| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 BASIC Files |
| levels | folder | | TI-92 BASIC Game Levels |
 | dkgames.zip | 27k | 23-03-16 |  | D.K.'s Games Collection of my Basic games from past times... |
 | shutbox.zip | 19k | 09-01-30 |  | Shut the Box V 1.0 and V 1.1 dice game with rolling dices Internet: This classic English game of numbers is a long-time family favorite. Roll the dice and lay down any combination of tiles to match your roll. Builds math skills and plays quickly for fun competitive learning. Game is over when no more dice and tiles match. Lay down all the tiles and “Shut the Box!” And: Rolling dices, controlled cursor, function key (V 1.0) or cursor pad (V 1.1) controlled, saved results. Optimized to Ti-92. |
 | piglet.zip | 8k | 09-01-08 |  | Piglet dice game with rolling dices. Piglet is an exciting dice game. The goal is win the calculator's money. (See piglet.txt.) Rolling 3D dices, adjustable running parameters and strategy from a menu. Function key controlled. |
 | bgc.zip | 43k | 08-08-11 |  | Bubblegum Crisis - Nene's Adventures Bubblegum Crisis Nene's Adventures is an rpg dedicated to the smart and cute Nene Romanova. As Nene you must solve the cause for all the recent boomer incidents and put a stop to them. A vast world to explore with many features that should keep your interests throught the game. |
 | golfcard.zip | 3k | 08-04-14 |  | Golf card game Golf is a single player solitare card game. The goal is clear the upper area move cards down in rank order. Graphics cards, saved best result, easy and quick to play. Function key controlled. |
 | sortnum.zip | 5k | 08-02-18 |  | Sort Numbers V.2.0 and V.2.1 You must sort the mixed numbers from 1 to 15. The 2.0 version move the numbers with cursor keys, the V.2.1 is function key controlled.(Keep the battery's life.)Matrix mixed, number of moves, saved best result. Try it. |
 | tripeaks.zip | 7k | 07-09-10 |  | TriPeaks TriPeaks is a single player card game. The goal is clear the upper TriPeaks area move the cards to the lower face-up pile in rank order. Graphic cards, controlled cursor, saved results, good run speed. You must try this game. |
 | game1592.zip | 38k | 06-11-18 |  | Game of 15 The classic game of 15! |
 | raid.zip | 1k | 05-09-16 |  | raid A (sort of ;-) space invaders game. With your tank, you try to destroy the invaders. It can be useful to have some knowledge in balistic :-) |
 | p4.zip | 1k | 05-09-16 |  | Puissance IV This is a Connect-Four game written in TI-Basic. My first attempt to make a game on my calc. |
 | blackjack92.zip | 6k | 05-08-23 |  | BlackJack.92 Blackjack game with graphics. |
 | miner.zip | 128k | 04-09-04 |  | Miner Slide across the screen in an attempt to get to the bottom right block of the screen before time runs out. If you get stuck release a bomb! |
 | scity.zip | 18k | 04-07-24 |  | Sim City Build up and manage a city. As this is one of my first games, there may be some things out of balance. There are a lot of funny random news paper reports. The game is in German. More information at: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/programmieren5.html |
 | twars.zip | 10k | 04-07-24 |  | Tank Wars A scorched earth clone with about 8 weapons, wind, shields and fuel working ONLY WITH 2 LINKED TI-92s! The game is in German. More information at: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/programmieren4.html |
 | oilimperium.zip | 14k | 04-07-15 |  | Oil Imperium Based on reLINE's 1989 PC game "OIL IMPERIUM", you are a manager trying to make money with oil. There exist 4 world regions with separate price indices, where you are able to purchase fields and sell your extracted oil. As the game takes its course, fires break out, sabotages can happen, and delivery treaties may be signed. The game is in German. More information at: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/programmieren3.html |
