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SisEcuac 2.1. (Sistemas ecuaciones lineales paso a paso)


Ranked as 17718 on our all-time top downloads list with 3215 downloads.
Ranked as 3842 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename sisecuac.zip (Download)
Title SisEcuac 2.1. (Sistemas ecuaciones lineales paso a paso)
Description [ESP] Resuelve sistemas de ecuaciones lineales paso a paso mediante el método de Gauss y la regla de Cramer. Admite parámetros no numéricos y discute las soluciones. Esta nueva versión necesita la librería Flib y la APP EQW (no incluidos).[ING] Solve linear equations systems step by step using the Gauss method and the Cramer's rule. Accepts parameters (no numerical) and discusses solutions. This new version requires the library Flib and APP EQW (not included)
Author José Manuel Gómez Vega (gomezvega@hotmail.com)
Category Voyage 200 BASIC Math Programs
File Size 978,331 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 16 12:44:21 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
sisecuac2.1(nueva versi¢n).zip   493968
sisecuac1.1(antigua versi¢n).zip   485966

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