| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to Windows Utilities |
 | istudio2.zip | 407k | 05-03-07 |  | Image Studio 2.3 Tool for converting computer BMP images to calculator images. Works for all image sizes in up to 8 shades of gray. Also has the ability to export as z80 data, 68k data, and even calculator image files. Also allows for vertical and horizontal RLE compression. Includes contrast and brightness adjusting of the final image for on-the-fly tweaking. Batch processing is also supported. |
 | 83draw.zip | 42k | 00-06-27 |  | 83Draw It's a black and white sprite designer. Very easy to use and very useful. Even generates ION assembly code so you can see what your sprite looks like on the real thing! |
 | 83iview95.zip | 2185k | 98-09-13 |  | TI-73, TI-82, and TI-83 Image File Viewer/Editor v2.7 (32-bit) Windows utility to view and edit TI-73, TI-82, and TI-83 image files. Compiled with Visual Basic 5.0. |
 | 86ilib.zip | 17k | 00-06-27 |  | 86i Library v0.97 Compress up to 128 images into a single var that takes 64k. For use in highly graphical basic games. Yucky buugs have been mostly squished. |
 | 86iview95.zip | 2185k | 98-09-13 |  | TI-85 and TI-86 Image File Viewer/Editor v2.7 (32-bit) Windows utility to view and edit TI-85 and TI-86 image files. Compiled with Visual Basic 5.0. |
 | 89iview+.zip | 59k | 98-11-18 |  | 89IVIEW+ v3.0 (32-bit) Windows utility to view and edit TI-89 image files. Compiled with Visual Basic 5.0. If running the .EXE file fails, try one of the setup packages in the Windows Graphics Utilities directory. |
 | 92iview95.zip | 2188k | 98-09-13 |  | TI-92 and TI-92 Plus Image File Viewer/Editor v2.7 (32-bit) Windows utility to view and edit TI-92 and TI-92 Plus image files. Compiled with Visual Basic 5.0. |
 | anistd86.zip | 2916k | 01-07-30 |  | Animation Studio 86 v0.2b Visually create an animation, edit it, then compile it to a TI-86 mega-compressed data string. The 86 master viewer program decompresses the data string and displays the animation. This beta version is fully functional and now includes a movie extractor for avi's, etc. |
 | asmgfx.zip | 1777k | 00-08-29 |  | ASMGFX v1.3 Converts images into asm. Great for sprites and splash screens! Supports z80 and 68k output. |
 | asmtools.zip | 62k | 99-03-20 |  | Assembly Graphics Toolbox |
 | basicpic.zip | 345k | 01-07-09 |  | ti82,83,83+ basic picture |
 | bitmaptolist.zip | 587k | 06-08-13 |  | Bitmap2List Converter This useful program converts a .bmp image to a .txt file compatible with TI-Connect Data Editor. From the data editor, you can send the lists to your computer and have the lists necessary for stat sprites. This program is precompiled for Windows, but includes the Perl script for use in any operating system that has the latest version of Perl installed. This program is guaranteed to save you a lot of time in creating stat sprites. Enjoy! |
 | bmp2asm.zip | 2201k | 01-02-20 |  | BMP2ASM converter/compressor v1.2 The first bitmap compressor that compresses vertically (oppisite of RLE) increasing the compression factor to 50-80% on average! Now supports 128x64 pixel mono, 8-bit (256 color), and 24-bit bitmaps (all converted to mono of course) and the decompression routine is writtten for TI-86 assembly. Compression bugs have been fixed. |
 | bmp85.zip | 60k | 97-07-24 |  | Bitmap to TI-85 Image Converter |
 | bmpto84c.zip | 4k | 13-05-18 |  | bmpto84c v1.0.0 Windows Console utility that converts .bmp files to .asm include files for use with TI-84+C Z80 Assembly programs. |
 | bmpto89i_converter.zip | 13k | 05-07-19 |  | BMPto89I Converter 1.1 I. What is BMPto89I Converter ============================= BMPto89I Converter is a free tool to convert large amounts of BMP image files to TI-89 compatible image files (.89i) without user intervention. It works by automating the utility TI ScreenCapture, which is included into the TI Connect suite. At the present time, it only supports the conversion to the TI-89 image format (*.89i). II. System requirements ============================= * TI Connect 1.6 English language * Microsoft Visual Basic 6 runtime libraries * Windows 2000/XP reccomended |
