| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 Plus BASIC Files |
 | customerror.zip | 29k | 23-06-19 |  | Custom Error Allows you to create your own custom errors to amuse yourself and your friends. For 92 Plus and v200. Instructions in the Ignoreme. Made with Graph89. |
 | rpgdice_92.zip | 8k | 19-12-10 |  | RPG Dice Programmed by Filip Jamroga (me). Do you want to play your favourite tabletop RPG, but somebody stole your dice (or you simply forgot or lost them - the program works in this scenario too)? Then this program is for you! Simulate up to 12 d4's, d6's, d8's, d10's, d12's or d20's at a time! You can even roll for percentage! The program will tell you the result of up to five individual rolls and then the sum of all of them. Enjoy! |
 | nav3.zip | 420k | 17-06-28 |  | NavigatorOS v3.0 (RIP Edition) Latest version of Navigator! This is a 13kb BASIC Shell for TI-92+. Sports built-in Var-Link for file mgmt, dual address books*, scheduler*, clock, dual calendars, GPS4Nav*, Program Launcher plus a recently added user-friendly expansion module! Fixes all problems of Navigator 1+2. Touts a revamped intuitive user-interface with the latest tools at your fingertips. Uses ASM routines. *Must download separately by me. |
 | vab.zip | 20k | 16-09-22 |  | Virtual Address Book v1.2e A tiny, but capable, under 5kb address storage, edit, and retrieval tool able to store 278-453 chars. of user data! (3) flavors to choose from; Graph Screen, Dialog Box, and ASM output. See screenshots. Size vs. features it's got my vote! |
 | gps4nav.zip | 24k | 14-02-15 |  | GPS4Nav A <1KB "Great Circle Distance" based GPS Lat/Lon between city calculator. You input the coordinates, it returns several close true-mileage guesses and heading. Recommend printing out lat_lon.xls. Can be ran as standalone or launched from a basic shell like NavigatorOS. Warning: highly addictive! |
 | banks.zip | 6k | 13-05-30 |  | Banks Checking/Saving's Account management program. Simple to use, under 5kb, and gets the job done! Recently fixed ledger output! |
 | banksii.zip | 13k | 13-05-17 |  | Banks2 Checking/Saving's Account management program. This is my latest version of Banks for the more demanding user. Still simple to use and gets the job done faster with ASM-based UniWrite's help! 3 sizes to choose from. |
 | nav.zip | 18k | 13-03-08 |  | NavigatorOS v1.0 This is a Basic program that can keep track of all your games,etc., through an easy to use, crash free, and compact system. Includes a built in address book with many other add-on programs available, system stats view, password protection, and shutdown. (see screen shots) This is a must have for all of you who want to expand the functionality of your calc. |
 | holdem.zip | 10k | 09-04-24 |  | Texas Hold'em Odds Database This nifty program uses a matrix database to tell you the odds for any 2 cards you are dealt at the beginning of a Texas Hold'em style poker game. This is not made to encourage gambling, but as an informational tool. Thank you and have fun. |
 | datimp.zip | 6k | 08-11-30 |  | Date and time functions Time functions: convert floating point decimal values to hour, minute, sec. or hour, minute format and display it from the command line or from programs. Date functions: Leap year test, Valid date test, Number of days a month. |
 | tax2007.zip | 6k | 08-03-24 |  | US Federal and NJ Tax Tables for tax year 2007 Program computes US Federal and New Jersey taxes for tax year 2007 (to be files by 4/15/2008). The program replaces the voluminous tax tables provided with IRS instructions. |
 | breakpoint.zip | 431k | 08-02-28 |  | BreakPoint This is a utility program for debugging the BASIC programs. It imitates the breakpoint feature we can find in a debugger. It allows you to suspend the execution of the program being debugged, to inspect its variables and eventually to modify them; for this it just takes to insert the command brk\pt in the program being debugged in the places to be analyzed. |
 | postage.zip | 5k | 07-07-26 |  | US Postage Rates V.2.0 New US Postage Rates effective 5/15/2007 The program computes US postage rates, up to 13 ozs - within US, Canada and by air to most other countries. The new postal rates are extremely complicated as compared to the previous years. For example, a letter of 3.5 ozs or less can be charged at 4 different rates depending on the size, shape and thickness of the envelope. Letters over 3.5 ozs can be charged at 2 different rates. |
 | diceroll.zip | 1k | 07-07-26 |  | DiceRoll Basic dice program for multiple dice of any size, and displays individual rolls as well. |
 | tax2006.zip | 5k | 07-03-01 |  | US Federal and NJ Tax Tables for tax year 2006 Program computes US Federal and New Jersey taxes for tax year 2006 (to be files by 4/15/2007). The program replaces the voluminous tax tables provided with IRS instructions. |
 | fiscode.zip | 80k | 06-11-18 |  | Italian Fiscal Code Calculates Italian fiscal codes. English and Italian version. |
 | tax2005.zip | 6k | 06-01-15 |  | US Federal and New Jersey Tax Computation for 2005 Tax Year The program replaces voluminous Tax Tables found in the tax instruction manuals for tax year 2005 to be filed in April 2006. |
 | cardval.zip | 5k | 06-01-15 |  | Credit Card Validation The program computes checksum and other parameters for the most popular credit cards - VISA, Master Charge, Discover and AMEX. |
 | calcchat.zip | 17k | 05-08-10 |  | CalcChat 1.55 for 89/92/92+/v200 CalcChat is, so far, the best chatting program ever. Why, you ask? Well, look at the screenshots and see for yourself. **NEW IN selv1.55** Can automatically set self to Diamond+9 | Can skip log-in screen | TI-92 version | And more |
 | modeback.zip | 11k | 05-07-28 |  | ModeBack 2.2 Backs up and archives modes, units, and graph settings |
 | timedate.zip | 5k | 05-03-09 |  | Time & Date Shortcuts Displays the time and date from either a function (datetime) or in the status line with a battery indicator (timedate) |
 | open.zip | 10k | 05-03-02 |  | Open A menu with all files and folders using Flib. |
 | www_db.zip | 471k | 05-03-02 |  | WWW Database 12.5 WWW Database was made for people that wants to remenber Logins and Passwords from websites and store them to the calculator. This program can encrypt the database. And it has a secure Login with complex level of encryptation. The first time you Login its requested the fields Username and Password, please dont forget this (the mode is Single user). This program also supports advanced search's that are case insensitive. WWW Database also supports Backups and Scheduled Backups (For example: every Monday when the WWW Database first runs). Minimum required: AMS 2.07 |
