TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver (version 4.3.7)
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TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver (version 4.3.7)
TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver (version 4.3.7) I was frustrated that I couldn't find a program that could solve ANY triangle problem--some require you to choose SSA, SAS, etc.; most do not solve using area; and so on--so I wrote my own program: TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver. TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver, does it all. Simply input ANY information you know about the triangle and the program will automatically give you a solution. If the values you enter do not make a triangle, you will be told. If you don't have enough data to be able to solve the triange, you will be told. If there are two solutions, you will be given both. All triangle solutions are given in two ways: approximate and exact. Additionally, the answers are stored as variables for easy usage in your later calculations. If you're looking for a one-stop solution to be able to solve any triangle problem, then look no further than TRIMAN Ultimate Triangle Solver. *The program has been tested extensively and I have been using it personally for two years without problems, but if you do find a bug, please let me know by sending an email to I also welcome emails with suggestions for future improvements.
David Freeman (
Voyage 200 BASIC Math Programs
File Size
53,893 bytes
File Date and Time
Wed Mar 17 18:12:30 2004
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