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Pixel Painter


Ranked as 23618 on our all-time top downloads list with 2555 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename pixelpainter.zip (Download)
Title Pixel Painter
Description Pixel Painter is a full-featured drawing environment for creating, altering and converting all sorts of graphics, images for the TI-84+/TI-83+/TI-83/TI-82/TI-73 calculators. You can also import/export bitmap (BMP) files and plain binaries. For ASM game development, it is also possible to create a Z80-include file containing the image data or even a stand-alone assembler program that displays the drawn image. A special feature is the built-in programming language PPB. It is very similar to TI-BASIC and extremely quickly to master; it provides you with a powerful tool to literally 'program your picture'. Supported file formats are: 73I, 82I, 83I, 8XI, BMP, BIN, Z80. Pixel Painter is for calculators what Microsoft Paint is for Windows machines, and even more!
Author Joris Roos (jorisr@gmx.de)
Category Windows Graphics Utilities
File Size 103,947 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 7 21:50:42 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
PixelPainter.exe   221184
ReadMe.txt   8820
ppb.dll   86387
ToDo.txt   1104
settings.ini   525
change_log.txt   2443
example/BMS.8XP   869
example/bms.bmp   830
example/bms.z80   4346
example/Demo.ppb   903
example/House3D.ppb   636
example/Reference.ppb   1579
example/rofl.z80   629

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