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Beam XP/ Viga XP


Ranked as 16456 on our all-time top downloads list with 3396 downloads.

Filename program.zip (Download)
Title Beam XP/ Viga XP
Description This is an excellent program to solve beams using any of two types od}f method, the Stiffness Matrix Method and the 3 Equation Method, both methods gives the results step by step. Un excelente program para resolver vigas por cualquiera de los dos metodos el de matriz de rigidez y el de ecuacion e 3 momentos, ambos metodos dan los resultados paso a paso.
Author carlos coca (supercoke82@hotmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 232,140 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 10 04:31:08 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Program/VIGARIGI/EXE.9XP   2541
Program/VIGARIGI/V11.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V12.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V13.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V14.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V15.9XP   8313
Program/VIGARIGI/V16.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V17.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V18.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V19.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V2.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V20.9XP   1407
Program/VIGARIGI/V3.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V4.9XP   4558
Program/VIGARIGI/V5.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V6.9XP   2509
Program/VIGARIGI/V7.9XP   489
Program/VIGARIGI/V8.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/V9.9XI   127
Program/VIGARIGI/VIGA32.9XP   1342
Program/VIGARIGI/VIGA33.9XP   285
Program/VIGARIGI/VIGA34.9XP   1409
Program/VIGARIGI/VIGA36.9XP   5625
Program/VIGARIGI/Manual.doc   100864
Program/BEAMSTIF/EXE.9XP   2432
Program/BEAMSTIF/Manual.doc   98816
Program/BEAMSTIF/Thumbs.db   223232
Program/BEAMSTIF/V11.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V12.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V13.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V14.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V15.9XP   8258
Program/BEAMSTIF/V16.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V17.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V18.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V19.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V2.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V20.9XP   1407
Program/BEAMSTIF/V3.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V4.9XP   4558
Program/BEAMSTIF/V5.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V6.9XP   2488
Program/BEAMSTIF/V7.9XP   486
Program/BEAMSTIF/V8.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/V9.9XI   127
Program/BEAMSTIF/VIGA32.9XP   1342
Program/BEAMSTIF/VIGA33.9XP   285
Program/BEAMSTIF/VIGA34.9XP   1409
Program/BEAMSTIF/VIGA36.9XP   5581

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