| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to root directory |
 | 85font-linux.tgz | 1k | 97-11-22 |  | TI-85 Font for Linux Console |
 | 89ttoandfromtxt.zip | 139k | 08-09-06 |  | .89t <-> .txt file converter(s) Translates .89t files to and from .txt files. Plenty of new features, includes source which compiles on both Windows and Linux, and Windows EXEs, and also has a python script to assist with converting files which you modify both on the computer and on the TI-89, although it doesn't do transfers to or from the TI-89. Has numerous other features which I don't have enough space to mention here. Includes plenty of documentation. |
 | anjutatia1.0.2.tar.gz | 2913k | 03-04-24 |  | Anjuta-TIa : A series, release 2 Anjuta-TIa is an IDE for C & Asm programming with tigcc. Release features on website : yabdeo.free.fr |
 | asmtochex.tar.gz | 710k | 06-07-07 |  | ASMToCHex ASM to C Hex is a comfortable data converter to convert 68k ASM data into C Hex arrays of choosable format. Useful if you want to convert graphics (e.g. data you got from CalcGS by Rusty Wagner) to fit into your TIGCC project. |
 | bin2bin83.zip | 3k | 12-02-27 |  | A binary unsquisher for ti83 regular If you want to do ti83 asm without any shell, you need this tool. Or maybe bin8x improved version which include bin2bin83 with -q option... |
 | bin83.tar.gz | 30k | 01-01-14 |  | Bin83 Ti-83 Squisher for Linux TI-83 Squisher for Linux. Distributed under the Gnu Public License |
 | bin8x1.4.tar.bz2 | 13k | 04-07-03 |  | bin8x v1.4 TI82/TI83/TI83+ Squisher Open source squisher for both TI-82 (CrASH), TI-83 and TI-83 Plus, devpac command-line style, plus a lot of options for file processing. |
 | bin8x2.2.zip | 8k | 23-02-18 |  | bin8x v2.2 TI82/TI83/TI83/TI84++ Squisher bin8x is a "binary packer" for ti8x (ti82, ti83, ti83+, ti84+ etc...) serie. A "binary packer" is a tool that you would need to wrap assembly (or C) compiled z80 code into a binary that can be transferred to a calculator. Thanks to the originals authors. |
 | bin8x2.3.zip | 8k | 23-03-26 |  | bin8x v2.3 TI82/TI83/TI83+/TI84+ packer bin8x is a "binary packer" for ti8x serie (ti82, ti83, ti83+, ti84+ etc...). A "binary packer" is a tool that you would need to wrap assembly (or C) compiled z80 code into a binary that can be transferred to a calculator. Thanks to the originals authors. |
 | bin8x_improved.zip | 12k | 23-01-05 |  | bin8x_improved.zip This is an improved version of bin8x. There's a lot of new command line usage. A ti83 binary unsquisher, and a lot of other improvements. Thanks to the originals authors. |
 | binpac8x.zip | 4k | 10-08-24 |  | BinPac8x v1.3 BinPac8x v1.3 is a Python-language program that is intended to solve the problem of assembling and linking z80 programs for TI-82, TI-83+, TI-83+ Silver, TI-84+, TI-84+ Silver, TI-85, and TI-86 calculators on Windows 7 and on Linux. Previous programs such as DevPac8x were written for a 16-bit environment, and do not run on the DOS emulation of recent operating systems. BinPac8x is a cross-platform solution for Linux or Windows, requiring only Python to function properly. It takes a .bin file generated by an assembler, and turns it into a .8xp file. v1.2 adds ability to generate .82p, .83p, .85s, .86p, and .86s in addition to the existing .8xp format, while v1.3 adds Python 2.x support and optional modification of the program's on-calculator name. |
 | bmp2z80.tar.gz | 10k | 01-01-14 |  | Bmp2Z80 for Linux Converts 96x64 monochrome bitmaps to Z80 .db statements. |
 | bobin.tgz | 16k | 02-05-14 |  | Breakout a breakout clone with sound,leveleditor,... look at http://www.linuxfun.de |
 | branchmap.zip | 9k | 09-10-08 |  | BranchMap v1.0 BranchMap is a tool to simplify tracing and debugging program flow in z80 ASM source code. It takes in a plaintext z80 source file, parses it and any files included in that source file, and generates a postscript or (optionally) PDF file containing a detailed representation of the program flow. It can do all of the following and more: :: Displays all files, labels, and jumps in source file(s) :: Tracks and tries to determine stack depth of all instructions. Looks for unreachable blocks. :: Displays easy-to-read color-coded cross-file call/jump references :: Can optionally track calls and bcalls :: Can optionally graphically track intra-routine stack manipulation :: Easy-to-use PS/PDF output files |
