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Beginer's Z80 Project (BZ80)
I am creating a bunch of macros/functions that will allow certain sections of code to have a 'BASIC' feel to them.This will be useful for beginer assmebly programmers that are writting a program and then get stuck and quit working on whatever they were doing cause they can't figure out how to put something in asm. The only downside is that some commands require a run-time library on your ti 83+, however the library will only be about 500 bytes on the calculator nothing to worry about. I even have easy to use archive() and unarchive() commands
25 January 2004, 08:15 GMT
Re: Beginer's Z80 Project (BZ80)
(Web Page)
If you are interested in helping people learn ASM or be able to program in a better language than TI-BASIC, maybe you have experience that the highlevelz80 group could use.
I figured I would give you a short description of what we are doing. We are trying to make an object oriented basic/c++ like language that will compile into ASM code. Currently we are solving some problems working with memory, vars, ect. From the sound of your post, I think you could help us out some. The address of the group page is above.
I actually encourage all who are interested to take a look.
If we can gather all the needed experience into one great big project, we can make an awsome compiler.
Oh, and by the way, when I refer to we, I am refering to myself and the other 39 members currently in the group, so this isn't a brand new project. I am also not the leader of this group either, I just help out a lot whenever I know how to solve one of the problems.
20 February 2004, 15:39 GMT
Re: Beginer's Z80 Project (BZ80)
Update to BZ80, runtime library has to go. since unarchiving it during program execution might cause problems if it gets unarchived while not having enough ram, thus all extra code that demmed nessisary is included automatically. Datatypes have been implemented, but now I have to rewrite NEARLY ALL of my header files to work with datatypes. However it seems this is the best way to avoid having a ridiculous number of commands here is a list of things that are currently supported
one-byte vars
two-byte vars
utilization of saferam for variables (must be declared by developer, however)
call/return subroutine structure
conditonal goto,call and return commands
"for", "while" and "loop" program flow commands
clearing home and draw screen
writing text to both home and draw screen
big text on graph screen
inversed text
interger arithmetic - increase, decrease, add, subtract, multiplication, division, modulo, squareroot
bitwise manipulation - and, or, xor
automatic stack stabilization upon quiting
Whew... *cough* I'm parched, I need a glass of water *cough*
12 April 2004, 04:56 GMT
Stop the ON break in basic programs
i have stopped the On break in basic programs i am just touching it up and then will release it
30 January 2004, 01:09 GMT
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