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Temperat 1.1


Ranked as 26396 on our all-time top downloads list with 2257 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename temperat92p.zip (Download)
Title Temperat 1.1
Description Temperat gathers several tables of temperature, and makes I calculate to determine the outer temperature of design (dry or wet), with the pertinent corrections. It serves to find the temperature of design in heating facilities. Temperat recoge varias tablas de temperatura, y realiza un cálculo para determinar la temperatura exterior de diseño (seca o húmeda), con las correcciones pertinentes. Sirve para encontrar la temperatura de diseño en instalaciones de calefacción
Author José Manuel Gómez Vega (gomezvega@hotmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus BASIC Science Programs
File Size 1,069,790 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 14 21:57:20 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Temperat.pdf   591572
TEMPERAT.9XP   12281
pantallas temperat y manual htm/tabla 1.7a.jpg   92578
pantallas temperat y manual htm/tabla 1.7b.jpg   89727
pantallas temperat y manual htm/tabla 1.7c.JPG   97247
pantallas temperat y manual htm/tablas 1.8,1.10.JPG   97019
pantallas temperat y manual htm/tablas 1.9,1.11.JPG   92521
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0001.gif   2234
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0002.gif   1490
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0003.gif   1249
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0003b.gif   2047
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0004.gif   1371
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0005.gif   1826
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0006.gif   1352
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0007.gif   1840
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0008.gif   1811
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0009.gif   1475
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0010.gif   2066
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0011.gif   1388
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0012.gif   1821
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0013.gif   1838
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0014.gif   1830
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0015.gif   2049
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0016.gif   1875
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0017.gif   1831
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0018.gif   2311
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0019.gif   1432
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0020.gif   1543
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0021.gif   2038
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0022.gif   1395
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0023.gif   1788
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0024.gif   1377
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0025.gif   1821
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat0026.gif   1680
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat003a.gif   1545
pantallas temperat y manual htm/temperat.html   27366
Temperat1.1.txt   1621

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