 | bzc_unix.zip | 256k | 06-02-26 |  | BASIC ASM to TI-83+ Z80 Compiler - v0.1 BZC, or BASIC ASM to TI-83+ Z80 Compiler, is a revolutionary new way to write assembly language (ASM) programs for the TI-83+ series graphing calculators. BZC combines the easier user interface of BASIC (mainly through the innovative use of functions) with the speed of ASM (because it compiles to native assembly!). We call this new approach the BASIC ASM language. Best of all, BASIC ASM is extremely easy to use, yet extremely powerful as well. A full tutorial on BASIC ASM is included in this package. Start using BZC today! |
 | calcpkg.tar.gz | 23k | 14-07-22 |  | calcpkg v2.0 This is a tool that lets you download, install, update, and search for files ("packages") from ticalc.org and other community sites from the command line. It uses Python 2.x, and therefore requires a version of that to run. See the README for more information, and the CHANGELOG for changes in the new version. |
 | calcpkg.zip | 31k | 14-07-22 |  | calcpkg v2.0 This is a "package manager", a tool that lets you download, install, update, and search for files ("packages") from ticalc.org and other community sites from the command line. It uses Python 2.x, and therefore requires a version of that to run. See the README for more information, and the CHANGELOG for changes in the new version. |
 | calcutils.tar.gz | 417k | 10-06-02 |  | calcutils-0.2.1 This is an update for the calcutils project. The archive contains source in a .tar.gz as well as an rpm package to install the binaries. This project has 8 utilities: calcbackup - backup all of the files on the calculator calcrestore - restore a group of files to the calculator calcget - get single files from the calculator calcput - put single files to the calculator calcgetscreen - get a screenshot calcgetinfo - get hardware info from the calculator calcclockset - set the hardware clock date/time calcrm - delete individual files from the calculator This is TI89 Titanium only for now and will always be linux only |
 | chname8x.tar.gz | 8k | 01-06-06 |  | CHange NAME 8x 8(2|3|x)p file name changer This program changes the on-calc name of any program contained in an 82p, 83p or 8xp file. |
 | crprgm82.zip | 1k | 04-01-17 |  | CrPrgm82 A clone of CRPRGM82 (CrASH Program Builder) written in C. |
 | enews.zip | 4k | 01-02-09 |  | eNews v1.0 eNews is a Linux shell script that automatically downloads a web page, converts it into an eBooks for the TI-89 and TI-92+, and uploads those eBooks to a web page for you. |
 | flashbook.tar.gz | 568k | 10-03-01 |  | Flashbook 1.0 beta 4 Flashbook is a new system for creating eBooks for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus. The Flashbook utilities can be used to convert any text file into a compressed Flash application that you can send to the calculator. New in this version: more font coverage and various bug fixes. |
 | ftpd89-1.0b.tgz | 17k | 99-05-02 |  | TI-89/92 FTP Proxy 1.0b |
 | gcnbridge.zip | 4k | 13-06-16 |  | globalCALCnet Example Bridge globalCALCnet is a method of connecting networks of graphing calculators over the internet. A gCn bridge is a piece of software that provides extra services to calculators connected to the gCn metahub. It pretends to be a calculator itself, using the special address AAAAAAAAAA on some hub, and connects the real calculators attached to that hub to some new service, like HTTP, IRC, FTP, or SSH. This Python example bridge code gives you everything you need to make your own gCn bridge. |
 | gcnclient.zip | 1223k | 13-12-12 |  | globalCALCnet (gCn) Client v2.0 globalCALCnet or gCn allows calculators to network from two feet, two miles, or two thousand miles away. gCn consists of a client program that must be run on a computer, as well as a way to connect your calculator(s) and computers. This can be a mini-USB cable for a TI-84+ or TI-84+SE calculator. It can also be firmware loaded onto an Arduino or custom AVR to bridge between a CALCnet2.2 network and the computer running the gCnClient software. The gCnClient program provided in this zip is built for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi; the gCnBridge firmware images for the Arduino and USBID bridge designs are also included. A detailed PDF describes the installation and use of the required software, as well as plans and schematics for constructing the variations on the bridge. v2.0 adds full support for the direct USB (mini-USB) method of connecting TI-84+/SE calculators to gCn, as well as bug and stability fixes. |
 | gfm.tar.gz | 142k | 16-11-01 |  | Group File Manager v1.08 The GFM is an application allowing to manipulate single/group/tigroup files of all hand-helds. It can create a new file, open an existing file, save file, rename variables, remove variables, create folders, group files into a group/tigroup file, ungroup a group/tigroup file into single files. |
