| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 Plus BASIC Files |
 | collis.zip | 3k | 16-11-15 |  | Elastic collision The program illustrates the elastic collision of two physical bodies. The masses and initial velocities can be entered by the user. |
 | bda.zip | 48k | 12-06-17 |  | Block Diagram Model Simulator Block diagram algebra simulator for TI89, TI92P and Voyage. Simulates continuous and discrete dynamical systems described by a block diagram algebra model like Simulink. Unlike the Simulink do it symbolically and return the resulting response of the system as an algebraic expression instead of a numerically calculated response. That’s useful when you are about to manipulate with the system response through equations further. Particularly exams and tests where there is necessary to write the results down on paper as an expression and where you are barely supposed to have an instrument do it for you so you every time leave an impression of doing it by your head and hand. Draw a chart of the response interpreted as an expression is a fundamental feature of these calculators. |
 | bmiimc.zip | 281k | 11-01-14 |  | Body Mass Index (BMI) / Indice de Masa Corporal (IMC) ENGLISH: This programs calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI) giving the category of such BMI and the ideal mass for the given height. TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible. ESPAÑOL: Este programa calcula el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) dando la categoría de tal IMC y la masa ideal para la estatura dada. Compatible con TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 y TI-89 Titanium. |
 | physequ89.zip | 9k | 10-12-01 |  | Physics Equations 89/92/V200 v1.0 Physics Equations is a program that has physics equations pre- programmed so that all you have to do is select the equation, select the variable to solve for, and plug in your knowns. It is recommended that you run this program in Archive so that if your RAM is cleared, you still keep this program. This is my first TI-89 program, so feedback is welcome! This program has been verified to work on the TI-89/Titanium, TI-92/+, and Voyage 200. There is also a version for TI-83/+ and 84+/SE. |
 | finterpo2.1new.zip | 1155k | 10-07-24 |  | Finterpo 2.1. Cálculo estructuras por el MEF/FEM ESP] Finterpo 2.1: Funciones de interpolación para análisis de problemas de tensión y deformación plana con elementos monodimensionales, triangulares y rectangulares, placa plana y cuerpo axilsimétrico, por el Método Matricial de los Elementos Finitos. [ENG] Finterpo 1.1: Interpolation Functions for analysis of problems of stress and deformation with elements monodimensional, triangular and rectangular, thin plate and axilsimétric body by the Finite Elements Methodom (FEM). |
 | piston3.zip | 22k | 09-12-14 |  | Steam engines and other Geometer's Sketchpad animations. An animated cog-wheel, a clock and three steam engines with the Geometer's Sketchpad. |
 | tecno.zip | 269k | 09-12-01 |  | Tecno 1.1 (Medidas metrológicas) [ESP]Cálculo de las medidas metrológicas, partiendo de puntos de calibración y puntos de medida de instrumentos. Ofrece todos los cálculos, para medidas en decimal (mm) y sexagesimal (grados, minutos, segundos) / [ENG] Calculation of the metrological measures, dividing of calibration points and point of measurement of instruments. It offers all the calculations, for measures in decimal (mm) and sexagesimal (degrees, minutes, seconds) |
 | ajustes.zip | 274k | 09-12-01 |  | Ajustes 1.1 (Tolerancias, Ajustes, Calibres) [ESP] Cálculo de las tolerancias, desviaciones, tipo de ajuste y calibre adecuado para un ajuste, por ejemplo, 35H8/s7. Dos modos de cálculo: directo y paso a paso. Con manual en castellano / [ENG] Calculation of the tolerances, deviations, type of adjustment and caliber adapted for an adjustment, for example, 35H8/s7. Two ways of calculation: direct and step by step. With manual (in spanish). |
 | nyquist.zip | 122k | 09-12-01 |  | Nyquist 1.1 (grafica y efectúa cálculos) [ESP] Nyquist 1.1 grafica el diagrama de Nyquist tras introducir una función de transferencia. También muestra el módulo y el argumento de la misma, así como el valor (en módulo y argumento y "afijo") de la función para valores de frecuencia w (de esta forma permite fijar en el plano afijos y saber su valor numérico). En castellano, con manual / [ENG] Nyquist 1,1 plot the diagram of Nyquist after introducing a transference function. Also it shows to the module and the argument of the same one, as well as the value (in module and argument and "point of complex vector") of the function for values of frequency w (of this form it allows to fix to the plane afijos and to know his value numerical). In Spanish, with manual |
 | colebrook.zip | 3k | 09-08-11 |  | Colebrook ENGLISH: This function solves the Colebrook equation for the DarcyWeisbach friction factor using Newton-Raphson method with Haaland as initial guess. TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible. ESPAÑOL: Esta funcion resuelve la ecuacion de Colebrook para el factor de friccion de DarcyWeisbach usando el metodo de Newton-Raphson con Haaland como aproximacion inicial. Compatible con TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 y TI-89 Titanium. |
 | elasticy.zip | 192k | 09-07-24 |  | Cálculo de Tensiones para elasticidad (Elasticy Beta 0.6) [ESP] Resuelve problemas de tensiones para elasticidad (ingeniería).[ING] Solves problems of elasticity in tension (engineering) |
 | timerel.zip | 65k | 09-07-01 |  | TimeRel [ESP] Tiempo entre 2 observadores, uno fijo y otro móvil mediante th. de la relatividad [ING] Time between 2 observers, one fixed and one mobile through th. of relativity |
