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Tile Editor


Ranked as 17213 on our all-time top downloads list with 3286 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename tileeditor.zip (Download)
Title Tile Editor
Description It is a grayscale 16x16 tile editor for TI 89, TI 92+ and voyage 200. It can create files ready for transferring to a calculator. The file format (on calc) is: number of tiles (2 bytes), data (64 bytes/tile), extension.
Author Fabien Barbier (unownboy@wanadoo.fr)
Category Windows Graphics Utilities
File Size 233,354 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 7 06:14:57 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Michael Hergenrader
Reviewed on 2005-08-19
I like the features of being able to save the 16x16 sprites to a file and hold as many in the file as I want, so that later I can go back to it and edit the sprites again. Also, the “Copy” and “Paste” features are handy. Since I have stored over 900 16x16 tiles for my TIGCC projects, this is a very useful programmers’ tool.

The Good:
-Copying and Pasting Tiles into other programs
-Storing hundreds of tiles in one file
-4-level grayscale available
-Very easy to use for any artist/programmer
-Overall: perfect for 16x16 sprites

The Bad:
-There should be something where a user can click on a color palette with the left or right mouse button and have two colors able to be drawn simultaneously, instead of having to switch to white to erase
-Maybe some sprite effects, such as rotations or flips?
-Might be hard to implement, but possibly a conversion program in this one to convert it right into an array of some sort?

Overall Rating: 8/10 Nice Work


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TI_TileEditor.exe   442368
Demo in C/main.c   1845
Demo in C/randtiles.89z   2973
Demo in C/randtiles.9xz   2973
Demo in C/randtiles.tpr   334
Demo in C/tiles.9xz   1827
Demo in C/tiles.h   2238
Demo in C/tiles.t16   1738
Readme.txt   859
TI_TileEditor.exe.manifest   670

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