| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Science Programs |
 | allconv.8xp | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Metric Conversions A program to convet between SI and standard units for temperature, distance, volume, and mass. |
 | amps123.zip | 6k | 03-12-30 |  | AMPS123 Amps123 is a program that converts horsepower to amps. Also amps to horsepower. |
 | asadpconvert.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Convert An ASADP Program - This program converts most metric values to imperial, and back. If SciTools is taking up too much space and you don't know what a vector calculator is anyway, give this program a shot. |
 | babymass.zip | 1k | 04-09-21 |  | BABYMASS.8xp Converts grams to pounds and ounces. Converts pounds and ounces to grams. Great for converting weight of premature babies from grams. |
 | basicunit.zip | 1k | 03-03-12 |  | Unit Converter This program converts values of length, area, volume, and temperature from English to Metric and back. Please use, study, and modify this program for your own needs. |
 | batchconvert.zip | 3k | 13-06-27 |  | Batch Unit Conversion With 1,170 different conversions among 132 units spanning 15 conversion modes (everything from length and volume to electric charge and radioactivity), Batch Convert is one of the most complete unit converters out there. Yet at only 2,977 bytes, it's still one of the smallest in size. However, what makes Batch Convert different—and what gives it its name—is that it's intuitive. It's extremely easy and fast to convert between different units—the answer is updated instantly and automatically as you type. See the screenshots for a demo! |
 | bcladder.zip | 1k | 04-10-20 |  | Conversion Ladder This is a simple TI-BASIC program that was made by request. It will do most of the conversions found on the FLASH app SciTools. The only advantage that this program has over SciTools is that it is much smaller. I do not recommend the downloading of this file if you have SciTools already. |
 | blah.zip | 3k | 05-01-28 |  | Blah Blah Tools version .95 by Purple Heart Technologies Blah Tools is an All-In-One tool. It can can complete geometric functions, convert tepmerature between Fahrenheit, Celcius, Kelvin, and Rankine. It can also convert from Metic to Standard(Mass/weight and distance/length) and vice-versa, find the kinetic and potential energy of objects, convert from Calories(physical) to Joules and vice-wersa, find the energy of antimatter, and find machine effiancy. It can calculate the slope, distance, and midpoint of figures, find their areas, perimeters, surface areas, and volumes as well. And as a recently added feature, it can convert from bases 2-62 from bases 2-62, and can convert to and and from Roman numerals. The only problems as of now are size and disorganization of the source code. Contact me at b_rizzle@comcast.net if you would like to help me of have any ideas/problems/suggestions for this or a new program. I would deeply appreciate it if someone could help me convert it to assembly to conserve space and make it faster. ~Brad Sevy |
 | c2f83p.zip | 1k | 02-03-02 |  | Celsius to Fahrenheit Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit. |
 | c2ff2c.zip | 1k | 03-11-06 |  | C2FF2C canverts Farhenheit to celcius and vice versa. will release v2.0 with docs and Kelvin Conversion soon. email me at forbiddanlight@yahoo.com for questions and comments. also report bugs to me... |
 | celsfart.zip | 1k | 03-08-17 |  | Celsius to Fahrenheit This program converts celsius to fahrenheit and visa versa. |
 | cfconv.zip | 5k | 05-10-08 |  | Celsius to Farenheight Conversion Converts Celsius to Farenheight and vice versa |
 | cnvrsion.zip | 1k | 08-02-28 |  | CNVRSION amazing program that does energy conversions, distance conversions, temperature conversions, and weight to volume conversions. Nice display and smooth. |
 | cnvtomtc.zip | 1k | 00-09-17 |  | Convert-O-Matic Convert-O-Matic is a BASIC program that converts standard to metric measures, and vice versa, in four areas: Length, Liquid/Solids, Weight, and Temperature. |
 | computerstuff.zip | 1k | 14-03-05 |  | Computer Stuff Read the readme. There is a program that converts memory units and one that calculates computer stuff (CPI, performance etc. |
 | conv_13.zip | 1k | 05-12-17 |  | Unit Converter Basic unit converter for weight (pounds and kgs); distance/height (inches and centimeters; miles and kilometers); and temperature (celsius and fahrenheit). Converts both ways. |
