Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Im currently working on a BASIC turn-based strategy game, based loosly on starcraft. It will use sea units instead of air-units (don't want to deal with overlapping units). It will include all of the Terran land units, most of the buildings, 3 ships (submarine, transport and battleships) and a hover-craft. Units will use 4x4 sprites, and buildings will use 9x9 sprites, and there will be 4 screens to the map. I will try to include a decent AI, but it will mostly be designed as a 2-player game. It will will be entirely self-contained (one program file). It will use 8 pics (the program will be capable of generating all of them).
6 February 2000, 03:00 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
all of you seem to think that since you are forced to program in ti-basic that you can't have graphics, well, when my new program ADVENTUR comes out you will see what ti programming is all about. I'm basing the program off of an old ti99-4a program (that's pre-1980 for you who don't know it). the original was text based... but be prepared for a change! all i can say is: better bad graphics then plain text!
9 February 2000, 23:28 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I am making a game called Oracle for the TI-83 Plus which generates a random fortune for you when you run it. I'm wondering if it would be worth releasing. If I don't get any comments about it in about a month, I'll figure that it's not worth releasing and throw it away. I don't want to release it if nobody's going to want it. That would just waste the time of people looking for decent programs.
11 February 2000, 02:36 GMT
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