Given a regular n-gon, calculates one of the following from: 1) Number of regions that the diagonals cut the n-gon into, Number of regions which the diagonals of the n-gon divide its center if on three are concurrent, Number of ways the n-gon can be divided into triangles, Number of intersection points formued inside a regular n-gon by its diagonals |
 | oh.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Circumcenter-Orthocenter Obtains the distance between the Circumcenter and the Orthocenter in a triangle. |
 | onethird.zip | 1k | 03-03-31 |  | One Third If you have a number "X", and you need to find 1/3(One Third) of it and add them together. Example: X+(1/3x)=Z X=18 Z=24 It will Preform the calculations in less than a second(Provided that you have batteried in your calculator, and it is turned on) How to use: 1) Send onethird.v2p to your Voyage 200 2) Enter onethird(x,y,z) 3) Enter the value for X 4) It will display the correct value for Z |
 | on.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Circumcenter-Nine Obtains the distance between the Circumcenter and the Nine Point Center in a triangle. |
 | optimalx.zip | 38k | 04-03-27 |  | Optimalx Optimalx is a hybrid numerical iterative method to find the min/max (optimum) of a single variable function. Optimalx will first, consider a weighted gradient method, and then a Gradient cross swords method. In case of a looping iterative sequence, Optimalx will revert to a Bisection method. |
 | optimalz.zip | 2k | 04-03-29 |  | OptimalZ Optimalz is a numerical iterative method to find the min/max (optimum) of a single variable function. Optimalz uses the secant method to extrapolate to the zero first derivative. Optimalz extrapolate the derivatives of the best point and the second best point. |
 | palsol.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Palindrome Solver This program takes and inputted number and finds its "Palindrome". A "Palindrome" is a something that can be read in the same way backwards as it can forwards. |
 | para3ptx.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Parabola Through Three Points Given three points, this program finds the equation of the parabola (whose axis of symmetry is parallel to the X-axis) on the Cartesian plane. |
 | para3pty.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Parabola Parallel to Y Axis Given three points, this program will find the equation of the parabola that passes through these three points and is parallel to the y-axis. |
 | pascal_row.zip | 2k | 11-06-23 |  | Pascal's Triangle Row This program returns the given row of Pascal's triangle as a list. This program sacrifices speed for a small size, so beware. Tip: it can also be used to find the coefficients of a binomial expansion. |
 | perinseq.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Perrin Sequence Obtains the nth term in the Perrin Sequence. |
 | phsolve.zip | 64k | 04-09-11 |  | Physic Solver Pro v 1.02 The smallest and most powerful physic solver to pass your exams without difficulty: 140 equations in a fast and easy to use 7 KB program that also supports both normal and numeric solving. |
 | physicsolver.zip | 89k | 06-11-18 |  | Physics Pack Includes 138 equations subdivided in 24 groups (Velocity, Acceleration, Forces, Vectors, Motion 2D, Universal Gravity, Momentum, Power & Work, Kinetic Energy, Thermal Energy, States of Matter, Waves, Reflection, Mirror & Lenses, Light Diffraction, Electric Fields, Electric Currents, Circuits, Magnetic Fields, Induction, E. M. Fields, Quantum Theory, The Atom and a Miscellaneous) that can be used with Equation Solver and Manager (eqman.zip, available in my page), all that in 6 KB! |
 | pie.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Pi and e (i.e. the constants) Multiplies and divides a given decimal by pi^n and e^n in order to obtain an exact value that approximates to the given decimal. If it is impossible to represent the decimal in terms of pi and e, the program returns the boolean "false". |
 | pinewt.zip | 3k | 06-07-07 |  | PINEWT - Computes pi to housands of places Using "infinite" precision arithmetic you can compute (slowly) PI to thousands of places by evaluating Newton's power series |
 | piston2.zip | 16k | 09-11-25 |  | Technical animations Four Geometer's Sketchpad technical animations: A planer, a centrifugal regulator and two radial engines. |