 | autoeng.zip | 1574k | 09-06-29 |  | Autoeng 1.1 (Gears/Engranajes) Autoeng 1.1: Automatic calculation of gears. It allows to design gears for different materials, use, conditions of work. Step by step, didactic, it follows the way simplified of "Calculation of parallel gears", by Pilar Lafont, ETSII-UPM (Madrid), taking points or straight lines affluent studied from the graphs and figures of the book. Manual in spanish // Autoeng 1.1: Cálculo automático de engranajes. Permite diseñar engranajes para distintos materiales, uso, condiciones de trabajo. Paso a paso, didáctico, sigue el modo simplificado de "Cálculo de engranajes paralelos", de Pilar Lafont, ETSII-UPM (Madrid), tomando puntos o rectas bien estudiados de las gráficas y figuras del libro. Manual en castellano. |
 | termo2.zip | 683k | 07-09-17 |  | Termo, Thermodynamics -Termodinámica- [ENGLISH] This program allows you to calculate the thermodynamic properties of the water making use of the formulations that the IAPWS made, from year 1997 to year 2005, called IF97 and that are published on http://www.iapws.org. The necessary equations for saturated water (liquid-steam balance), over heated water steam and compressed liquid water were programmed; being the most used in engineering. Thanks to these formulations you can find properties from different combinations from inputted data, as well as configure the units in which you wish to enter the information and see the results. There are also ideal, solid and liquid gas information, and equations, classified by subjects, that can you can easily visualize and evaluate. Te contents are: 1 Reference, 1,1 Thermodynamic Properties of the Water, 1.1.1 Saturated Water (balance liquid-steam), 1.1.2 Over heated Water Steam, 1.1.3 Compressed Liquid Water, 1.1.4 Configuration, 1,2 Properties of Diverse ideal, Solid and Liquid Gases at 25ºC, 1.2.1 Ideal Gases, 1.2.2 Solids and Liquids, 1,3 Linear Interpolation (Simple/Doble). [ESPAÑOL] Este programa le permite calcular las propiedades termodinámicas del agua haciendo uso de las formulaciones que la IAPWS realizó, desde el año 1997 hasta el año 2005, llamadas IF97 y que se encuentran disponibles al público en http://www.iapws.org. Se programaron las ecuaciones necesarias para agua saturada (equilibrio líquido-vapor), vapor de agua sobrecalentado y agua líquida comprimida; por ser las más usadas en la ingeniería. Gracias a estas formulaciones puede encontrar propiedades a partir de diferentes combinaciones de datos de entrada, así como configurar las unidades en las que desea ingresar la información y ver los resultados. También se incluye información de diversos gases ideales, sólidos y líquidos, y se facilitan ecuaciones, clasificadas por temas, que puede visualizar y evaluar fácil y rápidamente. Lo contenidos son: 1 Referencia, 1.1 Propiedades Termodinámicas del Agua, 1.1.1 Agua Saturada (equilibrio liquido-vapor), 1.1.2 Vapor de Agua Sobrecalentado, 1.1.3 Agua Líquida Comprimida, 1.1.4 Configuración, 1.2 Propiedades de Diversos Gases ideales, Sólidos y Líquidos a 25ºC, 1.2.1 Gases Ideales, 1.2.2 Sólidos y Líquidos, 1.3 Interpolación Lineal (Simple/Doble). |
 | ecuacion.zip | 786k | 07-03-23 |  | Ecuacion, equations manager Administrador de Ecuaciones- [ENGLISH] ECUACION gathers an important data base of equations (almost 900 in total!) extracted from the Pensum of Mechatronics Engineering form the San Buenaventura University, as well as tools for engineers. Within these is a tool to solve and manage (save as many eqs as you want, organizing them in topics and sub-topics, you can edit, delete, export, import and back-up) equations, systems of equations and a program to solve differential equations of 1st and 2nd order. [ESPAÑOL] ECUACION reúne una importante base de datos de ecuaciones (casi 900 en total!) extraídas del Pensum de la carrera de Ingeniería Mecatrónica de la Universidad de San Buenaventura, así como herramientas generales para ingenieros. Dentro de estas se encuentra un sistema de evaluación, solución y despeje de ecuaciones, sistemas de ecuaciones y un programa para resolver ecuaciones diferenciales de 1er y 2do orden. Puede administrar por temas y grupos todas las ecuaciones que quiera, puede agregar, editar, borrar, exportar, importar y hacer back-up. |
 | referenc.zip | 740k | 07-03-22 |  | Referenc, Eng. References Referencias de Ingeniería- [ENGLISH] REFERENC gathers information about the International System Units, physical constants, a general units converter and information of the codes of protection IP (International Protection) and IK. Finally, a series of programs for measures, including a calibrator and errors in measurement. [ESPAÑOL] REFERENC cuenta con información de unidades del Sistema Internacional (SI), constantes físicas fundamentales, un conversor general de unidades e información de los códigos de protección IP (International Protection) e IK. Por último, una serie de programas para medidas, como lo es una rutina educativa sobre el uso del calibrador Pie de Rey y ecuaciones de error en la medida. |
 | elecbasc.zip | 857k | 07-03-22 |  | ElecBasc, Basic Electronics -Electrónica Básica- [ENGLISH] ELECBASC is a compendium of theories, formulas, concepts and tools of Basic calculation of Electronics. With them, the student will be able to strengthen the theory and to make verifications numerical of contents seen in class. Later, ELECBASC will be of utility for the professionals of engineering since they will count on immediate disposition and access to these basic concepts and tools. The contents are: 1 Resistors (Ω), 1,1 Color►Value (4 bands), 1,2 Value►Color (4 bands), 1,3 R in serie, 1,4 R in Parallel, 1,5 Voltage Splitter, 1,6 Current Splitter (I), 2 Inductances (L), 2,1 Color►Value (Molded Inductances), 2,2 Value►Color (Inductancias Molded), 2,3 L in serie, 2,4 L in Parallel, 3 Capacitances (C), 3,1 Code►Value (JIS Code - Standard Industrial Japan), 3,2 Value►Code (JIS Code), 3,3 C in serie, 3,4 C in Parallel. [ESPAÑOL] ELECBASC es un compendio de teorías, fórmulas, conceptos y herramientas de cálculo de Electrónica Básica. Con ellas, el estudiante podrá afianzar la teoría y hacer comprobaciones numéricas de contenidos vistos en clase. Posteriormente, ELECBASC será de utilidad para los profesionales de la ingeniería ya que contarán con inmediata disposición y acceso a dichos conceptos básicos y herramientas. Los contenidos son: 1 Resistencias (Ω), 1.1 Color►Valor (4 bandas), 1.2 Valor►Color (4 bandas), 1.3 R en Serie, 1.4 R en Paralelo, 1.5 Divisor de Voltaje, 1.6 Divisor de Corriente (I), 2 Inductancias (L), 2.1 Color►Valor (Inductancias Moldeadas), 2.2 Valor►Color (Inductancias Moldeadas), 2.3 L en Serie, 2.4 L en Paralelo, 3 Capacitancias (C), 3.1 Código►Valor (Código JIS - Japan Industrial Standard), 3.2 Valor►Código (Código JIS), 3.3 C en Serie, 3.4 C en Paralelo. |