 | msmind.zip | 56k | 04-06-24 |  | Master Mind It's an extra light version of the famous Master Mind: easy and fast to play! |
 | slots92.zip | 1k | 04-04-06 |  | Slots This is a nice and compact slot machine that is very easy and fun to use. |
 | sortinghatceremony.zip | 20k | 04-03-03 |  | Harry Potter - Sorting Hat Ceremony This is a simple quiz game, made for the 73,82,83,83+,86 asm,89,92,92+, and v200. It features expert routines, but eventually isn't fun to play. Th 86 asm version is smaller now. |
 | dbzgtrpg.zip | 51k | 04-03-03 |  | Dragonball-Z-GT RPG In this wonderful game you get to play as yourself, Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Tien, Trunks, Yamucha, Chaozu, Goten, Pan, Ubuu, Krillin, Vegeta, Puar, Bardock, Yajirobe, Master Roshi, Oolong, Chi-Chi, Gogeta, Gotenks, Vegetto, Goku Jr., Vegeta Jr., Videl, Hercule, Tapion, Marron, Bra, Ox King, Dende, Nail, Mr. Popo, and Minosha. With those characters you can fight Emperor Pilaf, Metallic, Gasuteru, Red Ribbon Army, Tao Pai Pai, Buyon, Drum, Piccolo Daimou, Raditz, Saiba-Men, Nappa, Dodoria, Zarbon, Guldo, Recoome, Burter, Jaice, Captain Ginyu, Frieza, Cashew, Ginger, Nikki, Sansho, Vinegar, Garlic Jr, King Cold, Doore, Neizu, Sauzaa, Coola, Android 14, Android 15, Android 13, Dr Raichii, Android 19, Android 20, Android 17, Android 18, Cell Jr's, Cell, Bujin, Gokua, Zangya, Bido, Bojack, Brolli, Yam, Supopo Bihchi, Babidee, Pui Pui, Yakon, Dabura, Majin Buu, Hiredugarn, Janemba, Ledgic, Lude, Bebi, Super 17, and the 7 evil Shenrons, Chii, Ryuu, Uu, Suu, San, Ryan, & Li. Against those evil villians you can use moves like Blast, Power Up, Ka Me Ha Me Ha, Solar Flare, Final Flash, Spirit Bomb, Kaio Ken, Special Beam Cannon, Punch, Ryu Ken, Donut Attack, Gallic Gun, Zanzo, Ki Ai, Zari, Missile, Kienze, Saise, Bunshi, 100 Ghosts, Kizou, Tsuru, Akesh, Ai Hou, Instant Transmission, and Taiyo. If you can find them, there are 4 cheats: Instant Win, Senzu Bean, Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and Make a Wish. Good luck, enjoy the cheater programs, and the many save-game-slots :-) |
 | tankwars.zip | 16k | 03-12-20 |  | TankWars 1.15 TankWars is a turn-based, 2 player strategy game played on a 10x10 grid, similar to CalcWars or Advance Wars. The object is to destroy all of your opponent's tanks, or get their health to zero. Includes map editor and 11 maps. **NEW IN v1.15** Calculator AI | And more (see 'History' section of Readme for details) |
 | propoker92.zip | 79k | 03-11-29 |  | Pro Poker v 1.01 ProPoker 1.01 is substantially different by common videopoker: it doesn't use a finite number of combinations, it plays his game like a real player in order to play infinite different games. |
 | mineswp92.zip | 5k | 03-11-24 |  | Minesweeper The classic minesweeper with three levels, time rankings and the possibility of change command buttons and save and reload all favourite shapes for the best ergonomic solution. All this in only 7000KB of a single and compact program. |
 | hangman6.zip | 6k | 03-11-07 |  | Hangman v1.0 A little hangman game i wrote over the weekend |
 | martining.zip | 184k | 03-07-23 |  | The Martining This is a remake, as suggested by Morgan Davies. In it you subdue the hacker, Mark Martin, and take part in a few wild activities. It's fun, and the graphics are top-notch. Source included for asm graphics, compiled with TIGCC. |
 | tictactoe68k.zip | 4k | 03-06-02 |  | Inversed Tic-Tac-Toe A really cool rendering of Tic-Tac-Toe where everything is inversed. The TI makes the 1st move. The TI has no AI, only 'dumb luck' and a really good engine to find a blank space. This was made to help beginners with graphics programming. |