 | conv2000.zip | 1k | 02-02-19 |  | Conversions 2000 Program with over 20 metric to english conversion along with other common conversions including minutes to seconds. |
 | conv_46.zip | 1k | 00-10-20 |  | Convert v1.1 Will convert 20 of your most common units of length, mass, volume, and temperature. Very handy. Units include: Inches, Centimeters, Feet, Meters, Miles, Kilometers, Ounces, Grams, Pounds, Kilograms, Tons, Metric Tons, Milliliters, Pints, Liters, Quarts, Gallons, Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. |
 | conv83p.zip | 1k | 03-04-04 |  | TI-Conversions v.5 beta convert in 30+ different things, volume, velocity, temperature, and more.. |
 | convdemo.zip | 2k | 03-11-18 |  | SuperConvBeta really nice coversion program. however, it is not done. all things to do will be in READMEDUDE file.... oh, feel free to edit and have fun with it. |
 | conversi.8xp | 4k | 02-02-16 |  | Conversion V1.0 This Program Converts Everything from Temperature, Distance, Volume, Time, Speed, Energy, ect. Very Accurate conversion. Definitely Worth the DOWNLOAD |
 | conversions_03.zip | 29k | 02-04-09 |  | Conversions Conversions is an all-in-one unit converter. It currently supports the categories of length, area, volume, mass, bits and bytes (computer size), temperature, and 23 Metric units. Why should you use this conversion program over all the others available? The answer is simple: While other programs only support pairs of conversions (e.g., inches to feet), this program converts your unit to ALL other relevant units of the same category (inches to feet, yards, fathoms, furlongs, and miles). Download it today! |
 | conversions_07.zip | 7k | 04-09-23 |  | Conversions This program will convert Metric to Metric, English to English, Metric to English, and English to Metric. It is a small program at under 6K and is MirageOS Compatible. If you want a program that will only convert Metric to Metric there is one included (original conversions program) and it is under 2K and also MirageOS compatible. |
 | conversions_of_calculator.zip | 3k | 04-08-11 |  | Conversions of a Teenage Calculator This program is made to convert over 50 different units of measurement to and from one another. All menus are graphical and no variables are used. This could be one of the fastest routines to convert strings to inputs and back again ever. The whole program can be executed in less than 15 seconds! For more information, please read the readme. |
 | conversions.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Conversions Conversions is a program that converts:Inches to centimeters,centimeters to inches,feet to centimeters,centimeters to feet,Fahrenheit to Celsius,Celsius to Fahrenheit, and figures ther volume of most shapes. |
 | conversiontools.zip | 2k | 04-12-21 |  | Conversion Tools These programs contain ways to convert from simple and most common metric meausrements to english. They also include ways to convert milibars to inches when measuring barometric pressure. |
 | conversi.zip | 1k | 03-09-16 |  | Ultimate Conversions this program has a lot of conversions on it Celsius to Fahrenheit, Miles to yards, Inches to Centimeters and a whole lot more. |
 | convert1.zip | 3k | 08-08-24 |  | Conversion 1.2 Conversion is a program that converts many units of temperature, length and distance, surface and area, volume and capacity, weight and mass, and speed! |
 | convert_20.zip | 1k | 02-02-21 |  | Conversion All English<->Metric conversions |
 | convert_23.zip | 1k | 00-02-19 |  | Measurement Converter A program that lets you convert metric to english and vice versa |
 | convert2.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Unit Converter v1.04 Same old unit converter, but now converting temperature too. |
 | convert_38.zip | 4k | 00-06-08 |  | Convert A program for converting measurements between standard and metric |
 | convert3.zip | 4k | 02-10-12 |  | The Ultimate Conversion Calculator version 3.0 This version contains 37 different units, including Celsius, cups, centimeters, square cm, cubic cm, Fahrenheit, feet, square feet, cubic feet, grams, gallons, inches, square inches, cubic inches, Kelvin, kilograms, kilometers, square km, liters, pounds, meters, square meters, cubic meters, milligrams, miles, square miles, milliliters, millimeters, square millimeters, cubic millimeters, fluid ounces, (weight) ounces, pints, quarts, yards, square yards, and cubic yards. To be updated soon with physics conversions! |
 | convert40.zip | 1k | 00-04-29 |  | Converter This program converts feet to meters etc... really useful! |