 | disemaqu.zip | 1226k | 07-03-22 |  | Disemaqu, Machine Design -Diseño de Máquinas- [ENGLISH] This program facilitates the design of different machine elements and power transmission, as chains, straps, gears and the bearings. The programs were developed using catalogues and guides of manufacturers like Goodyear, Intermec Colombia, SKF and the academic book Design in Mechanical Engineering 6ª Edition, Joseph E. Shigley. The contents are: 1 Chains of Rollers, 2 Strap, 3 Gears, 4 SKF Bearings. [ESPAÑOL] Este programa le facilita el diseño de diferentes elementos de máquina y transmisión de potencia, tal como lo son las cadenas de rodillos, las correas, los engranajes y los rodamientos. Los programas fueron desarrollados usando catálogos y guías de fabricantes como Goodyear, Intermec Colombia, SKF y el libro académico Diseño en Ingeniería Mecánica 6ª Edición, Joseph E. Shigley. Los contenidos son: 1 Cadenas de Rodillos, 2 Correas, 3 Engranajes, 4 Rodamientos SKF. |
 | loss_cf.zip | 82k | 06-12-30 |  | Loss of Pressure Coefficient v 1.01 Returns the concentrate loss of pressure coefficient for the most common elements of an hydraulic circuit: valves, elbows, T connections, section increase and reductions, tank input and output, 90° curves and so on. |
 | fft.zip | 153k | 06-12-24 |  | Fast Fourier Transform 128 V3 Performs 128 points FFT on edited (built-in editor) or CBL collected data. Choose Fe, window and plot mode, etc... |
 | fft64.zip | 151k | 06-12-24 |  | Fast Fourier Transform 64 V3 Performs 64 points FFT on edited (built-in editor) or CBL collected data. Choose Fe, window and plot mode, etc... |
 | gastab92p.zip | 126k | 06-11-18 |  | Real Gas Manager Temperature, Entropy, Enthalpy, Internal Energy and fundamental constants of most common REAL gases with linear interpolation from a database. An advanced units system allows you to customise, save and reload the requested units. |
 | dragcoefficient.zip | 71k | 06-11-18 |  | Drag Coefficient Calculator This program calculates the hydraulic drag coefficient by Reynolds number and roughness coefficient choosing the correct range (sleek pipe, lumpy pipe or intermediate) and using the most well-known formulas |
 | dragcoefficient92p.zip | 71k | 06-10-27 |  | Drag Coefficient Calculator This program calculates the hydraulic drag coefficient by Reynolds number and roughness coefficient choosing the correct range (sleek pipe, lumpy pipe or intermediate) and using the most well-known formulas |
 | mom_in92p.zip | 39k | 06-10-27 |  | Moments of Inertia A little program that calculates the moment of inertia of the most common beam sections... with a very simple interface! |
 | datamanagerfp92p.zip | 70k | 06-10-27 |  | Data Manager Fluids Data Pack It's a package of datas relative to the most common fluids: water, ice, dry and wet air, methane and other technical fluids. The package contains also the archive matrix to use it with Data Manager. |
 | datamanagergp92p.zip | 69k | 06-10-27 |  | Data Manager Gas Data Pack It's a package of datas relative to the Temperature, Energy, Enthalpy and Entropy of most common gases: Air, CO, CO2, H2, N2, O2. The package contains also the archive matrix to use it with Data Manager. |
 | beams.zip | 262k | 06-10-15 |  | Isostatic Beams Analysis v 1.03 The first program that helps any kind of engineer in studying beams and Saint-Venant problems. The programs calculates support pressures and stress graphics of many isostatic support solutions and any kind and combination of loads. There is moreover the opportunity to chose ideal or real beams and, for the last one, to chose material and section with their characteristics. A very easy interface will help you everywhere and will give you the chance to choice your solution and also to compare graphics with double display option and to save them. Section informations added. |
 | statm.zip | 8k | 06-06-25 |  | Standard Atmosphere Tables This program is intended to help with standard atmosphere tables in both SI and English units |
 | vonkarmlbl.zip | 1k | 06-06-18 |  | VonKarmanLBL This program is intended to help in the solution of the Von Karman and K. Pohlhausen approximate laminar boundary layer method |
 | karnaugh.zip | 118k | 06-01-27 |  | Logical Suite v1.34 Do anything with Karnaugh table...interactive editing, simplifying, saving as function, reloading and circuit drawing!!! Supports '0', '1' and 'x' when doesn't matter (with 4 vars only) After editing it makes the synthesis of 4 bits synchronous counters with JK flip-flops and runs the counter to verify it is 'non-blocking' |
 | orgpro.zip | 2083k | 05-12-10 |  | Org Pro 1.1 (Organización de la Producción) Org Pro: programa de cálculos de Organización de la Producción para Productividades, Previsiones y Control Estadístico de Procesos. Amplio manual en español con ejemplos. Org Pro: program of calculations of Operations Management for Productivities, Forecasts and Statistical Control of Processes. Ample manual in Spanish with examples. |
 | ephyultimate.zip | 31k | 05-11-26 |  | Ephy Ultimate Edition (English Deal) Periodic Table of Elements : Ultimate EDition INNOVATIONS AND UPDATES: - correction many bugs. - correction of the erroneous data. - new graphic interface. - new algorithm of displacement of the cursor (100% faster than the preceding versions). - new algorithm of posting of character string for the cards of elements. - posting of the symbol and the name of the element on the table. - supressions of the data "isotopes". - addition of my data "tyme" (family). - addition of new cards (the last elements discovered). - correction "To leave the Program": once the left program, the user returns to the screen HOME. |
