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Big Fibonacci Calculator v1.7


Ranked as 4000 on our all-time top downloads list with 7917 downloads.

Filename hfib.zip (Download)
Title Big Fibonacci Calculator v1.7
Description Calculates, in just a couple seconds, very large Fibonacci Numbers that would normally exceed the calculator's abilities. These functions are now extended to include the Lucas Numbers or any other Generalized Fibonacci sequence. The companion functions provide further information useful for the study of the digits of any Generalized Fibonacci sequence. Examples: The one-trillionth Fibonacci Number has 208987640250 digits and begins 425842268899. The last eight digits of the one-billionth Lucas Number are 61328127. Included are versions and source code for TI-92/92+/V200, and also the TI-89 Titanium.
Author Jim Cullen (jtcullen515@bex.net)
Category Voyage 200 BASIC Math Programs
File Size 23,228 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 27 07:11:46 2004
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Hfib.92f   236
Hfib.9xf   357
Hfib.v2f   236
Hgib.92f   367
Hgib.9xf   368
Hgib.v2f   366
Hluc.92f   325
Hluc.9xf   336
Hluc.v2f   336
Lfib8.92f   733
Lfib8.9xf   824
Lfib8.v2f   822
Lgib8.92f   221
Lgib8.9xf   221
Lgib8.v2f   205
Lluc8.92f   188
Lluc8.9xf   188
Lluc8.v2f   180
Sfib.92f   476
Sfib.9xf   489
Sfib.v2f   484
Readv2_HFIB.txt   7316
Readv2_LFIB8.txt   7440
Readv2_SFIB.txt   5301
Read_ExtFunc.txt   7388
hfib.89f   252
hgib.89f   435
hluc.89f   257
lfib8.89f   777
lgib8.89f   201
lluc8.89f   182
sfib.89f   484
Read_Me.txt   3415

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