The High Price of Freedom
Posted by Henrik on 12 September 2001, 17:12 GMT
I doubt that there could be anyone who is not all too aware of the terrible tragedy that occurred yesterday in the United States. We live in a world that is now vastly different from what it was only a day ago. Our community represents people from across the world. Of all our members, the majority are Americans. Almost certainly, someone amongst our number has lost someone they knew, someone they loved... it is entirely conceivable that a member of our community was among those who died. I do not know. In all likelihood, we will never know. But we do not need to know to show our compassion towards the victims of these terrible acts of terror. Those who died were fellow human beings, and that is enough. I speak for the entire staff when I say that our thoughts are with you all at this time.
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Re: The High Price of Freedom
(Web Page)
I think this is terrible.
12 September 2001, 17:27 GMT
September 11th, 2001
JD Henshall
What a terrible terrible diastaster. They NYC sykyline will be missing something for years to come.
However, Zytech Software acknolwedges the extent and sorrow of this American tragedy and it sends out it's condlences and support to those fmailes, bless their haert, who lost loved ones during a mindless act of terrorism. Also, Zytech would like to send some forma of aide to those who have lost during this tragedy. If any one or any other groups are intrested, please email me at the link above. Again, on behalf of Zytech, we send our support and God bless.
- JD Henshall
Director, Zytech Software
13 September 2001, 04:03 GMT
Re: Re: September 11th, 2001
(Web Page)
I hope they will be, as they are a symbol of the great nation we have made for ourselves. If they are, it won't be for a long time, simply because of the fact that cleanup from this tragedy might takes months, if not years. The reconstruction of two 110-story buildings, a 47-story building, and a 52-story building will not be quick, either. And it will not be easy to get supplies for such an endeavor into the middle of one the biggest cities in the U.S. All that aside, I hope as an American that they are indeed rebuilt.
never forget
13 September 2001, 16:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: September 11th, 2001
(Web Page)
You know, a friend of mine was talking about this the other night. She thought it would be better if they built a park there. Her logic was, they rebuild the towers, they give terrorists another target, and a sort of like a big old middle finger to them, you know, like "Ha ha, you thought you could knock our buildings down? Well, look what we did! We rebuilt! So nyah!". Replacing the towers would make people feel unsafe. Uncomfortable. If they put a memorial park there, you know, with grass and trees and maybe a pond or something, they could at least have some respite from the demons that might otherwise be recalled by rebuilding the towers.
I think I agree with her.
14 September 2001, 02:40 GMT
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