Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
J.D. Thomason
(Web Page)
I"m currently working on pokemon. It's very simmular to the gameboy game, except the graphics won't be as good. and there will be less pokemon to catch, although i plan to have about 20 or so. In all programing this game is very simple, it has a fast moving clean sprite. Part of the routine of making the sprite keeps it from walking into anything. I"m suprised that many people don't try this. All you use is the "test-pxl(" command (found in draw), you type in this:
If test-pxl(A+5,B0)=1
goto (back to the beggining of the key getting)
--I said "A+5" becuase we are seeing that if where the person wants to go is on then we just don't go. other forms of this are A-5, B+5, and B-5. This doesn't have to be 5 either, it can be any number depending on how big your sprite is.
-- It is best to use the "test-pxl(" many times because then your whole man can't get through if the map is stringy and weird. Also when useing these things in a game, you want to make walls thick, that way the sprtie can't go through i thin wall ( as much as this would amaze our gamers),
In this game, simple values are used to map out the world. When making the player sprite, i also discovered that i could make more sprites that could easyly be placed around the map. By useing A and B i could give a sprite cordinints to place itself on the screen. This is how you actully make the sprite. Once you are given the values A and B. you do something like this (depending on the shape and size you want...
and so on untill you get the shpae you want.... more about pokemon next time...
--J.D. Thomason
3 April 2002, 19:38 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I'm making a game called MAZE. It is open for you to edit if you wish when it's done. It should have about 6 mazes of increasing difficulty and an about with comments about it.
7 April 2002, 23:51 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Tubby Hunt 83+...a 3D(ish) First Person shooter where you walk around and shoot...the Teletubbies! Engine is entirely done, I have two levels done, and I need some people to help make levels. All you need is the MAPKRE8 83+ program that I'll send you...
BTW, this game is in BASIC, with some ASM subroutines(written by me). If you want screenshots, please e-mail me at the above address.
10 April 2002, 03:38 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that I just released Fat Camp. It's a game where you make fat people lose weight. It's fairly fun, so check it out.
12 April 2002, 01:30 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
HI! yes, its me again!
An RPG game this time!
Wanna know what its called? glad you asked.......
Savior Knight: Legend Arisen
The First Version will be in plain, old text.
If the crowd seems to like it, i'll go ahead with my
original plan, GRAPHIX!!!!!!!! ASM!!!!!!!!(utilities)
anyway, its pretty cool right now.
The Text Version has some graphics, (don't wanna leave it in BORING text)
7 Places to go (hint hint, 7 bosses)
Text RPG has never been better
14 April 2002, 16:00 GMT
Triple Triad Demo out soon...
(Web Page)
Hey there, the demo for Triple Triad will be here hopefully within the week. If not look for it next week, it will be SOOO sweet!!!! The full game should be only a week or 2 after the demo is released!!!! E-mail me if you have any questions.
18 April 2002, 01:41 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
bogus ti productions
(Web Page)
Bogus TI Productions is currently working on:
Final Fantasy: The New Age
Advance Wars Demo
goto the site to see them all!
18 April 2002, 14:07 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Tim C
I am currently working on an advanced 'nuke war' type game for the TI-83 plus. I have the program(s) written, and hope to have most if not all of the bugs eliminated within the week.
Nuke War! is a two player, turn based strategy game where you can use spies to scout out your enemy's country and sabotage his buildings, and you use ABMs to safeguard you country from enemy nukes, and you also use Nuclear bombs to blast your enemy to fine, powdery, glowing radioactive dust.
Both players start out with equal everything, equal buildings, missles, both nuclear and anti ballistic, and, by the way, both of the players have equal research completed. As the game progresses, your cities produce money, and you can use that money in various ways. You can train or recruit spies, build nukes or ABMs, repair the sheilding on your two most valuable city structures, you can upgrade youe nuke and ABM reliability, and upgrade your nuke yeild.
I'll have more information on the game when Nuke War!comes out, probably within the next week or so.
21 April 2002, 05:15 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
bogus ti productions
[The text of this article has been removed by a news editor due to violation of the acceptable use policy.]
22 April 2002, 21:44 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
tristar tristar
i'm also a new programmer..for about 3 yrs now ..... i've STARTED on like 15 different games: hunting,huntin ,pimp2 ,mafia ,mafia2 ,candyman ,blitz ,baseball ,basketball ,bowling..... now i'm working on donkey kong..... i have finished none of the above.....as soon as i get a new idea,i quit what i'm doin and start on that game...oh yeah and i dont have one of those link cables so i cant upload it.....hoping to find on soon...... email=joc7471@aol.com
27 April 2002, 17:27 GMT
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