 | combo68k.zip | 1k | 03-05-31 |  | Crack the Combo Just guess the 3 digits to a combo right and win...3 chances for each digits and an efficieint checking system. It's only been made for the 89-V200. |
 | states92p.zip | 147k | 03-05-29 |  | States and Capitals You simple read the .html file included and enjoy the game. The engine I made will be used to make a President's / Vice President's and a Countries / Capitals version. Thomas Fugate was simply a beta tester. |
 | thief.zip | 11k | 03-05-27 |  | Find the Thief Packet This game has 10 'levels', in each you must solve an Algebra problem to advance. If the answer is 5, you catch the villian. As long as you keep aswering correctly, you'll eventually catch him. Hope you enjoy. |
 | wordup92.zip | 1k | 03-05-14 |  | WordUp Its like a word play, just, it isn't. |
 | castle.zip | 6k | 03-04-03 |  | Castle v1.0 Castel ist ein Programm das ähnlich ist wie Worms. Es geht darum den Gegner mit der Kugel zu treffen. Das Spiel ist in deutsch, brauch aber wenig Text und kann somit von allen gespielt werden. English: In this game you will have 2 castles and you have to destroy the other castle (Lock at the Screenshot). You can play with the original names in the game or you can change it wenn you know a little bit the Basic programming language. Entjoy it! |
 | starfleet.zip | 213k | 03-03-09 |  | starfleet Space Battle & Strategy |
 | harrypotter.zip | 5k | 03-03-07 |  | Sorting Hat Plus v3.1 This is the BEST sorting hat program. It provides you with a broom, animal, wand, mentor and many other things. I have spent ample time debugging this program. |
 | fighter2.zip | 41k | 02-10-17 |  | fighter2 a kombat game like Tekken(beta) |
 | craps92.zip | 2k | 02-08-02 |  | TI92 Craps Simple graphic craps game. Still needs a few error handlers but it works fine. |
 | sokobn.zip | 22k | 02-07-23 |  | Sean Morrisey's Sokoban v1.2 The classic puzzle game Sokoban. Designed to look like the Ti-86 version of the same game, but has vastly improved features: Move counter! - Undo and redo all moves! - Save and replay solutions! - Save game and exit! - Supports levels up to 21x55 - Full and easy to use level editor with level compression ability! - Includes 50 challenging levels! |
 | speed.zip | 1k | 02-03-08 |  | Speed You ride a bus on a highway. Try don't crash on others cars. |
 | catch.zip | 1k | 02-03-08 |  | Catch Try catch a mouse if you can. In this game you must catch a mouse whith numeric keys which represents holes. |
 | strat92.zip | 22k | 02-03-07 |  | Stratego 92 v2.0 This game is the classic board game Stratego for your TI-92 Calculator. Instructions are included in the game and the calculator knows all the rules. Version 2.0 is now here after more than a year! It includes new features not found in v1.9: An instantly displayed map, faster game play, cursor piece selection (no more coordinates!), popup menu directions, fast exit option, smaller overall program size, saving now includes ingame stats and a description of your game, minor bug fixes, and more. |
 | jump.zip | 1k | 02-03-02 |  | Long Jump A fun, easy to learn, friend competition game. |
 | drinkwar.92p | 10k | 02-02-16 |  | COKEWARS A clone of drug wars but for those of you that play games in school it's good because you can say it's for another class because you're buying and selling things(Coke Products). So... it's a really cool game |
 | backgamn.9xg | 10k | 02-02-16 |  | Backgammon Version 1.0 Beta Backgammon game for TI92+ |
 | fortune7.92p | 1k | 02-02-10 |  | Fortune v 7.0 This is the newest version of my Fortune programs, the older versions will come out soon, this is my first upload. |
 | sokoban.zip | 4k | 02-01-15 |  | Sokoban v1.03 A puzzle game where you move blocks around in a maze. |
