Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
Has anybody ever thought of creating a dictionary for the calc? It would be 26 seperate programs (1 for each letter of the Alphabet) and u would be albe to search for your word manually, or you would be able able to auto search. I myself have tried, but its too much work, i need a larger group of friends that can program on the calc (only three at the time being), if anybody has though, tell me how far they got.
4 April 2004, 00:18 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
andrew penguin
9 April 2004, 15:38 GMT
Warhamer 40,000 Anyone?
[If you do not know what "Games-WorkShop", "Warhammer" or "Warhammer 40,000" mean, skip this post]
I am in the process of making a calc-based version of the Tyranid codex for reference, It will ahve everything the book does, the only exception being pictures and "fluff". I will do this for all armies eventually.BTW these "E-Codex"es will be in BASIC so if u wanna type them in to the calc, your more than welcome
Sometime in the future I will make a somewhat scaled down version of 40K to play out a battle with, It will be a "board" game that uses a grid, but it will be MUCH BIGGER than any chess board think 75x75 as the smallest board allowed. I atually know how I could do most of this but do not plan to actually make it for a while due to my involvement in making my own "language" for the calc, which I plan to write this in
12 April 2004, 05:10 GMT
Are there any asm programs that can run an ion or mirageOS program from the homescreen or inside a BASIC program? I am currently working on VoyagerOS and realized that no one is going to want another OS if it cannot run MirageOS or Ion games. If not, I still may finish it and using BasicBuilder convert it to an app.
22 April 2004, 23:29 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
This just might be the best basic OS ever!!!! chech it out through the web address! Oh and please email us or post here if you want your program included and we will tell you if we are or not (plz only give us small ones or utilities)
28 April 2004, 01:01 GMT
NEW! Exciting basic program that mimics a hard drive!
I am releasing a new and original program called VIRTUAL HARD DRIVES. If you would like to learn more, please email me at: seidel@shentel.net
1 May 2004, 06:40 GMT
Local Calculator Network
I'm currently working on a Lacal Calculator Network, something like internet for the calculator. The calcs connect to a server (pc) through their I/O port and a special piece of hardware, the connection divider. The connection divider puts certain calcs on hold and connect other to the server, this is needed because the network is large and the server can only adress 3 or 4 calcs at a time. The "websites" are TI-Basic programs and the "URLs" are 1 byte codes (that's 256 programs) Theoreticaly it is possible, now I just have to work it out. I will keep you all informed about my progress.
P.S. My math teacher as already offered my to get the my school to buy it from me when it works. He's kind of lazy and that way everyone can download his notes instead of him writing them down on the blackboard.
28 May 2004, 19:15 GMT
BAZIC (Beginner's All-purpose Z80 Instruction Code)
I'm, msking my own ti calc programming language!
here is a list of things that are planned, ones with "+" nexty to them are currently supported
also, all in a TI-BASIC like format, that compiles to z80 asm(only for 83+/se right now,
later will have support for all z80 calcs)
+one-byte vars
+two-byte vars
string vars(these are kind-of implemented, but no input to them/comparing of them is allowed as of yet)
+utilization of saferam for variables (must be declared by developer, however)
+call/return subroutine structure
+conditonal goto,call and return commands
"for", "do-while", "repeat-until" and "loop" program flow commands
+clearing home and draw screen
+writing text to both home and draw screen
+big text on graph screen
+inversed text
+interger arithmetic - increase, decrease, add, subtract, multiplication, division, modulo, squareroot
bitwise manipulation - and, or, xor
+automatic stack stabilization upon quiting
+getkey that alows up-left,up-right,down-left and down-right. -Good for a cursor/mouse.
+easy to use sprite commands
+line and pxl stuffs
input [varname]
19 June 2004, 18:51 GMT
Patching The TI-OS Routines
Has anyone ever tried to do this?
ld hl,ionfastcopy
ld de,_grbuffcopy
ld bc,ion_fcopy_end - ion_fcopy
;code for ionfastcopy here
cuz if this works then I'd go out of my way find out
how all/most of the romcalls work, write FASTER
version of those routines(w/ identical outputs) then
I'd make a program that copies these routines into the
OS. If enough of the romcalls were overwritten
over execution speed of just about everything would go up
anyone think this is a good idea?
for one we could get rid of the portion of code that
perhibits user-defined tokens
(think,... OMNIcalc on OS>v1.14.. :D )
Anyone wanna give some feedback?
