Bubblegum Crisis - Nene's Adventures
Ranked as 34055 on our all-time top downloads list with 1363 downloads. Ranked as 1889 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
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Bubblegum Crisis - Nene's Adventures
Bubblegum Crisis Nene's Adventures is an rpg dedicated to the smart and cute Nene Romanova. As Nene you must solve the cause for all the recent boomer incidents and put a stop to them. A vast world to explore with many features that should keep your interests throught the game.
Hiryu Rhys (hiryu_rhys@hotmail.com)
TI-92 BASIC Games
File Size
44,876 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Aug 11 04:37:08 2008
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Archive Contents
XWALK.92P | 1221 |
ATITLE.92P | 222 |
ATK.92P | 212 |
BANK.92P | 526 |
BAR.92I | 107 |
BGC.92P | 837 |
BGCTITLE.92I | 3185 |
BL.92I | 98 |
BMRS.92P | 1242 |
BU12.92I | 620 |
BU55.92I | 557 |
BU99.92I | 767 |
CLT.92P | 161 |
CMD1.92P | 1219 |
CMD2.92P | 951 |
CMD3.92P | 861 |
CMD4.92P | 802 |
CMD5.92P | 584 |
CMD6.92P | 213 |
CURS.92I | 102 |
DDBM.92I | 1356 |
DEF.92P | 286 |
DNE.92P | 124 |
DTA.92P | 302 |
FRM.92P | 136 |
GENOM.92P | 2449 |
GGX.92P | 138 |
GX1.92P | 592 |
GXV.92P | 291 |
HEAL.92P | 381 |
HIT.92P | 241 |
LARG1.92I | 431 |
LARG2.92I | 355 |
MATRIX.92P | 2257 |
MECHA1.92I | 1025 |
MECHA2.92I | 653 |
MED.92P | 211 |
MR.92P | 151 |
NDEAD.92I | 295 |
NE337.92I | 161 |
NE338.92I | 161 |
NE340.92I | 139 |
NE344.92I | 161 |
NGUN1.92I | 419 |
NGUN2.92I | 473 |
NGUN3.92I | 452 |
NGUN4.92I | 360 |
NMENU.92I | 816 |
NPNT.92I | 103 |
NR1.92I | 158 |
NR10.92I | 161 |
NR11.92I | 96 |
NR12.92I | 96 |
NR13.92I | 96 |
NR14.92I | 96 |
NR15.92I | 96 |
NR16.92I | 96 |
NR17.92I | 96 |
NR18.92I | 96 |
NR19.92I | 96 |
NR2.92I | 161 |
NR3.92I | 161 |
NR4.92I | 161 |
NR5.92I | 158 |
NR6.92I | 161 |
NR7.92I | 155 |
NR8.92I | 161 |
NR9.92I | 161 |
PNENE1.92I | 1331 |
PNTR.92I | 104 |
PPNTR.92P | 262 |
PRJ.92P | 183 |
PWR.92P | 192 |
RAVEN.92P | 3875 |
RPT.92P | 477 |
SCRN.92I | 3185 |
SPD.92P | 201 |
STN.92P | 163 |
SUI1.92I | 536 |
SUI2.92I | 410 |
SXRD.92I | 340 |
TC1.92P | 124 |
TC2.92P | 209 |
TC3.92P | 242 |
THIT.92P | 220 |
USS.92P | 147 |
USSD.92P | 1532 |
WARE.92P | 645 |
XBAT.92P | 1582 |
XBDRW.92P | 142 |
XBOARD.92P | 259 |
XCITY.92P | 746 |
XEN.92P | 826 |
XENEM.92P | 1017 |
XLOAD.92P | 506 |
XLVL.92P | 348 |
XMENU.92P | 549 |
XPWR.92P | 253 |
XQUIT.92P | 294 |
XSAVE.92P | 263 |
XSTAT.92P | 328 |
XSV.92M | 137 |
XSW.92M | 158 |
XTECH.92P | 906 |
ADP.92P | 5562 |
XWIN.92P | 443 |
BGC_readme.txt | 972 |