 | bmpz80.zip | 9k | 00-06-23 |  | BMPZ80 v1.1 Converts monochrome BMP images into Z80 ASM. Supports hex, binary, and decimal style output. Great for sprites and splash screens! |
 | do16x1632x32_source.zip | 7k | 02-09-27 |  | Do16x16-32x32 Source VB4.0 source files for that prog... no dll included |
 | do16x1632x32.zip | 1110k | 02-09-27 |  | Do16x16-32x32 BMP to Sprite (asm) converter. Works for 16*16 or 32*32 sprites in gray4, 2 diff format for each size: Genlib and masked Gnelib-like for 16*16 ; Genlib and masked Graphlib for 32*32. Can convert any number of sprite in the same time. |
 | do16x16.zip | 11k | 02-05-14 |  | Do16*16 BMP to asm 16*16pxls gray4 sprites converter at Genlib and Masked Genlib-like format |
 | doanybgs_source.zip | 13k | 02-09-27 |  | Do Any BGS Source VB4.0 Source files for that prog... no dll included |
 | doanybgs.zip | 873k | 02-09-06 |  | Do Any BGS Bitmap to Data sprite (any size up to 240*128) converter. Format: Genlib/Graphlib/Masked Graphlib, ASM (a68k), C (TiGCC) or BIN, text data or header file... |
 | dumpscr.zip | 123k | 99-08-07 |  | DumpScreen v1.0 Takes a 1,2 or 3-layer screenshot from a TI-92 and saves it to a 24-bit BMP file. |
 | emu83background.zip | 17k | 02-09-06 |  | EMU 83 Background picture This is a background picture for EMU83, the picture is of the new TI-83. |
 | gray32pd.zip | 60k | 01-03-17 |  | Gray32 Program Description Allows you to give TI-86 Gray32 programs descriptions to display in shells. |
 | gray32.zip | 2306k | 01-02-03 |  | BMP 2 Gray32 Converts 8-bit (256 color/gray) or 24-bit bitmaps to compressed TI-86 Programs in 1 step! Also generates the source code and is easy to use. This new version has a setup program to make sure you have all the required files. |
 | grayimage.zip | 173k | 99-08-07 |  | GrayImage v1.0 Converts BMP files to B&W, 4 and 8 color grayscale |
 | grayscale.zip | 131k | 08-11-30 |  | Grayscale Sprite Code Generator This program lets you draw a 4 level grayscale image in paint (or any other image editor) and save it as a bitmap, then have it converted into code for TIGCC. The code is for TIGCC's Sprite8, Sprite16, and Sprite32 functions. |
 | hexadecimalspritecreator.zip | 1857k | 14-07-05 |  | Hexadecimal Sprite Creator This program helps you create and edit 8x8 hexadecimal sprites using a graphical editor that allows you to easily edit batches of sprites. |
 | hexconv.zip | 333k | 04-09-01 |  | Hex Converter Converts Graphics Studio hexidecimal exports to ASM Studio sprite editor readable binaries. It also adds a mask for you. |
 | iconarchive.zip | 22k | 05-08-30 |  | IconArchive IconArchive is a program used to create header files for TIGCC projects. Collections of icons can be exported to a header file for displaying with ExtGraph or other sprite display routines. NOTE: Requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2003. Written in Visual Basic .NET 2003. |
 | imageto4levelgrayscalepic.zip | 2k | 18-03-01 |  | Image to 4 level grayscale Axe program for Ti 83/84 A simple python program to convert any image to a 4 level grayscale Ti 84/84 Axe program "image" instead of only black and white. |
 | img2tic.zip | 17k | 05-07-31 |  | Img2TIC This program easily creates monochrome and 4-color grayscale array data in C code for use in TIGCC. It can convert image files from a variety of formats, and if the images are 8, 16, or 32 pixels wide, it automatically formats them for use by the Sprite functions in TIGCC. |
 | imgconv.zip | 125k | 03-03-09 |  | Image-Conver Ce programme sert a convertir/editer/visualiser de fichiers 89i c'est la première version Envoyez moi un mail pour des suggestions ou tout simplement votre avis |
 | indaglow.zip | 71k | 00-10-09 |  | Ind-A-Glow Ind-A-Glow is a skin for the Virtual Ti89 emulator. This skin adds a little more style to you math/science. Made with "AdobePhoto Shop 5.5". I am currently working on both a new version of Ind-A-Glow and an LCD TI89. |
 | istudio.zip | 385k | 00-06-06 |  | Image Studio Image Studio is a program for Windows 95/NT that will convert a BMP file into an image for your calculator or other grayscale based device. Image Studio supports conversions for 2, 4, and 8 shades of greyscale, with optional RLE compression. You can also adjust the brightness and contrast on the fly, and preview the whole image to see how it looks in 1x and 2x view. |