 | tlinkz.zip | 17k | 05-01-28 |  | T-Linkz 2005 v1.0 T-linkz 2005 v1.0 is the best chat program avalible to any TI-92+/Voyage 200 user. This program includes Chating, Screen Name, Quick Clear, and Easy Startup. Also this file contains an exelent "walk-thru" type Readme and tons of screen shot so you can see if you like. If you don't like this program than just email me and I WILL make it how YOU like it. This Program was created by: T-ware Software (that is my company). |
 | tax2004.zip | 1k | 05-01-18 |  | US Federal an NJ Tax Tables for 2004 Program computes Tax Tables for Federal and New Jersey income tax for tax year 2004 (to be files in April 2005). The program replaces voluminous tax tables provided in tax instructions. |
 | mirror.zip | 2k | 05-01-01 |  | Mirror With Mirror, you can mirror .PIC files vertical and horizontal. FLib by Francois Leiber is needed (not included). |
 | graypic.zip | 9k | 05-01-01 |  | GrayPic GrayPic is a BASIC Grayscale Picture Viewer. It's not very good, but shows pretty efficient how grayscale graphics work. |
 | prgmman92p.zip | 55k | 04-12-14 |  | Program Manager v 1.02 It's a very useful program that allows you to manage your programs and to run them from every folder. Now with chronological history. |
 | austronv1.2.zip | 9k | 04-12-04 |  | Austron v1.2 The ultimate BASIC chatbot Finally!!! Its the third update of Austron! The ultimate example of BASIC programming technology, pushing the language to its limits! Finally, an intelligent chatterbot for the Voyage 200/TI 92 plus! His name is Austron is even more intelligent. He has over 120 responses for over 220 questions! if he doesnt under stand your question, he will do his best to understand it, and if that doesn't work, he will try to come up with a fake answer, a humerous question, or a conversation starter. He has memory, so he can bring up old topics to start a conversation. He will answer to words, frases, even whole sentances. He can even correct grammar in spelling!. He knows the answer to almost any math problem, and has a built in random number generator just for fun! Austron also has a promative help function with a few basic commands, like calculator mode. He can also speek a few words of spanish. Austron is the combination of the tecniques used in the chatterbots Eliza, Cybelle, and billy. Combined with these and my own ideas, Austron has become the ultimate humorous and serious chatterbot. Truely, this is the ultimate basic chatterbot. I will be updading Austrons brain at least once a week, so keep looking for later versions. Look out for some great new features in version 2.0 Gold Edition (coming soon!). PS PLEASE!!! E-mail me if you have any comments! PPS Sorry for the latness of the update! |
 | crypt89.zip | 2k | 04-10-09 |  | Crypt 89/92p/200 v1.0 This is the ULTIMATE encrypted link-chat program for the TI-89. The algorithm is very complex, the vars are localized and deleted as soon as they are no longer needed, and the values that the calculator transmits seem entirely random. (In fact, the engine is so good that they nearly are!) {-1575000744.14 -2627044.07217 652230630.016 -121727130.029 -236810414.29 -931201049.947} "å" |
 | chatbot.zip | 4k | 04-10-07 |  | Austron v1.1 The ULTIMATE intelligent BASIC chatbot! Finally!!! Its the second update of what you've all been waiting for! The ultimate example of BASIC programming technology, pushing the language to its limits! Finally, an intelligent chatterbot for the Voyage 200/TI 92 plus! His name is Austron is even more intelligent. He has responses for almost 100 questions! if he doesnt under stand your question, he will do his best to understand it, and if that doesn't work, he will try to come up with a fake answer, a humerous question, or a conversation starter. He has memory, so he can bring up old topics to start a conversation. He will answer to words, frases, even whole sentances. He can even correct grammar in spelling!. He knows the answer to almost any math problem, and has a built in random number generator just for fun! Austron also has a promative help function with a few basic commands, like calculator mode. He can even give a little bit of simple medical help! He can also speek a few words of spanish. Austron is the combination of the tecniques used in the chatterbots Eliza, Cybelle, and billy. Combined with these and my own ideas, Austron has become the ultimate humorous and serious chatterbot. Truely, this is the ultimate basic chatterbot. I will be updading Austrons brain at least once a week, so keep looking for later versions. Look out for some great new features in version 1.2. PS PLEASE!!! E-mail me if you have any comments! |
 | locmodes.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Local Modes Executes a string using local mode settings. Useful if you don't want to alter mode settings but need to display something using certain mode settings, for example a polar subroutine in a math program. |
 | returnfl.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Return fl A function that strips the list brackets from the FLib return variable and returns the value inside |
 | fileext.zip | 1k | 04-08-10 |  | FileExt Attaches a file extension to the end of any file name |
 | stringutils.zip | 12k | 04-06-15 |  | String utilities String utilities contains two functions: strsto and strins, which allow you to add characters in the middle of strings. |
 | gooddisp.zip | 1k | 04-04-09 |  | Gooddisp Goodisp is a basic function that improves upon the built in disp function. It features automatic wrap, scrolling, and pausing (for when strings fill the whole screen) |
 | crcalcenglish.zip | 35k | 04-03-13 |  | CRcalc English/US version This is a very good Currency converting program, which lets you convert between 150 different currencies from all over the world. French version will be released soon. Very useful!! |
 | crcalcdeutsch.zip | 14k | 04-03-07 |  | CRcalc German version This is a very good Currency converting programm, which lets you convert between 150 different currencies from all over the world English and French version will be released soon. Very useful!! |
 | morstrans.zip | 5k | 04-03-07 |  | MorsTrans This is a translator which lets ypu translate chars into morse signals. supported chars: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,., ,ä,ü,ö and some french chars. See the morsmat-file on calc for all chars. Only small chars are translated. |