 | piston.zip | 97k | 09-10-05 |  | Animated piston engines With these geometry animations you can to understand the movement of several piston engines. With this simple method you can make other engine animations. The Cabri Geometry version of these animations are aviable in the Ti92/basic/math/piston.zip file. |
 | plnethru.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Plane Through Given three points in 3D space, this program returns the equation of the plane that passes through all three points. After all, any three noncollinear points determine a unique plane! |
 | pntareav200.zip | 37k | 06-10-28 |  | Point's Area This program calculates the area of a convex polygon given the matrix of vertexes. |
 | pntlinesv200.zip | 86k | 03-11-24 |  | Points & Lines Geometry Assistant The program analyses a lot of analytic geometry problems with points and lines: line notation conversion, line across two points, lines intersection, line bisector, orthogonal lines, point on line projection, line-symmetric point, point-line distance, segment medium point and more over. The result is displayed in function or parametric graph mode and it can be saved for a future utilization. All data can be entered either in function or parametric notation. |
 | polint.zip | 3k | 05-05-01 |  | Polynomial Interpolation Polynomial interpolation (function) |
 | polydiag.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Polygonal Diagonals Obtains the length of every diagonal in a regular n-gon with a given length. Results returned as a list. |
 | polygons.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Regular Polygons Calculates various properties of regular polygons based on other givens that the user provides. |
 | polygon.zip | 12k | 04-07-15 |  | Regular Polygons Calculates the area of a regular polygon given side length and number of sides. |
 | polynv18.zip | 1k | 03-11-14 |  | Polynomial calculator with all the demonstration Polynomial calculator with all the demonstration , step to step. |
 | polynv20.zip | 1k | 05-03-13 |  | e Polynomial calculator with all the demonstration Polynomial calculator with all the demonstration , step to step. v20:Now with complex solutions. |
 | potencia.zip | 19k | 03-07-19 |  | Sistemas eléctricos de potencia Este programa te ayudara a resolver fácilmente resistencias (efecto piel y por temperatura) y líneas de transmisión ya sean simple, duplex triplex y cuádruplex adeamas examina líneas cortas medianas (modelo pi y te) y largas, par cualquier aclaración victor_hugo@mail.com |
 | preprime.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Previous Prime Finds the largest prime number that is less than the given number. |
 | primfind.zip | 1k | 03-10-05 |  | primfind A programm which allowsw you to find all Prime numbers up to 157. It's in German. Try it! |
 | primt.zip | 4k | 05-09-25 |  | Lucas and Perrin Prime Tests v1.0 Two probablistic prime tests involving the Lucas and Perrin Sequences. They are implemented by using modular exponentiation with the Q-Matrix method for time-efficient results. Functions return 'true' or 'false' for a given integer argument. Can test 64-digit integers in just under a minute. |
 | qfmosb3200.zip | 4k | 03-03-13 |  | Quadform Math OS 3 Beta Quadform Math OS 3 Beta for the Voyage 200. (For those who ask why I am updating, I accidently put on the copy for the TI-89) |
 | qfmosb389.zip | 4k | 03-03-10 |  | Quadform Math OS 3 Beta Quadform Math OS from the TI-92 Plus for the Voyage 200. This should not have any bugs. |
 | quadfm5v200.zip | 81k | 03-07-04 |  | QuadForm Math OS 5 The much anticipated QuadForm Math OS 5 featuring the qfX Extension System. |
 | quadform3frv200.zip | 4k | 03-03-17 |  | Quadform Math OS 3 French An update to version 3 Beta. This has several bug fixes. Oh, yeah, it's in French this time. |
 | quadform3v200.zip | 4k | 03-03-17 |  | Quadform Math OS 3 An update to version 3 Beta. This has several bug fixes. |
 | quadform4hw1v200.zip | 38k | 03-04-17 |  | QuadForm Math OS 4 HW1 QuadForm Math OS 4, HW1 version. And, yes, there is a difference between the HW1 and HW2 versions. This can install KerNO via BASIC and also uses MurBeck's System Utilities. |