 | iview95.zip | 131k | 98-09-13 |  | IVIEW95 v2.6 (32-bit) Windows utility to view and edit TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-85, TI-86, TI-92, and TI-92 Plus image files. Compiled with Visual Basic 5.0. If running one of the included files fails, try one of the setup packages in the Windows Graphics Utilities directory. |
 | jsc.zip | 15k | 02-10-25 |  | Javascript Sprite Creater Version 1.7 Javascript Sprite Creater (JSC) now has "fixed" support of binary. This makes it much easier for z80 programmers. |
 | jsmsrc.zip | 65k | 02-03-21 |  | JSpriteMaker 68k Source v0.5.1b19 Full java source code for JSpriteMaker 68k. |
 | jsm.zip | 91k | 02-03-21 |  | JSpriteMaker 68k v0.5.1b19 Java-based GUI for creating and editing sprites for use in TIGCC programming. Supports 4-level grayscale and transparent color. Generates code for the sprite on the fly, including the sprite mask. No more guess work, works under any OS. Tested with Windows, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X. |
 | jssprite.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Z80 Sprite Maker(Java Script+HTML) Makes z80 sprite on web browser(IE4+ or NN6+). Supports copies to clipboard and some size sprite. 8x8, 8x16, 16x16, 32x32 and so on. |
 | kjsicons.zip | 12k | 01-08-06 |  | Just 86 Icons A set of icons for TI-86 fles on your computer. Just copy the library file, double click the regestry update, and poof-bang, it's installed! |
 | ocfe.zip | 302k | 05-06-17 |  | Omnicalc Font Editor v1.40 Omnicalc Font Editor is able to edit, compile and decompile(load from 8xp file) Omnicalc Font File. You can create font file easily while looking at all letters. Also it has function that can make screenshot of all letters to bitmap and save as ASM format. In this version, DevPac8X is not necessary for compiling and some bugs were fixed. |
 | painti89.zip | 302k | 04-01-31 |  | Picture Editor for Ti89 This editor is very powerful. You can draw with grayscales and save as Ti89 pictures. You can import bitmap, jpg, etc... to modify it and convert as a Ti89 picture. You can capture an area of the screen you want to modify. You can also export your draws as bmp. There's a lot of edition functions. And very good options like an auto-mouse-lock, or a grid... I use this program to do my own graphics for my basic games and others. I add the VB5FR.DLL in the new version, so there won't have any errors again, I think. TRY IT. |
 | picv92.zip | 22k | 98-04-11 |  | Picture Viewer/Editor for TI-92 Image Files v2.1 |
 | pic_z80.zip | 25k | 01-05-28 |  | Pic >> Z80 v3.0 A program that converts windows images (.bmp, .gif, .jpeg...) to .db %xxxxxxxx formatted assembly source files, now with compression! |
 | pixelpainter.zip | 101k | 09-04-07 |  | Pixel Painter Pixel Painter is a full-featured drawing environment for creating, altering and converting all sorts of graphics, images for the TI-84+/TI-83+/TI-83/TI-82/TI-73 calculators. You can also import/export bitmap (BMP) files and plain binaries. For ASM game development, it is also possible to create a Z80-include file containing the image data or even a stand-alone assembler program that displays the drawn image. A special feature is the built-in programming language PPB. It is very similar to TI-BASIC and extremely quickly to master; it provides you with a powerful tool to literally 'program your picture'. Supported file formats are: 73I, 82I, 83I, 8XI, BMP, BIN, Z80. Pixel Painter is for calculators what Microsoft Paint is for Windows machines, and even more! |
 | sa68k.zip | 67k | 03-09-01 |  | Sprite Artist 68k Another sprite editor for TIGCC. Creates a sprite of 8x8, 16x16, or 32x32 in size. The C code array is generated in real time in binary or hex format. Supports greyscale. Saves and loads directly as code so you can load and edit sprites from source files. Tools include: Pen, Fill, Rectangle, Line, Erase, Shift, Flip and Inverse. Loads from and exports to BMP,JPG,GIF,ICO, and CUR. 5 levels of undo. |
 | sethspriteed.zip | 1459k | 02-02-20 |  | Seth's Sprite Editor TI-83(+) This is a sprite editor that supports any size sprite for the TI-83(+). It outputs '.db's as binary. Still very early version so report bugs to me. |
