Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
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Student Pro
Tom Goyete
(Web Page)
This project of mine is to create an evolved version of most organizers. I will be making a Beta Version of this in Ti-Basic. I will then create a more advanced version in Assembly. I am pretty sure most of you have run into other organizers. This one will have a basic student planner. Which will have a changeable schedule. It will also include a grade keeper. Unlike most grading systems you will be able to weight you're grade, avg. more then one period together, Changeble from Trimesters to quarters to halfs, and have a few other additions. I also have plans of adding an address book, note taker, and a personal phone book.
13 January 2002, 02:47 GMT
Tom Goyete
(Web Page)
I have been concidering this for some time and just recently began work on it. It will be an HTML viewer, editor. What I have plans of is creating a converter for the calculator and the computer. You will be able to upload webpages on you're calculator. I doubt graphics will be at all possible. I beleive ill put a default image were all other images would appear. I also have plans of writing a c++ program. The c++ program could atomaticly upload e-mails. So you could plug in you're calc execute the program and it would transfer all of you're e-mails directly on to you're calculator. Very helpfull for those of us who wake up 5 minutes befor school. I also beleive it could be helpfull for webmasters. You could work on you're website in those unimportant classes like math and english. Make sure not to play in study hall its far to important. lol. Well tell me what you think. I also have an idea that i wouldnt be willing to use. You could convert Ti-Basic into Q-Basic. Most of us know Q-Basic and the differences are slim. But it can get annoying for people used to other languages to learn an entire knew language for the dang little calculator. I would say Da*n but i dont know if swearing is allowed on this sight so i wont push it. I also have many other ideas just not the time to post them all know. If you want to hear any more about anything you can e-mail me at tgoye@yahoo.com. I am willing to share any information if asked. Also if someone wishes to help me on any of my projects they are welcome to. I have most of the coding ideas and how to do it down. But I suck at designing graphics. Any one want to chat my aim is AdOutsider.
13 January 2002, 03:02 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
I'm doing a program for all the Seminary students who have a calculator (duh). It's nothin fancy just all the one your supposed to memorize. It might be done in the next month or so.
1 February 2002, 01:16 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
I'm doing a program for all the Seminary students who have a calculator (duh). It's nothin fancy just all the scripture verses your supposed to memorize. It might be done in the next month or so.
1 February 2002, 01:16 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
I'm starting a new but small project that you can input e-mail addresses and have the @<sitename> show up automatically when reading it.
It would have good GUI starting screen with menus for Hotmails, Yahoos, AOLs, and others. Any suggestions?
8 February 2002, 21:23 GMT
You can be in my credits too. Help Me!!
I'm making a battling game where a group of robots or tanks will battle eachother. But I need help on controlling each piece, separately of course, will doing othere things. Please help me and maybe you'll be included in my credits section.
22 February 2002, 16:56 GMT
Ok, everyone listen up:
I'm working on a BASIC Shell. It will be able to run other programs in BASIC. I need suggestions. I already have a GUI, but can be different according to other's suggestions. It looks similar to Ion shell but will be different. It only looks like that because I'm still open for suggestions. Pleas Reply
I'm also at:
You'll be in my credits if I get good suggestions.
The first to reply gets the first source code.
11 March 2002, 22:28 GMT
Access 83/+
Hey, I'm just now finishing my first published program on the archives so download it now. It is a password protection program that you stick it's program name in the beginning of your program you want to protect and it'll protect it for you. It is also designed to have a password changer, not display that password your typing in, and limit you to about three tries to access the program or it'll be locked. Course I'm not sure if I'm gonna include that three try limit. If I do, e-mail me and I'll exclude it. I'd like for anyone who actually downloaded it to e-mail me and tell me what you think.
I'm at both:
Also, please post any suggestions here to help me make it better. I haven't posted EVERY feature of this program but I'd like some feedback.
27 March 2002, 22:13 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
oo... look! i'm almost done with Windows XP! here are some crazy features:
4.7K Help file
Windows NT 5.1
With Flash Gordon,
You can have a lot of programs, I really can't explain this right now, read the owner's manual
User Logon
Sicode Securtiy Suite for Windows XP
Windows NT 5.1 Features:
Ability to send and recieve Pics 1-0 (10), Strings 3-0(10), and Lists 1-6.
PLease note that Windows NT 5.1 is a DEMO version. I'm still not done with it yet.. The full version will include Real Variables to send and recieve.
Logon Required.
TI-83 Plus : Almost Done 99.99999999999999%
TI-83 : Few Modifications soo,,,, 93.95%
TI-82 : NO! (sorry....)
Windows NT 5.1 will be released today, um... i'm uploading the file today.
Windows XP: Expect to see it within 3 more days
Oh ya, i forgot.....
I currently only have 3 beta-testers, and I need more.......
If you would like to help out, you know my e-mail address.... or not.....
If you would like to talk to me,
Darkadvengher2390 is my screen name for AOL AIM.
1 April 2002, 19:18 GMT
Best Homework Recorder Ever. Period.
(Web Page)
I am currently working on a homework recording program that does not use strings like my old one, has archive protection, add homework feature so you don't have to retype it to add more, along with a text-wrap function. Other things will be included.
8 April 2002, 05:48 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
I'm also working on counter-strike and armored core for the TI-83 Plus, however, i'm no longer going to do it in BASIC for obvious reasons. I'm learning assembly, but I need help. E-mail me if you can.
8 April 2002, 05:49 GMT
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