- Nick_S
"Mmm...byte-sized programs..."
24 June 2004, 09:40 GMT
Assembly String Comparing
I recently uploaded an assembly routine that compares two strings, returning Z if they are equal and NZ if there not. It'll be under the TI 83+ > Asm > Source > Routines. Be lookign for it. This should be very helpful for anyone planning on using a command prompt in an asm program.
- Nick_S
"Mmm...byte-sized programs..."
10 July 2004, 04:07 GMT
a shout to game programmers
(Web Page)
I am the creator/maintainor of the CalcSoft OS shell for the TI-83 plus (current release is 1.1, available in the BASIC/misc. archives on this site, or from my site) and I want to add games and a screensaver to my shell for the next (1.2) release. If you want to help, email me (cybur_netiks@hackdaplanet.zzn.com)
18 August 2004, 20:00 GMT
LINUX on the T-83+
Philip Prescott-Decie
as the T-83+ is in essence a Z80, and having already installed linux on a "real" z80 i'm going to try installing onto the TI! any help, ideas , general comments would be nice.
12 October 2004, 20:27 GMT
The CRAP Interpretter
(Web Page)
I got bored last night, so I made the world's crappiest programming language interpretter; I called it prgmCRAP...though it is a BASIC program (most of the reason it's crap), it has something that BASIC does not have; subroutines!
here is how it works; you store your program in L1, then run prgmCRAP, and it runs your program. Each statement works by having a number represent each command, all of which then take inputs; here they are:
0: Stop the program
1: Return from subroutine otherwise Stop
2: Jump to some index in the program
3: call a subroutine (jump to some index, then come back to this spot when it returns)
4: Load a variable with a value
5: Load a variable with the value of another variable
6: Add a value to a variable (var = var+value)
7: Add a variable to a variable
8: Multiply a variable by a value
9: Multiply a variable by a variable
10: "IF" variable to value (if a given condition is false, skip a given amount of the program)
11: "IF" variable to variable
I have not said the input order for everything, and I wont yet...numberic values are as is (to subtract, use a negative value; to divide, multiply 1/value); String values follow this format: size,char,char..etc, where all the usable chars are stored in order in Str0...I will be more specific when I upload it
Any ideas for this? I know it's stupid, but whatever; just the idea that you can make an interpretter in BASIC, and even one that allows something BASIC doesn't even have!
I have to still add these things in: Disp, Pause, ClrHome, Input, Getkey, ClrDraw, and more; more than one form of each will be used
10 November 2004, 14:35 GMT
(Web Page)
I have spent over a year working on this; it is a whole new programming language for z80 TI-Calcs, and the compiler program for it. It looks like C++/Java with some interchangable BASIC-like syntax. High-Level OOP code compiles into assembly code (asm programs) for all models from TI-82 to TI-86
You can use this to do ANYTHING that can be done in assembly. Antidisassemblage is not big and easy to learn because only the fundamentals are built into it. Everything else (once finished) will be defined in "include files" (there is a special command to output asm code so you can integerate assembly into the language; most of this will be done in the background so that you don't have to worry about it).
I am looking for people who want to help test it, play with it, and when it is done (which will be soon) help write stuff for it. THIS MIGHT BE SOMETHING REVOLUTIONARY; people can make assembly programs from an easy to use High-Level OOP programming context (this is NOT ASSEMBLY, it compiles into assembly)
The language has these standard features: preprocessor commands, user defined variables of various datatypes, MULTIDIMENSIONAL arrays, functions (aka: subroutines procedures methods) that take and return values (parameters / arguments),
Global vars that can be used anywhere and local vars (temporary vars) that only have the scope of the function they are in, Static (fixed var addresses, more efficient) or dynamic (uses a stack to allow instances = RECURSION) functions, and a nice bunch of control-constructs to control program-flow
If you want to know more, or if you want to help, see my group: Antidisassemblage (the link is below my user-ID in the title bar of this post)
6 January 2005, 23:42 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
freddy Owen
hey im a basic programmer and im pretty good but i need some help with a project that my teacher gave me the project is to make a program or something like that that can work as an internal id for the calc so that in case ne of his students lose their calc he can identify it easier with out ne hassel. He's looking for something that is basic but cant be figuered out by ne other studnet except those who know about it if you have ne ideas for me please reply or emailme at dauphinp@royhart.org thnx for your time
P.S. the reason he is doing this is because all other methods of marking it on the outside have failed
13 January 2005, 14:08 GMT
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