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Animation Studio 86 v0.2b


Ranked as 2918 on our all-time top downloads list with 9177 downloads.
Ranked as 4744 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename anistd86.zip (Download)
Title Animation Studio 86 v0.2b
Description Visually create an animation, edit it, then compile it to a TI-86 mega-compressed data string. The 86 master viewer program decompresses the data string and displays the animation. This beta version is fully functional and now includes a movie extractor for avi's, etc.
Author Levi Lansing (puzzlesome@hotmail.com)
Category Windows Graphics Utilities
File Size 2,986,495 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jul 30 19:08:43 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Morgan Davies
Reviewed on 2004-03-24
This is actually a pretty neat program. You can make almost any type of animation you want and choose what type of grayscale level you want it to display in. Not only that but there are time settings for how long you want each slide to show. So this program would actually be best used in making comic strip types of things or for the ultra geek a little animation asking a girl to a dance...I’m not too sure if she would be impressed, but you could do it! :-)

It is very simple to do, so give it a try, if not just to see how easy it is! Its fun yo! :-) The viewer that you must use to play the animation is easy to use too.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SETUP.BAK   2304
AniStd86.CN_   307
AniStd86.ex_   240004
Anistd86.hl_   267178
AsycFilt.dl_   75818
ComCat.dl_   10146
COMDLG32.OC_   66357
Ctl3d32.dl_   15600
MSCOMCTL.OC_   640648
MSDXM.OC_   436190
MSVBVM50.dl_   848003
OleAut32.dl_   323508
OlePro32.dl_   15904
QuickNotes.tx_   3434
SETUP.EXE   89600
SETUP.LST   2304
setup1.ex_   77356
ST5UNST.EX_   37850
StdOle2.tl_   7136
tiaicon.ic_   1643
VB5StKit.dl_   16457
viewer.86_   2196
anistd.da_   1224
Readme.txt   1791

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