 | tifilter.zip | 21k | 05-05-29 |  | TI-filters We present a tool to obtain poles, zeros and orders of the Chebyshev, Butterworth and Elliptic filters, by using a Texas Instruments Voyage 200 calculator program, based on a student-calculator aspect. We present and describe dialogue text boxes to be filled by the user with values of the desired data entries, such as the order of the filters and frequencies for the calculation of the poles and zeros of such. |
 | error_propagation.zip | 1k | 05-03-20 |  | Error Propagation In some cases it is very difficult to calculate the error of a physical value regarding the errors of all values used in the corresponding formula. This function makes the process a lot easier and faster. |
 | fluidti_ti_92p_water_eng.zip | 162k | 05-03-07 |  | FluidTI TI92P English Software for the Industrial-Formulation IAPWS-IF97 for Water and Steam. |
 | temperat92p.zip | 1044k | 04-12-14 |  | Temperat 1.1 Temperat gathers several tables of temperature, and makes I calculate to determine the outer temperature of design (dry or wet), with the pertinent corrections. It serves to find the temperature of design in heating facilities. Temperat recoge varias tablas de temperatura, y realiza un cálculo para determinar la temperatura exterior de diseño (seca o húmeda), con las correcciones pertinentes. Sirve para encontrar la temperatura de diseño en instalaciones de calefacción |
 | anesmef92p.zip | 2296k | 04-12-14 |  | Anesmef 1.1 built 030 Beta Anesmef 1,1 is a program to calculate structures in the plane with the programming method "Step by step", by means of the matrix method of the rigidity (M.E.F). It calculates structures with tensile and inextensibles bars or beams (porches, mixed armors, truss structures, with projections and even with central lozenges in members, etc...). It allows symbolic calculations or numerical, to visualize the matrix of reduced rigidity, to see how the displacements calculate transforming the matrix of rigidity by means of Gaussian or Cramer... Anesmef it is a robust program, it allows to calculate inclined members, with thermal loads, elastic misalignments of length, wharves, establishment in supports, and it even calculates the results with the exact numerical fraction, with easy change of format decimal. Anesmef does what others do not do. Anesmef 1.1 es un programa para calcular estructuras en el plano con el método de programación "Paso a Paso", mediante el método matricial de la rigidez (M.E.F). Calcula estructuras con barras o vigas extensibles e inextensibles (pórticos, armaduras, estructuras mixtas, con voladizos e incluso con rótulas centrales en miembros, emparrilados, etc...). Permite cálculos simbólicos o numéricos, visualizar la matriz de rigidez reducida, ver cómo se calculan los desplazamientos transformando la matriz de rigidez mediante Gauss o Cramer...Anesmef es un programa robusto, permite calcular miembros inclinados, con cargas térmicas, desajustes de longitud, muelles elásticos, asentamiento en apoyos, e incluso calcula los resultados con la fracción numérica exacta, con cambio fácil de formato decimal. Anesmef hace lo que otros no hacen. |
 | cross92p.zip | 1807k | 04-12-14 |  | Cross 1.1 (de luxe) Cross 1,1 is a program that calculates the moments distributed in the members starting off of the moments of embedding which they cause the loads in the nodes. The method resorts to the iteration of moments after considering the imbalances caused in a knot by the members and the transmissions to the contiguous members, according to the rigidity of each one and the distributions in which they contribute. With manual in Spanish and degree of iteration choosing. Very versatile. Cross 1.1 es un programa que calcula los momentos distribuidos en los miembros partiendo de los momentos de empotramiento que causan las cargas en los nodos. El método recurre a la iteración de momentos tras considerar los desequilibrios causados en un nudo por los miembros y las transmisiones a los miembros contiguos, según la rigidez de cada uno y los repartos en que contribuyan. Con manual en castellano y con grado de iteración a elegir. Muy versátil. |
 | hrdcross.zip | 46k | 04-07-24 |  | HrdCross Programa para el análisis hidráulico de un sistema de agua potable de red cerrada. Utiliza el método de Darcy Weisbach y Hazen Williams por distribucián de caudales o hardy cross. |
 | cross.zip | 31k | 04-07-24 |  | Cross v1.7 Programa de análisis estructural para resolver vigas continuas por el método de distribución de momentos. Los resultados obtenidos son los momentos internos en los extremos de cada nodo. |
 | mattbox92p.zip | 16k | 04-07-15 |  | Material Science Toolbox Its a packet of functions for an advanced materials analysis through examining tensions and deformations. |
 | control7.zip | 1382k | 04-06-24 |  | Root Locus 7 Programa de Ingeniería de Control que calcula y grafica el Lugar de las Raíces "paso a paso". También estudia los contornos de las raíces para un parámetro (t). Programa completo y con manual amplio en castellano. Actualiza y mejora versión 6 de otro autor, convirtiendo Root Locus en un programa completo. (En castellano) |
 | saxpc1.zip | 241k | 04-05-08 |  | BeamXPv5.5 A program to analyze ANY KIND OF BEAMS. It handles articulations, spring supports, temperature changes on any span, error length on any span. It plots the shear, moment, gradient and deflextion diagrams. It shows the equations to plot them. It works on the TI-89, TI-92+ and the Voyage 200 calcs. |
 | id.zip | 91k | 04-04-09 |  | Interaction Diagram ID es un programa para ingeniería civil, las siglas significan "Interaction Diagram" o "Diagrama de Interacción" y como el nombre lo dice, mediante la introducción de unos datos iniciales, se calcula el diagrama de interacción para una columna paso a paso,finalizando con la presentación del gráfico. ID is a program for civil engineering students, the initials mean Interaction Diagram and as the name says, by entering some initial data the interaction diagram is calculated for a column step by step, finishing with the presentation of the graphic |