 | gle.zip | 39k | 02-09-27 |  | Gemini Level Editor Finally, I remembered to upload this :) Sorry, all Gemini 'modders'. I managed to compile the linux version, but not the Windows version :/ |
 | gp_tipic.tar.gz | 147k | 02-11-01 |  | Picture viewer/editor (GIMP plugin) This is a plugin for 'The GiMP' (The Gnu Image Manipulation Program). It supports loading of PIC variables stored as picture files (.73i, .82i, .83i, .8xi, .85i, .86i, .89i, .92i, .9xi, .v2i) and saving, too. Dependancies: libtifiles >=v0.3.9. |
 | jlink.zip | 4k | 09-03-18 |  | JLink - a Java linker Platform-independent java linker. Converts any file to .8xp with a correct checksum and header. |
 | jsmsrc.tgz | 41k | 02-03-21 |  | JSpriteMaker 68k Source v0.5.1b19 Full java source code for JSpriteMaker 68k. |
 | jsm.tgz | 61k | 02-03-21 |  | JSpriteMaker 68k v0.5.1b19 Java-based GUI for creating and editing sprites for use in TIGCC programming. Supports 4-level grayscale and transparent color. Generates code for the sprite on the fly, including the sprite mask. No more guess work, works under any OS. Tested with Windows, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X. |
 | knower.zip | 137k | 04-09-13 |  | TI Calculator Knower This is a Java applet that has information on all Texas Instruments graphing calculators. |
 | ktigcc_i386_rpm.tar.bz2 | 470k | 07-07-10 |  | KTIGCC 1.08 Fedora 7 i386 RPM KTIGCC is an IDE for the TIGCC cross-toolchain, like TIGCC IDE, but for *nix/X11 platforms (using the KDE 3 libraries). Using KTIGCC, you can create, edit and compile TIGCC projects. The project file format is compatible with TIGCC IDE for Windows. You can also easily send your programs to a real calculator for testing or to TiEmu 3 for debugging. Additional features in KTIGCC to make programming easier include customizable syntax highlighting, code completion, function prototype tooltips and context-sensitive help (F1 key). It can also check the TIGCC/*nix web page for news so you won't miss TIGCC/*nix or KTIGCC updates. This is an RPM for Fedora 7 on x86 (i386) PCs. KTIGCC requires some external libraries, please read INSTALL for the list of required dependencies. |
 | ktigcc_src_rpm.tar.bz2 | 152k | 07-07-10 |  | KTIGCC 1.08 Fedora 7 Source RPM KTIGCC is an IDE for the TIGCC cross-toolchain, like TIGCC IDE, but for *nix/X11 platforms (using the KDE 3 libraries). Using KTIGCC, you can create, edit and compile TIGCC projects. The project file format is compatible with TIGCC IDE for Windows. You can also easily send your programs to a real calculator for testing or to TiEmu 3 for debugging. Additional features in KTIGCC to make programming easier include customizable syntax highlighting, code completion, function prototype tooltips and context-sensitive help (F1 key). It can also check the TIGCC/*nix web page for news so you won't miss TIGCC/*nix or KTIGCC updates. This is a source RPM for Fedora 7. KTIGCC requires some external libraries, please read INSTALL for the list of required dependencies. |
 | ktigcc.tar.bz2 | 144k | 07-07-10 |  | KTIGCC 1.08 Source Tarball KTIGCC is an IDE for the TIGCC cross-toolchain, like TIGCC IDE, but for *nix/X11 platforms (using the KDE 3 libraries). Using KTIGCC, you can create, edit and compile TIGCC projects. The project file format is compatible with TIGCC IDE for Windows. You can also easily send your programs to a real calculator for testing or to TiEmu 3 for debugging. Additional features in KTIGCC to make programming easier include customizable syntax highlighting, code completion, function prototype tooltips and context-sensitive help (F1 key). It can also check the TIGCC/*nix web page for news so you won't miss TIGCC/*nix or KTIGCC updates. KTIGCC requires some external libraries, please read INSTALL for the list of required dependencies. |
 | ktigcc_x86_64_rpm.tar.bz2 | 491k | 07-07-10 |  | KTIGCC 1.08 Fedora 7 x86_64 RPM KTIGCC is an IDE for the TIGCC cross-toolchain, like TIGCC IDE, but for *nix/X11 platforms (using the KDE 3 libraries). Using KTIGCC, you can create, edit and compile TIGCC projects. The project file format is compatible with TIGCC IDE for Windows. You can also easily send your programs to a real calculator for testing or to TiEmu 3 for debugging. Additional features in KTIGCC to make programming easier include customizable syntax highlighting, code completion, function prototype tooltips and context-sensitive help (F1 key). It can also check the TIGCC/*nix web page for news so you won't miss TIGCC/*nix or KTIGCC updates. This is an RPM for Fedora 7 on AMD64/EM64T (x86_64) PCs. KTIGCC requires some external libraries, please read INSTALL for the list of required dependencies. |
