Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
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ZBots Coming Soon
John Lee
(Web Page)
Note: I realize that there is another program in the Ti-Archives that is built upon the same concept as the upcoming program that I am introducing.
The ZBots are four different bots, each holding special characteristics to improve endurance and bot-status during a battle. You the programmer must code each bot according to the manual included with the Archive. You can define its speed, agility, endurance, strength, and other characteristics. Compete against your friends and send them to eachother to see whose bot will rise the victor. For more information regarding the ZBots, contact me or connect to the above IRC online java program and join the #ZBots channel.
21 May 2003, 19:52 GMT
Evan Patton
I am working on a TI83+/SE app that will act as a MS-DOS/x86 Emulator. It is going to be able to take DOS-based C/C++/BASIC programs and run them on the calculator. This will be helpful for some programmers as I will eventually write a library for C++ that will simplify graphics for games.
Evan W. Patton
12 June 2003, 23:06 GMT
Z80 in english
nick s
Nick's Z80 ASM
is working on
_PutS Z80 Jargon into easily readable english
N(_)FF $/-\ | |)
It'll take a 'While'
But it's Getting there
26 June 2003, 01:14 GMT
I'm making an upcoming program called "FontDriver", which is a font generating program designed to work within another program to create it's text. The special thing about this software is that the text will be customizable, i.e. different font faces, font style (italics, bold, etc.), and varying font sizes. The program will be image free, creating the fonts 'on the spot' with relative pixelization formulas for each character and font face, which enables the fonts to be stretched and slewed for the varying font sizes and effects, without using base images.
The program is designed for use with BASIC, and will be available soon.
9 July 2003, 22:18 GMT
Re: FontDriver
Programming Update:
Most of the basic TI small font have been made, and are now ready to be put together into a workable draw program. The program works as follows:
Your program generates a list which will follow a specific format. The format includes the starting XY points, style mode, size, font type (not changeable in the initial version which will only have a single type), background tranparency, and then finally the characters themselves. The characters that are drawn in the program will each have a number, and you enter in each number in the array. After creating the initial settins in the list you can quickly create the string of characters, and then terminate the string with a 0 at the end of the list.
Your program will initialize the FontDraw program as a subroutine. The program should sucessfully generate font if you have entered in the data correctly prior to launching the subroutine.
When the program is completed and available, be sure to include the author credits somewhere within the program ( something like Powered by FontDriver VX.XX by XXXX will be fine).
1 August 2003, 04:13 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
Hey, I have a question I was hoping someone could answer for me. I tried creating a program that could get a variable from another calculator while it was in a program also. But for some reason they would not communicate, and the recieving calculator did not recieve until the sending calculator was out of the program. Is this normal? if so, how exactly can i get two calculators to communicate while both in programs???
27 July 2003, 06:03 GMT
Planner XP Version 2.0
Chris Blanchard
I'm sure most everybody who downloaded my orignal planner xp program was quite upset and deleted it because it took up memory. I just found out last week that it was put on the site, and I can't beleive I made such a bogus program. Fear not, though, as I have written a completly new and better version of Planner XP, and i just uploaded it last night. It should be on in a couple of days. I scrapped the old menu based command system in favor of new custom built menus. Please download it and if your still running the original Planner XP, DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY!!
28 July 2003, 14:44 GMT
Cool Calc WinXP
Started it in BASIC(bored yesterday)
Final release:asm
need input on what standard prgms should be there
30 August 2003, 00:03 GMT
Calc Em idea
Why can't some one make a calc emulator that runs off of calc os files (like .8XU)?
15 September 2003, 04:51 GMT
New Programming Language in the Making
(Web Page)
Click the URL to learn more
15 September 2003, 18:52 GMT
Music Reference 2.0 Port
I'm getting close to finishing with a port of my Music Reference program for the '86-it displays a circle of fifths, relative keys, and the key signatures for each key. The original version also has music theory information too, but I'm going to port that section later.
8 October 2003, 00:48 GMT
New News?
How long does it take ticalc to post a news item. isent in one about a month ago and it hasnt been put up yet.
11 October 2003, 04:42 GMT
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