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SpritED Sprite editor v1.55uF for TIGCC


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Filename sprited10.zip (Download)
Title SpritED Sprite editor v1.55uF for TIGCC
Description This is an important update to v1.5(but with no enough new features to call it 1.6). Be sure to check it out!. SpritED is a FULL featured Sprite editor for TIGCC. - Grayscale Support. - Dynamically Sized Sprites. - Copy, Paste, Cut, Fill All, Clear All, Resize, Resize canvas and Crop commands. - Filters (Darken, Lighten, B&W, Noise, Waves, Blur and custom PLUGINS!). - Multilevel Undo/ Redo (30). - Selection, Paste, Pencil, Flood fill, Replace color, Line, Circle and Rect tools. - Different pencil sizes. - Sprite Masks (NOT, AND, OR, XOR, EQV, IMP). - Output code customization. - Custom zoom adjustment. - Multiple views with customizable zoom. - Clipboard operations. - Load / Merge / Save / Restore Sprites from own format(.spd) - Horizontal / Vertical Flipping. - 90ยบ CW / CCW Rotation. - Up / Down / Left / Right / Custom Shifting. - 2-4 Colors autodetection. - Quick-Access file list!. - Import / Export Bitmaps. (256 colors - RLE Compression supported). Bitmap Direct C Map Export! - Import / Export from/to C Source Code. - ASM Array export. - ASCII drawing export. - 2 Screen Colors 'Flavors' ;) SpritED needs VB50 Runtimes. You can get them from MicroSoft site. I've not included them in the package due the huge file size.
Author Elias Zacarias (damnsoft@damnsoft.org)
Category Windows Graphics Utilities
File Size 704,982 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 2 08:56:58 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


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setup.exe   739609

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