| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to Informational Files |
 | 1337basicguide.zip | 120k | 05-06-25 |  | The 1337 Guide to TI-BASIC This is an informative, lengthy manual describing little-known tips, tricks, and hacks for TI-BASIC that are sure to turn you into a '1337' programmer. |
 | 68k_calc_testing.zip | 4k | 03-10-05 |  | 68K_CALC_ TESTING menu How to use this test menu providen by the OS itself to help you diagnose your calculators problems. Tested as you can see on this file. |
 | 73prog.txt | 3k | 00-07-13 |  | TI-73 File Format This gives the description of how a TI73 file is encoded. Just like the TI82 and TI83 calculators. This file will be updated frequently. |
 | 82mcharm.gif | 9k | 98-07-28 |  | TI-82 Menu Character Map Map of all the menu characters on the TI-82. |
 | 83bslink.txt | 3k | 01-06-01 |  | Calculator Linking in BASIC (TI83) I've written down my method on how to link two TI83's in TIBASIC to easily create multiplayer games and applications. I hope that you like it. |
 | 83trix.zip | 76k | 06-08-13 |  | The Complete TI-83 Basic Optimization Guide, Version 2.2 The most complete Basic optimization guide in existence. HTML and plain text versions. Organized by topic: sprites, loop optimization, number-to-string conversion, etc. Sample code included. Most tips also apply to TI-83+/SE. |
 | 8992advg.zip | 586k | 01-06-01 |  | TI-89/92 Advanced Programming Manual An advanced version of my original programming guide. Covers some more advanced topics in TI programming. Written for primarily the 89, but can be used with slight modifications on the 92. Enjoy! |
 | 8992prog.zip | 158k | 01-05-23 |  | TI-89/92 Programming Manual This is an update of the popular programming guide for 89/92/92+ BASIC language. Most of the basics are covered, and I've added an FAQ for some of the more advanced questions. |
 | 8xpbasicsubs.zip | 1k | 04-06-17 |  | Calling 8xp Subroutines from within BASIC Programs This informational text explains the calling of subroutines from within TI-83 plus BASIC programs without the use of an asm routine. (can apply to other platforms as well) |
 | 8xpglfrmt.zip | 11k | 01-12-16 |  | Fixed 8xp Format This is based on the 8xp format by Peter Martijn Kuipers, however there were some mistakes. This includes the origional file, the fixed data and a sample VB program with source. |
 | addarc.zip | 9k | 02-02-10 |  | Add 65k to your 83+ Archive A procedure to add 65K to your archive |
 | adddoublequotes.zip | 2k | 07-03-06 |  | Add Double Quotes (") to Your Strings Ever wanted to add double quotes to your strings, but the TI-OS wouldn't let you? Well, now you can with this method! TI-89, TI-89Ti, TI-92, or V200 only. |
 | amirageoshack.txt | 2k | 05-03-02 |  | Run Around the MirageOS Password Contains information on howto work around the MirageOS password. It will work without a doubt. Contains info other MirageOS hacks do not have, but some info others do. Happy Cracking! |
 | api.txt | 3k | 97-07-13 |  | The Aurora API |
 | aprenderaprogramaremti.zip | 228k | 03-09-05 |  | Tutorial TI-83 BASIC em português - BASIC O primeiro tutorial de programação em TI-83 BASIC em português!!! Não está completo, mas é mais do que suficiente para começar a fazer os primeiros programas!! |
 | ascii.txt | 21k | 97-07-24 |  | ASCII conversion codes for ASCII calculator program code |
 | asmstart.zip | 11k | 03-08-22 |  | Start Assembly Step by step instructions on how to get the assembly programs to work... Assembly's hard, getting the stuff to assemble is even harder... Read this tutorial for tips. Website: http://myownlittlworld.tripod.com (click on the NLabs link at the bottom of the page) |
 | assemblytheory.txt | 5k | 18-08-19 |  | Assembly Theory This is an essay I threw together for an English outcome when I was struggling for a topic. It is "dumbed-down" for an English-teacher audience, but it might be useful for new Assembly programmers. |
 | atlamake.txt | 5k | 97-09-29 |  | Atlantis Program Compatability Maker |
 | banmtn.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | 86 BASIC Animation Tutorial v1.0 Great very descriptive tutorial to show you how to incorporate animation in your BASIC programming. |
 | basic-83.hlp | 33k | 00-02-24 |  | Beginners' BASIC for the TI-83 A BASIC tutorial for the TI-83. Conatins the perfect start for newbies to the Ti-83 BASIC language |
 | basicbuildertutorial21.zip | 181k | 06-08-13 |  | Basicbuilder 2.1 Tutorial This document is a step-by-step tutorial on creating Flash applications for the TI-83/84 Plus from TI-BASIC programs and pictures by using the Windows utility, Basicbuilder (current version 2.1). |
