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Mem Adder v1.0 for the TI-83 plus!!!
(Web Page)
I am working on fixing the bugs for the TI-83 version of Mem Adder and am also working on a version of Mem Adder for the TI-83 plus. It should be ready by early July of 2000 and should be downloaded by every TI-83 plus user on the face of this earth because it really will add memory; there might be some bugs, but it will be stabel before I upload it to tical.org. If there will be bugs i will try to fix them as I am trying to fix them for the TI-83 version.
TI83 Maniac
17 March 2000, 00:13 GMT
Mem Adder v1.0 for the TI-83 plus!!!
(Web Page)
I am working on fixing the bugs for the TI-83 version of Mem Adder and am also working on a version of Mem Adder for the TI-83 plus. It should be ready by early July of 2000 and should be downloaded by every TI-83 plus user on the face of this earth because it really will add memory; there might be some bugs, but it will be stable before I upload it to ticalc.org. If there will be bugs i will try to fix them as I am trying to fix them for the TI-83 version.
TI83 Maniac
17 March 2000, 00:14 GMT
BASIC String DataBase
(Web Page)
I am starting a new project. I am annoyed at how the TI-83+ only has 10 strings, so I am going to start a program which will compress up to 50 strings into X4t and Y4t. If you have any comments, such as this is a redundant project and I am wasting my time, or that X4t and Y4t aren't good variables, please e-mail me.
18 March 2000, 15:51 GMT
Windows NT 2000
Rob Sowby
(Web Page)
Yes! Another addition to Sowby's Windows 2000 collection-Windows 2000 (Full), Windows LT 2000, (Lite),and now Windows NT 2000 (Network)!
A two-user OS and Windows Interface. Includes password, NotePad, Y= Editor, Calculator, just like the other Windows editions. But now it has 2-person networking ablities! Coming soon-April 2000.
31 March 2000, 01:31 GMT
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