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BASIC ASM to TI-83+ Z80 Compiler - v0.1


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Filename bzc_unix.zip (Download)
Title BASIC ASM to TI-83+ Z80 Compiler - v0.1
Description BZC, or BASIC ASM to TI-83+ Z80 Compiler, is a revolutionary new way to write assembly language (ASM) programs for the TI-83+ series graphing calculators. BZC combines the easier user interface of BASIC (mainly through the innovative use of functions) with the speed of ASM (because it compiles to native assembly!). We call this new approach the BASIC ASM language. Best of all, BASIC ASM is extremely easy to use, yet extremely powerful as well. A full tutorial on BASIC ASM is included in this package. Start using BZC today!
Authors Erik van 't Wout (erik@hofhom.nl)
Eugene Evans (eugene@hofhom.nl)
Category Unix Utilities
File Size 262,276 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Feb 26 20:20:46 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
bzc-unix-0.1.tgz   260849

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