 | combat2.zip | 16k | 01-12-16 |  | Combat2 RPG This game boasts one of the most advanced RPG combat engines available in BASIC. You can fight a ton of different enemies with multiple attacks with multiple weapons aimed at multiple parts of the enemy's body. You can wear helmets and armor. Includes a leveling-up system and an innovative random-mission generator (along with one special mission). All in all, this game offers excellent replay value. |
 | snakepl.zip | 17k | 01-06-15 |  | Snake (+) Snake plus is a clone of the popular Nibbles game for MS-DOS. Included: All original Nibbles-Levels and a Level-Editor. |
 | tirally.zip | 29k | 01-06-01 |  | TI-Rally 1.8 New version with track selection and new effects |
 | fencing.zip | 5k | 01-02-07 |  | Fencing 2001 It the best fencing game fo TI (it's the only one). It feature a good AI, scoring system and some good graphisms. Give it a try and mail me your comments. |
 | poker3.zip | 2k | 01-01-04 |  | Poker Jeu de poker monojoueur |
 | minetank.zip | 2k | 01-01-04 |  | Minetank Démineur pour TI92 |
 | seawar.zip | 4k | 00-12-17 |  | Seawar (French) Bataille navale 1 ou 2 joueurs |
 | mastmind.zip | 2k | 00-12-10 |  | Mastmind mastermind for the Ti-92(+) |
 | supermos.zip | 15k | 00-12-10 |  | Supermosquito Aleatorial game, you have to take the points, before the monster, this is a simple games, writed in basic for the ti-92, and midoficated for the ti-89. |
 | star.zip | 6k | 00-12-10 |  | S.T.A.R. Trader it is 2479 and due to massive wars, the tradelines are destroyed... to be continued... |
 | dagger.zip | 10k | 00-12-10 |  | Elder Scrolls II : Daggerfall's Revenge - Chapter 1 The first (and, maybe, only) "conversion" of Elder Scrolls II : Daggerfall for the PC... updates and addons will follow... |
 | comberd.zip | 4k | 00-11-07 |  | Combe Raider What could I say? Just a game to test. More over, you can play link. AND NOW, YOU CAN EDIT THE PICTURE OF COMBE (as you wished)!! |
 | walls.zip | 17k | 00-10-13 |  | WALLS v1.00 (French) A(MAZE)ING : Le but de ce joli petit jeu est de sortir d'un vilain mechant labyrinthe pas bô. Vous etes deux vaillant(e)s explorateurs(trices) a relever le defi en sachant que l'un(e) d'entre vous n'en reviendra pas (ineluctablement puisque c'est la regle). Si cette perspective te semble trop insupportable, va jouer a PIPER, y'a moins d'pression (respect quand meme). (ENGLISH/FRANCAIS/92/92PLUS/DOCUMENTATION). |
 | woar.zip | 73k | 00-10-01 |  | Worms A.R. Play against the TI or a friend in this worms-like game featuring bidirectionnal scrolling, an unlimited number of walking units, random generated landscape, many weapons, ... |
 | pipent.zip | 26k | 00-09-23 |  | PIPE-LINE NT v1.30 PLUMBING FOR U : Ici, on joue avec des tuyaux pour former les meilleurs plombiers mondiaux et acceder aux JO de Paris 2008 (la piscine de Sydney 2000, c'est nous). Si t'as peur de te mouiller les %?¤#, va jouer a PIPER (respect). Alors, t'es sûr qu'y a pas un p'tit peu trop d'pression pour toi mon p'tit gars ? (ENGLISH/FRANCAIS/92/92PlUS/DOCUMENTATION/SOURCES). |
 | snake3.zip | 29k | 00-09-01 |  | Snake92 Let your Snake eat the balls to grow longer and longer without hitting either the walls or its body! You can create your own maps... |
 | hearts.zip | 4k | 00-08-12 |  | TI-92 Hearts v2.0 Graphical card game of hearts like on Windows 95/98/NT/2000 |
 | netta.zip | 6k | 00-08-03 |  | Netta v3.0.1 Play Vendetta on two linked TI-92s. |
 | piper.zip | 6k | 00-08-03 |  | Piper 92 v1.1.3 A pipe builder game. |
 | mines.zip | 4k | 00-08-03 |  | Mines 92 v2.1.3 The classic minesweeper game. |
 | vendetta.zip | 6k | 00-08-03 |  | Vendetta v3.1.3 Find the right angle & velocity to shoot your opponent. |
 | morpion.zip | 11k | 00-07-20 |  | Morpion II This is a classic game. This version permits the player to play against the TI-92 or another player. The game is compatible whith TI-92+ |
