| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs |
 | age.zip | 1k | 03-12-07 |  | AGE IN DAYS This a cool program where you type in the currant date, and your date of birth and find out how many days old you are. |
 | analogclock.zip | 1k | 06-06-04 |  | Analog Clock A graphical analog clock for the TI-89 Titanium that accesses the built-in clock's time and date. It supports all date & time modes and allows you to adjust them from within the program. Press MODE for options, ESC to exit. |
 | basiccal.zip | 3k | 02-10-12 |  | BASIC Calender Program Basic Calender Program using AMS-2.08 clack[:)] functions. |
 | binclock.zip | 1k | 03-10-27 |  | [AMS 2.07+] Binary Clock v1.0 This is a binary clock based on the one they sell on Thinkgeek. See the screenshot for an explanation of how to read it. Push ENTER to toggle between 12 and 24 hour mode. The program requires that you have at least AMS 2.07, and it will crash if you do not have it. Also included is an icon for use with Integrated Desktop. Enjoy! |
 | buggy.zip | 7k | 20-11-05 |  | Buggy Bring Carnegie Mellon University's unique interdisciplinary race to your calculator. Set various teams of your choice from across campus against one another in extraordinary fantasy Sweepstakes matchups. |
 | cal892.zip | 1k | 00-05-09 |  | Calendar A program which when input the month and year, displays a calendar for that month. Works from 01-1582 to 12-2500 |
 | cal89.zip | 1k | 00-03-29 |  | Small Calendar A small calendar program. input month and year, then use arrow keys to control month/year |
 | calanderv.3.zip | 2k | 03-05-11 |  | Calander v.3 -FinalBeta- This is a calander program written in basic. It can backup the information to an archived matrix. The program itself is reletivly fast, and can handle up to 79 characters per entry, and as many entries as you want per day. This is my first Dynamic program, so i would appreciate any feedback. The quit function is a little buggy, so im working on that. Until then, i just break the program to quit. |
 | calcdate.zip | 10k | 00-10-05 |  | Calcdate2 Calculate a periode of time that you define in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, secondes. |
 | calendar21.zip | 3k | 03-07-24 |  | Calendar A planner to keep track of your schedule. Uses accurate Julian Dating and integrates event storage. |
 | calendar2.zip | 1k | 99-10-09 |  | Calendar v1.0 This is a calendar program with unlimited number of years. |
 | calendar3.zip | 3k | 00-03-01 |  | Calendar Organize Your Life (Somewhat) Witha Calendar Capable Of Storing Messages In Certain Dates. |
 | calendar4.zip | 1k | 02-04-15 |  | Perfect Calendar This program takes two arguments - month and year - and will draw a perfectly accurate calendar for any year. It takes into consideration leap years (including the rule about '00' years), and 'BC' dates, and will adjust itself for these if necessary. Syntax: calendar(month,year) |
 | calendar89.zip | 7k | 04-08-03 |  | Calendar This program gives you the calendar of any month you desire. Due to limitations, any year above 2200 will take longer than most, and the program will not work for any year before 1793, because this is then the Gregorian calendar was adopted. |
 | calendar.zip | 3k | 00-12-10 |  | Calendar This Program Is A Simple Calendar That Will Keep Messages Stored, And Display Months In A Semi-Graphical Format. This Is An UpdateTo The Other Calendar Programs Posted That TiCalc.org Has Not Replaced For Some Reason. |
 | calender.zip | 1k | 99-04-16 |  | Calender A Simple Calender |
 | clockbis.zip | 12k | 03-03-10 |  | Clock Une petite horloge (ASM 2.08 necessaire) |
 | clockdigital.zip | 1k | 03-11-14 |  | Clock Displays a clock in the format H:M:S |
 | clockhandangle.zip | 1k | 09-10-15 |  | Angle between Clock Hands Enter the parameters clock(hour, minute) and get the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand of the clock at that time. |
 | clock.zip | 4k | 01-08-06 |  | Countdown Clock v1.0 This is a small program that is designed to help stidents on timed tests ... |
 | count89.zip | 2k | 99-12-25 |  | Countdown89 v3.0 Find how much time you'll have to wait until a future event or how much time has elapsed since a past event. |
 | countdown1.3.zip | 3k | 09-06-02 |  | CountDown 1.3 Updated version of Countdown 1.1. This program counts up or counts down to an event by days, hours, minutes, and seconds. You can save as many events as possible and easily edit/delete them later. Also, there is an option to select which event is seen first when you run the program. Whether you are updating or downloading for the first time, simply send the files, main/countdwn and countdwn/countdwn, and run main/countdwn. Updates: this now allows the user to set the clock format to a 12-hr or 24-hr clock. |
 | countdown.zip | 10k | 03-11-18 |  | Count Down A program that counts down to up to 10 separate times. |