 | quadform4hw2v200.zip | 39k | 03-04-17 |  | QuadForm Math OS 4 HW2 QuadForm Math OS 4, HW1 version. And, yes, there is a difference between the HW1 and HW2 versions. This can install KerNO via BASIC and also uses MurBeck's System Utilities. |
 | quadformfrv200.zip | 4k | 03-03-13 |  | Quadform Math OS 3 Beta (French) The French version of the Quadform Math OS 3 Beta for the Voyage 200. |
 | quadformkernelv200.zip | 4k | 03-03-20 |  | QuadForm Math OS 3 Kernel QuadForm Math OS 3 Kernel. It is much more compact (9.5 kb vs. 11.1/14.1 kb) and faster than the regular QuadForm Math OS 3. Get yourself a copy today! |
 | quadformmasterpack.zip | 38k | 03-03-17 |  | Quadform Math OS Master Pack This file contains all editions of Quadform Math OS. Great for people who are nostalagic. |
 | quadformmathosv200.zip | 2k | 03-03-19 |  | Quadform Math OS (First Ed.) Ported to the V200. For those who don't need all the newest stuff, and the new bulk. |
 | quadrila.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Quadrilaterals Obtain several useful formulas involving various types of quadrilaterals. |
 | quat.zip | 4k | 02-11-23 |  | Quaternion utilities 13 basic functions for algebraic and numeric manipulation of quaternions |
 | radcircm.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Circumradius Obtain the circumradius of a triangle with given side lengths. |
 | radin.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Inradius Obtains the inradius of a triangle with given side lengths. |
 | readme.zip | 2k | 05-04-01 |  | FIR filters These files may calculate digital filters FIR and you can change the size and the kind of the window, frequencies, number of sample. You must have your TI in Radian mode BPSS bpss(inferior cut frequency, superior cut frequency, sample, window size, kind of window) kind of window: 1 = Barlett 0 < n < M/2 2 = Barlett M/2 < n < M 3 = Rectangular Window 4 = Hanning Window 5 = Hamming Window HPSS hpss(cut frequency, sample, window size, kind of window) kind of window: 1 = Barlett 0 < n < M/2 2 = Barlett M/2 < n < M 3 = Rectangular Window 4 = Hanning Window 5 = Hamming Window LPSS lpss(cut frequency, sample, window size, kind of window) kind of window: 1 = Barlett 0 < n < M/2 2 = Barlett M/2 < n < M 3 = Rectangular Window 4 = Hanning Window 5 = Hamming Window |
 | reflectn.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Reflections and Rotations Reflects & rotates points over points, points over lines, lines over lines, and lines over points. |
 | reg_poly.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Regular Polygon Formulas Obtain several useful formulas relating to regular polygons, such as its area, apothem, circumradius, etc. |
 | regresv200.zip | 55k | 03-12-01 |  | Regression Synthetizer v 2.00 This program finds the best regression or a requested one given two lists of values and saves it. The new version traces the plot and the regressed function and shows the maximum error of regression. |
 | rem.zip | 1k | 04-06-11 |  | Remainder This program takes a division problem and solves is as a fraction, remainder and decimal. |
 | rnsp.zip | 77k | 11-02-18 |  | rnsp The program computes basis for range and null space of a mxn matrix |
 | root_locus.zip | 52k | 04-03-08 |  | Root Locus - Luogo delle radici A program to calculate the Root Locus of a transfer function. Great for automatic control of processes. |
 | routhv200.zip | 6k | 03-11-29 |  | Routh The function analyzes the stability of a transfer function calculating poles signs. The function returns the Routh table of a polynomial expression also with parameters. It's ideal for exams. |
 | routh.zip | 6k | 04-03-28 |  | Routh v. 2.00 The function analyzes the stability of a transfer function calculating poles signs and returns the Routh table of polynomial expression, also with parameters. It's ideal for exams. Now with a new algorithm for better intelligible results. |
 | rpn4.zip | 17k | 10-05-20 |  | A 4 Level RPN emulator based on the HP-35 calculator. With this program you can understand and practice the RPN's logic with a comestible run speed. The 4 Level RPN is an early RPN version. A four level stack is sufficient even for very complex expressions. It was used first on the HP-35 calculator in 1972. The HP-35 was the first pocket calculator with transcendental functions and the first with RPN. The program is based on this machine. My goal was: To write a correct stack emulator of a more simple but faster scientific calculator. The emulator's functions are shown on the screen shots. What you see is what you get. IO screen programming: The controlled write command is the >Output< but it's very slow. The >Disp< is faster, but it isn't controllable. You can control the >Disp< with an empty >Output row,col,""< command. Update: See update.txt |