 | spritebuilder.zip | 21k | 01-06-02 |  | TI-83 Sprite Drawer v1.12 With this tool, you can draw easily 64 Pixel sprites and copy the code into your ASM Programm/Game. There is also a new feature avaiable: Now you can simulate 384 Pix. Sprites (6 * 64). In this version are some bugs fixed and the Sprite Libary I is included. For more information or screenshots surf to: http://home.hetnet.nl/~ralf1957 ! |
 | sprited10.zip | 688k | 04-05-02 |  | SpritED Sprite editor v1.55uF for TIGCC This is an important update to v1.5(but with no enough new features to call it 1.6). Be sure to check it out!. SpritED is a FULL featured Sprite editor for TIGCC. - Grayscale Support. - Dynamically Sized Sprites. - Copy, Paste, Cut, Fill All, Clear All, Resize, Resize canvas and Crop commands. - Filters (Darken, Lighten, B&W, Noise, Waves, Blur and custom PLUGINS!). - Multilevel Undo/ Redo (30). - Selection, Paste, Pencil, Flood fill, Replace color, Line, Circle and Rect tools. - Different pencil sizes. - Sprite Masks (NOT, AND, OR, XOR, EQV, IMP). - Output code customization. - Custom zoom adjustment. - Multiple views with customizable zoom. - Clipboard operations. - Load / Merge / Save / Restore Sprites from own format(.spd) - Horizontal / Vertical Flipping. - 90º CW / CCW Rotation. - Up / Down / Left / Right / Custom Shifting. - 2-4 Colors autodetection. - Quick-Access file list!. - Import / Export Bitmaps. (256 colors - RLE Compression supported). Bitmap Direct C Map Export! - Import / Export from/to C Source Code. - ASM Array export. - ASCII drawing export. - 2 Screen Colors 'Flavors' ;) SpritED needs VB50 Runtimes. You can get them from MicroSoft site. I've not included them in the package due the huge file size. |
 | sprited14fpdev.zip | 14k | 04-04-09 |  | SpritED plugin development pack Since v 1.4 SpritED support custom plugins! This package allows any C developer to create his own plugins or normal users to download someone else's. I also may be releasing some plugin packs. |
 | spritedesigner.zip | 41k | 01-07-30 |  | TIGCC Sprite Designer A tiny little program that will allow you to design a sprite, and then import it right into TIGCC! Source is included. |
 | spritedit_setup.zip | 1752k | 00-03-02 |  | Sprite Editor 68k v2.01 Setup Version This program is used to create 16*16 grayscale sprite for the TI-89/92+. It is fast and effective. Recomended for all 68k games programers that want great looking graphics in there game with little effort. **UPDATE** You can now save and load sprites used with TI-GCC! This version has a setup file in it. 2/25 BIG BIG FIX! |
 | spritedit.zip | 60k | 00-03-02 |  | Sprite Editor 68k v2.01 This program is used to create 16*16 grayscale sprite for the TI-89/92+. It is fast and effective. Recomended for all 68k games programers that want great looking graphics in there game with little effort. **UPDATE** You can now save and load sprites used with TI-GCC! 2/25 NEW, BIG BUG FIXED!! |
 | spritedrawer.zip | 16k | 01-06-01 |  | Ti-83 Sprite Builder v1.012 With this Program you can easily draw a Sprite for your ASM Games/Programmes. This Versio has an new features wich allow you to draw bigger Sprites than 8x8 |
 | spriteedit.zip | 449k | 00-02-28 |  | Sprite Edit 1.0 A 16x16 sprite editor with good functions |
 | spritepro.zip | 35k | 98-08-05 |  | Sprite Pro v1.3.5 |
 | spriter.zip | 10k | 02-04-05 |  | Spriter A little prog that converts color bmp to gray 4 then to asm 68000 graphlib sprites format |
 | spritestudio.zip | 3527k | 04-11-04 |  | Sprite Studio version 1.0 This is a program just for all you assembly programmers. This program allows you to create 8 by 8 sprites and it generates the sprite code. The sprite code can be copied or can be saved. This is a robust program with a great multiple document interface (MDI) that allows you to edit multiple sprites at once and with an easy-to-use interface. Some advanced features of this program include automatically adding a border, filling, and inversing. Overall, this is a must-have for all assembly programmers. |
 | spritewiz.zip | 60k | 03-03-09 |  | Sprite Wiz.exe Sprite Wiz 1.0b is the first version of a sprite project development environment. A small taste of what is to come in the next week or so. |