 | count.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | Count A timer that counts backwards from the time given down to 0. Timer is accurate to just being off by roughly 1 second over 10 minutes |
 | dailyinfo.zip | 89k | 07-04-14 |  | Daily Information This program displays the system time and date in a user friendly format |
 | date89.zip | 1k | 99-05-21 |  | Ed's Date Calculator Gives the day of the week of a date. |
 | datentime.zip | 1k | 04-03-08 |  | Date n' Time This program displays the current date and time. It is accurate, small, and easy to access. It takes up 361 bytes on the calculator. The only requirement besides a TI-89 calculator is OS version 2.09 or above. Yes, I am aware that there are the getDate() and the getTmStr() functions, but what would you rather do: search the catalogs for those, or type in dt() ? where the keys are right next to each other. You make the choice. This update fixes the date bug in the last version. |
 | datetime.zip | 1k | 10-10-06 |  | Date & Time A better way to find out the date and time than using getTime() and getDate(). |
 | days89.zip | 1k | 99-03-08 |  | Days89 |
 | days.zip | 6k | 08-01-10 |  | The Time Program Formerly called Days Left, this is a huge update, which calculates between any two dates, not just today and another, with a simpler and faster engine. This program is very accurate, and displays the results in days format, and in days, months, years format, which the other one couldn't. This version has a much better interface, and is generally easier to use. Surprisingly simple, but effective. |
 | dbd.zip | 1k | 00-03-07 |  | Days Between Dates function This function will tell you the number of days that are between the two dates you enter (including leap years). This function is already built into the TI-83 so I thought I would make one for the TI-89. |
 | dclock.zip | 20k | 04-09-16 |  | Digital Clock and Timer for 68k These programs are a digital clock and a digital timer for TI-89/TI-92 Plus/Voyage 200. These were written and tested under the TI-89 Titanium and Voyage 200. |
 | debatetimer.zip | 3k | 18-01-22 |  | Debate Timer Use your calculator as a timekeeping device for standard Lincoln Douglas or Public Forum Debate rounds. Manage your speeches' length to win (or judge) rounds within bounds. Accurate to the roughly the nearest second, you can pick from the various labeled run times. If the speech runs short, you can easily move ahead in the round. "Grace Mode" can help you record the duration of even egregiously lengthy speeches on the ballot. And for the more lull moments, the calculator can track prep for both sides, automatically depleting it. Finally, the current time is easy to check, letting you gauge just how late the tournament may be running. The envy of all local high school debaters, this program has yet to be endorsed by any forensics association. |
 | dia_de.zip | 1k | 02-02-20 |  | Tag v1.0 [German Version of Dia v1.0] Was tag is heute? Kaine problem. Sehen sie die Tag v1.0 program für TI-89. |
 | dia_en.zip | 1k | 02-02-20 |  | Day v1.0 [English Version of Dia v1.0] This program calculates the day of the week by giving it a date. |
 | dia_fr.zip | 1k | 02-02-20 |  | Jour v1.0 [French Version of Dia v1.0] Quel jour est aujourd'hui? No problème si tu utilisie Jour v1.0 pour TI-89. |
 | dia.zip | 1k | 02-02-20 |  | Dia v1.0 Programa que calcula el día de la semana a partir de una fecha dada. |
 | digital_clock_2.zip | 1k | 08-08-11 |  | Digital clock This program is very simple. When you run it, it will show the day of the week, the current time, and the date. It is constantly updated every second. When you press ESC, it opens a menu that has the options "Resume", "Set time", "Set date", "Exit". Resume will go back to the date and time, the Set time and Set date options will let you change the time or date. Lastly, the Exit option will close out of the program. |
 | digital_clock.zip | 1k | 07-12-29 |  | Digital clock This is a clock program that just displays the time in AM or PM. |
 | easter_62.zip | 1k | 04-04-11 |  | Date of Easter Compute, for a given year, the date of Easter |
 | easterc.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 |  | Easter Date Calculator This program will give you the date of Easter given a specific year. |
 | easter.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Easter Calculator This program simply calculates the date of easter on any given year. |
 | fuseaux_horaires.zip | 2k | 02-04-27 |  | Fuseaux Horaires/TimeZones Ce programme vous aide dans les problèmes de fuseaux horaires en vous permettant de calculer à quelle heure (heure locale de votre destination) vous arriverez à destination. |
 | gettme.zip | 1k | 15-08-27 |  | AA Get Time for TI-89 This small program simply displays the date and time strings. Made for the original TI-89; it may also work on the 89 Titanium, 92 Plus, and the Voyage 200. |
 | hours.zip | 3k | 01-12-15 |  | Hours 89 This program will help you find the difference between any 2 times over a 24 hr day. It might have some bugs. |
