Windows 7 TI connect compatibility info
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Windows 7 TI connect compatibility info
Windows 7 came out in October, and some of you may be wondering if TI-Connect works with the 32bit and 64 bit of all versions of Windows 7. Well no need to worry because this document includes step by step instructions to help you install TI-Connect on ANY version of Windows 7 (this incluses 32bit and 64bit). (This also includes how to install the new TI-Connect update). Plus this document contains helpful pictures for those of you who wish to see the installation with explanations of what to do. Also, for those who still have Windows 7 RC1, I have also included the previous document that has info useful for anyone that wishes to install XP Mode (previously called Virtual XP) and use TI-Connect through that. Download today for the complete info on Windows 7 and TI-Connect compatibility, and decide if you are ready from the switch to Windows 7 from Vista or XP. (However, if you wish to stick with Vista or XP, this file will still be useful for installation on those operating systems including 64bit XP and Vista 64bit.
Taylor Harvin (
Misc. Informational Files
File Size
1,253,466 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Jan 24 04:02:13 2010
Review by
Matt M
Reviewed on
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!
Excellent guide! A side-note, this technique should work for any program with 32-bit drivers.
One word of WARNING for ADVANCED USERS -- "XP Mode" is incompatible with other virtual machine (VM) applications including - but not limited to - VMWare, VirtualBox, etc. In fact, XP Mode is actually a dumbed-down virtual machine with XP preinstalled. Both XP Mode and another VM can be installed but running both at the same time will result in a Blue Screen of Death on the physical "host" computer.
If you need/want to use VMWare, VirtualBox, etc. your best bet is to load your own 32-bit operating system (XP, Vista, or Windows 7) and use TI-Connect (or whatever) within that. |
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Archive Contents
windows7ticonnectcompatib/Older (for XP Mode)/Windows 7 RC1 and TI-Connect.pdf | 945140 |
windows7ticonnectcompatib/Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit) and TI Connect (New).pdf | 476425 |