 | rsums.zip | 32k | 07-12-18 |  | Riemann Sums The program computes the Left Sum, Right Sum, Midpoint Sum, Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson Rule for a given function on a specified interval and a given number of points. |
 | seriesunk.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Series Solver A valuable program that can solve many different aspects of both geometric and arithmetic series. Makes use of actual formulas, not simple for & while loops, so unknown variables are supported. Makes use of local functions so as to speed up program execution, as well. |
 | shoelacealgorithm.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Shoelace Algorithm Executes the Shoelace Algorithm, a relatively simple formula to calculate the exact area of any polygon given its correctly sorted (i.e. ordered) vertices & coordinates. |
 | similar.zip | 1k | 04-06-11 |  | Similar Shapes This program can take 2 sides of 1 shape, and 1 side of a similar shape and finde the missing side of the 2nd shape |
 | simplify.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Simplify Given a decimal, this program will try to obtain an exact representation of that decimal in terms of radicals, fractions, pi, and e, as long as each numerator and denominator is less than five digits long, so as to keep the exact representation "realistic", in a sense. If this cannot be done, the function returns the boolean "false". |
 | simplm.zip | 90k | 10-06-09 |  | simplm This is a correction to a program that uses simplex to solve linear programming problem |
 | simprule.zip | 5k | 02-11-12 |  | EJsoft SimpRule This program uses Sipson's rule to solve the integration and gives answer to these questions: what is Simpson's n:th approximation of integration (you can choose n)? what is the real result and what is the error? |
 | sisecuac.zip | 955k | 09-07-16 |  | SisEcuac 2.1. (Sistemas ecuaciones lineales paso a paso) [ESP] Resuelve sistemas de ecuaciones lineales paso a paso mediante el método de Gauss y la regla de Cramer. Admite parámetros no numéricos y discute las soluciones. Esta nueva versión necesita la librería Flib y la APP EQW (no incluidos).[ING] Solve linear equations systems step by step using the Gauss method and the Cramer's rule. Accepts parameters (no numerical) and discusses solutions. This new version requires the library Flib and APP EQW (not included) |
 | sort.zip | 21k | 03-11-29 |  | Sort The classic sort commands are now able to return a value and can be used also in a function, not only in a program like TIs default versions. |
 | sqrt.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Exact Radical Given a decimal, this program will try to find an exact representation of this decimal as long as both the number in the radical and potentially the denominator of the fraction (if there is one) are less than five digits in length. If this requirement cannot be met, the program returns the boolean "false". |
 | statistic.zip | 5k | 07-03-30 |  | Distribution Functions Functions to calculate different distributions with the same syntax as mathcad. |
 | statlitegi.zip | 92k | 07-05-16 |  | StatLite 1.02.1 Graphical Interface This is an upgrade to StatLite 1.02 it differs from the original because it uses a graphical interface to input and output the data; StatLitE v1.02 is a TI-83,84 style command-line distribution function package. Running normcdf(-infinity,36,35,2) returns 0.691462461274, full 12 decimal accuracy. The built-in TI cumulative normal is only accurate to 8 decimals. StatLitE is also a 12.3k alternative to the full 317k Stat LE Flash App. Included are pdfs and cdfs for the binomial, chi-squared, F-distribution, geometric, normal, Poisson and Students t distributions. The inverse normal cdf is also part of this package. Inverse chi-squared, F-distribution and Students t use the built-in solve function. Those three inverses run VERY SLOWLY! Supporting functions are the beta, incomplete beta, regularized beta, error function, complementary error function, double factorial, rising factorial, gamma, natural log gamma, lower incomplete gamma, upper incomplete gamma, and regularized gamma. |
