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Ecuaciones Fasoriales


Ranked as 11665 on our all-time top downloads list with 4316 downloads.

Filename ecfas.zip (Download)
Title Ecuaciones Fasoriales
Description English: This program solves phasor equation (or complex ones) wich have 2 variables that calculators can not solve directly. To solve this kind of equation the user would normally have to use graphical methods or trig methods, but with ECFAS you only have to enter the equation and that's all. Español: Este programaresuelve equaciones fasoriales (o complejas) las cuales tienes dos variables y que las calculadoras no resuelven directamente. Para resolver este tipo de ecuaciones el ususario tendría que emplear métodos gráficos y las leyes de senos y cosenos, pero con ECFAS solo tienes que introducir la ecuación y eso es todo.
Author Augusto Fernando Salazar Silva (augusto_fky@yahoo.com)
Category Voyage 200 BASIC Math Programs
File Size 23,180 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jun 3 17:13:05 2006
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
circuits.afss.9xi   1068
circuits.ecfas.9xp   1115
manual.doc   220160

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