 | link.tar.gz | 20k | 00-04-04 |  | Link A linker for TI-89/92 object files; minor modifications from the linker of TIGCC |
 | lite86p2.tar.gz | 15k | 00-04-09 |  | Lite86² v1.0 Similar to Lite86, Lite8² compresses your assembly programs/data. This version |
 | luatotns.zip | 228k | 11-04-19 |  | LUA to TNS (NSpire) Converter This shell script (working on Unix, Linux and Mac OS) converts a lua program written with the correct API (still undocumented, but some info can be retrieved on http://hackspire.unsads.com/wiki/index.php/Lua_Programming ------- The syntax is as simple as that : sh LUAtoTNS2.sh [-f (to overwrite)] OutputTnsFile.tns InputLuaSource.lua. (This version doesn't require 7zip anymore but uses it if you have it as a backup plan if the zip doesn't work) ------ Have fun ! (FYI, the game in the example folder is made by Goplat) ------- This version fixes seems to work better for people having " ' " issues at line beginnings. |
 | luna.zip | 1114k | 12-07-01 |  | Luna v0.3a - Lua and TI-Nspire document converter Luna is a portable command-line converter of Lua programs to TNS (executable) TI-Nspire documents, compatible with OS 3.0.2 and above. It can be used as a programmer-friendly alternative to the official kit. Luna also support the convertion of user-defined XML documents. |
 | maketns.zip | 1710k | 11-04-17 |  | MakeTNS MakeTNS is a portable python script that creates tns files from a lua script. The produced tns can then be opened with the Nspire OS 3.0 and the script will be run. A windows binary is included. Several source files can be specified, they will be concatenated then added in the tns as if they were a single file. |
 | mktiupgrade.zip | 258k | 14-05-10 |  | mktiupgrade Packages and signs TI operating system upgrade files. |
 | nremote.zip | 196k | 13-11-28 |  | nRemote nRemote is a Java program designed to remote control one or multiple TI-Nspire handhelds when connected to your PC or Mac, whether directly via USB, or via the Navigator Wireless system. nRemote also features sequence recording and playing in order to easily execute a set of key presses. nRemote can be used for educational purpose in order to synchronize every student's handheld state or by showing a demonstration for a program... |
 | numcnvrt.tar.gz | 17k | 05-06-03 |  | Hex/Decimal/Binary Converter A browser-based tool for assembly programmers that converts a number between decimal, hexadecimal, and binary number bases. |
 | ocfebash.zip | 19k | 06-03-11 |  | Omnicalc Font Editor for bash v1.00 This bash script can edit, save and load Omnicalc font file (*.8xfont) and compile to TI-83/84 Plus format (*.8xp). For more information, try `./ocfe.sh --help`. |
 | ocfegtk.zip | 42k | 05-09-04 |  | Omnicalc Font Editor for GTK+ v1.01 Omnicalc Font Editor is a program which is able to edit and compile the Omnicalc font file. This program was written based on Windows version of Omnicalc Font Editor. You can create font file easily while looking at all letters. Also this program has functions that can create screenshot of all letters to XPM or Bitmap, save as ASM format and BDF (this function is Beta version). You need GTK+ to compile this program. Updated: Shortcut keys were fixed and a file was added to util directory. |
 | omnicalctoft3.zip | 3k | 15-10-16 |  | Omnicalc to FloppyTunes music converter Python tool to convert Omnicalc music for use with FloppyTunes. Should also be Windows compatible. |
 | ostools.zip | 81k | 04-09-02 |  | TI-83+ OS Tools Three programs that are useful in creating both Apps and OS's for the 83+/84+/73: multihex, a program to add page headers to your hex files; rompatch, a program to install TI-Hex files into a binary ROM image; and packxxu, a program to generate 8XU and 73U files. |
 | pbm2z80.zip | 12k | 09-03-12 |  | PBM to 8xp converter A bugfix release of my Java-Z80 PBM to .8xp assembly image program. This fixes the extremely idiotic bug that shifted everything by 16 px. |
 | perlsquish.zip | 12k | 99-07-09 |  | PerlSquish v1.1 PerlSquish converts z80 object files to TI-83 .83p files. It also allows squishing and protecting of the program. It is written in perl and was tested under Linux, MacOS, and Win95. Mac users without MacPerl installed should download "MacSquish 1.1". |
 | pythonjsontotiimageconver.zip | 1k | 17-12-18 |  | TI-Nspire TI-Image Generator/Converter This program takes a customly defined Json file from the user who uses this and converts it into the TI-Image escape char format. Is made using Python, and is only experimental. The user will have to define the width, height, and create new columns and rows in the Json file attached. The output of the file will be saved as the name of the inputted file+newimage. i.e. if you inputted the name of batmanphoto.json, it will be saved as batmanphoto.json.newimage. Please note that any errors which occur in the Python file probably come from each different color value not matching up to 3. instructions will be included in the zip... |