 | ramview.zip | 11k | 04-01-30 |  | RAMview v1.1 This is the perfect program for getting informations of your Voyage200 memory state. It displays the RAM and Flash ROM (Archive) in a pie chart, a bar chart and displays in letters how many RAM and Archive memory is used, free and how many you have all together on your calculator. In addition, it will show you a nice line chart for your RAM and Flash ROM use of the last 20 (in fact, of the last 21) days (the last '20' times you have run "RAMview"). In the last-20-days-display, the thick line shows the RAM use and the thinner one shows your use of the Archive memory. |
 | rammanager.zip | 22k | 04-01-17 |  | ram manager v1.6 The ultimate Explorer and System manager for the Voyage 200 and the TI92+, written in TI-BASIC with ExtFunc by Daniel DeGraaf. Many features included: *Battery state information(in percent) *See how many ram and archive memory areused at the moment *Manage your on-calc data and launch programs from a browser (!) *Protect your calc with a password from unauthorized persons... and many more!! New features: *New 'General Inforamtion' *Now you can see if a file is locked or archived ust like in the VAR-LINK menu of the TI-OS. This program is definetly very useful for everyone!! |
 | writeio.zip | 3k | 04-01-14 |  | w r i t e I O Yes, it isn't seen very often but this is my first release of a Text Editor written in TI-BASIC!! I don't know if it's useful, but it features nearly all chars possible ([F1] opens char menu), has an underline-function ([mode] to set it on/off) and saves the 'text files' as matrices ([APPS] opens the main menu). I don't know if anyone needs it, but you should give it a try! |
 | tax2003p.zip | 1k | 04-01-08 |  | US Federal/New Jersey 2003 Tax Tables Replaces voluminous tables provided by IRS or State of NJ with the filing forms |
 | brun.zip | 4k | 03-12-31 |  | BRUN Latin Translator v1.0 This program will translate to and from BRUN Latin, a language developed right here on the message boards of ticalc.org. I'm not quite sure how this could be useful, but it sure is fun to play with! All yuor bsae aer bleong to us. |
 | qbrating.zip | 2k | 03-12-24 |  | QB Rating v1.0 This program uses the NFL's official formula to calculator quarterback ratings. Use it whilst watching football to see how your quarterback is really doing. |
 | smallfontwriter.zip | 3k | 03-12-22 |  | Small font writer This basic library displays a string on the graph screen with the small TI font. |
 | bmi.zip | 1k | 03-12-08 |  | Body Mass Index V.1.0 BMI calculation program. As BMI increases, the risk for some disease increases. Like Diabetes, High blood pressure,... It better to prevent! |
 | password92p.zip | 22k | 03-12-08 |  | Password It's a very light program that allow to protect your calculator from indiscreet eyes. |
 | gweflib.zip | 6k | 03-11-30 |  | Gwe Grayscale Demonstrates flib's ability to produce full-screen (well, any size), rich (3D?) grayscale images with easy BASIC code. A must-download for any BASIC programmer! |
 | dflib2.zip | 14k | 03-11-30 |  | Danya Grayscale This file goes hand-in-hand with my "Gwe Grayscale." Further demonstrates flib's rich, (3D) grayscale creation features, which are easily accessible in all BASIC programs. Shows how flib can create beautiful grayscale pictures with easy BASIC code! Some new shown features include grouping and compression. A must-download for all BASIC programmers! |
 | runner.zip | 55k | 03-11-29 |  | Program Runner Runner is the faster way to run all your programs with a single key: rename it to 'kbdprgm1-9' and you'll be able to run every program pressing only 3 keys! |
 | calclock.zip | 5k | 03-11-20 |  | calclock saubue's CALClock - THe safer way to turn off your calc! ----------------------------------------------------- This is just a beta release which features a username and up to four failed trys to put on your calc and the time this happened. You can only change you settings if you turned on your calculator successfully. Now it should work :) |
 | time.zip | 1k | 03-11-20 |  | TIME New Version 0.5. Now with better graphics (No more clearing the whole screen) and the current date in the upper left corner. **Look at the 'time' till your brain explodes** I looked at it for 45 minutes and was confused :) Thanks to Ilidio Martins! |
 | dbook68k.zip | 1k | 03-10-23 |  | DBook 68k - Special Edition This nifty program uses a list to create 'ebooks' in Dialog boxes (book format)or as scrolling text (lyrical format). E-mail me for development info if interested. |
 | ti_timer.zip | 22k | 03-10-19 |  | TI-Timer A Calculus teacher informed me of the Lbl/Goto sec bug on the 68k files. It works perfectly now. Simply read the included .txt file for help and enjoy :-) |
 | patchgtavicecity.zip | 3k | 03-08-17 |  | Patch GTA Vice City par BonomoV Ce prog explique et calcule étape par étape comment cracker l' argent à GTA Vice City (PC) (jusqu'à 999 999 999$) Langues : English, Francais |
 | comptes.zip | 13k | 03-08-10 |  | Gestion de comptes bancaires Permet de gérer jusqu'à 6 comptes bancaires différents en y inscrivant toutes les opérations qui y sont effectuées. Vous saurez ainsi si vous êtes "Dans le rouge". |
 | executils.zip | 9k | 03-08-07 |  | ASM2EXEC & EXEC2ASM These programs convert ASM programs to Exec strings (and vice versa.) ASM2EXEC creates an Exec string named maiexecstr from an ASM program; EXEC2ASM reverses this process, generating asmprgm from an Exec string. |
 | willchat.zip | 4k | 03-07-28 |  | Will's Chatter This is a group of very simple chatting programs. Please send me info regarding your opinion, especiallyif you find bugs. |
 | toolbar_v200.zip | 366k | 03-07-10 |  | ToolBar Icons + v16.0 This usefull to programing with Ti-89, Ti-92+ and Voyage 200 ex.: ToolBar Title calc ..... Title link.... EndTBar (Includes icons, and English and Portuguese documentation). I add it up testpic2.89 |
 | bacon.zip | 2k | 03-06-22 |  | Kevin Bacon, ad infinitum Ever play the kevin bacon game, and just come up short on movies? Ever just go through the archive, downloading random programs? This function, when run, displays a random Kevin Bacon movie, all the way up to early 2003. I have big plans for this, ho ya. Enjoy polar_ice_cat@hotmail.com |
 | benchmarker92.zip | 34k | 03-05-30 |  | Calculator Benchmarker This is a true calculator benchmarker, as it tests all aspects of the system. |
 | hexdraw.9xp | 3k | 03-05-29 |  | hexdraw Updated version of hexdraw. Fixes a bug that prevented the user from using hexidecimal conversion more than once. hexdraw is a sprite drawing program for your calculator the lets you draw up to 44 pixels wide by 20 high. |