 | sprite.zip | 5k | 00-08-23 |  | TI-GCC Sprite Editor This is a graphics util which allows you to create black&white and grayscale sprites for use in ti-gcc. Updated: Fixed a bug which messed up the drawn sprite. |
 | sw_2_0_setup.zip | 2038k | 05-03-10 |  | Sprite Wizard 2.0 After the release of Sprite Wizard .NET I realized that not too many people have the .NET framework so I rebuilt it. Sprite Wizard is a mass sprite conversion utility which makes hexidecimal or binary code. |
 | ti83bmpgrabber.zip | 265k | 01-02-04 |  | Ti83bmpGrabber This is the program for you if you want to make your own grey scale images for your Ti83 calculator. The program converts bmp-images to ti83-programs. Then you can run the programs on the calculator and watch your grey scale images! |
 | ti83skin.zip | 165k | 99-05-09 |  | TI83 Amp TI83 Amp - TI-83 skin for Winamp |
 | ti85.skn | 72k | 01-12-22 |  | Danimal's Historic Virtual TI-85 Skin VTI skin that resembles original artwork on TI's 85-Series calculators (my calculator's serial number is below 900000), based off of Nick Caldwell's TI-85 skin. |
 | ti89font.zip | 2k | 01-12-16 |  | TI-89 Font A font for the TI-Graph Link software (TI-89), with the same characters as on the calculator. It makes editing BASIC programs a lot easier. Very probably works for TI-92 Plus software as well. |
 | tigen.zip | 1648k | 00-12-26 |  | Bitmap to Grayscale C Code This is a utility that can convert color bitmap files of any size to 2-layer (4 color) grayscale C code that can be used with TIGCC. |
 | tigraph.cab | 1548k | 03-03-07 |  | TI GRAPH This program writes C code of a 8x8 sprite, ready to use. You can make a copy-paste to put this code on your C program. I've used this program to make my soccer game. You can draw and recall several sprites but you can't save for the moment. |
 | tigryimg.zip | 397k | 99-04-26 |  | TI GrayImage v3.5 8 grayscales images converter and compressor for TI-92+ and TI-89. |
 | tiledesigner.zip | 1661k | 05-08-26 |  | TileDesigner I Tile designer is a tile editor designed for people who want to build games for TI calculators. This editor can export the tiles or tables of tiles to two different formats: TIGCC and TileMap Engine. See the TileDesigner.txt file for further details. |
 | tileeditor.zip | 227k | 03-03-07 |  | Tile Editor It is a grayscale 16x16 tile editor for TI 89, TI 92+ and voyage 200. It can create files ready for transferring to a calculator. The file format (on calc) is: number of tiles (2 bytes), data (64 bytes/tile), extension. |
 | tipaintplus.zip | 429k | 03-09-08 |  | Ti Paint Plus 3.3 It's soft with it you can save your BMP image into lot of formats. The formats : Bitmap ASM, Bitmap C, Sprite ASM, Sprite C, Mask ASM, Mask C. And also you can modify your image before saving (Luminosity,Contrast,Line,Pen,...) NEW! You can now convert 8 levels gray image into 4 levels gray image with frame. |
 | tipp.zip | 317k | 00-12-10 |  | TiPaintPlus It's soft for create Sprite and Bitmap files. You can also convert your files *.BMP into sprite. |
 | tishotxp.zip | 413k | 02-11-01 |  | Ti-Shot XP This is a modified version of Ti-Shot so that it runs under Windows Xp. It also include a modified VTI. |
 | tmedit.zip | 214k | 06-11-24 |  | TileMap Editor 1.1 This program is useful to create tilemaps for games, that use a display with 16*16 pixels tiles. Patterns can be loaded from a 256*256 pixels bitmap. This bitmap gives a 16*16 patterns tilemap (up to 256 tiles). Tilemaps can be loaded from and saved to binary files. Tilemap size can reach 255*255 tiles. |
 | tsc.zip | 28k | 07-09-17 |  | TSC Sprite Converter TSC is a cross-platform program designed to easily convert BMP and TGA images to data suitable for use in TI C and assembly programming. It can convert color images to monochrome or 4, 7 or 8-shade grayscale data with a variety of output types and control of brightness and contrast. The program will also batch process images. |
 | unisprite.zip | 234k | 05-01-01 |  | UniSprite This is UniSprite, an easy to use Grayscale Sprite Editor for making 8x8-Sprites that can directly be copied to a z80, 68k or TIGCC project. |