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Ranked as 287 on our all-time top downloads list with 36299 downloads.
Ranked as 2905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 588 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.97.

Filename saxpc.zip (Download)
Title BeamXP/FrameXP/TrussXP
Description SAxpC for TI89, TI92+ and VOYAGE200. This is an ultimate collection of all my structural programs to solve beams, frames(updated)(porticos) and trusses using the Stiffness Matrix Method or Displacements method, giving you the results step by step, drawing the beam, frame or truss, showing also an animation of the structure. All the programs give reactions on supports, displacements in nodes and internal forces in elements. Super coleccion de programas para resolver vigas, marcos y cerchas por el metodo de rigideces o desp´lazamientos dando graficas y resultados paso a paso.
Author carlos augusto perez coca (cocathekilla@yahoo.com)
Category TI-92 Plus BASIC Science Programs
File Size 860,764 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 12 07:56:52 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Capc/Program/beam.GIF   8898
Capc/Program/ReadMe LeeMe.txt   379
Capc/Program/SaxpC/beamxp.9xp   2283
Capc/Program/SaxpC/framexp.9xp   16475
Capc/Program/SaxpC/SAXPC Manual.doc   479232
Capc/Program/SaxpC/trussxp.9xp   14168
Capc/Program/SaxpC/v10.9xp   410
Capc/Program/SaxpC/v15.9xp   8601
Capc/Program/SaxpC/v20.9xp   409
Capc/Program/SaxpC/v21.9xp   330
Capc/Program/SaxpC/v30.9xp   3105
Capc/Program/SaxpC/v4.9xp   2827
Capc/Program/SaxpC/v6.9xp   3368
Capc/Program/SaxpC/v7.9xp   483
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/srx.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/srxy.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/srxym.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/sry.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v11.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v12.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v13.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v14.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v16.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v17.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v18.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v19.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v2.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v3.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v40.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v5.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v50.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v60.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v8.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC01/v9.9xi   127
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/beamxp.9xp   2292
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/framexp.9xp   16723
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/SAXPC1 Manual.doc   586752
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/trussxp.9xp   14013
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/v10.9xp   410
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/v15.9xp   8550
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/v20.9xp   409
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/v21.9xp   330
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/v30.9xp   3102
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/v4.9xp   2827
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/v6.9xp   3328
Capc/Program/SaxpC1/v7.9xp   476
Capc/Program/Thumbs.db   12800

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