| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to Informational Files |
 | ti80doc.zip | 20k | 21-09-24 |  | TI-80 documentation Documents the hardware & software of the TI-80 calculator, including the T6M53(A) instruction set & the link protocol used by the ViewScreen model. |
 | 86port4.zip | 1k | 20-02-07 |  | TI-86 Port 4 Documentation Describes all I know about port 4 on the TI-86, which was gathered from experimentation. |
 | 86assembly.zip | 21k | 12-01-27 |  | 86assembly Official TI-86 Assembly Programming information from TI.com |
 | ti83p_re.txt | 13k | 09-10-10 |  | TI-83 Plus reverse engineering guide What the title says: a guide to TI-83+ software reverse-engineering. (Updated) |
 | interrupt.txt | 4k | 09-08-23 |  | TI-81 ASM hook interrupt Custom interrupt routine that enables execution of user-entered machine code on any TI-81 with ROM 1.8K. (Note that the text is UTF-8 to allow for special symbols.) |
 | ptthacknotes.txt | 1k | 09-04-11 |  | PTT Analysis What you need to do in order to disable the push to test on a 84+. |
 | omnicalcglitch.zip | 241k | 09-02-04 |  | Omnicalc "Killer" Glitch! A very dramatic glitch that only resets your RAM, but it is very cool. Requires omnicalc, which is included. |
 | 83crash.zip | 65k | 08-11-30 |  | CrashX 83+ This file will tell you everything you need to know about anything related to those mysterious freezes and RAM clears... |
 | ti92pluscharset.zip | 9k | 06-10-28 |  | TI-92 Plus Character Set The TI-92 Plus character set as a .gif file |
 | ti85charset.zip | 13k | 06-10-28 |  | TI-85 Character Set The TI-85 character set as a .gif file |
 | ti86.zip | 32k | 06-10-14 |  | TI-86 Memory, Register and RAM documentation An Excel file that show the parts of memory, registers and Ram of TI-86 |
 | tixx_guide.zip | 1638k | 06-09-24 |  | TI Link Protocol & File Format Guide v1.4 Everything anybody ever wanted to know about TI-73..V200 link protocols - well, almost :-) Also includes character maps, tokens, link cable schematics, variable formats and file formats. New: DirectLink USB protocol. |
 | btutor.zip | 255k | 06-07-15 |  | The Complete TI-83/+/SE BASIC Tutorials Over four months a few years ago, I wrote an extensive, in-depth tutorial exploring TI-BASIC for the TI-83, TI-83+, and TI-83 Silver Edition. In all, it has thirty-six lessons. Now, all twelve of the original sections are available as it was meant to be seen, in pure, crossplatform HTML! The first volume includes information on creating, editing, and running programs as well as displaying text on-screen. The second volume contains information about getting input from the user and clearing the screen, as well as a review of the first two tutorials and a quiz. The third volume contains information about If statements, pausing, and several sample programs to help you learn. The fourth volume includes information on Boolean Logic, the While command, and loops using For. The fifth volume includes information on labels and gotos, menus, Return, and Stop. The sixth volume includes information on programs within programs, or nested programs, and random numbers. The seventh volume includes information on copying and pasting within programs, using strings in your programs, and the graphscreen. The eighth volume includes more information on the graphscreen, creating text on the graphscreen, and drawing lines. The ninth volume includes information on graphing, manipulating the window variables, and displaying the graph table from within programs. The tenth volume includes information on circles, horizontal lines, vertical lines, saving and opening pictures, and a review lesson. The eleventh volume includes information on the GetCalc command, loops using Repeat, and pixel drawing. The twelfth volume includes information on drawing using points, and some extensive syntax about lists and using them in your programs. Finally, the complete compiled tutorials contain an introduction, conventions key, and appendix about the fonts used by the calculators. It now contains the full version. A must-have for all programmers, beginner and advanced alike! |
