Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
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Final Version of DiM comming, DiM 3
(Web Page)
I am almost ready to release DiM 3, the most efficient way to swap messages on a calc amongst a small-medium group of people. Each person is assigned a code, and can leave a 16-letter message (only spaces & a-z are allowed) New to this version is the ability to store 6 mesages per user, custom matrix length, admin program, message checker to tell you if a user has 6 messages, more efficient design, seeyour message as you type it,psuedo archiving, and more. Since this will probably be the FINAL version of DiM 2, I will do my best to accomidate user requests into the program. I know of a way to store these messages to a list rather than a matrix, but it is less efficient & slower. The default # of messages that a calc can store is 85, but I have gotten up to 120 with the new psuedo archived state, which is very simple, but I never thought to incorperate it into previous versions of DiM. Contact me @ vrmlbasic@hotmail.com, or check out http://www.toad.net/~klang, if you want more info, or to leave a comment, etc.
17 August 2002, 22:11 GMT
(Web Page)
There would be a 'central calculator', which would be the ONLY calculator that could store messages. All other calculators in the group would be viewer calculators, meaning that they could view the database, but not add to or edit it. When the central calc owner wants to transfer the database the first time he'd only have to send the viewer program & subroutines and the database. From then on, after the database has been updated, the owner would only have to transfer the db. The best part is that th owner only has to transfer the db to 1 or 2 people, and the link to another & another,..... If the person holding the 'central calc' wants to make another calculator be the 'central calc', then all he'd have to do would be to transfer al of the DiM programs and subroutines to the calc, and delete all programs except for the viewer ones. The main limitations of DiM are that there can only be 1 'central calc', and that because TI-BASIC alone is only capable of psuedo-archiving, so the message db can't be bigger than the RAM. Also, DiM cannot work in large groups. \
Hope that clarifies a few things, and if you have input on the DiM project, please contact me at vrmlbasic@hotmail.com
-- VrmlBasic
22 August 2002, 20:29 GMT
83+ Locker: This one's for entry sample!
Hey, everyone, I just finished The 83+ Locker. It's BASIC but it's also locked. With your program locked on the PC with this progname at the beginning of your prog, your program is 100% hack free! I'm doing this one for JamCalc.org so I can get in. Look for my other progs by me!
22 August 2002, 22:01 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
Anyways, have you ever wanted to freak out your friends 83+ that their RAM got reset. Well here's the trick. Who's looking for how to put both large and small text on the same screen. Well, Simply do this!
You want big text first like this:
Text(-1,0,0,"This is Homescreen text
Text(0,0,"And this is Graph Text
It honestly works. Now as much as I would like to take credit for this glitch, I'm not.
I found it at the webpage link above. Check it out!
23 August 2002, 21:57 GMT
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