 | statlite.zip | 94k | 06-10-27 |  | StatLitE v1.02 StatLitE v1.02 is a TI-83,84 style command-line distribution function package. Running normcdf(-infinity,36,35,2) returns 0.691462461274, full 12 decimal accuracy. The built-in TI cumulative normal is only accurate to 8 decimals. StatLitE is also a 12.3k alternative to the full 317k Stat LE Flash App. Included are pdfs and cdfs for the binomial, chi-squared, F-distribution, geometric, normal, Poisson and Students t distributions. The inverse normal cdf is also part of this package. Inverse chi-squared, F-distribution and Students t use the built-in solve function. Those three inverses run VERY SLOWLY! Supporting functions are the beta, incomplete beta, regularized beta, error function, complementary error function, double factorial, rising factorial, gamma, natural log gamma, lower incomplete gamma, upper incomplete gamma, and regularized gamma. |
 | stepmatv200.zip | 75k | 04-09-06 |  | Step Matrix v 1.02 The program returns the reduced row echelon form of a matrix (n,n+1) or the inverse of a square matrix (also with undefined variables) step-by-step choosing automatically, stores all steps (if you want) and checks the result for maximum certainly. |
 | sumfuncx.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Sum of Multiple f(x) Given a definition for f(x) and multiple values for x, this program finds every necessary value of f(x) and sums them together. A very good time saver for a problem like "What is the value of f(1.23)+f(1.24)+f(1.25)+f(1.26)+f(1.27)+f(1.28)+f(1.29)?" |
 | surfacesv200.zip | 55k | 03-11-24 |  | Surfaces Analysis Assistant The program analyses a parametric 3D surface and calculates Jacob matrix, characteristic, area, tangent plane, flux, surface integral and more over. All results can be saved and reloaded in a second time. |
 | svd.zip | 118k | 07-12-17 |  | Singular Value Decomposition This program computes the singular value decomposition and the generalized inverse of a mxn matrix. |
 | syndiv.zip | 1k | 02-11-12 |  | Syn.Div Synthetic Division |
 | tangents.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Tangential Line Procedure Obtain an easy-to-follow, foolproof method to construct and/or draw internal and external tangents between two circles on a plane. |
 | tetrahed.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Tetrahedron Can find the volume of a tetrahedron from its edge length OR its coordinates on the three-dimensional plane. The program can also obtain various properties of a regular tetrahedron given its side length. Using an undefined variable also works to obtain the formulas, themselves, used in determining these formulas. |
 | tirpn.zip | 11k | 04-06-11 |  | TIRPN for TI-92+/Voyage 200 Use the TIRPN93 program. This is a RPN interface written in Basic. Functions include trig, logarithms, number manipulation, and the gamma function. TIRPN93 also handles symbolic integral and derivatives. You will not have to worry about your calculator crashing because TIPRN93 is in Basic, but you'll enjoy the efficiency of RPN entry. |
 | titan68k.zip | 14k | 10-10-01 |  | Titan68k tools Titan68k tools can do an approx. calculation of: n!, x^n, ncr(n,k), a*b, a/b, a+/-b, (x)^(1/n), ln(x), log(x) for results (and in many cases on inputs) with a value that exceeds: +/- 9.99999999999999E+/-999. |
 | titanque.zip | 10k | 03-05-21 |  | Tanques Interconectados Resuelve un sistema de tanques interconectados mediante transformada de laplace, muestra el dibujo de los tanques con sus respectivas incognitas y permite escoger condiciones iniciales |
 | tmenge.zip | 8k | 08-01-02 |  | Set of divisors The program determines the set of divisors of a given natural number. Make sure that the calculator is in AUTO or EXACT mode. The program is in German, but certainly will be understood also by people who don't know German. Das Programm berechnet die Menge aller Teiler einer gegebenen natürlichen Zahl. Bitte vor Programmaufruf den AUTO- oder EXACT-Modus einstellen! |
 | tomixed.zip | 2k | 11-06-23 |  | To Mixed Number This function takes two arguments (a numerator and a denominator) and returns the string representation of the mixed form of that number [i.e. tomixed(4,3)="1+1/3"]. |