 | mohrcirc92p.zip | 76k | 04-04-01 |  | Mohr Allows an advanced analysis of plane tension states with drawings and numeric data. Little bug fixed. |
 | thermochemistry.zip | 6k | 04-03-08 |  | Thermo Chemistry thermo chemistry tool to solve equilibrium constant method and also obtain variuos thermodynamic properties (cp{specific heat},h {enthalpy},s{entropy},hf{heat of formation},gf{gibbs free energy},K{equilibrium constant for famous reactions},MW) for important species as a function of the temperature |
 | mass.zip | 5k | 04-02-14 |  | Atomic Mass v2.0 This function returns the atomic mass of any of the first 110 elements on the periodic table, or of a compound. To get the mass of gold, for instance, type mass("Au"). To find the molar mass of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), type mass("H2SO4"). You can also use parentheses, if needed, as in Ba(NO3)2. The symbol must have a capital first letter and lowercase second letter. Anything not following this pattern will return odd results. Enjoy! |
 | aero.zip | 12k | 04-01-31 |  | Aerodynamics Tool It is a complete aerodynamics and gas-dynamics [gasdynamics] suite that solves the following: -Isentropic tables -Isotropic flow though a variable area duct [isotropic nozzle] -Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Fan [PMF] -Normal Shock-Wave [NSW] -1-D Flow with Heat Addition -1-D Flow With Friction -Oblique Shock wave relation [theta-Beta-M, or deflection angle - wave angle - Mach Number] -Shock Polar -Oblique Shock Wave [OSW] -2-D [two dimensional] and 3-D [three dimensional] wings and airfoils [two and thee dimensional geometry] in an incompressible, subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flow regimes. -Shock expansion theory -Linearized supersonic flow -Conical flow results for rectangular wings -Singularity method -Vortex lattice method [VLM] -Standard atmosphere |
 | ohmslaw.zip | 1k | 03-12-03 |  | Ohms Law Equations Solves for voltage, current, resistance and power. Given 2 of these parameters the program will solve for the other 2 parameters |
 | nuclids.zip | 2k | 03-12-01 |  | Table of Nuclids Part of Table of Nuclids (Americium, Plutonium, Neptunium, Uranium, Protactinium, Thorium, Actinium, Radium, Francium, Radon, Astatine, Polonium, Bismuth, Lead and Thallium) with half-time, mass, decay etc. Useful for chmistry and physics |
 | nuklid.zip | 2k | 03-12-01 |  | Nuklidkarte Auszug aus der Nukllidkarte (Americium, Plutonium, Neptunium, Uran, Protactinium, Thorium, Actinium, Radium, Francium, Radon, Astat, Polonium, Bismuth, Blei und Thallium) mit Halbwertszeit, Masse, Zerfallsart etc. Nützlich für Chemie und Physik. |
 | sections92p.zip | 44k | 03-11-29 |  | Sections A little program that calculates area A, moment of inertia J and section modulus W of the most common sections... with a very simple interface! |
 | ee_plus.zip | 7k | 03-11-24 |  | EE+ v1.0 First version of the ultimate software for electronic engeneering with many features like resistor color codes, ohm's law or a KV-maker. It's in German, but I'm working on an english version |
 | phsolver.zip | 229k | 03-09-08 |  | Physics Solver v1.2 Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today! |
 | physequ.zip | 11k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Equations A listing of all the Physics Equations you will ever need during the course in High School. It has accurate information, and a good layout so that you can find what equation you need. Very helpful! |
 | work.zip | 9k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Power & Work A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to power and work. |
 | waves.zip | 9k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Waves A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to light and sound waves. |
 | velocity.zip | 7k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Velocity A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 3 different equations relating to velocity. |
 | vectors.zip | 9k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Vectors A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 9 different equations relating to vectors. |
 | thermal.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Thermal Energy A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to thermal energy. |
 | reflecti.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Reflection & Refraction A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to reflection and refraction. |
 | quantum.zip | 10k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Quantum Theory A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 10 different equations relating to quantum theory. |
 | motion2d.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Motion 2D A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 7 different equations relating to motion in two dimensions. |
 | momentum.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Momentum A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to momentum. |
 | miscelan.zip | 8k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Miscellaneous A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to miscellaneous topics. |
 | mirrors.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Mirrors & Lenses A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to mirrors and lenses. |
 | matter.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--States of Matter A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to states of matter. |
 | magnetic.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Magnetic Fields A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 2 different equations relating to magnetic fields. |
 | inductio.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Electromagnetic Induction A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to electromagnetic induction. |
 | gravity.zip | 11k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Universal Gravitation A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to universal gravity. |