 | convert_79.zip | 3k | 00-09-24 |  | Convert! This is a conversion program capable of doing 30 differant calculations. MirageOS compatable. The most unique function of this program is its table of contents. |
 | convert.8xp | 3k | 02-02-27 |  | Erik Huelsebusch's Unit Converter This helpful and very simple to use program will allow you to enter any of the most commonly used Metric or English units (mph, degrees f, etc.). It will then convert those units into the other system (English or Metric). |
 | convertcc.zip | 1k | 06-07-17 |  | Temp Convert These are my very first programs. They can convert temps between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. All you have to do is store the temp as C, F, or K, depending on what scale the temp is in. Then run the program with the name you want to convert it to, e.g. KELV2FAR, FAR2CELS, and so on. |
 | converter1.zip | 2k | 03-03-07 |  | Convert1.0 This program is used to convert mph to fps (feet per second) and vice versa...You also have the option of converting temperatures only celsius and farenheit. Very easy To use!! |
 | converter2.zip | 1k | 02-09-08 |  | Temperature converter This is a simple, very small program that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius, or vice versa. It is extremely useful if you have an assignment or homework with a lot of temperature conversions. Tell me how you like it or not. If some people like it, I might add a Kelvin converter later, but right now, I don't feel like it. |
 | converter3.zip | 1k | 05-03-07 |  | Distance/Time Converter converts the following -Feet to inches -Inches to feet -yards to feet -feet to yards -seconds to minutes -minutes to seconds -minutes to hours -hours to minutes |
 | converter4.zip | 1k | 08-12-18 |  | Unit converter A simple metric to u.s. and back converter. If there are any questions or problems email me at mr_p2003@hotmail.com |
 | converter84p.zip | 1k | 04-06-28 |  | CONVERTER This program converts Metric units into English units and English units to Metric units. Converts: centimeters to inches, inches to centimeters, kilometers to miles, miles to kilometers, grams to ounces, ounces to grams, kilgrams to pounds, pounds to kilograms, celsius to fahrenheit, fahrenheit to celsius. This is a very usefull program. |
 | converter.8xp | 1k | 02-11-23 |  | Metric/english unit converter convert form celsius to farenheit and back. converts form feet to meters, yards to meters, and miles to kilometers. |
 | converter_fps_mph.zip | 6k | 07-09-08 |  | MPH to FPS converter Converts MPH to FPS and FPS to MPH. It also converts FPS and MPH from distance and time. |
 | converter.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Metric Converter 2.0 This baby converts it all: Length, weight, volume, temperature, and new in version 2: newtons. And, it does it quick, with an easy to use interface. |
 | converteti.zip | 7k | 05-08-26 |  | Convert v1.3 This program is a useful conversion program. It contains many and many different units in differents categories. It's very easy to use. You have to choose the category of the unit to convert (ex.: Time, Volume, etc.). After, you choose the unit to convert, and the unit to find. You enter the value of the unit to convert and the program display you the value in the other unit you have chose. It's very useful to keep that on your calculator. We can always need it and it's very rapid to use. |
 | convertions.zip | 89k | 10-09-25 |  | #1 Best Converter this is probably the best over all converter. It makes all standard U.S. to metric conversions and vise versa. for ti 84/83 plus and plus se |
 | convertr.zip | 1k | 03-10-06 |  | Temperature Unit Converter This program converts farenhiet to celsius, celsius to farenhiet, celsius to kelvin, and kelvin to celsius. It has been fully tested and works great. Especially for those taking chemistry! |
 | converts.zip | 4k | 05-07-28 |  | Converts v1.21 Three compact conversion programs, the biggest one with 820 conversions in eleven categories, the same as the built in program for the 85 and 86 calcs, with two extra units. |
 | converty.zip | 3k | 25-01-06 |  | Converty: The Ultimate Unit Converter It's finally here, the best and easiest to use unit converter you'll ever find for any TI calculator. You can convert units of length, area, volume, mass, force, temperature, energy, pressure, velocity/speed, time, and memory. There are 69 units in total. Another awesome perk is that it only takes up ~2200 bytes! If you have a TI-84+ CSE/CE, make sure to grab that version instead. |
