Building HELL WADs: Matrix [A] WAD values 0 = Open space (walkway) 1 = Wall 2 = Enemy 3 = Health 4 = Gun 5 = End Start location: A = Up/Down location (y) B = Left/Right location (x) Direction facing: C = 1 North 2 East 3 South 4 West Example WAD program: PROGRAM:EXWAD Text(0,36,"Example WAD" 'Display WAD program name in WAD load screen 1->M 'Tells HELL how many levels to look for in the WAD If U=1:Then 'If you are "starting" Level 1, then "build" level 1 Text(12,0,"LEVEL 1 NAME" 'Display the Level name in WAD load screen {3,6}->dim[A] 'sets the wad dimensions to 3x6 Note: -> = "STORE" Fill(0,[A] 'Clears all previous data in [A] 1->[A](1,1) \ 1->[A](1,2) \ 1->[A](1,3) \ 1->[A](1,4) \ 1->[A](1,5) \ 1->[A](1,6) \ 1->[A](2,1) 'Defines the Wall locations 1->[A](2,6) 1->[A](3,1) / 1->[A](3,2) / 1->[A](3,3) / 1->[A](3,4) / 1->[A](3,5) / 1->[A](3,6) / 2->[A](2,3) 'Defines the Enemy location 5->[A](2,5) 'Defines the End location 2->A 'Defines the UP/DOWN Start location 2->B 'Defines the LEFT/RIGHT Start location 2->C 'Defines the Direction Facing End 'Ends The "LEVEL 1 BUILD" IF:THEN statement Return 'Returns control to HELL to start the level If you understand this and would like to write a better one go right ahead. Please send ANYTHING you do to/for HELL to me. -Jareth