Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Ok, I'm comming out with the ultimate strategy game in a week or so. It's somewhat similiar to Age of Empires, but this game focuses on battle. The way it works, is you have the opportunity to create 9 different (and seperate) armies. You can either go to the barracks, archery range, and stable to create, of course, infantry, archers, and calvary. You also can alter each type of unit's stats including Health, Attack, and Deffense. So pretty much you have 1000 gold to create the perfect army (Well, of course you could build NINE). The infantry and all of the stat's cost 10 gold. However, the calvary and archer's cost 20 because the archer's can attack in the midst of battle without being killed as long as there are other unit's fighting. And the calvary's Attack cost half as much as everything else.
2 January 2004, 04:47 GMT
Ok, The Battle... Unlike creation which is Menu based, the Battle Scenes are live action. The Best part of all is that you do this with anotehr person. So it's kindof like battle bots. It works like this... Those stats that you put in all have different purposes. first, Deffence: all of your unit's deffence is added together into one solid number. Now, your army cannot be harmed until your entire deffence is gone. (this won't effect your stats). ok, your Attack: your attack pretty much is how hard you hit your opponent. note, this is continuouse so you'll be able to watch your enemies health drop. third Health: your health determines how fast your Unit's die. so your unit's will take longer to die if you have more health. Ok, so now you can deploy each type of unit at different times (you choose to your liking) actual battle does not start until both your and your opponent have engaged. So after the battle is over, it works like this. The loser's army will, no duh, cease to exist. However, The winner's army will take on any casualties (stat's will not be affected). But to compensate, the winner will gain lot's of gold!!! I know what your thinking, you can use a friends calculator and just battle week armies, but noooooooooo, the gold you get is based on how many units you kill and what their stat's are. And of course, you CANNOT edit the list's to your liking because they have anti-cheating logarithims.
So there you have it, I'm sorry that this took so long to explain. But i would of course enjoy feedback on whether it sounds cool, if theres something like it, or if i whould just trash it.
2 January 2004, 05:19 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Ok, i've been trying to tell you guys about my new game 09 Armies, but unfortunately i keek making it to long and it get's removed or something. Anyway, it's going to be cool. You build and army, and then you battle with another person (in real time). I'm sorry i can't give you more details, but i'll put it up soon to let you see it for yourself. I personally think I can turn it into a classic, but, we'll see.
2 January 2004, 05:33 GMT
Beta testing, anyone?
I'll ask again: anyone want to test my awesome game? It's in basic and is called Monster Crusher. You can find descriptions of it on previous pages. E-mail me at: ziggy@mail.calcware.org
I will send it! (i was too lazy before)
6 January 2004, 14:08 GMT
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