 | colors.zip | 22k | 00-07-13 |  | Colors Yet another tetris like game, less action but a lot more of strategy. 1 or 2 players |
 | fruit.zip | 2k | 00-05-31 |  | Fruit 92 A Slots Game |
 | angelo3d.zip | 23k | 00-05-13 |  | ANGELO 3D v4.0 Battle Arena A CookySoft production. One of the best doom-like ever done on a TI 92, with different weapons, different very clever monsters, all that in a 3D maze. More over this great game can be played by 2 PLAYERS LINK. New graphics in this version!! |
 | cluedo.zip | 5k | 00-05-01 |  | Cluedo v1.2 Cluedo (Clue) for the TI-92 for 3-6 players (Any can be CPU controlled). Work out who done it, where, and what with by going around the 9 rooms to try and find which of the six weapons and people took part in the murder. |
 | yahtzee2.zip | 4k | 00-04-08 |  | Triple Yahtzee Triple Yahtzee for the TI-92 |
 | stupid.zip | 2k | 00-04-04 |  | Stupid Game A CookySoft production. The more stupid game ever done, but very funny (first time you play)... |
 | simcity.zip | 30k | 00-03-29 |  | Simcity v1.3 The well-known Maxis game: build your own city! Vs 1.3 includes a faster algorithm, a smaller prog, a better presentation... |
 | ati92.zip | 46k | 00-03-26 |  | ATIKI: The Next Generation(Episode 2/15) A Cookysoft production. RPG, explication: Zelda+Final Fantasy 7+FF 8+Pokemon=====Atiki !!! |
 | morpion2.zip | 4k | 00-03-04 |  | Morpion (French) The french version of the well-known Tic-Tac-Toe game. |
 | vgw.zip | 2k | 00-03-02 |  | Vier Gewinnt (German) Match four of your in a row |
 | pegged.zip | 2k | 00-03-02 |  | Pegged v1.0 (German) You know the good old Win-Game Pegged |
 | codes_92.zip | 5k | 00-03-02 |  | Codes Find the right code to unlock the doors and open the strong-box! |
 | fight292.zip | 4k | 00-02-18 |  | Neo-Fighters II v92.1 Sequel to Titan Entertainment's popular fighting game, including new features, such as improved interface, improved rumble library, improved delay library, weapons, better graphics, new super moves, and new fatalities. |
 | fight92.zip | 3k | 00-02-12 |  | Neo-Fighters v92.1 A fun fighting game where you beat up on a computer opponent using basic, super, and fatal moves. |
 | comberaider.zip | 3k | 99-12-08 |  | Combe Raider What could I say? Just a game to test. More over, you can play link. |
 | numberz.zip | 1k | 99-11-06 |  | Numberz v1.0 Guess the number |
 | ffd92.zip | 37k | 99-10-10 |  | Final Fantasy Destination v1.5x A very well-done clone of the popular Final Fantasy series of games. |
 | battlelnk.zip | 5k | 99-10-02 |  | Battle Ship A graphical Battle Ship game, using the standard TI link. |
 | netship.zip | 7k | 99-07-01 |  | NetShip II NetShip with artificial intelligence! Also linkgame included. |
 | ayahtzee.zip | 6k | 99-06-19 |  | Ayahtzee v4.0 Yahtzee game (in French) |
 | mwae.zip | 65k | 99-05-31 |  | Mechanized War And Exploration v1.0 The First French Command and Conquer like. |
 | slot.zip | 2k | 99-05-24 |  | Slot Machine v1.0 Slot Machine for TI-92 |
 | puis4.zip | 2k | 99-05-20 |  | Puissance4 Align 4 pawns to win. |
 | psibj.zip | 8k | 99-04-12 |  | Black Jack v1.02 Black Jack for your TI-92. |
 | pwyatzy.zip | 3k | 99-04-03 |  | P.W. Yatzy Features include three players and a high score list |
 | connect4.zip | 2k | 99-04-03 |  | Connect 4 |
 | poker2.zip | 6k | 99-04-02 |  | Poker Poker (English and French) |
 | four.zip | 2k | 99-03-26 |  | Connect Four A clone of Four Win |
 | viper.zip | 4k | 99-03-26 |  | Viper It´s a (difficult) version of Nibbles/Tron/Worm/... |
 | search.zip | 3k | 99-03-26 |  | Search 99 It´s a version of "ship sunk" ... |
 | nequisto.zip | 3k | 99-03-08 |  | Nequisto v1.0.1 Two player link game where you must try and cover more cells than your opponent. |
 | lines.zip | 1k | 99-03-08 |  | Lines 92 v1.0.1 Tron clone, a two player game where you must not hit neither your lines nor your opponents. |