 | rct92.zip | 1k | 03-05-20 |  | Race Time Converter This converts the time of a race at 1 distance to the time of a race at another distance. |
 | scrbkprv92.zip | 1k | 03-05-16 |  | Baseball Scorebook Preview Well, this is a text based baseball scorebook. It's nowhere near finished, but I'm releasing a preview. |
 | combo.zip | 10k | 03-05-12 |  | Word Combination Generator This set, for the TI-83 -- V200 generates word combinations of whatever you input. |
 | uscoins68k.zip | 12k | 03-05-09 |  | United States Coins Checklist This has a matrix of all US coins from half-cents through dollars. No gold or bullion supported. The files included are for the TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and V200. |
 | ti_wordsort.zip | 19k | 03-05-07 |  | TI Word Sorters This package contains the wordsort program for the TI-83, TI-83+, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and V200. |
 | passutls92.zip | 1k | 03-05-06 |  | Password Utilities Use it in your programs for password protection. |
 | shelled92.zip | 1k | 03-04-20 |  | Shelled 1 Shelled is a program launcher/manager made using TI-BASIC. |
 | bball92.zip | 1k | 03-04-20 |  | Basketball Stat Analyzer A port of Patrick Do's Basketball Stat Analyzer for the Ti-86, now for the 68K calcs. |
 | grayadjuster.zip | 229k | 03-04-18 |  | Grayscale Adjuster This is a very helpful grayscale adjuster. Because everyone's calc's contrast is different, it allows you to adjust your contrast for you. Great for after a crash. If you don't have ticonnect, it will be dificult to put on your calc, because it is 89p. |
 | tool.zip | 19k | 03-04-04 |  | TOOL v3.0 !!! TOOL v3.0 (c) 2001 2002 2003 by Adrian Baader (adba) ==================================================== Das Programm TOOL ist eine eigene Toolbar (das heisst ein eigenes Menu) in dem viel nützliche Befehle zusammengefasst sind. Es besteht aus einem einzigen Installationsprogramm (Tool). Bei der Installation werden jedeoch ein paar sehr nützliche Programme installiert: Matedit(x): Lösen von linearen Gleichungsystemen und vieles mehr. x = Anzahl Variablen Analyse(f): Macht eine Kurvendiskusion von der Kurve f mit der Variablen x zum ableiten, usw... Berechnet automatisch den richtigen Zoom für den Graphen! adbaLOG(): Eine eigene Programmiersprache die auf dem TI Basic aufbaut. Sie ist nicht linear wie eine herkömliche Programmiersprache sondern 2-dimenasional also Matrix artige Design art. Ermöglicht das kopilieren von schnellsten Basic Programmen! Debugmodus und Runmodus zum Testen der Programme. Snake(x): Kleines Spiel Snake zur auflockerung in einer mühsamen Stunde. x = Grösse der Schlange und somit auch Geschwindigkeit. xxx(x): Passwortschutz. x = Passwort help(): Hilfefunktion bei der die meisten Programme erklährt sind. usw. Falls Probleme auftreten oder verbesserungsmöglichkeiten auftauchen schriebt an: adba@bluewin.ch oder auf der Seite www.adba.ch.vu ins Gästebuch ================================================================================ Viel Spass und viel Erfolg in den zukünftigen Prüfungen mit TOOL! |
 | aichatirc.zip | 4k | 03-04-03 |  | AI chat IRC adba: AI/KI-CHAT like IRC. Dieses Programm Generiert selbständig Sätze und 2 "küstlich inteligente" virtuelle Personen sprechen mit einander. Die Sprach entspricht natürlich keiner echten. Es wird aber versucht eine relativ Normale zu generieren. Viel Spass! |
 | wonderchat.zip | 19k | 03-03-11 |  | WonderChat 1.5 This program functions as an encryptable chat program between the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200. Al Dio estu la glorio. |
 | program.zip | 226k | 03-03-10 |  | Beam XP/ Viga XP This is an excellent program to solve beams using any of two types od}f method, the Stiffness Matrix Method and the 3 Equation Method, both methods gives the results step by step. Un excelente program para resolver vigas por cualquiera de los dos metodos el de matriz de rigidez y el de ecuacion e 3 momentos, ambos metodos dan los resultados paso a paso. |
 | stopwtch.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Stopwatch V1.2 Demonstration of timing and date functions of AMS 2.08. To run the program you have to have AMS 2.08 or later on your calculator |
 | stiffnes.zip | 153k | 03-03-10 |  | Stiffness This Program is to solve indetermine beams using the STIFFNESS MATRIX METHOD and Frames by the same method. Este es un programa para resolver vigas usando matriz de rigideces y la ecuacion de 3 momentos. |
 | password.zip | 5k | 03-03-10 |  | Password Questo programma consente di creare una password, di criptarla e di far si che questa venga chiesta all'accensione della calcolatrice. |
 | tax2002.zip | 1k | 03-03-07 |  | US Federal and NJ Tax Tables for Tax Year 2002 Program replaces voluminous tax tables for US Federal and New Jersey 2002 taxes |
 | wonderconjspanish.zip | 34k | 03-03-04 |  | WonderConj 4.1 [Spanish] This program is capable of conjuagting sixty-two inflections of most Spanish verbs. Download updates for irregular verbs. Includes eighty irregular verbs. Al Dio estu la glorio. |
 | divxcalc92p.zip | 1k | 03-01-01 |  | DivxCalc v1.5 Utility to compute bitrates for video encoding |
 | sros.zip | 326k | 02-10-27 |  | ShortRun OS ShortRun OS is a simple operating system that allows you to quickly run any TI-BASIC program or function, including any variables that need to be passed to it. |
 | checkdigit.zip | 1k | 02-10-15 |  | ISBN / EAN check digit The last digit of an ISBN or EAN code is the so-called check digit and this function calculates or checks it. |
 | nool9xsdk.zip | 250k | 02-09-27 |  | Qs New Object Oriented SDK 9x Quésoft New Object Oriented Language Software Development Kit release 2a for TI-9x. NOOL is a new tool for object oriented programming inspired from JAVA that uses CLib compiled functions in order to improve display speed. This release comes with a complete HTML javadoc documentation. |
 | coaster.zip | 2k | 02-09-08 |  | Roller Coaster Rater Lets you create judges with their own rating specifics, then give the program the ride's statistics and you will recieve a rtin for each judge. Up to 10 judges and 100 rides can be created. The programwas mad to judge rides made in Roller Coaster Factory 2, but it should work for almost any ride you can think of. |
 | xmsg.zip | 5k | 02-09-07 |  | Xmsg 0.93 Programm that allow you to chat between two calculators, to execute remote command like displaying a picture, and more... |
 | addrbook.zip | 2k | 02-08-28 |  | Addrbook Addrbook is a manager for email addresses, phone (home & cell phone) and ICQ numbers of people, thus, actually it is just an extended phone book (more features will follow, if anyone needs them). |