 | convert.zip | 3k | 00-01-16 |  | Conversions v1.0 Converts units. Example: (liters to gallons and vise versa.) |
 | convm123.zip | 2k | 03-09-16 |  | Converts Meters Converts km,hm,dam,m,dm,cm,mm to km,hm,dam,m,dm,cm,mm Conv.8xp is normal converter conv2.8xp is for M2 Conv3.8xp is for M3 |
 | convplus.zip | 2k | 06-02-02 |  | Conv Plus Converts distance (miles, kilometer, meter feet, inches, centimeters, millimeters), volume (milliliters, fluid ounces, liters, gallons, m^3, in^3, ft^3, cm^3), Temperature (Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Celsius), Speed (MI/hr, km/hr, m/s, ft/s), weight (grams, ounces, tons, pounds, kilograms), and time (year, day, hour, minute, second). Unlike most conversion programs, this program will convert your unit of choice into all other units of the same category. For example, if you input a speed in MI/hr, you will receive the speed converted to km/hr, m/s, and ft/s. Please report and bugs, typos, and errors to benjaminsmurray@yahoo.com |
 | conv.zip | 1k | 02-01-16 |  | Conversions Convert units of measurement into other units with this handy-dandy program. Converts units of mass, temperature, distance, liquid volume, speed, area, and pressure. |
 | ctok.zip | 1k | 09-11-07 |  | C to K A simple celsius to kelvin converter. |
 | dist3.zip | 1k | 02-02-25 |  | Distance Converter Converts distances between miles and kilometers, etc |
 | distcon.zip | 2k | 05-09-25 |  | Distance Conversion v5 Discon5 (Distance Conversion v5) performs conversions between miles/yards/feet/inches and km/m/cm/mm. You may input decimal English units or fractional English units. Fractional input of miles accepts halfs, thirds, quarters, and tenths. Fractional input of inches accepts halfs, quarters, eigths, sixteenths, and thirtyseconds. Metric input returns English decimal and fractional units to the nearest thirtysecond of an inch. Output displays conversion to all units. The program is self-explanatory, and does not contain any notes or display any formulas. Discover how stupid the English system is, and why the English no longer use it. Wonder why the only industrialized nation on planet Earth, America, uses such a stupid system. Requires 2675k of calculator memory. Free software. Use at your own risk. Conrad. |
 | easytemp.zip | 14k | 03-06-26 |  | TEMP TEMP is another Temperature conversion program, featuring an easy-to-use interface, as well as reliable conversions between Celcius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin scales. |
 | etaconv.zip | 1k | 03-04-05 |  | European - American Converter Converts American units to European and European to American. (Miles, Km's, Inches, Cm, Lb's, Kg's, Feet, Mt). Very small and useful (to those who need it.) Future releases will include Temperature, yards, velocity, etc. |
 | f2c83p.zip | 1k | 02-03-02 |  | Fahrenheit to Celsius Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius. |
 | f2c.zip | 1k | 10-02-03 |  | Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter This Program will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. There is a typo in the program in the words Fahrenheit and Celsius. |
 | inch2mm83p.zip | 1k | 02-02-25 |  | Inches to Millimeters Converts customary inches to metric millimeters |
 | jatempconvert.zip | 1k | 04-04-13 |  | Just Another Temperature Conversion (JATC) This is an update of the previous JATC. This version still has all the features as the last version such as converting temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit to Celsius, Kelvin to Celsius, and Celsius to Kelvin. This version includes an animated screenshot. |
 | jconvert.zip | 1k | 03-09-16 |  | JConvert This is a unit converter that converts to and from metric. For those of us who have SciTools and want more room |
 | jxltconv.zip | 1k | 08-03-25 |  | JXLTCONV This program converts lightwaves to joules and also shows the formulas. |
 | kelvin.zip | 1k | 03-10-19 |  | Celsius to Kelvin Convert Celsius to Kelvin and back in this GUI BASIC program. |
 | knotsmph.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | KnotsMph KNOTSMPH is a program that you can use to convert knots to miles per hour and miles per hour to knots. |
 | lukerun.zip | 1k | 21-08-03 |  | LukeD's Running Program Calculates Miles Per Hour, Kilometers Per Hour, and Meters Per Second given distance in feet and time in seconds. |
 | m2km.zip | 2k | 02-07-23 |  | Miles to Kilometers This is a pretty simple program. At the home screen, press one to convert miles to kilometers or press two to convert kilometers to miles. Then enter the distance and press enter. The program then miraculously spits out the answer. Pretty good little program though. |
