BMP2ASM converter/compressor v1.2
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BMP2ASM converter/compressor v1.2
The first bitmap compressor that compresses vertically (oppisite of RLE) increasing the compression factor to 50-80% on average! Now supports 128x64 pixel mono, 8-bit (256 color), and 24-bit bitmaps (all converted to mono of course) and the decompression routine is writtten for TI-86 assembly. Compression bugs have been fixed.
Levi Lansing (
Windows Graphics Utilities
File Size
2,254,107 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Feb 20 04:48:42 2001
Documentation Included?
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Review by
Morgan Davies
Reviewed on
This is another one of my favorite byte saving utilities. All you have to do is create the picture you want to convert in bitmap form, load it into the Windows program and chose compress. To actually use the compressed code in your ASM code just copy it over and add the BMT2ASM include file to your include list of files. On average this usually compresses my pics around 80%, however the amount of compressed space actually does depend on the picture, so no guarantees. However it compresses it the best it can.
If you're a byte saving maniac like myself you definitely need to look into this if you are going to have pictures in your asm programs. It only does black/white pictures, but it good enough for me.
I have noticed that I cannot get this program to work on Windows 2000, and I have not had the chance to use it on Windows XP, but it does work with Windows 98, so it's a bit of a downer that I have to start up my 98, but that's not too hard to do. So, I don't think he will be updating it any time soon but just as a head up, it doesnt work on Windows 2000. |
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Archive Contents
animation14.bm_ | 224 |
Animate.as_ | 5480 |
animation0.bm_ | 219 |
animation1.bm_ | 219 |
animation10.bm_ | 208 |
animation11.bm_ | 208 |
animation12.bm_ | 211 |
animation13.bm_ | 213 |
Animate.86_ | 1529 |
animation15.bm_ | 240 |
animation16.bm_ | 277 |
animation17.bm_ | 289 |
animation18.bm_ | 313 |
animation19.bm_ | 312 |
animation2.bm_ | 217 |
animation20.bm_ | 314 |
animation21.bm_ | 301 |
animation22.bm_ | 290 |
animation23.bm_ | 271 |
animation3.bm_ | 215 |
animation4.bm_ | 212 |
animation5.bm_ | 208 |
animation6.bm_ | 205 |
animation7.bm_ | 209 |
animation8.bm_ | 208 |
animation9.bm_ | 204 |
AsycFilt.dl_ | 75818 |
bmp2asm.ex_ | 102743 |
ComCat.dl_ | 10146 |
COMCT232.OC_ | 94787 |
COMCTL32.OC_ | 318415 |
COMDLG32.OC_ | 74707 |
compression.rt_ | 1035 |
Ctl3d32.dl_ | 15600 |
decomproutine.rt_ | 483 |
Example.86_ | 778 |
Example.as_ | 3685 |
Example.bm_ | 472 |
Example2.bm_ | 485 |
Example3.bm_ | 493 |
format.rt_ | 1213 |
Jail.86_ | 593 |
Jail.as_ | 2412 |
Jail.bm_ | 537 |
MSVBVM50.dl_ | 864854 |
OleAut32.dl_ | 323508 |
OlePro32.dl_ | 15904 |
openSave.rt_ | 900 |
overview.rt_ | 965 |
picprev.rt_ | 960 |
Read me.html | 7282 |
Readme.txt | 3046 |
RichEd32.dl_ | 126780 |
RICHTX32.OC_ | 110131 |
SETUP.EXE | 89600 |
SETUP.LST | 11638 |
setup1.ex_ | 73379 |
ST5UNST.EX_ | 37850 |
StdOle2.tl_ | 7136 |
tips.rt_ | 1572 |
VB5StKit.dl_ | 16457 |