 | slayers.zip | 25k | 99-03-03 |  | Slayers RPG v2.0 A RPG based off the Anime Series |
 | ratscrew.zip | 12k | 99-03-03 |  | RatScrew v2.0 A very graphical card game |
 | purlogic.zip | 12k | 99-03-03 |  | PureLogic v2.0 A game similar to MineSweeper for Windows and Relentless Logic for DOS also included |
 | darktower.zip | 18k | 99-03-03 |  | The Dark Tower A D D kind of RPG |
 | nibbles92.zip | 1k | 99-03-03 |  | Nibbles! v1.00 A very famous game |
 | mmind.zip | 12k | 99-03-03 |  | MasterMind v2.0 A great MasterMind game based on the original board game |
 | weedkill.zip | 2k | 99-03-03 |  | Weedkiller Stop the weed from growing to the top |
 | reflexio.zip | 4k | 99-03-03 |  | Reflexio v1.0 Reflexio Dstar clone |
 | pipeg.zip | 57k | 99-03-03 |  | Pipe Line v1.5 Gold Plumbing : |
 | figame.zip | 13k | 99-03-03 |  | Tiger Fight v1.0 Tiger Fight Shoot them up |
 | gorila92.zip | 2k | 98-09-27 |  | Gorillas Clone of the classic QBasic game. |
 | ff7.zip | 31k | 98-09-23 |  | Final Fantasy VII: Cloud's Quest v1.3 Role playing game based on FF7. |
 | textrpg.zip | 13k | 98-09-19 |  | Town of Hope: The RPG v2.1 A role playing game. |
 | hangman1.zip | 2k | 98-09-15 |  | Hangman v1 Hangman game with a word base editor. |
 | aim.zip | 5k | 98-09-12 |  | Aim 92 Scorched Earth type game. |
 | tictac.zip | 2k | 98-08-05 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe Tic-Tac-Toe game. One player vs. the computer or two players. |
 | picross.zip | 5k | 98-08-03 |  | Picross v1.0 A Picross game for the TI-92. English and French versions. |
 | twrhanoi.zip | 1k | 98-07-31 |  | Towers of Hanoi Puzzle game where you must move all the disk from one pile to another. |
 | matches.zip | 1k | 98-07-31 |  | Matchsticks Take turns taking 1, 2, or 3 matches. The player which gets the last match loses. |
 | ttt.zip | 3k | 98-07-30 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe Play either against the calculator, against a friend on the same calculator, or against a friend with a link. |
 | cat.zip | 13k | 98-07-30 |  | Cat-e-Combs of Terror v1.3 An RPG game where you move around in the maze, battling demons and dragons, and try to find the Demon Master. |
 | snake2.zip | 1k | 98-07-19 |  | Snake v0.1 Nibbles type game. |
 | snake.zip | 1k | 98-07-19 |  | Snake Nibbles type game. |
 | lemonade.zip | 2k | 98-07-18 |  | Lemonade Stand v2.1 Make the max amout of money in one month by selling lemonade. |
 | golf.zip | 6k | 98-07-18 |  | Golf! v1.00.92 Golf simulator game. |
 | nibbles.zip | 1k | 98-07-18 |  | Nibbles Nibbles game. |
 | ysplani.zip | 7k | 98-07-18 |  | Ysplani v1.00 Role playing game. |
 | realm.zip | 4k | 98-07-18 |  | Realm Role playing game. |
 | abalone.zip | 11k | 98-07-17 |  | Abalone v2.1 Two player strategy game. |
 | titris.zip | 2k | 98-07-17 |  | TItris v0.8 Tetris game. |
 | tetris92.zip | 4k | 98-07-17 |  | Tetris92 v1.0 Graphical tetris game. |
 | race.zip | 1k | 98-07-17 |  | Race v1.2 A game similar to tunnel but with rocks in the path. |
 | magicsqr.zip | 2k | 98-07-17 |  | MaGiC SquArE v0.1 Beta Puzzle game similar to mosaic. |
 | mosaic.zip | 1k | 98-07-17 |  | Mosaic Move the tiles aroudn to get the nine numbers in order. |
 | bassin97.zip | 10k | 98-07-16 |  | Bassin' 97 v0.7 Beta Fishing game. |
 | tilandmi.zip | 1k | 98-07-15 |  | Land Mine Minesweeper clone. |
 | fmine.zip | 1k | 98-07-14 |  | Fast-Mine 92 v2.0 Minesweeper clone. |
 | demine.zip | 7k | 98-07-14 |  | Demine v2.05 Minesweeper clone. |
 | picactro.zip | 1k | 98-07-14 |  | Pica Centro A game similar to Meister Mind. |
 | maze.zip | 1k | 98-07-14 |  | Maze A maze game with customizable sizes. |
 | doom92.zip | 2k | 98-07-14 |  | Doom92 Doom clone. |
 | doom.zip | 7k | 98-07-14 |  | Doom v1.0 Beta 1 Doom clone. |