 | tax2001.zip | 1k | 02-08-28 |  | U.S. Federal and New Jersey Income Tax Tables for 2001 Tax Y The program replaces the voluminous Tax Tables provided with tax instructions. It will be updated in January 2003 for the Tax Year 2002. |
 | xcal.zip | 2k | 02-08-28 |  | XCal XCal is a Calendar for your TI, which keeps track of your appointments. It's the same calendar as used in my Agenda-Program |
 | secur.zip | 2k | 02-08-28 |  | Secur Secur & Secur2 are programs to encrypt and decrypt strings, using a key-file! |
 | searchti.zip | 2k | 02-08-28 |  | SearchTI Search your TI for any file you don't know where it is stored (useful, if you have lot's of files/hidden files) |
 | ngen2.zip | 6k | 02-08-17 |  | NGen 2.0 NotenGenie V2.0 lets you compose and listen to your composations on your Calc (uses MediaPlayer V1.0 ASM-Routines) |
 | clear.zip | 1k | 02-08-02 |  | ClrAll Calc getting messy? Long huge equations on the homescreen you really dont need? Graph screen crowded and muddled? clear() will preform a cosmetic sweep, getting rid of all that! Quick, clean, and darn useful in some cases. |
 | ae.zip | 1k | 02-08-02 |  | Quick Easy Exact-Approximate-Auto Rotation When you run ae() it will automatically switch from the current "Exact/Approx" mode ("AUTO", "EXACT", "APPROXIMATE") to the next in the list ("EXACT", "APPROXIMATE", "AUTO") Very useful I think. Rmoves the hassle of going to the mode box, and the short title is quick and easy to type. |
 | navigator2.zip | 32k | 02-08-02 |  | Navigator V2.0 (With ASM routines) This is a newer version of Navigator now using System Utilities to extend its features. New features: better password protection, smaller prgm, program customizing, logon as guest, more tools, better system status and ability to change settings and modes, backgrounds, sticky notes, and more. See screen shots for examples. If you do not want ASM routines, download previous version. |
 | logger.zip | 395k | 02-07-23 |  | N7RI Field day logger Check for "dupes"; log exchanges; display, edit and count QSOs during Field Day. Afterward, open Field Day log data in a PC Excel spreadsheet. Step-by-step instructions included in a PC Word document. |
 | chkacct.zip | 1k | 02-07-22 |  | Checking Account for Two Users When, e.g., two spouses use the same checking account but keep separate checkbooks this program will help them balance their respective subaccounts |
 | weekday92p.zip | 5k | 02-07-22 |  | WeekDay This tiny program is very useful ! you enter a date (Day/Month/Year) and it tells you witch weekday it is ! You can enter any date : in the past and in the future.Thus,you can know which weekday you are born,impress your neighborhood : "The WWII armistice was TUESDAY the 8 of May,1945 ! Just tape weekday() to launch it... |
 | calendar.zip | 1k | 02-07-22 |  | Perpetual Calendar (1901-2099) V.2.1 Computes day of the week 1901-2099 |
 | rpgdice.zip | 4k | 02-06-19 |  | RPGdice 1.0 a It's a dice roller specially designed for RPG players. Roll a dice of value who doesn't make a domain error, with message or roll a multi-rolled dice. You can enter the name of your character and save it for later use. |
 | contact.zip | 10k | 02-06-19 |  | Contact v1.25 Contact allows you to store information about personal and business contacts on your TI-92+. For more info. read the documentation. |
 | moon.zip | 1k | 02-06-13 |  | Phase of the Moon V.2 Displays graphically phase of the moon for any date |
 | index.zip | 2k | 02-05-27 |  | Phone Index Ver1.1 This is a real phone index, just put the two programs "Runner" and "Phone" in the same folder and name it "Index". |
 | zufallzahlen.zip | 1k | 02-05-22 |  | Zufallzahlengenerator zeigt ein bis sieben Zufallzahlen in vorher gewähltem Bereich im Programm E/A Bildschirm an, z.B. für Lottozahlen, kleine Dateigröße |
 | notes.zip | 3k | 02-05-21 |  | mackz notes mackz notes v.1.1.7 is a notepad for your TI-92+ with some useful features. |
 | info.zip | 4k | 02-05-21 |  | mackz info The program reads information about the SYSTEM, the MODE configuration and the standard UNITS. You can choose from different menus and get the information you want. |
 | gamsav.zip | 2k | 02-05-21 |  | mackz gamsav Einfach je nach Bedarf Speichern oder Wiederherstellen. Wer den Inhalt des Grafikbildschirms als Bild sichern möchte, der muss warten, bis dieser wieder gezeichnet worden ist. |
 | unidays.zip | 14k | 02-05-20 |  | Unidays v3.3.6 a (New even less bugs version) This program (French) converts Gregorian or Julian dates into Copt, Jewish, Mayan, Republican, Muslim, Roman, Greek, OF, Pataphysic, Positivist or Egyptian dates. It can also make some other calculations like subtraction or addition, Julian or Gregorian Easters date for a given year and with a traditional calendar output option. Download the file into your calculator, run the setup (Setup language in English) and Voilà ! |
 | chat9xp.zip | 5k | 02-05-20 |  | mackz chat Version 1.7.1 features: EASY TO USE (Just start the program and chat. You don't need to declare a primary and second user. Type your name in once, the program will save it to a variable. etc. Even wating for input while you type), MULTIPLE LANGUAGE SUPPORT (German, English, Spanish, French and Italian), OPTIONS (Version Info, Explanation, Change user name, Change Language), IRC DESIGN (Input at the bottom of the screen, messages and input scroll). You don't need to delete the 1.6.x files, the program does it and even keeps your settings. |
 | businesssuite92p.zip | 108k | 02-05-13 |  | Business Suite 3.0 for TI-92 Plus An update to Business Suite which this program is a replacement. New features include a new interface for cash flows, bonds, and depreciation applications. Also includes credit card budgeting and real estate analysis. This version also includes a simplified 1040 Income Tax Form (CAUTION: this program ONLY gives estimates of 2002 taxes). Special thanks to Joyce for getting me off my butt to do this update. Hope you enjoy. |
 | varsize.zip | 4k | 02-04-15 |  | VarSize BASIC This program calculates the size of any variable and returns it in the variable 'v'. I tested this program on a folder with 325 files in it (~180kb) and it came out only 75 bytes off. That means this program is approximately 99.96% accurate. AND IT'S WRITTEN IN BASIC! Although I can't guarantee it works on the TI-92+... I know it works on the TI-89. They should be similar enough for this to work. |
 | tihtml.zip | 23k | 02-04-15 |  | TI HTML v2.1 An on-calculator pseudo-HTML coding and displaying program. Many, MANY updates since the last version. Read the readme.txt file for more information. Original version converted to TI-92+ format. |