 | qasm.zip | 35k | 13-08-13 |  | Quick Assembly SDK v2.0 This program takes a high level language of my creation and generates an optimized .asm version for compilation with most z80 compilers. Also it converts monochrome bitmaps to assembly or C files for z80, 68k, or C up to 320x240. The same QASM code can compile flawlessly for Ion (83 and 83+), Crash (82), MirageOS (83+), DoorsCS (83+), and regular 83, 83+, & 86. Some command line skill a prerequisite but very easy with xterm. Tested on Linux Ubuntu 12.04 |
 | rabbitsign.tar.gz | 137k | 09-07-26 |  | RabbitSign 2.1 RabbitSign is a utility for digitally signing Flash applications and OSes so that they can be installed in the calculator. New in this version: includes the unofficial "05" key for signing TI-83/84 Plus OSes. |
 | renamr68k.zip | 2k | 10-10-03 |  | renamr68k 1.1 renamr68k is a Python script to automate the process of making a project for one 68k calculator compatible with other 68k calculators. It walks through a directory tree and creates a copy of Basic program, text, and application variable files for all three 68k calcs- the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200. 1.1 contains a bugfix. |
 | skinedit.tar.gz | 506k | 07-03-23 |  | SkinEdit v1.27 SkinEdit is a Linux/Win32 skin editor. It can read / modify / write the following formats: VTi v2.1, VTi v2.5, TiEmu v2.0. Requirements: GTK+ 2.x. New: French locale. |
 | spltxtmakebk.zip | 3k | 03-10-01 |  | spltxtmakebk Split Text & Make eBook. This is a shell script for splitting up huge text-books into TI calc eBook files. If you have a TI-92 calc you should change the line in the script which is executed ttebkgen. This generated files are readable with TICT eBook Reader app. Take a look at http://tict.ticalc.org |
 | sprmaker.zip | 4k | 99-11-05 |  | Sprite Maker Converts a variable sized PCX file into the long binary format used by z80 asm. Creates either a new or user specified output file. |
 | sproit.tar.gz | 7k | 02-08-09 |  | Sproit v1.1 A program that converts any-sized 1-bit BMP's into .db statements. |
 | statchecker.zip | 1k | 06-03-28 |  | Ticalc.org Stat checker Get your ticalc.org stats fresh every morning...or someone elses for that matter....doesn't even have to be morning time really. just whenever you feel like it you can view all information about a given author ID#. pretty cool huh? |
 | sto2ticalc2.1.0.tar.bz2 | 110k | 03-03-15 |  | sto2ticalc-src Source package for sto2ticalc (a utility for creating TI-86 graph link files/variables). Read INSTALL for installation instructions. This is a prerelease. |
 | ti80emu.zip | 38k | 22-11-17 |  | TI-80 emulator TI-80 emulator version 0 alpha. Not ready for prime time, but someone requested it. It currently supports ROM versions 3.0 & 4.0 (not included) & save states & is reasonably accurate when doing plain calculator things. |
 | ti85_tk-2.0.tar.gz | 116k | 97-08-31 |  | TI-85 Tk v2.0, xlink85 GUI A graphical interface to the XLink85 program that links to the TI 85 Calculator. Includes everything needed but TCL 7.5 and Tk 4.1 or higher . |
 | ti86dev.tar.gz | 1786k | 00-07-20 |  | TI-86 Development Utilites for Linux A set of files needed to assemble programs in the Linux operating system. |
 | ti89.c | 6k | 99-11-02 |  | TI-89 Transfer Program This program can easily upload files to your TI-89. It is based on TIcomm-1.0 but it has the "8-byte name bug" fixed. This needs TIDEV-1.0.2. |
 | ti89trans.tar.gz | 14k | 99-11-16 |  | TI-89 Transfer Utility v1.0 A TI-89 (and possibly a TI-92) file uploader for linux based heavily on TIcomm-1.0, but with the 8 char file bug fixed.... it can also do multiple files at a time. Make sure you have tidev-1.0.2 installed properly. compile this with 'make'. |
 | tibasicvim.zip | 3k | 15-08-23 |  | VIM Plugin for TokenIDE-compatible BASIC editing To use, place in your ~/.vim/syntax/ directory. Then: echo "au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tib set filetype=tibasic" > ~/.vim/ftdetect/tibasic.vim |
 | ticomm.tar.gz | 12k | 99-01-05 |  | TIcomm v1.0 TI linking program for Linux unix only ti 89 known to work |
 | tidev-1.0.1.tar.gz | 10k | 97-08-21 |  | Linux kernal driver for TI linking v1.0.1 Linux kernel driver for TI linking. Loaded as a module. Supports "$5" parallel link, "$4" serial link, and virtual linking (which allows you to transfer between an emulator and a link program). |