 | basiccalculatortutorials.zip | 401k | 07-06-08 |  | TI-83+/84+ BASIC Programming Tutorials Whether you're new to programming or you just want to improve your skills, these are the tutorials for you! Each tutorial includes sections on commands, how to use those commands, sample codes, explanations, and tons of screenshots. Fifteen in-depth tutorials cover displaying text, menus & branching, using variables, conditional statements, drawing commands, loops, getKey, pictures, lists, matrices, strings, custom menus, animation, scrolling homescreen maps, and an intro to z80 assembly. The tutorials are "complete", but I will be updating/adding appendices in the coming weeks and may update/add tutorials. Documents are in Microsoft Word format. New in this update: Character/wall detection added in tutoraial on scrolling homescreen maps. |
 | basicdisableon68k.txt | 2k | 03-07-23 |  | Disable On-key break in BASIC for 68k calculators This is a tutorial to show how to disable (In BASIC!!!) the ON_BREAK that has always made BASIC security flawed. It shows how and why it works. Also includes example password program |
 | basicguide.doc | 113k | 99-12-08 |  | TI-89 and TI-92 BASIC Guide The complete guide to BASIC for the TI-89 and TI-92. Includes many of the tips and tricks you may not know. This guide is in response to growing demand on the TI-BASIC mailing list. |
 | basicguru.zip | 332k | 00-08-21 |  | BASIC 83 Guru v2.5 **Update** Special release
version 2.5. Version 2.5 does not have any new tutorials in it. There are still 23 tutorials, a game, and a project. What Version 2.5 does have is screen shots of what your outputs should look like. There is at least one screen shot after each set of code to show you what the program should look like after you have run it. I have also fixed Goto.html, which is in the Archive Contents. Now it actually goes to BASIC Guru Online, the online version of this help file. The online version contains the same information, but has more features including easier navigation between tutorials and other web pages and faster updates. The help file only gets update after each version is finished (about 11 or 12 tutorials), while the website is updated after every tutorial is finished. Use the help file or the website. Both will make you a better programmer. Click on the HTML file in the Archive Contents and it will automatically link you to the website. Also, inside the help file are links to the website. The combination of BASIC 83 Guru, the help file, and BASIC Guru Online, the website, create the best opportunity for anyone to learn BASIC programming for the TI-83 or TI-83 Plus. |
 | basic.html | 9k | 00-03-02 |  | Advanced TI-83 BASIC a tutorial for advanced TI-83 programming. Explains things such as Graph Menus, advanced getkey, reducing memory errors and more. |
 | basicmemclear.txt | 3k | 03-06-02 |  | BASIC Calc Freeze/ROM clearer Yes, believe it or not you can clear your memory, but that's not it either. I've found a way with just a few lines of code to clear your memory(or friends :-) ), freeze your calculator(no key can exit, not even [on]), even clear the whole calc(RAM and ROM, everything but the OS) without doing any damage. Can be executed from the homescreen or a program. So do it to a friend or integrate it in a program incase someone tries to cheat or something. Enjoy! Give me some feed back if you like this or found it usefull in a program, or even if you have a funny story about what you did to your friends/enemys. email=fava15@msn.com |
 | basicpconv.zip | 9k | 02-07-15 |  | Basic Conversion Between 82, 83s, 85, and 86 Describes in detail about how to convert basic programs between the 82, 83, 83 plus, 85, and 86. Includes a discussion of nearly all I/O and CTL commands listed in the programming section of TI guidebooks with URL to basic programs ported to the 82, 83, 83 plus, 85, and 86. |
 | basicshellmaking.zip | 10k | 05-03-02 |  | How-to make BASIC Shells TI-83/84+(SE) An easy to follow How-to document on making shells in BASIC programming. Covers both text based shells and graphical based shells. |
 | basicspace.zip | 1k | 00-04-24 |  | Saving Space In BASIC Programs This covers how to save space in BASIC programs for the TI-82, 83 and 83+ |
 | basictutorial.zip | 24k | 03-04-30 |  | Ti Basic Tutorial (Espically 83's + 83+'s) A Basic Tutorial For The All Calcs, Although Espically For The 83's + 83 Pluses! This File Was Last Updated 4-29-2003 |
 | basic.txt | 5k | 00-02-19 |  | BASIC TUTOR This is the most basic tutorial for TI-83 and TI-83 plus BASIC programmers or learners. |
 | basic.zip | 8k | 00-02-27 |  | BASIC Tutor This is the most basic tutorial for TI-83 and TI-83 plus BASIC programmers or learners. |
 | bctfg.zip | 7k | 06-12-24 |  | 83+ TI-Basic Code Timings In this guide, the most useful TI-Basic instructions are tested and compared. I demystified some tricks, and added new ones, all speed-tested, so now, your basic programs will run faster and maybe even smaller. |
 | be_nl_1_1.zip | 183k | 05-06-01 |  | The BASIC Elite Newsletter Volume I, Number 1 This introductory edition of the brand-new, semi-monthly newsletter introduces the publication and explains what it's all about. The BASIC Elite is a loose conglomeration of programmers and programming groups who are interested in producing higher-quality BASIC programs and ensuring the value of their programs. The newsletter discusses projects currently underway by members, singles out extraordinary programs in the community for review, and publishes relevant news articles. In this issue, two BASIC programs for the 83/84 series are reviewed and several useful tips and tricks for BASIC programming are listed from the popular 1337 Guide to BASIC Programming. Enjoy, and look for upcoming issues at http://www.Cemetech.tk! |