 | forces.zip | 7k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Forces A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to forces. |
 | energy.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Energy A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to electric and magnetic fields. |
 | emfields.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Electric & Magnetic Fields A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to electric and magnetic fields. |
 | electric.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Electric Fields A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to electric fields. |
 | diffract.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Diffraction A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to diffraction and interferance of light. |
 | currents.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Electrical Currents A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to currents. |
 | circuits.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Circuits A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to circuits. |
 | atom.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--The Atom A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to atoms. |
 | accelera.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Acceleration A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to acceleration. |
 | klux.zip | 3k | 03-07-11 |  | Klux Electronic Software Software for electronic Engineers.Ohm´s law.resistance color codes(from color and from code)number conversion. hex to bin,bin to dec,dec to bin,bin to hex, hex to dec, dec to hex.built in shutdown calc. adjust contrast.Excellent Software . A Must Have! by Thinker |
 | kmtheory89.zip | 7k | 03-06-19 |  | Kinetic Molecular Theory (5pt) This is just a few notes from chemistry class which may prove useful to you. |
 | lsa122ams208.zip | 45k | 03-05-20 |  | LSA 2000 version 1.2.2 for AMS 2.08 (or greater) Laser Safety Advisor (LSA) 2000 performs a laser hazard analysis using methods that comply with ANSI Z136.1-2000. This program more closely reproduces the numeric results that would be generated by a manual laser hazard analysis, using exactly the methods that are specified in the ANSI standard. This updated version of the package contains improvements to the analytic engine. The program is now much faster than the original release, because the current version bypasses the .nSolve. function when it generates numeric solutions for implicit equations. This version is also better at screening out nonsensical input combinations. |
 | marco2d.zip | 13k | 03-05-18 |  | Marco2d v1.0 Programa de analisis estructural para resolver marcos. Calcula reacciones y desplazamientos nodales. Utiliza el metodo de rigideces. |
 | phfinder89.zip | 3k | 03-05-18 |  | Acid/Base Mathematics This, with just a single input, can tell you the pH, pOH, and 2 other things. It's useful and very fast, having been tested on the 73,82-v200. |
 | saxpc.zip | 840k | 03-05-12 |  | BeamXP/FrameXP/TrussXP SAxpC for TI89, TI92+ and VOYAGE200. This is an ultimate collection of all my structural programs to solve beams, frames(updated)(porticos) and trusses using the Stiffness Matrix Method or Displacements method, giving you the results step by step, drawing the beam, frame or truss, showing also an animation of the structure. All the programs give reactions on supports, displacements in nodes and internal forces in elements. Super coleccion de programas para resolver vigas, marcos y cerchas por el metodo de rigideces o desp´lazamientos dando graficas y resultados paso a paso. |
 | bytes68k.zip | 3k | 03-05-05 |  | Bytes Helper You use this like a function. Type in 'bytes(', then how many units, a comma, then y from 1024^y for bytes (0), kilo (1), mega (2), giga (3), or tera (4). The answer will be shown in a popup window. Here's an example, for 3 gigabytes: 'bytes(3,3)'. Email me any comments. Made for the TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and Voyage 200. |
 | vigas.zip | 443k | 03-04-26 |  | Vigas v1.2 Programa de analisis estructural por el metodo de rigideces. Calcula reacciones, desplazamientos nodales y fuerzas internas. Grafica Cortantes. |
 | fluidti_if97_eng.zip | 643k | 03-04-13 |  | FluidTI Software for the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97 for Water and Steam |
 | longlat92.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | Long-Lat How far is it from Alaska to Florida? Use this program to find out. Enter, longitude and latitude coordinates of any two places on the globe and find the distance between them across the surface of the earth. |
 | atomodibohr.zip | 5k | 03-03-14 |  | Atomo di Bohr Questo programma è in grado di trovare le lunghezze d'onda delle radiazioni emesse da un atomo quando i suoi elettroni passano ad un livello energetico più basso. Quindi per esempio un atomo di idrogeno i cui elettroni passano dal livello 3 al livello 2 emetterà una radiazione elettromagnetica con lunghezza d'onda 6561.06 A, equivalente all'arancione scuro della luce visibile. |
 | termodinamica.zip | 20k | 03-03-14 |  | Termodinamica Questo programma calcola tutte le energie di un ciclo termodinamico qualsiasi, da quella interna al calore, comprendendo il lavoro fornito dal ciclo. Inoltre calcola il rendimento teorico e quello di Carnot. |
 | orbite.zip | 3k | 03-03-14 |  | Orbite Risolve problemi del tipo: un satellite dalla massa di 150 kg viene lanciato dalla Terra (di raggio 6.370.000 m e di massa 5.98 *10^24 kg) con una velocità di 1000 m/s e con un angolo di 45°. Trovare la larghezza e la lunghezza dell'orbita. |
 | agendafr.zip | 560k | 03-03-09 |  | Agenda Fr It's a program to store informations about your friends. It's in french and it use flib or vertel (both included) |
 | turing.zip | 3k | 03-03-08 |  | Turingtafeln interpretiert Turingtafeln für eindimensionale Turingmaschinen. Die Funktion verlangt drei Parameter: ein Speicherband (LIST), das Schaltwerk (MAT) und die Anfangsposition des Lese-/Schreibkopfs. |
