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Picture Editor for Ti89


Ranked as 2718 on our all-time top downloads list with 9506 downloads.
Ranked as 4016 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename painti89.zip (Download)
Title Picture Editor for Ti89
Description This editor is very powerful. You can draw with grayscales and save as Ti89 pictures. You can import bitmap, jpg, etc... to modify it and convert as a Ti89 picture. You can capture an area of the screen you want to modify. You can also export your draws as bmp. There's a lot of edition functions. And very good options like an auto-mouse-lock, or a grid... I use this program to do my own graphics for my basic games and others. I add the VB5FR.DLL in the new version, so there won't have any errors again, I think. TRY IT.
Author Quinquin Quinquin (quentin-f@voila.fr)
Category Windows Graphics Utilities
File Size 310,101 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 31 04:55:37 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais).htm   31554
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais)_fichiers/filelist.xml   368
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais)_fichiers/image001.jpg   4158
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais)_fichiers/image002.jpg   62870
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais)_fichiers/image003.jpg   48060
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais)_fichiers/image004.jpg   34341
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais)_fichiers/image005.jpg   43208
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais)_fichiers/image006.jpg   23816
Painti89 web/Aide (Fran‡ais)_fichiers/image007.jpg   29675
Painti89 web/Desktop.ini   61
Painti89 web/Painti89 (English).exe   135680
Painti89 web/Painti89 (Fran‡ais).exe   136192
Painti89 web/VB5FR.DLL   94992

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