 | oe.zip | 8k | 02-04-15 |  | Old English Translator Rather simple, really. It will request a modern English word, then try to translate it into Old English. The current version supports 193 words, most of which start with a or b. The web site I use to find words is located at http://www.mun.ca/Ansaxdat/vocab/wordlist.html . Since there are 59 PAGES of words for the letters a-i alone, I have a feeling a final version will take a *long* time. Expect it out within a year... |
 | numofarg.zip | 2k | 02-04-15 |  | Number of Arguments Finds the number of arguments required to run any BASIC program or function, and creates the variable argnum which contains the result. |
 | minios92p.zip | 29k | 02-04-15 |  | Mini OS v1.1 Probably the tiniest working 'operating system' available for the TI-89: 2020 bytes, excluding Flib and Flib2. Allows you to run programs (ASM and BASIC), and view expressions, strings, lists, and pictures. A note about the screen shot 'VIEWPIC': It only looks bad because I used Graph-Link to get a shot of a grayscale image, which causes about half the rows to vanish. Now, for the TI-92+! |
 | groupos.zip | 12k | 02-04-15 |  | GroupOS A new concept of mine. This is a very basic operating system in which files are grouped together based upon their purpose, not simply on the type of file they are or what program they belong to. Files are not actually moved around, simply linked to by different groups. You can create an infinite (memory-limited) number of groups, add or remove files from groups, rename groups, and 'run' basically any file. Some files however (like TICT Expression Viewer files or eBooks) require you to have the program provided for them. Note: The 'run' program was accidentally left out of the group file. Don't forget to transfer it as well, or GroupOS won't work right. |
 | gettype2.zip | 31k | 02-04-15 |  | Get True Type This program gets the REAL type of any variable - it doesn't just return 'OTH' if the TI-92+ doesn't know what it is. Works for eBooks, eBook bookmarks, RIP snapshots, etc. etc. (for these, it returns "ebk", "cfg", and "SNAP" respectively) |
 | cword.zip | 15k | 02-04-15 |  | Crossword Maker Simple... a crossword maker and viewer, with instructions. Soon to include clues and the actual puzzle solving process. |
 | chars.zip | 2k | 02-04-15 |  | Character/Ordinal List Two functions which return (1) a list of character codes for a string passed to it, and (2) a string for a list of character codes passed to it. |
 | charmap1.zip | 2k | 02-04-15 |  | Character Map A character map program which returns the selected character in a variable. |
 | calendar4.zip | 1k | 02-04-15 |  | Perfect Calendar This program takes two arguments - month and year - and will draw a perfectly accurate calendar for any year. It takes into consideration leap years (including the rule about '00' years), and 'BC' dates, and will adjust itself for these if necessary. Syntax: calendar(month,year) |
 | bool2exp.zip | 3k | 02-04-15 |  | Boolean to Expression Read the README for a complete description. |
 | implode.zip | 2k | 02-03-17 |  | Implode v0.1b Implode joins every element in a list with the passed pattern. |
 | explode.zip | 2k | 02-03-17 |  | Explode v0.1b Explode splits passed string into a list every time passed pattern occurs. |
 | systemos.zip | 10k | 02-03-16 |  | SystemOS v1.11 This is a simple OS made in BASIC using Flib 3.1 |
 | splan.zip | 5k | 02-02-20 |  | Splan 1.0 Stundenplan,nicht gerade gut prog. aber zweckmäßig ;-) |
 | euro206.9xp | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | Euro Plus 2.06 This Programm converts Euro to austrian Schillings and austrian Schillings to Euro. Very small sice! This is the latest version. |
 | waehrung.9xp | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | Euro-Rechner (German) This is a programm for austrian people!Es rechnet entweder Euro in österr. Schilling oder österr. Schilling in Euro. Das große Plus: Es benötigt nur sehr wenig Speicherplatz. Für etwiege Schäden die durch das Programm verursacht wurden übernehme ich natürlich keine Verantwortung. |
 | inventory.zip | 3k | 02-01-01 |  | Inventory Organizer This is a program for your calculator to help you organize inventory in anything you have, quite possibly stock in a store. You can compute values, etc. |
 | flashcard.zip | 2k | 02-01-01 |  | Flash Cards This program allows you to edit a list of flash card data and then quiz yourself on them to prepair for a test or whatever. |
 | explorer.zip | 4k | 02-01-01 |  | BASIC Explorer This is a program that uses Sustem Utilities v2.0 to let you search through the files on your calc and perform some functions to them. |
 | dicev0.61gamma.zip | 2k | 01-12-22 |  | Dice Roller Version 0.61 Gamma This program is the best yet!!! More on the way!!! V0.60 was a dud, I released it too early... sorry. This Version Is Fine |
 | dicev0.60gamma.zip | 2k | 01-12-22 |  | Dice Roller Version 0.60 Gamma This program is the best yet!!! More on the way |
 | dicev0.45beta.zip | 2k | 01-12-22 |  | Dice Roller V.0.45 Beta This program is the first of its kind!!! V0.45 is more advanced than any other type!!! It can roll almost any type of dice!!! Hope you enjoy!!! |
 | euroconv.zip | 4k | 01-12-22 |  | EuroConvertisseur [Français]:Un covertisseur d'un devise quelcoque en Euro [English]:Convert a currency into Euro |
 | randnumber.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | RandNumber Generates a random number based on the given range |
 | dicev.40beta.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | DiceRoller V.0.40 Beta Don't be fooled by small size! This program is the ONLY automatic dice roller I know of, Supports different sided die AND any number of die. Feel free to port it to other calculator types, just keep the same readme and note who ported it! Hope you enjoy!!! |
 | annuaire.zip | 31k | 01-12-16 |  | Annuaire [Français]:Un programmes permettant de transformer sa TI 92+ en un véritable répertoire... Trés simple d'emploie avec de nombreuse possibilitées tel que le codage de l'accés , l'échange de contacts avec d'autres calculatrices!!!! [English]:A pogram who change your TI 92+ into a personal database management... It's easy to use and have a lot of possibilities , like exchanging contacts, protected acces... |
 | annuairedirectory.zip | 31k | 01-12-16 |  | Annuaire [Français]:Un programmes permettant de transformer sa TI 92+ en un petit répertoire... Trés simple d'emploie avec de nombreuse possibilitées tel que le codage de l'accés , l'échange de contacts avec d'autres calculatrices!!!! [English]:A pogram who change your TI 92+ into a personal database management... It's easy to use and have a lot of possibyliti , like exchanging contacts, protected acces... |