 | breakingamirageospassword.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Breaking a MirageOS Password Tells someone step by step how to break a MirageOS password |
 | bug.txt | 3k | 00-03-02 |  | The TI-BUG reporter A file with a lot of bugs for the TIXX. |
 | calcnet2.2.zip | 484k | 10-11-13 |  | CALCnet 2.2 Whitepaper This technical report details the CALCnet 2.2 networking protocol for graphing calculators. It begins with an overview of the motivations and inspirations for CALCnet, then reviews the existing alternatives for two-calculator linking, namely the TI-OS, BELL by Tim "Timendus" Franssen, and TachyonLink by Michael Vincent, and n-calc linking, namely CLAP by Mr. Franssen. It goes on to introduce the electrical systems in the calculator for linking, then proceeds to an in-depth section explaining the bit-level, byte-level, and frame-level protocols for one-to-one and broadcast frames. Although the average CALCnet 2.2 user or even programmer does not need to know any of that, it might help in case a coder wants to write CALCnet 2.2 drivers for another platform (Arduino? libticables?). Next is the meat of the manual for end programmers, how to send and receive data via CALCnet 2.2. I include a full experimental results and benchmarking section, detailing the maximum speeds of CALCnet, the overhead incurred by the protocol, effects of frame size on burst throughput, an effectiveness of collision detection and delivery guarantees. It concludes with information on logos and branding, a survey of possible future work, and a summary of CALCnet2.2's strengths and features. |
 | calcos82.txt | 3k | 97-10-14 |  | CalcOS-82 0.1.00 Specifications |
 | calcsecurity.zip | 43k | 09-04-11 |  | Calculator security information This document (and included programs) will explain you how to build an waterproof security wall into your calc. The only way of getting past it is resending the OS. Hook kills and stuff are dealt with. |
 | caz-english.doc | 10k | 97-07-24 |  | English Documentation for the CAZ Z80 Assembler v1.26 |
 | caz-info.txt | 2k | 97-07-13 |  | Macintosh Assembly Programming FAQ v1.0 |
 | chksum.txt | 1k | 18-08-19 |  | Checksum calculation Information on calculating the checksum for 83p files, but the theory could also be applied elsewhere. |
 | codingtutorial.txt | 6k | 04-08-28 |  | Statistics: Enable Mode on 83/84 There are Mean and Median functions in the 83/84s, but did you know that it's possible to find Mode as well? An exhaustive guide on one technique to find mode. The first time it's ever been done in TI-BASIC I think. |
 | colourd.zip | 1k | 01-04-29 |  | Info and Idea of a colour screen info and ideia of a colour screen on ti calcs |
 | countdowm.zip | 1k | 04-06-17 |  | Countdown 84+ this is an example countdown program with an explanation so that you can incorporate it into your programs |
 | crashati83.zip | 6k | 03-03-06 |  | Crash a TI-83(+) Ever wanted to annoy any of your friends with a crash of his TI-83(+) without permanent damage....here's the story! (it can be done in 10 seconds) |
 | cross68k.zip | 5k | 03-12-22 |  | TI-Basic 68k Cross Compatibility (89, 92+, V200) This is for the idiots I see constanly uploading crap for the 89 that's not graphically compatible for the 92+ or V200. It centers around the getConfg() command, which is also central to many of my programs. |
 | ctutorial.zip | 85k | 01-06-05 |  | C tutorial This tutorial is for beginners who want to learn how to program in C. This tutorial is very good for programming for games, C language is for programming in 89. This is a must have for all programmers. |
 | dblohack.txt | 1k | 97-07-01 |  | How to "hack" Diablo |
 | dcse_sdk.zip | 660k | 14-06-30 |  | Doors CSE 8 SDK Doors CSE 8 is the ultimate shell for color-screen TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition graphing calculators. This SDK will help you design BASIC and ASM programs for use under Doors CSE 8 and higher. Besides an exhaustive, 64-page summary of all the features and routines that Doors CSE 8 offers to BASIC and ASM programmers, this SDK contains a full toolchain to compile and build z80 ASM source code into .8xp files and all the necessary tools and include files. If you are interested in developing for Doors CSE or even learning about what it offers to programmers, this SDK is a must-have. Now updated for Doors CSE 8.1. |
