tpasm assembler and TI-86 utilities
Ranked as 13347 on our all-time top downloads list with 3930 downloads. Ranked as 2153 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.
Review by
James Rubingh
Reviewed on
This is an interesting z80 assembler written in C. It had a little trouble compiling on my Gentoo laptop as of Dec 1, 2004. It's not very portable code, and the compiler defaults to cc and doesn't have a ./configure script. On the other hand, the actual software does more stuff than the other z80 assemblers in the UNIX directory. This is another good starting point for somebody wanting to write an IDE for Linux. |
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18007 2004-05-08 05:49 COPYING
5222 2004-05-08 21:51 README.txt
152141 2004-05-06 05:41 tpasm.tgz
0 2004-05-08 23:10 ihxtobin/
1010 2004-05-08 20:44 ihxtobin/Makefile
4179 2004-05-08 21:09 ihxtobin/ihxtobin.c
0 2004-05-08 23:10 mk86p/
8260 2004-05-08 20:45 mk86p/mk86p.c
1046 2004-05-08 20:44 mk86p/Makefile
1928 2004-05-08 23:09