 | lzreyev021.zip | 6k | 01-12-15 |  | Lzreye Library A library made by lzreye@aol.com. It is BASIC but contains some useful and much needed features that you may not find else where. |
 | mde.zip | 2k | 01-08-06 |  | MDE v4.5b1 With MDE you can backup and restore Window- and Mode-Settings (up to five). The Backups will be archived (if you wish to), so they are even there after a reset. |
 | xpst.zip | 2k | 01-08-06 |  | eXtended Program STartup Start your Programs with this utility! if you have a lot of progs, you may find it useful! |
 | xorg.zip | 6k | 01-08-06 |  | XORG This is a bigger Organzier for the TI92...it comes with Adress-Book and Currency Calculator, also On-Calc Help is available! |
 | sorg.zip | 4k | 01-08-06 |  | Small ORGanizer v2.0 Another Version of SORG which has a new method for saving your entries! |
 | hptools.zip | 6k | 01-08-06 |  | Horsepower Tools v2.0 Find out how fast your car can run the ¼ mile! (or what kind of numbers you need to get there.) Horsepower tools is a program that allows you track and calculate horsepower based on ¼ split times or trap speed. The program will also estimate ¼ mile time or trap speed based on the other variable. |
 | proanimator.zip | 6k | 01-08-04 |  | Pro Animator RC2 This is the second release candidate of this 2D animation tool. You can easaly create animations for your own game with this tool! You will get a limit of 30 frames, and that's much more than you'll ever need for an anmiation for your game. Be sure to read the hole Readme.txt file with this program for more information. New stuff since the RC 1 is Save/Load frames to external files, change frame bug, and some minor bug fixes |
 | downloadsimulator.zip | 1k | 01-06-15 |  | Download Simulator This program allows you to simulate an actual download given the size of the file and the download speed in kilobytes per second. |
 | moviemaker.zip | 2k | 01-06-15 |  | Movie Maker A movie maker that allows you to make 50x50 pixel movies of unlimited length! Automatic archiving abilities to keep as much space available as possible for the user. |
 | rpn.zip | 5k | 01-06-01 |  | RPN2 Reverse polish notation French/english |
 | quiz92.zip | 33k | 01-06-01 |  | The Quiz Machine Engine This is an Engine that allows you to quiz yourself on almost anything that has two pieces of information that corresponds to one another. Example: States and Capitals |
 | dim3.zip | 4k | 01-06-01 |  | DIM3 v0.80 A 3D renderer program, with texture support ! |
 | activesee.zip | 19k | 01-06-01 |  | ActiveSee v1.22 Picture Viewer (designed for Flib) |
 | securi_ti.zip | 11k | 01-06-01 |  | Securi_TI [Francais]: Une imitation d'antivirus qui ne fait rien d'autre.[English]: An imitation of antivirus .It does nothing else. |
 | songs1.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | US Patriotic Songs This included five popular patriotic (U.S.) songs for the Media Player v1.0 |
 | songs3.zip | 2k | 01-06-01 |  | Christmas songs This includes six classic Christmas songs for the Media Player v1.0. It also carries an updated frequency table, to allow you to produce better quality sound. |
 | media.zip | 17k | 01-06-01 |  | Media Player v1.0 This is a program which allows you to view, edit, and play sound files in the form of a list from TI-BASIC. Uses a small asm routine to play the sound and lets you edit each element as a musical note. This is the BASIC version of the C version coming for the NavigatorOS. |
 | chat1.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Chat v1.0 This is the basic chat program for the TI92 Plus |
 | echskech.zip | 1k | 01-04-26 |  | etch a sketch an etch a sketch like progra for the ti-92+ |
 | studio.zip | 9k | 01-04-04 |  | Art Studio v1.0 This is an art program with many different graphic manipulating functions. Cut, copy, past, undo, save, open, and many other of the usual functions. A must have for Basic game developers. This is a tool for the Navigator. |
 | find.zip | 1k | 01-04-04 |  | Key Codes This is a simple program that waits for a key press and returns the code of the key |
 | savings.zip | 7k | 01-04-04 |  | Savings v1.0 Keeps track of all your savings in a Bank account. Calculates your money and balance along with saving your account number. This is a tool for the NavigatorOS. |
 | ee.zip | 4k | 01-03-11 |  | The BigAss EE Program The almost world famous program to compute almost any problem for USNA's EE300 class. You heard about it, get it here |
 | weps.zip | 3k | 01-03-11 |  | The BigAss Weapons 2 Program The almost world famous program to compute almost any problem for USNA's Weapons 2 class. You heard about it, get it here |
 | contrast.zip | 1k | 01-02-24 |  | Contrast v1.0 With this program you can adjust the contrast by pressing one of the arrow keys. it uses the EXEC-command. |
 | chat92p.zip | 8k | 01-02-08 |  | Chat92 v1.92 Ce programme est un prog que j'avais trouvé, et que j'ai beaucoup amélioré Cela c'est traduit par une refonte du code (dont il ne reste que très peu de la version originelle) |
 | movie.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Movie 1 see readme |
 | tibf.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | Brainf*ck interpreter Executes programs written in the Brainf*ck language, contained in strings. More information on Brainf*ck is available in the README. |
 | mirc.zip | 4k | 01-01-29 |  | mIRC Chat program. |
 | cards.zip | 34k | 01-01-18 |  | Card Game Maker This is a package of utilities that will help you make just about any game out there! Why reinvent the wheel? Download this and it will include all the pictures you need, and programs including programs that help you shuffle and deal your cards. This gives you a good way to organize your cards. VERY helpful for programmers. |
 | force.zip | 23k | 01-01-06 |  | Force Calculator This is a program that helps you calculate vector forces. It gives you the force and direction that is produced when who forces act on an object. VERY useful for physics class, it does everything for you. |
 | dos92.zip | 30k | 01-01-06 |  | DOS-92 + Basically this is a DOS (Disk Operating System) program for the TI-92 +. It helps you manage your files without having press buttons etc. everything is run from commands that you type in for it to do. It is mainly for people who work on the Virtual TI, because it is very inconvenient to keep having to click the buttons and type at the same time in Virtual TI. You run dos and you can do everything with commands to manage files, run programs, etc. Now runs Assembly programs! |
