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BMP2ASM converter/compressor v1.2


Ranked as 926 on our all-time top downloads list with 17792 downloads.
Ranked as 3872 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename bmp2asm.zip (Download)
Title BMP2ASM converter/compressor v1.2
Description The first bitmap compressor that compresses vertically (oppisite of RLE) increasing the compression factor to 50-80% on average! Now supports 128x64 pixel mono, 8-bit (256 color), and 24-bit bitmaps (all converted to mono of course) and the decompression routine is writtten for TI-86 assembly. Compression bugs have been fixed.
Author Levi Lansing (puzzlesome@hotmail.com)
Category Windows Graphics Utilities
File Size 2,254,107 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Feb 20 04:48:42 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Morgan Davies
Reviewed on 2004-03-24
This is another one of my favorite byte saving utilities. All you have to do is create the picture you want to convert in bitmap form, load it into the Windows program and chose compress. To actually use the compressed code in your ASM code just copy it over and add the BMT2ASM include file to your include list of files. On average this usually compresses my pics around 80%, however the amount of compressed space actually does depend on the picture, so no guarantees. However it compresses it the best it can.

If you're a byte saving maniac like myself you definitely need to look into this if you are going to have pictures in your asm programs. It only does black/white pictures, but it good enough for me.

I have noticed that I cannot get this program to work on Windows 2000, and I have not had the chance to use it on Windows XP, but it does work with Windows 98, so it's a bit of a downer that I have to start up my 98, but that's not too hard to do. So, I don't think he will be updating it any time soon but just as a head up, it doesn’t work on Windows 2000.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
animation14.bm_   224
Animate.as_   5480
animation0.bm_   219
animation1.bm_   219
animation10.bm_   208
animation11.bm_   208
animation12.bm_   211
animation13.bm_   213
Animate.86_   1529
animation15.bm_   240
animation16.bm_   277
animation17.bm_   289
animation18.bm_   313
animation19.bm_   312
animation2.bm_   217
animation20.bm_   314
animation21.bm_   301
animation22.bm_   290
animation23.bm_   271
animation3.bm_   215
animation4.bm_   212
animation5.bm_   208
animation6.bm_   205
animation7.bm_   209
animation8.bm_   208
animation9.bm_   204
AsycFilt.dl_   75818
bmp2asm.ex_   102743
ComCat.dl_   10146
COMCT232.OC_   94787
COMCTL32.OC_   318415
COMDLG32.OC_   74707
compression.rt_   1035
Ctl3d32.dl_   15600
decomproutine.rt_   483
Example.86_   778
Example.as_   3685
Example.bm_   472
Example2.bm_   485
Example3.bm_   493
format.rt_   1213
Jail.86_   593
Jail.as_   2412
Jail.bm_   537
MSVBVM50.dl_   864854
OleAut32.dl_   323508
OlePro32.dl_   15904
openSave.rt_   900
overview.rt_   965
picprev.rt_   960
Read me.html   7282
Readme.txt   3046
RichEd32.dl_   126780
RICHTX32.OC_   110131
SETUP.EXE   89600
SETUP.LST   11638
setup1.ex_   73379
ST5UNST.EX_   37850
StdOle2.tl_   7136
tips.rt_   1572
VB5StKit.dl_   16457

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