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Cross 1.1 (de luxe)


Ranked as 2738 on our all-time top downloads list with 9457 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename cross92p.zip (Download)
Title Cross 1.1 (de luxe)
Description Cross 1,1 is a program that calculates the moments distributed in the members starting off of the moments of embedding which they cause the loads in the nodes. The method resorts to the iteration of moments after considering the imbalances caused in a knot by the members and the transmissions to the contiguous members, according to the rigidity of each one and the distributions in which they contribute. With manual in Spanish and degree of iteration choosing. Very versatile. Cross 1.1 es un programa que calcula los momentos distribuidos en los miembros partiendo de los momentos de empotramiento que causan las cargas en los nodos. El método recurre a la iteración de momentos tras considerar los desequilibrios causados en un nudo por los miembros y las transmisiones a los miembros contiguos, según la rigidez de cada uno y los repartos en que contribuyan. Con manual en castellano y con grado de iteración a elegir. Muy versátil.
Author José Manuel Gómez Vega (porter) (gomezvega@hotmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus BASIC Science Programs
File Size 1,850,803 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 14 21:41:23 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Cross0012.gif   2009
Cross manual/Manual de Cross 1.1.pdf   282274
Cross programa/DECICL.9XP   634
Cross programa/CROSSCOR.9XP   1042
Cross programa/DECIAUTO.9XP   441
Cross programa/CROSS.9XP   15016
Cross programa/DECIMEF.9XP   1871
Cross programa/cross92p.zip   933849
Cross Video/cross(video).gif   543220
Cross.txt   1713
cross.htm   48325
Cross0001.gif   2099
Cross0002.gif   1749
Cross0003.gif   1702
Cross0004.gif   1893
Cross0005.gif   1299
Cross0006.gif   1119
Cross0007.gif   1738
Cross0008.gif   1625
Cross0009.gif   1451
Cross0010.gif   2061
Cross0011.gif   2091
Cross estado para emulador vti 2.5 beta/Cross.sav   524772
Cross estado para emulador vti 2.5 beta/C¢mo hacer....txt   243
Cross0013.gif   1479
Cross0014.gif   1826
Cross0015.gif   1745
Cross0016.gif   1276
Cross0017.gif   2042
Cross0018.gif   1437
Cross0019.gif   1995
Cross0020.gif   1513
Cross0021.gif   1999
Cross0022.gif   1528
Cross0023.gif   2055
Cross0024.gif   2060
Cross0025.gif   1868
Cross0026.gif   1448
Cross0027.gif   1753
Cross0028.gif   1594
Cross0029.gif   2135
ProbCross1.jpg   33399
ProbCross2.jpg   50243
ProbCross3.jpg   63978

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