 | jtimer.zip | 46k | 01-01-29 |  | Jtimer v1.2a This is a timer program for the TI-89. Use this to time races, use it while cooking, use it in class, etc. It is completely graphical and has both a virtual-clock and a stop-watch with 5 split times. This can be very useful, its the best one in the archive, get it NOW! |
 | kalkulateur.zip | 59k | 03-10-05 |  | Kalkulateur Un petit programme sympa pour passer le temps en cours, ou plutot pour voir le temps passer en cours ;) |
 | katcal.zip | 2k | 00-11-23 |  | A Calendar Program v2.0 THIS IS THE UPDATE! Displays the month of your choice (any year), Gregorian calendar. You can move from one month to another and from one year to another easily. Small program, too. Read the readme.txt for more info. |
 | now.zip | 1k | 02-09-07 |  | (AMS 2.08) 'Now' function Just a simple single-line function to return a string containing the date and time. AMS 2.08 (or higher, in the future) required. |
 | nthday.zip | 1k | 09-10-15 |  | Determining nth Day Enter a month and a date, and determine the nth day of that year (February 1st = 32, etc). |
 | numofdays.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 |  | Number of Days Between 2 Dates Completely accurate program that calculates the number of days from one date to another. |
 | splwatch.zip | 1k | 11-02-06 |  | Split Time Stopwatch Start a stopwatch and save split times. |
 | stopwatchtimer.zip | 1k | 10-10-06 |  | Timer and Stopwatch Use the calculator's built in clock as a stopwatch or countdown timer accurate to the second. |
 | stopwatch.zip | 1k | 00-03-31 |  | Stop Watch A program that displays a stop watch on the graph screen until the user hits a key. It is reasonably accurate. |
 | stopwtch.zip | 1k | 03-11-14 |  | StopWatch StopWatch can store up to 10 times, to be recalled later, while the clock continues to run. |
 | timeanddate.zip | 1k | 10-04-15 |  | Time and Date A program which displays the time and date for you on the I/O screen. |
 | timecalc.zip | 1k | 02-03-12 |  | Time Calc A simple program used to add and subtract time. Great tool for making music cd's. Just enter the mins and seconds for each entry and it will then give you the total number of mins, seconds and hours. Try it out, its kinda cool. |
 | timedate.zip | 5k | 05-03-09 |  | Time & Date Shortcuts Displays the time and date from either a function (datetime) or in the status line with a battery indicator (timedate) |
 | timediff.zip | 1k | 00-07-29 |  | Time Difference v1.0 Calculates the time between the present and future time and amount of full days present. |
 | timefix.zip | 1k | 03-11-18 |  | TimeFix TimeFix is a function that converts negative time to positive. |
 | timer89_2.zip | 1k | 02-02-21 |  | Timer89 A Basic stopwatch for the Ti-89, controls for Stop, Start, and Reset. Hours, Minutes and Seconds! |
 | timer89.zip | 1k | 04-08-23 |  | Timer89 Ver 1.0 This is an update to version 0.6 & 0.7. See Timer89.txt for full documentation and instructions. |
 | timer.zip | 1k | 07-12-23 |  | Timer This is a simple timer program. It times accurately in seconds. |
 | timesubtractor.zip | 1k | 07-12-23 |  | Time subtractor This program calculates the amount of time between two different times. |
 | time_ti89.zip | 6k | 04-11-04 |  | TIME 0.6 New Version. Now with better graphics (No more clearing the whole screen) and the current date in the upper left corner. **Look at the 'time' till your brain explodes** I looked at it for 45 minutes and was confused :) Ported to the TI-89 by Ilidio Martins (Thanks a lot!) Requires: 2.07 as your minimum AMS Latest advances: Shows the current day week |
 | time.zip | 1k | 05-04-26 |  | TimeKeep A simple time keeping program. |
 | ti_timer.zip | 22k | 03-10-19 |  | TI-Timer A Calculus teacher informed me of the Lbl/Goto sec bug on the 68k files. It works perfectly now. Simply read the included .txt file for help and enjoy :-) |
 | titimer.zip | 1k | 98-11-21 |  | TiTimer v1.0.89 Stopwatch and more for TI 89 |
 | weekday89.zip | 4k | 02-06-19 |  | WeekDay This tiny program is very useful ! you enter a date (Day/Month/Year) and it tells you witch weekday it is ! You can enter any date : in the past and in the future.Thus,you can know which weekday you are born,impress your neighborhood : "The WWII armistice was TUESDAY the 8 of May,1945 ! Just tape weekday() to launch it... |
 | wtimer.zip | 1k | 01-01-29 |  | Wtimer This is a stopwatch fot the TI-89. It is the most accurate timing program in BASIC that i have seen. It is more accurate, takes less memory, and is easier to read than jtimer, my friend's program. Only one file; draws all its own pictures!!! |
 | ztimer89.zip | 3k | 07-04-26 |  | Z-TIMER 89 Z-TIMER 89 is an advanced stopwatch program for the m68k series calculators. It supports starting/stopping the timer, capturing lap times, time reset. This edition is a direct port of the TI-84+ release. |