BASIC Calc Freeze/ROM clearer
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basicmemclear.txt (Download)
BASIC Calc Freeze/ROM clearer
Yes, believe it or not you can clear your memory, but that's not it either. I've found a way with just a few lines of code to clear your memory(or friends :-) ), freeze your calculator(no key can exit, not even [on]), even clear the whole calc(RAM and ROM, everything but the OS) without doing any damage. Can be executed from the homescreen or a program. So do it to a friend or integrate it in a program incase someone tries to cheat or something. Enjoy! Give me some feed back if you like this or found it usefull in a program, or even if you have a funny story about what you did to your friends/enemys.
Aaron Marchiafava (
Misc. Informational Files
File Size
3,414 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Jun 2 06:18:57 2003
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