 | tidev-1.0.2.tar.gz | 11k | 99-07-02 |  | Linux Kernel Driver for TI Linking v1.02 A kernel module designed for TI linking. Supports both 2.1.x and 2.2.x series kernels. Supports "$5" parrelel link, "$4" serisal link, and virtual linking. |
 | tidevice-1.0.tgz | 6k | 99-03-03 |  | TI-Parport Device Driver v1.0 Allows you to use your 4 Parallel link with any link software that supports TI s GRAPHLINK cable. |
 | tiemu.tar.gz | 2685k | 09-05-30 |  | TiEmu v3.03 TiEmu is a full-featured TI89 /Titanium/92/92+/V200 multi-platform emulator with an html manual. It offers: popup menu, screenshots, ASM/C debugger, link port, saving state and some other stuffs. Requirements: the libti* bundle for TiLP2/TiEmu3. This release does not include GDB. |
 | tigcc_bin_install.tar.bz2 | 1k | 04-11-19 |  | Setup wizard for TIGCC/*nix v0.95 r3 Linux/x86 binaries This shell script provides a wizard interface for easy installation of TIGCC. It takes care of untarring the binary tarball to the desired directory and registering the environment accordingly. To install TIGCC using this wizard, just untar the script into the same directory as the binary tarball (DON'T untar the binary tarball), cd to that directory, run the script (./Install.sh) and follow the instructions on the screen. The directory containing the wizard and the binary tarball will not be written to, only the destination directory you specify will. |
 | tigcc_bin.tar.bz2 | 2306k | 04-11-19 |  | TIGCC for Linux/Unix v0.95 r3 (Linux/x86 binaries) This is the port of the well-known TIGCC from Win32 to Linux and other *nix platforms (including MacOS X). TIGCC is an SDK for C and ASM development for the TI-89, the TI-89 Titanium, the TI-92 Plus and the Voyage 200. It is a complete product with a compiler, assembler, linker and a very rich set of functions. (An IDE for Linux/Unix is planned.) This TIGCC release is based on GCC 3.3.3 and Binutils 2.14. These are Linux binaries for an x86 (386 or higher) CPU. A setup wizard which handles untarring in the correct directory and registering the environment variables appropriately for easy installation is provided in the same directory. |
 | tigcc_rpm.tar.bz2 | 2940k | 04-11-20 |  | TIGCC for Linux/Unix v0.95 r3 (Linux/x86 binary RPM) This is the port of the well-known TIGCC from Win32 to Linux and other *nix platforms (including MacOS X). TIGCC is an SDK for C and ASM development for the TI-89, the TI-89 Titanium, the TI-92 Plus and the Voyage 200. It is a complete product with a compiler, assembler, linker and a very rich set of functions. (An IDE for Linux/Unix is planned.) This TIGCC release is based on GCC 3.3.3 and Binutils 2.14. These are Linux binaries for an x86 (386 or higher) CPU. The RPM can be installed into any directory using "rpm -i tigcc_*.rpm --prefix ~/tigcc" (substitute the desired destination directory for "~/tigcc"), which allows you to install it even if you don't have root privileges. The default destination directory is /usr/local/tigcc. It will automatically take care of registering the environment variables accordingly. It was built and tested on Fedora Core 2, but since it has no dependencies, it will probably work on other RPM-based distributions too. |
 | tigcc_spec.tar.bz2 | 1k | 04-11-20 |  | TIGCC for Linux/Unix v0.95 r3 (specfile for RPM) This specfile allows you to build a binary RPM of TIGCC. You must first install TIGCC using the source installation wizard, and then "build" the RPM using the already prebuilt sources. Source RPMs are not supported at the moment. You'll have to do a "ln -s / /vroot" to fool RPM into thinking it is working from somewhere other than /, and then build using "rpmbuild -bb tigcc_*.spec". Note that you usually won't have a reason for building an RPM yourself, you should be able to just use the existing one, it will work on most x86-based RPM-based distributions. |
 | tigcc_src.tar.bz2 | 3131k | 04-11-20 |  | TIGCC for Linux/Unix v0.95 r3 (source code) This is the port of the well-known TIGCC from Win32 to Linux and other *nix platforms (including MacOS X). TIGCC is an SDK for C and ASM development for the TI-89, the TI-89 Titanium, the TI-92 Plus and the Voyage 200. It is a complete product with a compiler, assembler, linker and a very rich set of functions. (An IDE for Linux/Unix is planned.) This TIGCC release is based on GCC 3.3.3 and Binutils 2.14. The necessary GCC and Binutils source code can be obtained from http://tigcc.ticalc.org/linux/ or from a GNU mirror. A compilation and installation wizard (Install script) is included for easy setup. |
 | tiger.tar.gz | 50k | 01-02-01 |  | Tiger v0.8 A TI-92 Emulator for x86-based UNIXes. |