 | yahtzee.zip | 3k | 98-07-14 |  | Yahtzee Yahtzee game for the TI-92. |
 | poker1.zip | 4k | 98-07-14 |  | Poker v1.1 Poker game, keeps track of users and their total winnings and antie. |
 | poker.zip | 3k | 98-07-14 |  | Poker v2.0 Complete poker game with stats and link play. |
 | dograce.zip | 1k | 98-07-14 |  | Dog Races Bet on one dog and watch the dogs race. |
 | simon.zip | 1k | 98-07-12 |  | Simon v1.0 Clone of the popular game Simon. |
 | guess92p.zip | 1k | 98-07-09 |  | Guess A number guessing game. |
 | othello.zip | 1k | 98-07-07 |  | Othello Othello game. |
 | othello2.zip | 4k | 98-07-07 |  | Othello v0.8 Othello for the TI-92 with AI. |
 | hangman.zip | 2k | 98-07-07 |  | Hangman v0.5 Hangman game. |
 | memory.zip | 1k | 98-07-07 |  | Memory Game just like the popular memory card game. |
 | hang.zip | 3k | 98-07-07 |  | Hangman v0.01 Customizable word bases for the user. |
 | kong.zip | 4k | 98-07-07 |  | TI Kong v1.00.92 Game with barrels and ladders. |
 | weed.zip | 5k | 98-07-07 |  | Weed Land Scrolling type game. |
 | war_edge.zip | 3k | 98-07-07 |  | Little War v1.0 Scorched Earth clone. |
 | pong1.zip | 1k | 98-07-07 |  | Pong A pong game. |
 | pingpong.zip | 1k | 98-07-07 |  | Ping Pong Pong game against the calculator. |
 | tipong.zip | 1k | 98-07-07 |  | Pong A little pong game. |
 | mystic92.zip | 27k | 98-06-26 |  | Mystic Legend 92' v1.0 Role playing game. |
 | mopdem2.zip | 2k | 98-06-17 |  | MOP-DEMINEUR II v1 Minesweeper clone. French version. |
 | fer.zip | 10k | 98-06-05 |  | Fernando 3 v3.2 Mario type game. |
 | risk.zip | 4k | 98-05-02 |  | Risk Just like the Risk board game. |
 | simciti.zip | 7k | 98-04-21 |  | SimCiTI v2.04 Text version of the Maxis game SimCity. |
 | agenten.zip | 4k | 98-04-08 |  | Agenten v4.0 Two player link game where you must kill the agents of the other player. |
 | dstar.zip | 25k | 98-04-08 |  | DStar v5.2 Similar to the Fargo game, now with a level editor. |
 | ballistic.zip | 3k | 98-03-29 |  | Ballistic 4 Scorched Earth type game. |
 | tiroids.zip | 4k | 98-03-24 |  | TIRoids v0.5 Beta Astroids type game. |
 | tigotch.zip | 10k | 98-03-22 |  | TIGotch v3.7 Train a little warrior gochi. |
 | kombat.zip | 4k | 98-03-16 |  | Stick Kombat v0.9 Mortal kombat/street fighter type game. |
 | mine.zip | 3k | 98-03-15 |  | Minesweeper v5.1 Clone of the original minesweeper on the HP48G(X) with difficulty levels. |
 | minelite.zip | 3k | 98-02-23 |  | Mines v1.0 Minesweeper clone with many options. |
 | mortok.zip | 6k | 98-02-20 |  | MorTo'k Demo v0.1 Legend of Zelda type game. |
 | worm92.zip | 2k | 98-02-16 |  | Worm 92 v1.32 A classic worms game where you must guide the worm to eat the dots. |
 | wakarat.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Wak-A-Rat v1.0 Whack the rat as many times as you can. |
 | topgun.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | Top Gun Try and shoot down as many planes as you can. |
 | tictacto.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe v1.0 Tic-Tac-Toe game. |
 | stratega.zip | 9k | 98-02-16 |  | Stratega v1.0 Clone of the baod game Stratego. |
 | stock.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Stock Exchange v1.0 Text-based game about the stock exchange. |
 | solit.zip | 4k | 98-02-16 |  | Solitaire v1.5 Graphical solitaire game. |
 | shooter.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Shooter v1.0 A game where you must shoot the enemy ships. |
 | power4.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Power4 v1.1 Clone of the popular Connect4 game. |
 | mine92.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | Mine 92 v2.0 Minesweeper clone with high scores. |
 | supermin.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | Supermine v1.1 Minesweeper clone. |