 | mconverter.zip | 1k | 06-01-18 |  | Master Temperature Converter This lets you convert temperatures in Reaumur, Centigrade and Fahrenheit. Small updates to correct certain errors. |
 | metric_conversions.zip | 1k | 04-01-08 |  | SI Metric Conversions Converts between SI Metric Units. |
 | metriconversions.zip | 2k | 04-09-06 |  | Metric Conversions This program will convert metric numbers to other metric numbers such as kilometers to meters. This program is simple and easy to use! |
 | metric.zip | 4k | 00-07-14 |  | Metric Conversion v1.10 This file contains two programs, one solves for metric conversions and one displays the formulas. Use the program that best suits your memory needs. |
 | mtrcnvrt.zip | 1k | 06-01-01 |  | Metric Converter This program will very accurately convert between metric and English measurements for length (centimeters and inches), volume (litres and gallons), weight (kilograms and pounds), and temperature (fahrenheit and Celsius). |
 | nofrills_tempconver.zip | 1k | 03-11-19 |  | NOFRILLS Temp converter Converts K to C, C to K, K to F, F to K, F to C, and C to F |
 | prefdet.zip | 1k | 12-12-26 |  | PrefDet - SI prefixes determiner With this program you can enter data and get the answer in standard prefixes for the SI units of measurement. |
 | prefix.8xp | 1k | 02-09-05 |  | Prefix Prefix Table |
 | prefixco.zip | 1k | 03-04-04 |  | SI-prefixconverter This little program converts from prefix to base and vice versa. You just input the number and the prefix and the answer is shown. There is a list included in the program how to spell the prefixes when inputing them. For programs that are more interesting visit: www.freewebs.com/gorchy |
 | prefxcon.zip | 1k | 04-04-01 |  | Prefix Conversion 2.0 Converts one Greek prefix to another, such as milli to mega. Also works for no prefix. |
 | rconverter.zip | 3k | 05-03-10 |  | Reaumur Converter This converts Reaumur to Celsius and Fahrenheit and vice versa. Also see the Kelvin Converter and the Master Converter. |
 | run.zip | 6k | 08-04-14 |  | Unit calculation (AKA. "Running speed tool, version 4.12"). This program was originally made to calculate the speed out from varying time and distance data, so unlike other unit calculators (who mostly are based on single unit calculations), this uses 2 units to get one new unit. The program originally had only 3 inputs: miles, seconds and minutes, but now it has 20. You can add or subtract from the input, and the units supported are both in the English System and the Metric System (SI). The output are in the most common used units. The program has a Doors CS 6+ customized 16*16 icon! Note: The screenshots are from an earlier version. |
 | samsconverterv1.00.zip | 6k | 05-05-14 |  | Sam's Distance Converter This is a somewhat basic Basic (punny, right?) program that I made for science class. It will convert meters per second and miles per second to miles an hour and vice versa, all while rounding to two decimal places! Update: 5/14/05 I added Omnicalc lowecase letters and changed some wording mistakes. |
 | sectotime.zip | 1k | 02-06-04 |  | sectotim Converts seconds to other units of time. |
 | sigfig2.zip | 1k | 11-10-18 |  | Significant Figures Calculator (Optimized) This is a program to make those awful significant figures a piece of cake! just type in the numbers and all the rules are applied automatically. It can do Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. Credit goes to Gilad Barlev for his great program; I just made it smaller, made it MirageOS compatible, and added the Subtraction mode. |
 | sigfig_cl.zip | 1k | 04-03-09 |  | SIGFIG_CALCULATOR_0.1 Significant Calculator 0.1 work in most conditions, even with E notation! |
 | sigfig.zip | 1k | 03-06-04 |  | Significant Figures Calculation This program calculates using significant figures. It adds (/subtracts), multiplies, and divides. It does NOT display your number in scientific notation, but in common form. |
 | significantfigures.zip | 1k | 06-04-12 |  | Significant Figures This program will save you a couple of hours of having to learn how to count significant figures in Chemistry Class. Automatic "Sig Fig" calculator, this is a must download for any Chemistry student. (Now updated to do E notation and negative numbers) |
 | simpleconversions.zip | 1k | 03-12-08 |  | measurments Lists of simple conversions from one measurment to another are the contents of the two programs "measure2" and "measure3" |