 | tiimg.zip | 23k | 09-03-18 |  | TIIMG toolkit This toolkit is able to do some basic operations on bmp, pbm and 8xi images. (conversion to 8xi, 8xp z80 assembly wrapper and .db z80 statements) Atm only 96x64 images (the screen size), monochrome It is extensible with java plugins. (E-mail me if you want the necessary source code files) |
 | tilem_i386_rpm.zip | 346k | 06-07-27 |  | TilEm 0.973 FC5 i386 RPM TilEm is a Z80 TI emulator (73, 82, 83, 83+, 83+ SE, 84+, 84+ SE, 85, 86) with a GTK+ interface. It fully supports FlashROM, automatic variable linking, external linking through libticables2, and all ROM/OS versions. New in this version: libticables2, backup files, multiple ROMs, improved grayscale, and the usual assortment of minor emulation improvements and bug fixes. This is an RPM for Fedora Core 5 on x86 (i386) PCs. It requires the libticables2 RPM at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=23169 . Built on FC5 against libticables2.so.1. (New: Fixed a buffer overflow.) |
 | tilem_src_rpm.zip | 412k | 06-07-27 |  | TilEm 0.973 FC5 Source RPM TilEm is a Z80 TI emulator (73, 82, 83, 83+, 83+ SE, 84+, 84+ SE, 85, 86) with a GTK+ interface. It fully supports FlashROM, automatic variable linking, external linking through libticables2, and all ROM/OS versions. New in this version: libticables2, backup files, multiple ROMs, improved grayscale, and the usual assortment of minor emulation improvements and bug fixes. This is a source RPM for Fedora Core 5. It requires the libticables2 RPM at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=23169 . Built on FC5 against libticables2.so.1. (New: Fixed a buffer overflow.) |
 | tilem.tar.bz2 | 2388k | 12-06-11 |  | TilEm 2.0 TilEm is an emulator for the Z80-based calculator models (TI-73 through TI-86.) It features highly detailed hardware emulation; sending/receiving programs, variables, and applications; grayscale emulation; saving screenshots; a debugger for assembly programming; and more. This version has a new and improved user interface, as well as many improvements to the hardware emulation (notably, the TI-81 is now supported.) See the project website at http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilem/ for more information. |
 | tilibs.tar.gz | 650k | 16-11-01 |  | libti* for TiLP/TiEmu/TilEm/GFM Contains source code of conv/files/cables/calcs libraries for Linux, Win32, Mac OS-X, *BSD. Cables: parallel, serial, TI's Black/Grey/Silver/Direct Link, VTI and TiEmu virtual links. Calcs: 73, 82, 83, 83+(SE), 84+(SE), 84+CSE, 83PCE, 84+CE, 82A, 84+-T, 85, 86, 89, 89T, 92, 92+, V200, Nspire, Nspire CAS, Nspire CX, Nspire CX CAS, Nspire CM, Nspire CM CAS |
 | tilin02.tgz | 10k | 98-07-26 |  | tiLin v0.2 Misc. utilities for Linux. Includes linking software and assembly utilities for the TI-83. |
 | tilp.tar.gz | 574k | 16-11-01 |  | TILP II v1.18 TILP II is a linking program for Linux, Windows, Mac OS-X and FreeBSD. It works with all hardware/virtual cables and supports all calcs (73, 82, 83, 83+(SE), 84+(SE), 84+CSE, 83PCE, 84+CE, 82A, 84+-T, 85, 86, 89, 89T, 92, 92+, V200, Nspire, Nspire CAS, Nspire CX, Nspire CX CAS, Nspire CM, Nspire CM CAS) |
 | tiosmod.zip | 67k | 10-10-25 |  | tiosmod OS patcher + amspatch TI-68k OS patch amspatch patches TI's OS to unlock, optimize, fix, shrink some versions (providing 64 KB more archive memory !), and expand functionality. It builds on tiosmod, which aims at being a generic patcher for TI-68k OS, and hopefully TI-Z80 OS in the future as well. Use the patcher program, or the provided binary diffs, at your own risk. The source can be compiled on both *nix and Windows. |
 | tipack.tgz | 9k | 07-06-09 |  | TI file packing tool A small program to convert binary files into calculator data files. It is primarily intended for creating program and appvar files for the Z80 models, but can be used for any type of data supported by libtifiles2. |
 | tipar.tar.gz | 25k | 04-04-21 |  | Linux driver for home-made parallel link cable, v1.19 A kernel module designed for handling the home-made parallel link cable through 'parport' (the parallel port abstraction layer). Targetted for 2.4 & 2.6 kernels. Note: although it's included in kernels 2.4 & 2.6, this release fixes an issue with the timeout. |
 | tisdcc.zip | 96k | 06-04-12 |  | C-compiler for z80-calculators Tisdcc provides a simple way to program fast programs and applications for z80-calculators. It uses "sdcc", a almost complete C-compiler, which produces fast code. It's for those who find BASIC too slow and assembler too complex. tisdcc is fast and simple! At present, it produces code only for TI-83 Plus, but it can be extended. It supports Windows and Linux. |