 | motor92p.zip | 1k | 03-03-04 |  | Ultimate Motor Helper v2.0 This program is very useful when working with AC induction or DC motors. Ultimate Motor Helper will provide you with the synchronous RPM, breakdown torque, power factor, the value of the starting capacitor required for a capacitor start motor, back EMF, and flux per pole. (Some values only work with specific motors.) All of the information you need for calculations should be on the name plate, except for the number of poles. This number can be determined by a close examination of the stator core. Enjoy! (Note: This program has the distinction of being the first ever to be released on all 12 TI graphing calculator platforms. Yay!) |
 | arma2d_eng.zip | 276k | 02-11-13 |  | Arma2d v3.0 Civil engineering program for the analysis of determinant and indeterminant Plane Trusses. Calculates displacements, reactions, axial forces and members stresses using matrix methods. Also, you can plot the geometry, displcements and the animation of the structure |
 | viga.zip | 132k | 02-11-08 |  | Viga31 viga31 is a program to solve indeterminate beams using the 3 moment equation method, and it solves the beam presenting step by step and final results.what the program does is to give the reactions on the supports. |
 | appendix_2.zip | 2k | 02-09-27 |  | oblique shock wave and prantel mayer fan program this files solves the olique shockwave and prantel mayer fan problem |
 | reztor.zip | 5k | 02-09-07 |  | reztor Résolution d'un système de torseurs, définis par les forces et moments en différents points du système étudié. |
 | arma2d.zip | 334k | 02-09-06 |  | Arma2d - versión 3.0 Programa de Ingeniería Civil para el análisis estructural de armaduras. Calcula los desplazamientos nodales, reacciones, esfuerzos y fuerzas de los elementos. Permite combinaciones de carga como: fuerzas puntuales, desplazamientos forzados, cambios de temperatura y longitudes incorrectas. Además se pueden graficas desplazamientos y realizar una animación. |
 | satel.zip | 2k | 02-07-23 |  | Geosynchronous Satellites Determines for your location antenna angles to receive transmission from a geosynchronous satellite |
 | randwalk.zip | 1k | 02-07-22 |  | Random Walk V.2 Program graphically displays random movement of molecules caused by thermal effects (Brownian Motion) |
 | sunrise.zip | 2k | 02-06-13 |  | Sunrise/Sunset V.2 Finds sunrise and sunset for any date for any location on the globe. |
 | distance.zip | 1k | 02-06-13 |  | Great Circle Distance V.2 Computes great circle distance between any 2 points on the globe |
 | appendix.zip | 4k | 02-06-04 |  | Gas dynamics tables tables to be used in the study of one dimentional compressible flow |
 | chem1.zip | 9k | 02-05-22 |  | Chemistry Basics This is a must download!!!!!! If you are looking to do some basic chemistry operations, like ph, oh, gas laws etc. Simple and quick to use. |
 | tempconv.zip | 1k | 02-04-15 |  | Temperature Conversion Two functions which convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit. f2c(x) returns the Celsius value of a Fahrenheit temperature. c2f(x) returns the Fahrenheit value of a Celsius temperature. Example: f2c(32) returns 0, and c2f(100) returns 212 (freezing & boiling points of water, respectively). |
 | gasdynamic.zip | 106k | 02-02-25 |  | Gasdynamic Updated Version for 2.05 OS There was a bug in the program, which the program wasn't running on the operating system over 2.03 Now you can work the program on the current 2.05 TI operating system. |
 | fresnel.zip | 2k | 02-02-16 |  | Fresel radius (Telecom) Gives the required height between an obstacle and the line of sight between 2 antennas |
 | geardesigner.zip | 131k | 02-01-01 |  | Gear Designer This program is very useful for both Aerospace and Mechanical Eng. students, it help them in solving the gear problems in Mechanical Design. |
 | impedance.zip | 4k | 01-12-22 |  | Impedance & admitance (French/English) Electrical Engineering - The program gives you Xl, Xc, Bl, Bc, G, Z and Y vectors of a serial or parallel RLC circuit when you enter the frequency, R, C and L. |
 | resistor.zip | 2k | 01-12-22 |  | Resistor Identification Compute a resistor from its colors, or colors from a value. Graphical representation of resistors. Intended for electronic engineering students and professionals |
 | impedanc.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Impédance et admitance (Francais) (Electronique) À l'aide de la fréquence, de la composante résistive, capacitive et inductive, dans un circuit série ou parallèle, le programme donne Xl, Xc, Bl, Bc, R, G. Il donne aussi le vecteur de l'impédance Z et celui de l'admitance Y. |
 | casiolibs3.zip | 16k | 01-12-15 |  | Casiolibs the librairy of the casio graph 65 on your ti 92 + |
 | combus.zip | 8k | 01-06-10 |  | Chimie organique, combustion Formules brutes, noms et équations de combustion complète des alcanes, alcènes, alcools, aldéhydes, cétones et acides carboxyliques |
 | tispice.zip | 87k | 01-06-01 |  | TiSpice 4.0 Symbolic Circuit Simulator (German and English documentation) |
 | beams92p.zip | 8k | 01-06-01 |  | Beams92P v1.01 Beta The first program that helps any kind of engineer in studying beams and Saint-Venant problems. The program calculates support pressures and stress graphics of many isostatic support solutions and any kind and combination of loads. There is moreover the opportunity to chose ideal or real beams and, for the last one, to chose material and section with their characteristics from a big database. A very easy interface will help you everywhere and will give you the chance to choice your solution and also to compare graphics with double display option. |
 | jbsim2_92p.zip | 91k | 01-05-16 |  | JBSim v2.0 Simultit / pH calculator and plotter / Calculateur de pH et affichage de courbe de dosage |
 | acidsolv.zip | 4k | 01-04-29 |  | AcidSolve Solveur d'exercices de chimie sur les réactions acidobasiques. |