 | trapant.zip | 4k | 02-11-12 |  | EJsoft Trapant This program uses Trapazoid's rule to solve the integration and gives answer to these questions: what is Trapazoid's n:th approximation of integration (you can choose n)? what is the real result and what is the error? |
 | traparea.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Trapezoidal Area Obtains the area of any trapezoid given its side lengths. Notes: using this function, there is NO requirement that the trapezoid be cyclic or isosceles. |
 | trapzoid.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Trapezoid Solver Obtains the lengths of the legs of the right triangles made by drawing the heights of the trapezoid, the coordinates of the intersection of the diagonals, the area of the trapezoid, and the area of each of the four triangles made by drawing in the diagonals of the trapezoid. Also yields some interesting and useful formulas concerning trapezoids, and not just isosceles or cyclic ones. |
 | triangle.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Triangle Obtains various important and useful formulas concerning triangles, including angle bisectors, etc. |
 | tribonaci.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Tribonacci Sequence Obtain the nth Tribonacci number without simply recursively calling itself upon smaller and smaller numbers. This program is much faster and can generate exact values for up to about the 60th term. |
 | tricoord.zip | 2k | 11-06-15 |  | Triangle Coordinates Given the coordinates for the three vertices of a triangle, obtain the incenter, circumcenter, centroid, orthocenter, Gergonne Point, Nagel Point, the Fermat Point, and the equation for the three excircles. |
 | trigplus2.zip | 1k | 11-06-15 |  | Triangle Solver Given three of any elements in the triangle (choosing from the 3 angles and the 3 sides), calculate the rest of the sides & angle measures, the lengths of the altitudes, the lengths of the medians, the lengths of the angle bisectors, the lengths of the inradii and circumradii, the area, and the the perimeter. Works for SSA (two triangles) and even if there are no solutions, the program will continue to run so that it gives at least partial results for the benefit of the user. Note: It still indicates, though, if there truly are no real solutions. |
 | triman.zip | 52k | 04-03-17 |  | TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver (version 4.3.7) TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver (version 4.3.7) I was frustrated that I couldn't find a program that could solve ANY triangle problem--some require you to choose SSA, SAS, etc.; most do not solve using area; and so on--so I wrote my own program: TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver. TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver, does it all. Simply input ANY information you know about the triangle and the program will automatically give you a solution. If the values you enter do not make a triangle, you will be told. If you don't have enough data to be able to solve the triange, you will be told. If there are two solutions, you will be given both. All triangle solutions are given in two ways: approximate and exact. Additionally, the answers are stored as variables for easy usage in your later calculations. If you're looking for a one-stop solution to be able to solve any triangle problem, then look no further than TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver. *The program has been tested extensively and I have been using it personally for two years without problems, but if you do find a bug, please let me know by sending an email to davidfreeman2@netscape.net. I also welcome emails with suggestions for future improvements. |
 | triples.zip | 2k | 03-09-05 |  | Pythagorean Triples (T or F) Simply use 'triples(a,b,c)' where a, b, and c are numbers. It'll return "True" or "False". It's a very important function for higher math. |
 | unitcircle.zip | 11k | 05-07-28 |  | Graphical Unit Circle Displays a graphical unit circle with the degree and radian angle measure when a degree or radian measure angle is given |
 | zeta.zip | 3k | 09-11-01 |  | Zeta Function This is the zeta function, for all TI's except the TI-73. |