The following are values for use with ST_helpMsg or ST_showHelp They are collected from a TI-89 running AMS 2.03 Everything is as it appears on the calculator, except text in {} This represents characters that not easily displayable on the computer They are as follows: R - Right arrow L - Left arrow U - Up arrow D - Down arrow DIA - Diamond key STO - Store key TH - Theta NL - New line ... - (Text is cut off) DLT - Delta 0 - ^ 1 - TYPE OR USE {LRUD} + [ENTER] OR [ESC] 2 - USE {L} AND {R} TO OPEN CHOICES 3 - USE {LRUD} + [ENTER] OR [ESC] 4 - TYPE + [ENTER]=OK AND [ESC]=CANCEL 5 - USE {LRUD} OR TYPE + [ESC]=CANCEL 6 - USE {LRUD} + [ENTER]=OK AND [ESC]=CANCE 7 - DATA PLACED IN VARIABLE SYSDATA 8 - DATA PLACED IN HOME SCREEN HISTORY 9 - [ENTER]=OK AND [ESC]=CANCEL 10 - 11 - USE {LR} + [ENTER]=OK AND [ESC]=CANCEL 12 - USE {UD} + [ENTER]=OK AND [ESC]=CANCEL 13 - USE {DIA} [KEYS] OR [ESC]=CANCEL 14 - USE {R} TO EXPAND 15 - USE {L} TO COLLAPSE 16 - Expr 17 - List 18 - Matrix 19 - Function 20 - Program 21 - Picture 22 - String 23 - Text 24 - GDB 25 - Data 26 - Figure 27 - Macro 28 - System 29 - Assembly 30 - Prgm/Asm 31 - Equation 32 - Other 33 - FlashApp 34 - EXPR 35 - LIST 36 - MAT 37 - FUNC 38 - PRGM 39 - PIC 40 - STR 41 - TEXT 42 - DATA 43 - FIG 44 - MAC 45 - SYS 46 - ASM 47 - OTH 48 - ALL 49 - TI-89 50 - Hardware Version 51 - Version 52 - Product ID: 53 - ID # 54 - Cert. Rev. # 55 - Texas Instruments 56 - Soft Warehouse, Inc 57 - CHECK AXES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS 58 - CHECK AXES FOR 2ND-ORDER SYSTEM 59 - SELECT ONE 1ST-ORDER FUNCTION ONLY 60 - Table is not available in 3D mode 61 - TOO BIG 62 - [1][,2] ... [,9] 63 - [1][,2] ... [,99] 64 - COLUMN[,DRAWMODE] 65 - CONDITION 66 - CONDITION,TRUE[,FALSE][,UNDEF] 67 - DATAVAR,LIST1,... 68 - DMSNUMBER 69 - EQUATION,INDEP-VAR,DEPEND-VAR 70 - EQUATION,VAR 71 - [EXPR] 72 - EXPR | CONDITION 73 - EXPR[,DIGITS] 74 - [EXPR,...] 75 - EXPR1,EXPR2 76 - EXPR1[,EXPR2][,VAR1] 77 - EXPR1[,EXPR2][,VAR1][,VAR2] 78 - EXPR1,EXPR2,[XLO],[XMI],[PAT],[PATRES] 79 - EXPR,EXPR[,TMIN][,TMAX][,TSTEP] 80 - EXPR,MAT,INDEX 81 - EXPR,MAT,INDEX1,INDEX2 82 - EXPR OP 83 - EXPR OP EXPR 84 - EXPR, POINT 85 - EXPR{STO}VAR 86 - EXPR,STRING 87 - EXPR[,STRING] 88 - EXPR[,TOL] 89 - EXPR[,{TH}MIN][,{TH}MAX][,{TH}STEP] 90 - EXPR[,#] 91 - EXPR[,VAR] 92 - EXPR,VAR 93 - EXPR,VAR[,H] 94 - EXPR,VAR[,LOW,UP] 95 - EXPR,VAR,LOW,HIGH 96 - EXPR,VAR,LOW,HIGH[,STEP] 97 - EXPR,VAR,LOW,UP 98 - EXPR,VAR,ORDER[,POINT] 99 - EXPR,VAR,POINT[,DIRECTION] 100 - EXPR,VAR[,ORDER] 101 - EXPR,VAR,START,END 102 - FOLDERNAME 103 - INT 104 - [INT] 105 - ITEMLIST,VAR 106 - L1[,L2][,L3][,L4] 107 - L1,L2[,[L3][,L4,L5]] 108 - L1,L2[,[ITER],[PERIOD][,L3,L4]] 109 - L1,L2[,[ITER],[L3][,L4,L5]] 110 - LABEL 111 - LIST,EXPR 112 - LIST[,ELEMENTS PER ROW] 113 - LIST[,LIST] 114 - LIST[,START[,END]] 115 - LIST1,... 116 - LIST | STRING[,COUNT] 117 - LIST | STRING | INT[,COUNT] 118 - LIST | STRING,START[,COUNT] 119 - MAT1,MAT2 120 - MAT OP MAT 121 - MAT,LVAR,UVAR,PVAR[,TOL] 122 - MAT,PICVAR[,MAXROW][,MAXCOL] 123 - MAT,QVAR,RVAR[,TOL] 124 - MAT,RINDEX1,RINDEX2 125 - MAT[,ROW1][,COL1][,ROW2][,COL2] 126 - MAT[,TOL] 127 - MAT,VEC[,TOL] 128 - MEAN,SD 129 - NUMELEMENTS 130 - NUMROWS,NUMCOLUMNS 131 - OLDVARNAME,NEWVARNAME 132 - OP EXPR 133 - PIC-STR,N[,WAIT],[CYCLES],[DIRECTION] 134 - PICVAR[,PXLROW,PXLCOL] 135 - N,TYPE,X[,Y,FRQ,CAT,INC,MAKR,BKT] 136 - REXPR,{TH}EXPR 137 - ROW,COLUMN,EXPR 138 - ROW,COLUMN 139 - ROW,COL,R[,DRAWMODE] 140 - ROW[,DRAWMODE] 141 - RSTART,CSTART,REND,CEND[,DRAWMODE] 142 - SEARCH-STRING,SUBSTRING[,START] 143 - STRING 144 - STRING[,EXPR,...] 