The High Price of Freedom
Posted by Henrik on 12 September 2001, 17:12 GMT
I doubt that there could be anyone who is not all too aware of the terrible tragedy that occurred yesterday in the United States. We live in a world that is now vastly different from what it was only a day ago. Our community represents people from across the world. Of all our members, the majority are Americans. Almost certainly, someone amongst our number has lost someone they knew, someone they loved... it is entirely conceivable that a member of our community was among those who died. I do not know. In all likelihood, we will never know. But we do not need to know to show our compassion towards the victims of these terrible acts of terror. Those who died were fellow human beings, and that is enough. I speak for the entire staff when I say that our thoughts are with you all at this time.
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Re: The High Price of Freedom
Hugo Quadrado
How! that is the only thing I ask. How it is possible some on to do one thing like that.
I dont have words, my heard is crying...
God Bless American and the persons tha the world lost.
16 September 2001, 02:07 GMT
United we stand
Well I just briefly scanned through all of the comments and just wanted to add my thoughts.
First of all my heart goes out to all of the victims and affected families and friends of these attacks. I go to a school w/ nearly 4000 students. Their is not one class that I have without at least one person affected.
WE SHOULD NOT RESORT TO USING NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN RETALIATION!!! I can't stress this enough. We are a world where almost every country has nuclear weapons. If we shoot one then we have all there allies shooting them back at us then we will shoot more at them and so will our allies. BY SHOOTING ONE WE KILL US ALL!!! This is one of my major thoughts.
I don't see why we shouldn't go to war w/ Afghanistan. I agree that the killing of innocent civilians is wrong. The government however should be destroyed. By hiding Osama Bin Laden they are just as responsible for this attack as the people who did it.
I also don't believe that everyones favorite friend Sadaam Hussein had nothing to do w/ it. Weather indirectly or directly , he had to have helped out in some way. We've all heard his cryptic quotes on the news. He doesn't even express sympathy for the people who have died in it. He also harbors terrorists so I see no reason not to go to war w/ Iraq either.
I also wanted to comment on our president. First of all I just wanted to say that he has done an absolutely wonderful job in handling this attack. If you've seen him on the news then you know that he is very exhausted by the way he looks. I was as suspicious as anyone else during the election. However, this is not a time for us to be bickering over our leader. He's our leader and that's it. For the first time since te election I respect the guy. He really does care about this country.
Finally I wanted to comment on something else. I'm in my high school marching band. We had a game last friday night. On the way there we saw something extraordinary. People were waving American flags and holding candles. At that time I felt that this country is very special. Never in our generation has something touched everyone. I'm very proud to be an American.
Remember this though "United we stand , divided we fall." Let's stay this united even after this all plays out because that's what this country is based on.
16 September 2001, 23:46 GMT
Re: The High Price of Freedom
Now, I've read most of this and it's all very interesting, but I wanto give this issue to you from a different point of view, a Mormon's point of view. Everything I have read, I have agreed with the Christian's arguements.
Now, I have faith that Bush did not win the election without the popular vote for no reason. I think that he was the one destined to handle this situation. Let's face it, the electoral college makes NO SENSE, it is pointless, however, seeing as how I feel that the constitution was inspired by God, and how this is a promised land (the USA), what if they put this in, and the then the purpose was so that George Bush would win?
Now the next thing, the bible really does condone capital punishment, therefor I am all for it. Asama Bin Laden, and everybody affiliated with him, needs to be killed and NOW. The loss in New York is larger then life and CANNOT be ignored for any reason. I believe that we have givin Osama plenty of time to stop his actions, because in my opinion we should have killed him before this whole incident anyways.
My solution is to put all the arab countries under NATO control, but still allow them to have their own governments.
Also, LDS members (Latter Day Saints aka Mormons) believe that whenever a country or people becomes unritious, and lets face it the moral decay in this country is getting worse and worse, then the protection God grants is taken away. We also believe that before the second coming of Christ, war's and plauges and really really bad things will happen to everybody. We specifically believe that the war's will be with the Arab countries.
Every great civilization ever has been struck down so suddenly. Look at Rome, moral decay began occuring there also right about when they were destroyed!
This isn't to try to get you to convert or anything, but if you ask me it makes a whole lot of sense, and this problem is too small to ignore.
George Bush will handle this problem I just know it, thanks for reading my ramblings
17 September 2001, 06:34 GMT
Re: The High Price of Freedom....
I am from Texas, and I am sick of you and most people thinking we are all cowboys who live in covered wagons on the prarie eating beans and fighting mexicans. In fact, none of us are. No one solves problems with guns on their own. Only about 1 in 50 people has the notorious "Texas accent," and even then not to a very big degree. The "cowboy" is extinct. In fact, Texas is one of the most industrialized and technological states, with many computer, aircraft, and oil plants throughout it. Dallas and Houston are two of the biggest cities to be found in America. You probably were joking, but I hate sterotypes, especially this one because it is just so stupid.
18 September 2001, 00:01 GMT
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