 | dest.zip | 1k | 01-04-04 |  | Transformada Delta/Estrella Para estudiantes de ing. facilita el analisis de circuitos con deltas y estrellas, muy simple pero util |
 | lens.zip | 8k | 01-03-14 |  | Lens Programme d'optique de spé physique résolvant les système à 1 ou 2 lentilles et qui trace le schéma |
 | chemie.zip | 6k | 00-11-09 |  | Chemie Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Program |
 | sigfig.zip | 1k | 00-11-07 |  | SigFig v1.2 Keeps the number of significant figures in the final answer for you. |
 | electron.zip | 2k | 00-11-06 |  | Electronics Solver Solves for Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Power in a Series or Parallel Circuit |
 | sep.zip | 2k | 00-10-29 |  | Separation v2.0 Sep2 is a program for finding the angular separation of two celestial bodies. |
 | sun.zip | 3k | 00-10-29 |  | Sun v3.0 Sun is a program for finding the location and apperance of the sun on a given date. |
 | planets2.zip | 5k | 00-10-29 |  | Planets v3.0 Planets is a program for finding the location and apperance of a planet on a given date. |
 | problnce.zip | 6k | 00-10-28 |  | ProBalance II - Final Release This very useful program enables you to balance chemical equations - and it's incredibly fast in only 5 kb! Just try it... |
 | bodex.zip | 28k | 00-09-22 |  | BodeX v.2.1.5 NOW COMPATIBLE WITH TI-89 AND TI-92+. The best program for TI calculators that trace frequency plot of a transfer function W(s) - Bode plots -. BodeX has full semilog grid and use a powered routine to plot the phase plot of a transfer function (don't use simply the angle() function). The BodeX routines ensure the correct phase plot any W(s) it's plotted. What's new in version 2.0.5: now you can plot MAG plot and Phase plot in Split Screen Mode or plot MAG and Phase separately and a bug of BodeX ver.1.3 fixed, and powered routine for semilog grid |
 | redspot.zip | 2k | 00-08-20 |  | Red Spot A program for finding the transit times of the Great Red Spot. |
 | absmag.zip | 1k | 00-08-13 |  | Absolute Magnitude Program for computing the absolute magnitude of a star based on its distance. |
 | atmosex.zip | 1k | 00-08-13 |  | Atmospheric Extinction A program for appoximating the extiction of a star's light by the atmosphere. |
 | doppler.zip | 1k | 00-08-13 |  | Doppler A program for computing doppler and red shifts. |
 | coord.zip | 1k | 00-08-08 |  | Celestial Coordinate Converter Program for converting celestial coordinates. |
 | binary.zip | 1k | 00-08-08 |  | Binary An updated program for computing the position angle and separtion of selected binary stars. |
 | surveying.zip | 2k | 00-05-29 |  | Surveying Tools A preliminary version of outdoor surveying tools. This version features only basic transit surveys for elevation and distance measurements. Future versions might include more advanced tools. |
 | upt.zip | 20k | 00-05-17 |  | Universal Periodic Table A periodic table with a research module,multi-language: English, French, German and Spanish; works with PLUG-INs : install only what you need!!! Compatibility between TI89 and TI92: the table is in full screen on both calc! |
 | cinetic_en.zip | 13k | 00-02-13 |  | Cinetic v2.0 Draw your circuit with resistances, condensers, selfs, generators... Cinetic will calculate all the potentials (formal calculus) of every node, and give the differential equations of the circuit. (Help file included). |
 | cinetic.zip | 16k | 00-02-13 |  | Cinetic v2.0 (French) Entrez graphiquement votre circuit de dipoles electrocinetiques (resistances, capacites, generateurs de courant, etc...), Cinetic vous fournie l'expression literalle de tous les potentiels du circuit et effectue la convertion en equations differentielles. (Fichier d'aide HTML) |
 | wiens.zip | 1k | 99-12-08 |  | Wien's Law A program for solving for each part of Wien's Law. |
 | planck.zip | 1k | 99-12-08 |  | Planck's and Sefan's Laws A program for solving for each part of Plank's and Sefan's radiation laws. |
 | cluskey.zip | 3k | 99-11-21 |  | Simplifieur de Formules Logiques (French) Version algorithmique des tableaux de Karnaugh. |
 | chem.zip | 12k | 99-11-21 |  | Chem v1.0 Chem contains a periodic table, molar mass finder, mass percentage by element, formula solver for empirical and molecular formulas and the ablity to be expanded wiht a component installer |
 | resolut.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Theoretical Resolution Program for computing the theoretical resolution of a telescope. |
 | planet.zip | 2k | 99-11-19 |  | Planetary Positions A more accurate program for computing planetary positions. |
 | moon.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Moon Program for computing the position and percent illumination of the moon. |
 | limmag.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Limiting Magnitude Program for computing the theoretical limiting magnitude of a telescope. |
 | lighty.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Light Years A set of functions for converting between light years, megaparsecs, and parsecs. |
 | hspec.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | HSpec Program for computing various features of the hydrogen spectrum. |
 | planets.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | Planets Program to compute the ecliptical coordinates of a planet. |
 | formeln.zip | 20k | 99-10-31 |  | formeln v1.0 A program to store formulas, pictures, and descriptions. |
 | eep1.zip | 1k | 99-09-09 |  | Electrical Engineering Package 1 Functions to develop logic expressions from truth tables using SOP and POS methods. First in a series. |
 | moleculp.zip | 11k | 99-03-10 |  | Molecule Organics v4.3 Traces the topological formula of a molecule starting from its name. (French only) |
 | molecule.zip | 10k | 99-03-03 |  | Molecule Organique v4.3 Traces the topological formula of an organic molecule starting from its name. French version. |
 | elemnts.zip | 5k | 98-09-08 |  | Periodic Table of the Elements v4.00 Periodic Table of Elements |
 | physics.zip | 1k | 98-07-30 |  | Physics Equations Solver This solves for just about everything from angular to linear equations. |