145 - STRING[,LABEL] 146 - STRING OP STRING 147 - STRING,ROW,COLUMN 148 - STRING,STRING 149 - [STRING,]VAR 150 - [STRING,][VAR] 151 - STRING,VAR 152 - STRING,X,Y 153 - STRING-EXPR 154 - TITLE-STRING,{STRING1,...},VAR 155 - VAR 156 - VAR(ARG1,...)=EXPR 157 - VAR1,... 158 - VAR,LOW,HIGH[,STEP] 159 - VAR,OLD FOLDER,NEW FOLDER 160 - VAR,ORDER 161 - VAR[,PXLROW,PXLCOL][,WIDTH,HEIGHT] 162 - VAR1,VAR2 163 - [VAR | SYSDATA] 164 - VEC 165 - VEC1,VEC2 166 - X[,DRAWMODE] 167 - X,Y 168 - X,Y,R[,DRAWMODE] 169 - X,Y,SLOPE 170 - XEXPR,YEXPR 171 - XSTART,YSTART,XEND,YEND[,DRAWMODE] 172 - Y[,DRAWMODE] 173 - Enter=OK 174 - Enter=SAVE 175 - Enter=YES 176 - ESC=CANCEL 177 - ESC=NO 178 - ENTER=GOTO 179 - Auto-calculate has been set{NL}to OFF. In{...} 180 - BREAK WARNING 181 - Build Web 182 - Calculation Type 183 - Store RegEQ to 184 - Iterations 185 - Period 186 - Clear the contents of the{NL}editor, are yo{...} 187 - CREATE NEW FOLDER 188 - Check{NL}for downloada{...} 189 - {DLT}tbl 190 - Warning! About to erase{NL}all user flash s{...} 191 - Cell Width 192 - Auto-calculate 193 - History Pairs 194 - Warning! About to garbage{NL}collect arch{...} 195 - Clear 1-character variables{NL}a-z in cur{...} 196 - Some variable could not be{NL}deleted. U{...} 197 - INTERACTIVE INITIAL CONDITIONS 198 - Last Eans History 199 - New Name 200 - No stat variables 201 - Plot Type 202 - Mark 203 - Hist. Bucket Width 204 - Freq 205 - Category 206 - Include Categories 207 - Use Freq and Categories? 208 - Overwrite 209 - ALL MEMORY (RAM & archive) WILL BE CL{...} 210 - Restore custom default 211 - ALL MEMORY (RAM & archive) WILL BE CL{...} 212 - Graph screen size unknown,{NL}so Graph {...} 213 - ,Title= 214 - VAR-LINK: WAITING TO RECEIVE 215 - X Axis 216 - Y Axis 217 - NOTICE 218 - Deleting expired applets. Please do not i{...} 219 - Error: %s 220 - A function did not return a value 221 - A test did not resolve to TRUE or FALSE 222 - Argument cannot be a folder name 223 - Argument error 224 - Argument mismatch 225 - Argument must be a Boolean expression {...} 226 - Argument must be a decimal number 227 - Argument must be a label name 228 - Argument must be a list 229 - Argument must be a matrix 230 - Argument must be a Pic 231 - Argument must be a Pic or string 232 - Argument must be a string 234 - Argument must be an empty folder name 235 - Argument must be an expression 236 - Batteries too low for sending/receiving {...} 237 - Bound 238 - Break 239 - Checksum error 240 - Circular definition 241 - Constraint expression invalid 242 - Data type 243 - Dependent limit 244 - Diff Eq setup 245 - Dimension 246 - Dimension mismatch 247 - Divide by zero 248 - Domain error 249 - Duplicate variable name 250 - Else and ElseIf invalid outside of If..EndIf{...} 251 - EndTry is missing the matching Else state{...} 252 - Excessive iteration 253 - Expected 2 or 3-element list or matrix 254 - Expired product code 255 - First argument of nSolve must be a univa{...} 256 - First argument of solve or cSolve must b{...} 257 - Folder 258 - Graph functions y1(x)...y99(x) no availa{...} 259 - Inconsistent units 260 - Index out of range 261 - Indirection string is not a valid variable {...} 262 - Invalid ans() 263 - Invalid assignment 264 - Invalid assignment value 265 - Invalid axes 266 - Invalid command 267 - Invalid folder name 268 - Invalid for the current mode settings 269 - Invalid guess 270 - Invalid impled multiply 271 - Invalid in a function or current expressi{...} 272 - Invalid in Custom..EndCustm block 273 - Invalid in Dialog..EndDlog block 274 - Invalid in Toolbar..EndTBar block 275 - Invalid in Try..EndTry 276 - Invalid label 277 - Invalid list or matrix 278 - Invalid outside Custom..EndCsutm or Tool{...} 279 - Invalid outside Dialog..EndDlog, