Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
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New Z80 Language In Development
Hoping o make z80 more readable and easier to work with. Supports some basic commands though they are not interpreted-I have used other peoples routins where i found them useful [don't worry i gave them full credit]as well as writing my own. This is aimed at basic programmers. It is pretty self excplanitory.
;heres the code for drawing a black line
def pxlX,##
def pxlY,##
def pxlX2,##
def pxlY2,##
;heres the code for drawing a white line
def pxlX,##
def pxlY,##
def pxlX2,##
def pxlY2,##
;heres the code for drawing a XOR line
def pxlX,##
def pxlY,##
def pxlX2,##
def pxlY2<##
so is this a good idea? I want feedback!
25 October 2003, 05:40 GMT
Re: New Z80 Language In Development
ignore this i found a way to make i work w/ other stuff so that its really easy
12 April 2004, 16:35 GMT
New Z80 Language In Development
Hoping o make z80 more readable and easier to work with. Supports some basic commands though they are not interpreted-I have used other peoples routins where i found them useful [don't worry i gave them full credit]as well as writing my own. This is aimed at basic programmers. It is pretty self excplanitory.
;heres the code for drawing a black line
def pxlX,##
def pxlY,##
def pxlX2,##
def pxlY2,##
;heres the code for drawing a white line
def pxlX,##
def pxlY,##
def pxlX2,##
def pxlY2,##
;heres the code for drawing a XOR line
def pxlX,##
def pxlY,##
def pxlX2,##
def pxlY2,##
so is this a good idea? I want feedback!
25 October 2003, 05:40 GMT
Upcoming TI-83 Plus Program : Power Point
As part of my Tindows Professional Office Suite, I am unveiling a fully functional version of the ever popular PowerPoint. It mimics the computer version in many ways and there is NO limit to the length of the presentation so long as you have the memory. Features include:
1) Text Position (Centered, Left)
2) Background Templates
3) Timed transitions (in seconds) or manual transition
4) Advanced Editor (basic knowledge of data file necessary)
5) Password Protection for Slide Show (Password stored as a Hash value)
6) Great for presentations on overheads (Teaching tool)
Contact me at mbiibm@epals.com for more information.
Matthew I.
V.P. Z-Studios
5 November 2003, 15:18 GMT
Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
Keith Pierce
(Web Page)
(For Ti-83 Series):I am in the making of a program called Windows Server 2003 and its in basic, but when I finish the basic version and make everything perfect then i will make it a app. I need some beta testers go to my site and tell me in the messege boards.
14 November 2003, 01:22 GMT
CP/M for Ti-83+
I'm working on a new OS for the TI-83+... CP/M
It is designed to overwrite the existing OS with CP/m and turn the calc into a more multi-purpose machine. As CP/M anly takes up around 48k, the remainder of the archive, that used to store the OS will be available for ASM programs. This means thayt your TI83+ will have 470k free archive!
23 November 2003, 02:53 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
im working on aol instant messenger for the ti 83+ with a wirelesss connection. if u can help plz do so
any one who wants to help email me a nickwiz13@aol.com
7 December 2003, 13:58 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
Alright!... im designing a BASIC shell that can do everything an asm shell can do...with the help of some asm progs. Does anyone have any ideas of what they would want in a shell to make it more convienent?If so please respond here or contact me there ^.
P.S. asm abilities already included:
*lists and runs programs* already on your calc(asm or basic; archived or unarchived)
*awesome GUI*
*free RAM*
*battery status*
*Special Thanx to David Lindstrom (ZRUN, ZLIST, PTOOLS)& Michael Vincent (ZBATTCHK,MEM)
12 December 2003, 02:00 GMT
Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
Jim Miller
(Web Page)
I did the same exact thing you did with Waves OS. I used PTOOLS, ZRUN, etc. and found it surprisingly effective. One thing that seems to catch the attention of people is making your program as fast, small and efficeint as possible while maintaining a nice GUI. You may want to include link cable support, since it is one of the most essential parts of calculator gaming. Also, PTOOLS has the ability to delete programs from the calc. To make your shell more convenient, you should try to put in some useful utilities such as an organizer, the ability to turn the calc off during the shell's run-time, password protection, and you may also want to consider putting in a sound player (like Wav Player 83+); they're all very convenient tools that users will be thankful of. However, ZRUN is sometimes unstable, especially when you try to run programs that have been ported to a specific shell (like ION/MirageOS programs), and will sometimes crash your calculator. Have fun with this time-consuming experience!
14 December 2003, 03:40 GMT
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