 | dcs_sdk.zip | 896k | 14-08-06 |  | Doors CS 7 SDK Doors CS 7.2 is the ultimate shell for TI-83+/SE and TI-84+/SE graphing calculators. This SDK will help you design BASIC and ASM programs for use under Doors CS. Besides an exhaustive, 124-page summary of all the features and routines that Doors CS 7 offers to BASIC and ASM programmers, this SDK contains a full toolchain to compile and build z80 ASM source code into .8xp files, all the necessary tools and include files, and additional programs to simplify writing headers for BASIC programs. If you are interested in developing for Doors CS or even learning about what it offers to programmers, this SDK is a must-have. |
 | deadeyeswalkthru.zip | 163k | 07-06-09 |  | Dying Eyes Walkthrough Are you stuck in the game Dying Eyes? Or do you want to find out just where the Faith Armor is? Or do you simply want to know more about the game? Well, with this new walkthrough from M-Possible Productions, you can find out everything you ever wanted to know about playing that great calculator game, Dying Eyes! |
 | devguide.zip | 62k | 04-08-29 |  | A Development Cycle This document covers a simple development cycle to help programmers properly develop software. Available as a text document, an open office document, and as a pdf. |
 | dirinput.zip | 1k | 99-04-01 |  | Direct Input Include (TI-83) An include file that simplifies using Direct Input in TI-83 ASM |
 | ebkinstruct.txt | 1k | 01-04-21 |  | How to Make an Ebook Step-by-Step instructions on how to make an ebook. |
 | enl92p.zip | 4k | 02-01-01 |  | TI-92 Plus Error Number List A list compiled by Alex Block containing all the error's and their corresponding numbers for the TI-92plus, and 89 (Rom 2.0*) |
 | fams_guiaticonnect.zip | 220k | 06-11-20 |  | TI CONNECT INSTALLATION ENGLISH: TI Connect Software installation guide. ESPAÑOL: Guía de instalación de TI Connect Software. |
 | fams_sendtext.zip | 1k | 07-10-27 |  | Send text to TI / Enviar texto a la TI ENGLISH: How to send a text file to the TI calculator from computer. ESPAÑOL: Como enviar un archivo de texto a la calculadora TI desde el computador. |
 | flashdebbugervrsvti.zip | 1k | 03-06-14 |  | VTI vs. TI FLASH DEBBUGER This Is A Text File Showing The Advantages Of The Ti Flash Debbuger over the VTI program. The Flash Debbuger doesn't need a Rom Image. Text File Made By Matt Furr. Need More Help? Email Me!! |
 | gbdocs.zip | 298k | 00-09-27 |  | Game Buster Developers Handbook A must have for anyone intrested in developing BASIC games. Explaines how to make your own Game Buster compatible programs in full detail. First edition. |
 | genetics.txt | 25k | 00-01-15 |  | Genetics A guide on A-Life based on a TI-86 program. |
 | getkey89.txt | 1k | 04-07-11 |  | TI-89 Getkey() Codes A list of the getKey() codes for the 89. Also has codes when modifier keys (Shift, Diamond, alpha) are used. I think they're all right. |
 | getkey.zip | 2k | 03-05-18 |  | Best Getkey Codes This was much improved with a memo from Say Herin. It's now alot more efficient, and I included programs for most TI's for you to test. |
 | getrealsongsonyour83.zip | 6k | 04-06-18 |  | How to convert a full song Have you ever wanted to put REAL music on your 83+(SE)? Well heres a guide on how to do it. |
 | gladmantigcc.zip | 1k | 06-07-06 |  | AES (Rijndael) Encryption for m68k calculators This file contains a patch against Brian Gladman's AES implementation available here: http://fp.gladman.plus.com/AES/aes.src.19-06-06.zip It contains minimal changes that should patch fine against newer releases, or if not can be manually merged easily. You'll also have to edit aesopts.h to disable static lookup tables, since if they are included your program will hit the 64k limit almost instantly. Thereafter, you can reduce the code size to under 15k if you disable loop unrolling or 35-40k if you use partial loop unrolling. When your program is compiled with dynamic tables and loop unrolling, you should have about 20k to work with for your own code. Just remember to call gen_tabs() before using library functions. |
 | goodgames.zip | 5k | 02-02-16 |  | How to Make Good Games A small manual on how to make "good" games |
 | grayfaq.zip | 23k | 97-07-24 |  | Grayscale FAQ 1.01 |
 | gwsecret.txt | 2k | 97-09-20 |  | Game Wizard 2.0 Secrets |
 | how_to_animated_screensho.zip | 1k | 09-09-21 |  | How to Get a Virtual Calculator WITHOUT a ROM Exactly what it says. How to get animated screenshots and an emulator W/O an emulator. Step by step instructions! |
 | howtoprogramgamesforrealz.zip | 2827k | 10-08-27 |  | How to Program Quality Games FOR REALZ |
 | iconfiles.txt | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | How to Change you Icon Files Step-by-step on how to change icon files. |
 | keycodelist.zip | 3k | 03-11-19 |  | TI89 Key code list A list of the key codes returned from the GetKey function. |
 | la_matrice.zip | 3415k | 06-12-24 |  | La matrice et sa representation graphique Un tutorial pour apprendre a manipuler les matrcies dans un jeu, dans l'ecran texte ou graphique, en basic pur et basic etendu. Tres complet, clair, parfait pour debuter. |
 | lesson0.zip | 8k | 09-06-19 |  | TI-BASIC Programming - Lesson 0 A small .doc on how to program the infamous "Hello World" program. |
 | lesson1.zip | 6k | 09-07-02 |  | TI-BASIC Programming - Lesson 1 A tutorial on how to "parameter pass". |