 | vok.zip | 6k | 00-12-10 |  | Vocable Manager Vocable Manager for the TI92+ |
 | inilink.zip | 4k | 00-12-10 |  | INILINK v1.16 A usefull link tool. (ENGLISH/FRANCAIS/92/92PLUS/DOCUMENTATION) |
 | tibool.zip | 148k | 00-10-05 |  | TIBOOL v6.0 Texas Instrument Basic Object Oriented Language, release VI. TIBOOL is a usefull tool to create graphic programs with a user-friendly interface with windows, labels and buttons. This release adds combo boxes, data bases, radio and check buttons, text boxes and much more... |
 | chatplus.zip | 3k | 00-08-29 |  | Chat+ 4.5 The latest version of the premier chat program for the TI-92 Plus; includes updated file transfers, real-time chatting between two calculators, an error checking system, and even a rudimentary readme file en francais - check it out and see what you think... |
 | eformula.zip | 19k | 00-07-23 |  | EFormulas v2.0 Everything that an AC/DC Fundamental, Basic Electronics or just a plain Electronic hobbyist are waiting for. It solves for Current, Voltage, Power, and Resistance using Ohm's Law and Watt's law. It also has a Resistor color code/value converter with MAXIMUM?MINIMUM value base on the fourth band. It has also a screen saver. I also used the EXEC command so the program have a shut down feature at the users choice. Just try it, you will be surprise of what it can do. Cool graphics as well. |
 | shutbas.zip | 3k | 00-06-29 |  | ShutBas 68000 Powers off an 89/92+ in BASIC. As you can guess, it uses 'Exec'. |
 | pass.zip | 21k | 00-06-27 |  | Password Protector Pro 68000 Password program with asterisks, backspacing, dialog boxes, encryption and more... |
 | crosstalk.zip | 4k | 00-06-15 |  | TI-CrossTalk 92 THE BEST "Chatting" program ever written. Simple user interface: execute the program, enter a UserID (ScreenName), and start talking. You can even change UserIDs mid-session & disconnects don't matter! |
 | bindechex.zip | 4k | 00-06-13 |  | Binary / Decimal / Hexadecimal Conversion Utility You give one number, and my program will convert it to all of the number systems. |
 | folderinfo.zip | 2k | 00-05-29 |  | Folder Info An ASM function that returns either a list of all folders or a list of all variables in a specific folder. It is very easy to use, and extends the range of programs possible in BASIC by a lot. A must-have for every programmer who still prefers BASIC over C (for whatever reason). |
 | execprog.zip | 2k | 00-05-16 |  | Program Execution from Function This little program finally puts an end to all differences between functions and programs. You can call a program from within a function, which is not officially supported by the TIOS. You can also use return a value from a program by calling the program indirectly from a function. This is all you BASIC programmers ever dreamed of, so download it! |
 | harddisk.zip | 2k | 00-05-15 |  | Hard Drive Megabyte Converter Converts MByte(1000), MByte(1024), or Byte measurements to MByte(1000) and MByte(1024) measurements. |
 | perc.zip | 1k | 00-04-19 |  | Percent of Word It takes the percent you give it and display that percent of the entered word |
 | cstmbar.zip | 19k | 00-03-02 |  | Custom Bar v1.1 A quick way to bring up the correct default custom toolbar for the active language on the TI-89 and TI-92 Plus running AMS v2.03 |
 | pic_utils92+.zip | 4k | 00-03-01 |  | Set of picture utilities A CookySoft production. Some utils to move pictures, to reduce pictures and to do a symetric of pictures. Can be usefull sometimes. |
 | coding.zip | 1k | 00-02-28 |  | EnCoding/DeCoding This program can encode and decode strings so that you can hide information from the Superior authorities... |
 | chat92.zip | 1k | 00-02-27 |  | Chat 92 v1.0 This simple chat program lets you "chat" with each other using 2 TI-92+. |
 | euro.zip | 3k | 00-02-18 |  | Euros<=>Francs Converter A Euro<=>Francs Converter for Ti-89, Ti-92 and Ti-92 Plus |
 | jw3dprog.zip | 7k | 00-02-12 |  | 3D Construction and Animation Build and view 3D-objects, create an animation of the object... example objects included, program in german but english documentation included |
 | tile.zip | 1k | 00-02-11 |  | TileMap Engine v2.0 Tilemap engine for the 89/92+. 50% smaller and 20% faster than the original. |
 | shortrun.zip | 1k | 00-01-29 |  | Short Run v1.0 A small BASIC program specifically to shorten program running process |
 | jwchat.zip | 1k | 00-01-11 |  | Chat Chat-Program (german) for 2 TI92+ |
 | add.zip | 1k | 00-01-02 |  | Add v2.0 Add - Count to any number from 1. |
 | timer.zip | 5k | 99-12-25 |  | Calendar and Timer v2.2 Do you forget your dates? Do you mix them up? No problem! The TI92 calendar will help you organize your time and save you from wasting it. This TI92 calendar supports the English, French and German languages. |
 | getkey.zip | 4k | 99-12-25 |  | getKey() Code Finder You press a key, then my program gives you it's key. It's not a simple program. |
 | encrypt.zip | 6k | 99-12-25 |  | Encryption Function Encrypts/Decrypts a string or string variable using a function. |
 | chat.zip | 1k | 99-12-25 |  | ChatPlus A Chat Program for the TI-92Plus that wraps lines and has quit option. |
 | char.zip | 4k | 99-12-25 |  | Char() Code Indexer v1.0 Creates a running index of character codes. |
 | iconmake.zip | 12k | 99-11-21 |  | Icon Maker v2.5 Icon Maker creates pictures and does advance image editing |
 | txtwriter.zip | 2k | 99-10-31 |  | Text Writer v1.0 Just a program to make your calculator write text letter by letter. |
 | graphcal.zip | 1k | 99-10-27 |  | Perpetual Calendar v1.21 A perpetual, graphical calendar for the TI-92+. |
 | length.zip | 1k | 99-10-09 |  | Length Finder It finds the length of a string and stores that value to the variable provided. |
 | strrelif.zip | 1k | 99-10-01 |  | Stress Reliever Mad? Upset? Need to take a "load off"? Here is your chance to do it! And it's completely SAFE! |
 | compiler.zip | 6k | 99-09-03 |  | Compiler 68k v1.0 This is a compiler for use withe the Exec() function. |
 | timer21.zip | 5k | 99-06-19 |  | Calendar and Timer v2.1 Calendar v2.1 |
 | days9x.zip | 1k | 99-03-08 |  | Days9x |
 | win95.zip | 4k | 99-03-03 |  | Windows 95 This is Windows for the Ti 92 Plus |
 | flspaint.zip | 5k | 99-03-03 |  | Flash Paint Pro v0.1 Alpha Flash paint pro Picture editor |
 | kbdsetup.zip | 1k | 98-09-15 |  | Kbdsetup v1.0 Lets you organize your kbdsetup(x) programs. |
 | chaos92p.zip | 2k | 98-07-17 |  | The Chaos Game Generates the Serpinski Triangle |