 | maverick.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | Maverick v0.87 Flight simulator. |
 | mario.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | Mario Land Mario type game. |
 | jumble.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Jumble v1.0 A word game where you must rearrange the letters to form a word. |
 | hilow.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | High-Low Guessing Game v1.0 Try to guess a number between 1 and 100. |
 | daleks.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Daleks v1.2 Destroy the daleks by avoiding them, causing them to collide, or by using the sonic screwdriver. |
 | conquer.zip | 2k | 98-02-16 |  | Conquer Conquer game to cover more squares than your opponent. |
 | blackjak.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | BlackJack v1.4 Simple blackjack game. |
 | blakjack.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | BlackJack v1.1 Blackjakc game, keeps track of different players and their stats. |
 | bjack92.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | BlackJack92 v1.1 Two player blackjack game or play against the calculator. |
 | blackjack.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | BlackJack v3.0 Blackjack game with win-loss counter. |
 | bjack.zip | 4k | 98-02-16 |  | BlackJack v1.8 Graphical blackjack game with card editor. |
 | baskball.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Basketball v0.5 Simulates a basketball game. |
 | arkanoid.zip | 2k | 98-02-16 |  | Arkanoid v1.0 Arkanoid clone. Use the paddle to bounce the ball and hit the blocks. |
 | checkers.zip | 4k | 98-02-16 |  | Checkers v1.0 Linkable checkers game. |
 | canfield.zip | 3k | 98-02-14 |  | Canfield Card game. |
 | klondike.zip | 3k | 98-02-13 |  | Klondike Solitaire card game. |
 | snafu.zip | 3k | 98-01-25 |  | Snafu Gold v1.0 One or two player snake game. |
 | whack.zip | 1k | 98-01-19 |  | Whack-A-Mole Similar to wak-a-rat, you must whack the moles as they appear on the screen. |
 | qsolitar.zip | 4k | 98-01-16 |  | qCards Solitaire v1.0 Clone of the popular card game. |
 | football.zip | 3k | 98-01-15 |  | Football v0.3 Beta Football simulation. |
 | naval.zip | 3k | 98-01-08 |  | Naval Battle v1.16 Battleship clone. |
 | euchre.zip | 3k | 98-01-08 |  | Euchre!! v1.0 Play euchre against the computer or one-on-one. |
 | computix.zip | 3k | 98-01-01 |  | Computix v1.0 Original game for two players. |
 | caverns.zip | 2k | 97-11-12 |  | Caverns v1.2 A game similar to tunnel but you can shoot things in your path. |
 | ff3.zip | 14k | 97-11-01 |  | Final Fantasy 3: Kefta's Revenge Role playing game. |
 | mm92.zip | 11k | 97-10-25 |  | Mega Man 92 Mega Man for the TI-92. |
 | dumb92.zip | 1k | 97-09-22 |  | Dumb Jumping Man v2.00.92 A game where you must prevent the man from hitting the ground. |
 | stickman.zip | 6k | 97-09-12 |  | The Stickman Collection A suite of games featuring Stickman. |
 | contact.zip | 18k | 97-09-08 |  | Star Trek: First Contact The ultimate rendition of Star Trek: First Contact. |
 | roleplay.zip | 4k | 97-08-21 |  | KCHS Punisher RPG As the KCHS Punisher, you destroy evil clones posing as teachers and help bring KCHS to it's former glory. |
 | sr2.zip | 10k | 97-07-24 |  | Sting Ray II: The Search for Shooter v1.0 Shoot-em-up game where you must hunt down Shooter. |
 | minehunt.zip | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | MineHunt v1.00.92 Almost a complete port of the HP48G(X) version built in. |
 | dark.zip | 2k | 97-07-09 |  | Dark Tick A maze game similar to Wolfenstein 3D. |
 | tick.zip | 3k | 97-07-09 |  | Tickopoly A game similar to Monopoly. |
 | tickwars.zip | 3k | 97-07-09 |  | Tick Wars X-Wing type game. |
 | chess.zip | 3k | 97-05-25 |  | Chess! v1.0 Graphical two player chess game. |
 | bship.zip | 3k | 97-04-24 |  | Battleship v1.3 Battleship game. |