 | temp_04.zip | 1k | 02-10-15 |  | Temperature Converter Converts Farenheit to Celcius and vice-versa |
 | temp1.0.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Celsius/Fahrenheit Converter v1.0 This is a simle program I made in a small group of people I know called, "X-Axis Productions". It simply converts Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius. Simple as that. There's also a Quit option (YAY!) and I spelled "Celsius" and "Fahrenheit" correctly. (I'm not sure if they're supposed to be capitaized, though...) |
 | temp2.zip | 3k | 02-06-19 |  | Temperature Converter This is a simple program that converts temperatures. Simply input the temperature in the scale you know and it spits out that temperature in all the scales. Written in basic during a chemistry lecture. |
 | temp_36.zip | 3k | 01-03-08 |  | Temperature Converter This is a simple program that converts temperatures. Simply input the temperature in the scale you know and it spits out that temperature in all the scales. Written in basic during a chemistry lecture. |
 | temp3.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Temperature Converter,C,F,K This program converts every official temp. to any other official temp. It does Celsius, Fahrenheit, AND Kelven. |
 | temp83pl.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Temp83pl TEMP is a program you can use to convert temperature measurements. You can convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, Celsius to Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit to Kelvin, Kelvin to Fahrenheit, Celsius to Kelvin, and Kelvin to Celsius. |
 | tempchng.zip | 1k | 02-10-12 |  | Temperature Change A temperature change program for those who don't know how to convert. |
 | tempcnvt.zip | 1k | 04-05-08 |  | Temperature Conversion Program This is a temerature conversion program that allows you to convert any temperature between Farenheit, Celcius, or Kelvin. |
 | tempcon2.zip | 1k | 04-12-01 |  | Temperature Converter This program converts between all three types of temps! (Fahrenheit,Celsius,and Kelvin) It also shows the conversion formulas for off calc use. Great for science classes. *Sorry, no screenshots for this program :(* |
 | tempconv_36.zip | 4k | 09-03-03 |  | Temperature Converter 1.0 A simple, easy-to-use temperature converter that supports three two-way conversions: Kelvin to/from Celcius, Fahrenheit to/from Celcius and Kelvin to/from Fahrenheit (rarely used). |
 | tempconverter1.zip | 1k | 05-05-01 |  | Temperature Convertor These three files allow you to convert a temperature between Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit. All included in this folder. Configured to run under the PRGM menu or MirageOS. |
 | tempconverter_75.zip | 1k | 12-03-08 |  | CelcFahr Version 1.2 Simple unit converter that supports Farhenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. Extremely small program that takes up a minimum amount of memory. It is super easy to install and use. It doesn't get any more useful, simple, easy, or compact than CelcFahr! |
 | tempconverter.zip | 3k | 08-11-30 |  | Temperature Converter 83+ This is a temperature converter for the TI 82 through 84. Programmed in basic it converts standard temperatures. This is a very small program, and is extremely fast. I am currently working on version 2, which will focus on more conversion types. Currently I only have Fahrenheit to Celsius, Celsius to Fahrenheit, Kelvin to Celsius, and Celsius to Fahrenheit. Feel free to modify it to your needs, just give me credit if you post your version. This program has no bugs. Also, I expect to have version 2 done in a day or two. So keep checking. Thanks for downloading, and please rank. -CannotCompute |
 | tempconvertrf.zip | 1k | 06-05-31 |  | Temperature Converter Converts between Farenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperatures. Also identifies the point at which F=C (-40 degrees) and at which F=K (574.5875 degrees). (C never equals K.) |
 | tempconvert.zip | 1k | 02-07-22 |  | TempConvert Basically, this converts to and from Celsius, Farenheit, and Kelvins. This is my first attempt at programming for a TI but it works and it's pretty much circulated around my school. |
 | tempconvprgm.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Temperature Converter v2.0H This program converts the temperature from Farenheit to Celsius, or vice versa. |
 | tempconv.zip | 1k | 04-04-06 |  | Temperature Conversion Converts from one unit of temperature to another. |