 | hwguide.zip | 312k | 05-08-06 |  | TI hardware guide (m68k) v1.2b This complete guide covers the TI89,92,92+,V200,Titanium hardware. It contains the latest up-to-date information. It covers devices, memory mapping, interrupts, stealth I/O, RTC, etc. Available in (Open)Office and Acrobat formats, too. |
 | ti81v18k.zip | 7k | 05-07-03 |  | TI-81 Software Environment Documentation Describes various aspects of the TI-81 useful to assembly/machine language progammers (if there was a way to do that on it), including a (partial) RAM map & ROM map, & IY flags list. |
 | 86mem.zip | 1k | 04-09-11 |  | TI-86 ROM map A map of ROM pages 0-1 on the '86. Eventually will include all pages... |
 | 86basicformat.zip | 9k | 04-08-03 |  | TI-86 BASIC Format/Tokens This file describes the format of tokenized basic programs and equations for the TI-86. More tokens have been added since the last version. |
 | 7000xx_ports.zip | 1k | 03-09-21 |  | $7000xx HW2 I/O Ports More details on unknown TI68K $7000xx HW2 I/O Ports. |
 | 86flagsundoc.zip | 5k | 03-07-12 |  | MORE UNDOCUMENTED TI-86 SYSTEM FLAGS Even more undocumented system flags that control number bases, engineering notation, and more! Now errors from the first version are corrected and more flags have been added! |
 | ams_2.08_doc.zip | 27k | 03-04-20 |  | TI89/92+/V200 AMS 2.07/2.08 ROM Calls documentation A precise and detailed documentation of all the new ROM Calls of AMS 2.07/2.08 for TI89/92+/V200, notably those allowing to set, read and format the time on HW2 calculators. |
 | 82rom_19.006.txt | 36k | 03-03-17 |  | TI-82 version 19.006 ROM Calls This is a modified version of Mattias Lindqvist and Dines Justesen's 82-ROM.TXT file, with access points from ROM version 19.006. |
 | link86all.zip | 37k | 02-07-23 |  | All About the TI-86 Link Port This HTML document gives a complete overview of the Link Port. It even has pictures! |
 | ti_protocol.zip | 1769k | 02-05-20 |  | TI Protocol Specifications This file contains all informations about the TI protocol (hardware & software) for all calcs (73,82,83,83+,85,86,89,92,92+). New: FLASH protocol. |
 | file_format.zip | 9k | 02-05-20 |  | TI file format specifications This file contains all informations about the TI file format (*.92g for instance) for all calcs (73,82,83,83+,85,86,89,92,92+). Includes file format of FLASH upgrades & applications. |
 | sukhowto.zip | 1k | 02-04-30 |  | Speed up keyboard 89/92+ mini How-TO v1.0 A mini How-To *permanently* speed up the keyboard of TI89/TI92+, without using any TSRs |
 | randgen.zip | 1018k | 01-12-16 |  | How TI's Random Generator Works This is a report published in 1988 that describes the algorithm TI uses for random number generation in the TI-82 and TI-83. |
 | 83chmap.zip | 3k | 01-08-06 |  | TI-83 Character Map Its a bitmap to show you the characters on the 83. |
 | codchart.doc | 98k | 01-06-01 |  | TI-92 Plus Key Code Chart Contains all of the Key Codes for the TI-92 Plus in a Microsoft Word Document Table. |
 | ifstat.zip | 1k | 01-03-14 |  | Improving If Statements A short tutorial on If statements in BASIC. Designed with the TI-83+ in mind, but the ideas should work on most or all calcs. |
 | 83rom.zip | 23k | 01-01-04 |  | Ti-83 ROMcall reference v0.2.5 And again lots of updates... |
 | 83rom.txt | 126k | 00-11-04 |  | Ti83 ROMcalls v0.2.2 Now also with ROMcalls from Squish.inc |
 | cmdline.zip | 2k | 00-10-01 |  | Information about the TI-89/92+ home screen entry line Contains some useful information about the home screen entry line of the TI-89/92+ calculators. |
 | statlineinfo.txt | 8k | 00-08-06 |  | Status Line Text TI-89 / TI-92 PlusStatus Line Text Information (ST_helpMsg) |