 | lesson2.zip | 8k | 09-07-03 |  | TI-BASIC Programming - Lesson 2 A lesson on how to display multiple messages and a small tidbit on getting rid of an ugly word. |
 | lesson3.zip | 4k | 09-07-05 |  | TI-BASIC Programming - Lesson 3 A brief tutorial on how to exploit the Disp command. Although it lacks in depth, it's a good topic to link to the next lesson, which starts to get very technical. |
 | lesson4.zip | 20k | 09-07-05 |  | TI-BASIC Programming - Lesson 4 A in-depth lesson on how to make your own game efficiently. If you have learned nothing from the last lessons, you'll learn something in this one! |
 | link.zip | 1k | 01-04-04 |  | How To Make Link-Games Explains with examples ways to create link-games. Since i have a 83+ im sure that it works for them, but other calcs may need some slight "porting" to work correctly |
 | listcalculations.zip | 1k | 01-08-06 |  | List Calculations A research document on using pre calculated information rather than calculating when needed. |
 | looptrick.zip | 2k | 04-06-04 |  | Loop Trick for z80 Calcs This tutorial explains how to exploit a glitch that occurs when a loop is exited improperly. Very useful for game programmers. |
 | mazo_lvl.zip | 1k | 04-04-11 |  | Maz-O External Level Information Maz-O is a TI-83+ BASIC game that supports external levels. This documents teaches you how to make your own levels and even distribute them on TICalc.org |
 | memoryandspeedoptimizatio.zip | 1k | 07-06-25 |  | TI-83 Plus Basic Optimization Some quick tips/tricks to help you optimize that 83+ TI-BASIC code, making it faster, smaller, and more convinent (NOT interface stuff). Mainly for people with moderate experience with this language. |
 | mirageospassword.zip | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | How to break a MirageOS password with Memory Menu lock on! This gives intructions on how to break a MirageOS password with Memory Menu Lock on! Every Method I know of is in it! |
 | mirageoswinlink.zip | 1k | 02-03-16 |  | MirageOS/WinLink83 Plus Problem This tells you how to fix the problem of lowercase not showing up on your 83 Plus when opened through WinLink83 Plus. |
 | mirage.wps | 5k | 02-02-26 |  | Memory Menu Breaking Breaking into Blocked memory menu. |
 | mokaapi.zip | 528k | 05-04-20 |  | Moka SDK API v1.16 Moka is a powerful tool that converts Java source code into a TIGCC project. These are some of the strong features of Moka : * Fast converter, compatible with any version of Windows (TM) and with the GNU/Linux operating system. * Compatible with TIGCC 0.95 and the upcoming TIGCC 0.96. * Compiles fast native object oriented programs executable on any 68K calculator. * Encapsulates some awkward features of the C language (strings, link I/O, keystroke reading, etc.) into classes to ease their use. * Offers a rich API including numerous JDK(TM) classes such as Vector and StringTokeniser. * Supports grayscale graphic programming. * Supports programming of multiple windows application (MWA) with user friendly interface. This file features the MDK API documentation in javadoc html format alone. |
 | mpir.txt | 4k | 97-07-13 |  | CShell Multi-Purpose Internal Routines |
 | network.zip | 7k | 97-12-15 |  | Serial Calcnet 1.0 |
 | nobreak.txt | 1k | 03-03-28 |  | Tip on disabling "BREAK" in Dialog or Text command. This is a tip that helps you how to prevent the "break" error to occured during a Dialog or Text sessions in BASIC programs. This can prevent people to exit their current program accidently. |
 | nolib_basic_sprites_and_m.zip | 105k | 05-09-17 |  | The no-Lib Guide to Ti-Basic Maps and Sprites A lengthy and detailed guide to programming sprites and maps in ti-basic without the use of Asm-libs. examples are for the 83+ series, but it can be applied to the other calcs as well |
 | notefolio_criticism.zip | 1k | 09-08-02 |  | How to write notes without Notefolio or any fancy programs Criticism of the app Notefolio and the benefits of not having it on your calculator. Complete with the benefits of your program menu. |
 | oc_blackout_glitch.zip | 1k | 09-10-10 |  | Omnicalc "Blackout" Glitch This glitch makes your calculator's screen turn black, flicker, and produce RBG when viewed from some angles. |
 | oop.zip | 264k | 04-02-27 |  | Using Moka to assemble programs An Object Oriented Programming Third Edition. This book is dedicated to the object oriented paradigm and the Moka object oriented language. The first section ("The object oriented paradigm") relates to the object oriented concepts, the second to the Moka language as a general purpose language, the third to Moka as an object oriented language, the fourth to the Moka API and the fifth to the advanced features of Moka. The second section can be read before the first, it could be advisable for someone that don't have a strong programming language because the "Moka, a general purpose programming language" chapter of this section introduces the programming concepts as if the reader has no or a little programming experience. |