 | tiser.tar.gz | 27k | 04-04-21 |  | Linux driver for home-made serial link/BlackLink cable v1.2 A kernel module designed for handling the home-made serial link or the BlackLink cable. Targetted for 2.4 & 2.6 kernels (ix86 only). Note: this release add 2.6 support and fixes an issue with the timeout. |
 | tisound.tar.gz | 215k | 01-07-30 |  | TI-Sound 0.1 XMMS Plugin that plays audio formats found on TI Calulators. Currently only plays the CalcMOD formats, but will hopefully contain support for other formats in the future. |
 | titerm.tar.gz | 4k | 98-01-19 |  | TI-Terminal for Linux (Parallel) |
 | titools.tgz | 76k | 10-09-01 |  | TITools A collection of simple, Unixy command-line programs for communicating with a TI calculator (sending and receiving files, getting screen shots, and the like.) Requires the TiLP or CalcForge libraries (libticalcs2/libcalcprotocols and friends.) |
 | titranz.zip | 18k | 99-01-05 |  | TiTranz v0.2 UNIX Utilities for TI Calculator Development |
 | tiusb.tar.gz | 62k | 06-11-11 |  | Linux Kernel Driver for TI's USB cables (1.10) A driver designed for handling SilverLink and DirectLink cables. The first one is targetted for 2.4 & 2.6 series. The second one is for kernels >=2.6.15. Note: provided as-is because TiLP framework relies on a better replacement: libusb. |
 | tokens.zip | 1054k | 15-03-29 |  | TokenIDE - BASIC Editor Update: Now with a map editor for xLIBC! TokenIDE is an Interactive Development Environment for TI-BASIC for the TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+ series, TI-84+ series, and the TI-84+ Color Silver Edition. Now includes support for xLibC! Its goal is to provide BASIC programmers the ability to develop their programs on the computer, and provide tools to make the development process easier. This version has the ability to load and build BASIC programs, with control over how the program is rendered by TokenIDE, including customizable syntax highlighting. It also includes a built in hex sprite editor, DCS GUI editor, and image editor. This program is written in C#, and has been tested on Linux using Mono 2.10. Note: The readme file is pretty out dated on this, but I figured I'd get an update out there. There have been a lot of changes. |
 | tpasmtools.tgz | 162k | 04-05-09 |  | tpasm assembler and TI-86 utilities Includes the tpasm assembler (GPL) and a few utilities I wrote (also GPL) to create TI-86 program variable files (.86p). |
 | trans92-1.0.i386.tar.gz | 31k | 98-10-03 |  | Trans92 v1.0 TI-92 linking software for the TI-Graph Link cable. |
 | trans92-1.0.src.tar.gz | 20k | 98-10-03 |  | Trans92 v1.0 Source Code Source code to Trans92 v1.0. TI-92 linking software for the TI-Graph Link cable. |
 | tsc.zip | 28k | 07-09-17 |  | TSC Sprite Converter TSC is a cross-platform program designed to easily convert BMP and TGA images to data suitable for use in TI C and assembly programming. It can convert color images to monochrome or 4, 7 or 8-shade grayscale data with a variety of output types and control of brightness and contrast. The program will also batch process images. |
 | vpcalc0.0.1.tar.bz2 | 299k | 05-05-27 |  | Virtual Portable Calculator Virtual Portable Calculator is an emulator written in a modular manner to allow for plug-in type operation of emulation, designed to be fairly portable across Unix platforms, and CPU designs. It is also GPL software with a SF.net project at http://sourceforge.net/projects/vpcalc/ |
 | xlink.tar.gz | 24k | 98-10-19 |  | xlink85 v1.2 Unix linking utility for the TI 85 and TI 86 |
 | yal92.tgz | 21k | 23-04-11 |  | Yal92 link program, that behaves like FTP, written in pure Tcl |
 | z80asmide.tar.gz | 84k | 07-07-03 |  | Z80 Assembly IDE 1.32 - bugfix release An IDE for Linux, similar to Assembly Studio, but with some unique features of its own including a tabbed interface and powerful macro support. Some more major bugs have been fixed in this release, so make sure to download this if you have an earlier version. |
 | z80.lang.zip | 13k | 11-03-12 |  | Z80 Scheme for gedit v1.1 gedit ("Text Editor" in newer versions of GNOME) is a great tool for developers, featuring syntax highlighting, parenthesis matching, and automatic indentation among other things. It's great for all your coding needs, but it also has a conspicuous lack of syntax support for Z80 assembly programs. This gedit language file adds Z80-specific syntax information for gedit users to enjoy. |
 | zasm0.0a.tar.bz2 | 103k | 04-08-12 |  | zasm v0.0a Zasm is a command line utility to assemble programs for z80 based graphing calculators from TI. |