 | ti92help.zip | 417k | 00-04-09 |  | TI92 and TI89 structures, variables, and information (.chm) WINDOWS HELP FORMAT Information gathered on the ti92 range, including memory layouts, ROM calls, and most structures. (Preliminary version) - Updates: mode information, corrections and additions to floating point objects, updates to symbol table and high level link information, corrections and other minor updates. |
 | ti92.zip | 193k | 00-04-09 |  | TI92 and TI89 structures, variables, and information Information gathered on the ti92 range, including memory layouts, ROM calls, and most structures. (Preliminary version) - Updates: mode information, corrections and additions to floating point objects, updates to symbol table and high level link information, corrections and other minor updates. |
 | multtask.zip | 1k | 00-02-13 |  | Multitasking in TI-OS An article that explains how to multitask in TI-OS without an assembly shell |
 | bu83.zip | 15k | 00-02-11 |  | Better Understanding Your TI-83+ This is a word document to help people with their TI-83+. It includes a simple explanation of the calculator and how you can in TI-BASIC begin programming. |
 | 86prgm.txt | 9k | 99-12-25 |  | TI86 Program Variable Info Information on the format, types, manipulation, and VAT access of TI86 program variables. |
 | ti-vars.txt | 16k | 99-10-21 |  | A Guide to the TI-85 variables v0.2 |
 | ti-rom.txt | 85k | 99-10-21 |  | A Guide to TI-85 ROM Calls v1.1 |
 | ti-ports.txt | 8k | 99-10-21 |  | A Guide to the TI-85 Ports v1.1 |
 | 82-var.txt | 12k | 99-10-21 |  | A Guide to the TI-82 v0.4 |
 | 82-rom.txt | 36k | 99-10-21 |  | A Guide to TI-82 ROM Calls v0.5 A list of all known functions in the TI-82 rom. |
 | 82-ram.txt | 15k | 99-10-21 |  | A Guide to the TI-82 RAM v0.3 |
 | 82-ports.txt | 14k | 99-10-21 |  | A Guide to TI-82 Ports v0.6 |
 | 82-hack.txt | 13k | 99-10-21 |  | Hacking the TI-82 calculator v1.1 |
 | ti-prot.zip | 9k | 99-10-08 |  | TI Link Protocol Information v1.2 |
 | 85menus.zip | 6k | 99-04-03 |  | TI-85 Menu Subsystem Information Technical information regarding the menu system on the 85. |
 | kbd89.txt | 2k | 98-10-19 |  | TI-89 Keyboard Matrix |
 | files.txt | 41k | 98-08-03 |  | File Storage on the TI-92 v4 |
 | 83pformat.txt | 1k | 98-06-20 |  | TI-83 Program (83P) File Format |
 | ti86prot.txt | 33k | 98-05-25 |  | TI-86 Link Protocol and Variable Format Guide Update to the last guide misinfo fixes |
 | 92info.txt | 3k | 98-04-08 |  | Information on .92i, .92t, .92p File Formats |
 | vatinfo.txt | 6k | 98-04-08 |  | TI-92 VAT Description v1.2 |
 | asap_eos.txt | 4k | 98-04-02 |  | Parser 'EOS' Handling of ASAP Function and Commands |
 | ti86var.txt | 1k | 98-01-15 |  | TI-86 Variable Stuff |
 | 92g.txt | 3k | 98-01-02 |  | TI-92 Groupfile Information 1.0 Describes the .92G file format |
 | 86custom.txt | 3k | 97-11-20 |  | TI-86 Custom Menu Information |
 | 82p.txt | 24k | 97-10-28 |  | TI-82 Program Information |
 | chars86.txt | 2k | 97-09-01 |  | PC ASCII Chars vs 86 ASCII Chars |
 | ti-ram.txt | 11k | 97-07-24 |  | Programmers Guide to the TI-85 RAM v1.1 |
 | calcinfo.zip | 61k | 97-07-24 |  | Information on mathematical methods used by the TI-8x |
 | linkprot.txt | 20k | 97-07-24 |  | TI-82/85 Link-Protocol Guide 2.0 |
 | memanage.txt | 7k | 97-07-24 |  | Study of Memory Management on the TI-85 |
 | 85hack.txt | 29k | 97-07-24 |  | Hacking the TI-85 Calculator |
 | port_7.txt | 3k | 97-07-24 |  | TI-85 LINK Information: Port 7 |
 | varstor.txt | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Variable storage on the TI-85 |
 | formats.zip | 7k | 97-07-24 |  | File formats of 85* and 92G files |
 | 86ports.txt | 10k | 97-07-22 |  | 86ports.txt v0.1 Information on the TI-86 ports |
 | ti92prot.txt | 8k | 97-07-16 |  | TI-92 Link Interface Protocol |
 | romfunc.txt | 18k | 97-07-13 |  | TI-82 ROM Routines (Used for OShell-82 v2.5) |
 | 82chmap.bmp | 9k | 97-06-25 |  | TI-82 Character Map A bit showing all the chars in the normal font on the TI82 |