 | osxz80.txt.zip | 1k | 05-09-22 |  | The OS X guide to having a working z80 assembler A shorrt guide to getting yourself a working z80 assembler that wil work with Sean McLaughlin's great tutorial. For Mac OS X users |
 | parlnk.zip | 2k | 99-11-14 |  | ParLnk This a header file, to include in C code, this transmit the data between calculator and computer with th $5 parrallel link |
 | picpaper.zip | 426k | 07-05-05 |  | Picture Paper v1.0 This is a useful file, used for sketching ideas for pictures without filling up your calc's RAM. Print out a copy of the paper and then fill out all nescessary information. Take a pencil and fill in the boxes to represent pixels. Start in the top left corner. If you are using BASIC, do not color in the far right column. Do not color in the bottom row at because it is the 64th row (not available on the calculator) and only use the 63rd row if using asm. Try it out! |
 | prettyprint.zip | 14k | 03-04-07 |  | Implementation of Pretty Print - Tutorial to implement Pretty Print - algorithm is implemented in VB - should be portable to z80 - minor additions to be made - will be updated |
 | program82.zip | 1k | 00-04-09 |  | Programming On The TI-82 Info On how to program the ti-82 (BASIC) |
 | programmingthecalc.zip | 17k | 04-03-07 |  | Easy TI assembly compilation This is how you can, through ConTEXT, write your assembly program with syntax colouring and compile the same program all in the same window with a simple mouse-click! |
 | progs.txt | 3k | 97-07-13 |  | Writing Programs for Boreal Beta 4 |
 | pxltest.txt | 3k | 04-03-17 |  | Using pxl-test( in ti-83+ BASIC This (short) documentary goes over the bsics of using the pxl-test command in Ti-BASIC. It is designed for the '83+, but is also compatable with all of the other calculators that have the Pxl-test command. |
 | repair92.zip | 14k | 13-08-15 |  | How to repair a dead TI92/TI92+ Got a water damaged and dead TI92/TI92+ on your hands. Bad "shorted" TI-Graph Link cable or broken off internal 3.5mm linking jack problem? See this text-file today and repair it for free vs 40-200+ dollars or more out-of-pocket. |
 | rpn.zip | 8k | 03-04-08 |  | Implementation of Reverse Polish Notation - Tutorial to implement Reverse Polish Notation - example implemented in VB - should be portable to z80 - will be updated - may be used in conjunction with Pretty Print |
 | rtxt.zip | 1k | 03-06-07 |  | Random number algorithm explanation Ever wonder how you calculator's random number generator works? Downloaded a file but didnt understand it? This is an informational file explaining CLEARLY how it works, going into the mathematics behind the code. This is a text so click and read in browser now! |
 | savemembas.zip | 2k | 01-06-01 |  | Saving memory in TI-BASIC A few tricks on saving memory in BASIC. |
 | scientificcomparison.zip | 263k | 01-12-16 |  | Scientific Calculator Comparison A comparison of entry level scientific calculators including the TI-30XII, TI-34II and HP-30S. Chances are, someone will need a cheap calculator with lots of functions at some point in time. This document can help you chooose more informed about the different calculators. |
 | selftests.zip | 55k | 01-03-03 |  | Self-Testing This file is for users of the TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92+ who need to pin-point problems on there calculator, or wish to prove to their friends that they really are the TI god. |
 | sound92.zip | 1k | 97-04-27 |  | Sound Tutorial for Fargo |
 | stateofcom.zip | 2k | 01-08-06 |  | TI Community as of 2001 A text file about how to keep the TI Community lasting. |
 | studycards83.txt | 3k | 22-05-11 |  | TI-83+ StudyCards AppVar Format Describes the card stack appvar format used by TI's StudyCards app for the TI-83+ & TI-84+ calculators. |
 | tasm83.txt | 2k | 97-07-24 |  | Using TASM for TI-83 assembly programming |
 | thermodynamics.zip | 48k | 05-10-14 |  | Thermodynamic Enthalpy Calculator This program can calculate Cp/R for a very long list of gases, liquids and solids, it also shows the quantity of energy given the initial and final temperature or gives one of them if the energy is known. There is another program in the pack "CFORM" that shows a complete table of reaction enthalpies for the given compound (in the right agregation state) |
 | thermo.zip | 27k | 00-08-28 |  | Pictionary text file: Thermodynamics answers Answers to questions (ch.1 to 8) from the book "Thermodynamics" by Cengel, published by McGraw-Hill. |
 | ti83hp39pdf.zip | 223k | 01-07-30 |  | TI-83+ and HP-39G A complete comparison with lots of screenshots and info comparing the TI-83+ and HP-39/40G. Tried to cover everything including the kitchen sink. In PDF format. |
 | ti83op1.zip | 7k | 00-12-10 |  | TI83 BASIC Optimization - Lesson 1 A moderately sized document containing some simple ways to optimize TI83 BASIC code. Lesson 2 will cover some more advanced, almost mind-altering, ways to sand down your code. |