 | tempcon.zip | 1k | 04-04-13 |  | Temp. Converter You just input the temp., in either Celsius or Ferenheit, and it gives you the temp. in the oposite unit. I know there are many temp. coversion programs out there, but this is small and easy to use. |
 | tempera6.zip | 1k | 05-03-16 |  | TEMPERA6 A little program to convert temperatures... |
 | temperature_55.zip | 1k | 10-02-28 |  | Temperature Conversion Converts any unit of temperature (F,C,K) to any unit. Useful for math and science. |
 | temperatureconverterv2.zip | 5k | 08-11-30 |  | TempConvert V2.0 This is the updated version of my first temperature converter. It includes conversion between Fahrenheit and Kelvin, and Kelvin back to Fahrenheit. It also includes a quit option, and I put a ClrHome function before each prompt. This is very small, efficient, and works 100% of the time. No bugs at all. See for yourself. -CannotCompute |
 | temperature.zip | 1k | 03-03-30 |  | Temperature + An ASADP Program - Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius to Kelvin to Rankin and back in any way. Very precise and user-friendly. |
 | tempture.zip | 1k | 15-01-04 |  | Temperature Converter This program converts Temperatures between, Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. If given one, this program gives you the other two. Easy and helpful to use. |
 | temp.zip | 1k | 02-02-25 |  | Temperature Converter Coverts between Farhenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin |
 | tesconv.zip | 6k | 03-10-19 |  | The Egg Science Converter v1.7 the perfect converter. includes 24 unit conversions in length, volume, temperature, mass, and energy. includes bug fixes from v1.6. only 1917 bytes, and also works for mirage. |
 | tifc83p.zip | 251k | 13-06-10 |  | TI-Freakware's Converter This is version 2.0.4 of the TIFC. The previous version only supported roughly 68 conversions, took 4 programs and a picture variable, and was around 6kb in size. Version 2.0.X supports the usage of a single program, and boasts 708 conversions available in this single program of just over 7kb in size. It is also available for the TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+/84+ and TI-84+CSE, with the potential of being programmed on other calculators at a later date. |
 | ultimateunitconverter.zip | 8k | 07-12-18 |  | Ultimate Unit Converter This conversion program lets you choose between over 100 lengths, masses, volumes, and temperatures. xLIB is required. Further updates will include more masses, volumes, and temperatures. There are over 70 different lengths already in this program (and yes, a mark twain is a length). The conversion are organized by most common for the first 2 pages, and then alphabetically for the more rare units (like the smoot). Have fun =D |
 | unitconmax.zip | 2k | 04-05-08 |  | Unit Converter v2.2 Max This is a all-in-one converter, its 99% bug free. Convert length, volume, temp, mass, energy, time, area, and velocity. This program works perfect, and it has one of the best user friendly-interfaces. It also works with MirageOS. |
 | unitconversions.zip | 2k | 08-11-30 |  | Common Unit Conversions A compilation of conversion programs that are easy to use and very small. |
 | unitconversion.zip | 1k | 05-06-03 |  | Unit Conversions This program converts units of length, weight and volume. Very convenient if you are from Canada and are driving in the US and keep on getting speeding tickets for some unexplained reason. No offense to Canadians, Canada rocks. |
 | unitconverter.zip | 9k | 12-08-05 |  | Unit Converter This program converts values of length, area, volume, temperature, mass, speed, time, force, energy, power, and pressure. 754 different unit conversions. Also available in an app. |
 | unitconv.zip | 7k | 04-01-11 |  | Perfect! Unit Converter This is an excellent program that will convert many different measurements such as length, weight, capacity, temperature, and SPEED! length: cm, in, m, ft, km, mi...weight: g, oz, kg, lbs...Capacity: mL, fl-oz, L, Gal...Temperature: C, F, K...Speed: km/s, km/h, m/s, m/h, mi/s, mi/h...All of these convertions (of the same type) are interchangeable and it will calculate all units for each input. Much easier to navigate than traditional unit conversion programs too. Look at the screen shots! |
 | units123.zip | 6k | 04-01-02 |  | Units123 Units123 is a converting program. It converts metric measurements to sae measurements. Check out the readme for more info. |
 | wizardconverter.zip | 1k | 02-11-12 |  | Wizard Converter A converter from the English System to the Metric or SI System. Works with mass, distance, volume, and temperature. |