 | ti83op2.zip | 14k | 00-12-30 |  | TI83 BASIC Optimization - Lesson 2 Lesson two on TI83 BASIC optimization. Explains such things as the simulated function, and the condition-expression. Many of these other "code shrinking" guides explain optimization techniques briefly, but this guide goes into depth, including examples of actual code. 12/19/00 Update: Made a few grammatical corrections. |
 | ti83op3.zip | 10k | 01-01-29 |  | TI83 BASIC Optimization - Lesson 3 Lesson three on TI83 BASIC optimization. Explains advanced applications of the conditional expression, and string manipulation. Many of these other "code shrinking" guides explain optimization techniques briefly, but this guide goes into depth, including examples of actual code. |
 | ti85prgc.txt | 4k | 99-10-05 |  | TI-85 BASIC Program Token Definitions Describes (nearly) all TI-85 program tokens and how other data is tokenized, useful to TI-85 BASIC programmers who want to know how to optimize programs for size. |
 | ti86.zip | 3k | 01-01-29 |  | get_key & BASIC animation 86 Two documents that will definitely help you with programming your TI-86 |
 | ti89andhp49.zip | 171k | 01-07-09 |  | TI-89 and HP-49 A document comparing these calculators. I've tried to compare everything and the kitchen sink. |
 | ti89hp49pdf.zip | 170k | 01-07-30 |  | TI-89 and HP-49G A complete comparison with lots of screenshots and info comparing the TI-89 and HP-49G. Tried to cover everything including the kitchen sink. In PDF format. |
 | ti89keycodes.zip | 3k | 07-01-27 |  | TI-89 key codes This file contains an Microsoft Excel file of a diagram of all the key codes for the ti-89. |
 | ti89librarydemo.zip | 1k | 03-12-22 |  | Explanation of TI-89 Basic Libraries This document explains a format for combining multiple programs/functions into one "library" program/function. |
 | ti89optimize.zip | 1k | 03-12-22 |  | TI-89 Basic Optimization Tips 6 tips, divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced, designed to make your TI-89 (and other 68k calc) programs smaller and faster. Made some formatting changes in this version. |
 | ti89text.txt | 1k | 01-09-02 |  | TI-89 Text Formatting Tips Only tested on AMS 2.05. Should work on other AMSes. |
 | ti89v1mem.txt | 5k | 00-05-15 |  | Memory Addition This is a documented text of how to add over 65K of memory on your ti89 version 1.0 and 1.05 calcs. (update number2) Added: this now also explains each step a lot better. It also includes some info on 2.03 calculators. It shows you how to get to the self diag screen. To learn all about your calc. and to see if it really is working correctly. :) |
 | ti89wrapperdemo.zip | 2k | 03-12-22 |  | Explanation of TI-89 Basic Wrapper Libraries This document explains a format for combining multiple programs/functions into one "library" program/function "wrapped" around a main program/function. |
 | tibasicdev.zip | 295k | 06-11-13 |  | TI-Basic Developer A high-quality, albeit unfinished TI-Basic programming guide that should help beginning programmers. I have also included my other TI-Basic guides for posterity. |
 | tibasicgamedesign.pdf | 178k | 13-01-14 |  | Game Design tutorial A tutorial, exploring facets of the TI Basic language that are particularly relevant to game design. |
 | tibasicoptimization.zip | 18k | 03-03-17 |  | TI-BASIC Optimization The most complete guide for BASIC optimization ever compiled! I got fed up with all the lame ones I found on ticalc, so here's mine! |
 | tibasic.zip | 340k | 03-06-30 |  | Basic on TI-82-83+SE This is a tutorial on the TI-BASIC language. It was witten for TI-83, but you will also found documentation for TI-80 or TI-89, since it does not really change ;-) These tutorials were just copied from my website so you can watch 'em without being online ;-) When you've read all the tut, you'd be able to program whatever you want in Basic. Oh, and I forgot : I am sorry but these tutorials are entirely in french :-/ I hope it does not matter. |
 | ti-bugs.doc | 20k | 97-07-24 |  | TI-85/92 tips, tricks, bugs, and undocumented features |
 | ticonnectvistasetup.pdf | 593k | 08-09-06 |  | Vista TI-Connect information This is a PDF file that explains compatibility of TI-Connect on the Windows Vista operating system and what link cables work. TI says it can't be done...so I did it. Update: I now have Service Pack 1 and updated the directions (nothing changed there). I have also received compatibility feedback and updated my directions accordingly. |
 | ti.faq | 23k | 97-07-29 |  | Official Calc-TI and Graph-TI FAQ |
 | tigraphlink83vistasetup.zip | 321k | 07-10-11 |  | TI-GraphLink 83 Vista Setup While it's not 100% compatible, this shows you how to install TI-GraphLink 83 Plus software on Windows Vista so you can edit programs. UPDATE: Now includes instructions for fixing shortcut icons and file association (advanced users) |
 | tigraphlink89vistasetup.zip | 323k | 07-10-11 |  | TI-GraphLink 89 Vista Setup While it's not 100% compatible, this shows you how to install TI-GraphLink 89 software on Windows Vista so you can edit programs. UPDATE: Now includes instructions for fixing shortcut icons and file association (advanced users) |
 | ti_picaxe_interface.zip | 2k | 05-04-01 |  | PICAXE-08/08M TI Link Functions Here's a pair of routines for the PICAXE-08/08M series microcontroller (see http://www.picaxe.co.uk) for getting and sending bytes in the TI byte transfer protocol. The PICAXE-08 is a cheap (£1.50 for the highest spec chip) microcontroller programmable in BASIC with a host of useful routines (IR comms, serial comms, &c). They do not need a PIC programmer, they can be directly programmed with two wires from a serial cable. The software for doing so is free. All in all, an excellent low-cost way to interface hardware with the TI! |
 | tirfix.zip | 1k | 04-02-14 |  | Patching TI-Report With the new "starred page" icons for reviewed programs, TIR won't correctly your reviewed programs! Fix it by following the instructions in the zipped text file. |
 | tivsvti.zip | 39k | 03-06-12 |  | VTI vs Ti Flash Debbuger -> Help No Rom Image! If Your Having Trouble With Getting A ROM Image The READ This File. If Have MORE That Just A READING File It Also Has PICTURES To Help You Throught The 12 Easy Steps. I Prefer That EVERYBODY View This File! |
 | ti.zip | 265k | 03-03-09 |  | TI Powerpoint This covers the oldest beginnings of TI, along with it's 1st calculators and all the graphing calculators, with stats for the latter. it's worth the download... |
 | tutoc.zip | 179k | 03-07-01 |  | French Tutorial on C This is the tutorial written by the Ti-Fr team, before the site was closed. I thought it could interest many basic programmers. I hope it will make new good programmers.... |
 | tutorials.zip | 27k | 00-09-26 |  | TI-BASIC Tutorial A small (so far) but very complete tutorial |
 | tutorial_ti83.zip | 22k | 05-03-02 |  | Tutorial TI-83 BASIC (Portuguese) This a full TI-83 BASIC tutorial in portuguese. It teatches all the aspects of programming and it's full of examples. |
 | tutorial.zip | 138k | 05-04-06 |  | TI-86 Basic and Assembly Tutorial This has a few lessons and some awesome appendices for TI-86 Basic and Assembly. Please give feedback if you'd like to see certain material in the near future. What's new: much higher concentration of information (just let your mouse hover) |
 | understnd83+.doc | 34k | 00-02-28 |  | Better Understand Your TI-83+ This is a newbis guide to the 83+! Includes tutorial for making BASIC text RPGS. |
 | usbkeysce.zip | 230k | 16-02-22 |  | USB keyboard keymaps for the TI-84 Plus CE USB keyboard keymaps when connected to a TI-84 Plus CE. Using an USB keyboard requires at least OS 5.1.5. |
 | vgt.zip | 4k | 10-03-30 |  | The Calculator Video Game Developer's Toolkit Eh. It's basically what utilities you want on your calculator at the time. This accounts for optimal space and memory. |
 | vistatigraphlinkassociati.zip | 119k | 07-10-11 |  | Vista TI-GraphLink Association Fix This is a fix for TI-GraphLink software on Windows Vista, it includes registry entries for file association and a icon file to make the shortcuts look like they should. Applies to: TI-GraphLink 83 Plus TI-GraphLink 89 |
 | wadhak82.txt | 1k | 97-07-01 |  | How to build TI-82 WADs for Hell |
 | wadhak83.txt | 1k | 97-07-01 |  | How to build TI-83 WADs for Hell |
 | wavplayerguidev1.9.zip | 999k | 05-01-28 |  | How to make and play a full song on a 83 (SE) Ever wanted to have real music on your 83+ (SE)? Well here's a guide that gives you a step-by-step guide to converting a full .wav file into a .8xp file. Note- contains 2 versions- a 1 document fersion and a step-by-step guide. |
 | windows7ticonnectcompatib.zip | 1224k | 10-01-24 |  | Windows 7 TI connect compatibility info Windows 7 came out in October, and some of you may be wondering if TI-Connect works with the 32bit and 64 bit of all versions of Windows 7. Well no need to worry because this document includes step by step instructions to help you install TI-Connect on ANY version of Windows 7 (this incluses 32bit and 64bit). (This also includes how to install the new TI-Connect update). Plus this document contains helpful pictures for those of you who wish to see the installation with explanations of what to do. Also, for those who still have Windows 7 RC1, I have also included the previous document that has info useful for anyone that wishes to install XP Mode (previously called Virtual XP) and use TI-Connect through that. Download today for the complete info on Windows 7 and TI-Connect compatibility, and decide if you are ready from the switch to Windows 7 from Vista or XP. (However, if you wish to stick with Vista or XP, this file will still be useful for installation on those operating systems including 64bit XP and Vista 64bit. |
 | zscmdsum.txt | 3k | 97-08-24 |  | ZShell Command Routine Summary |
 | zsfnlib.txt | 16k | 97-07-24 |  | ZShell Function Library |
 | zshelp.zip | 55k | 97-07-24 |  | ZShell 4.0 Reference Guide (Windows Help format) |
 | zs_roms.txt | 1k | 97-08-22 |  | Listing of ZShell 4.0 ROM CALL Addresses |
 | zteach.zip | 12k | 97-08-24 |  | ZShell Programming Package |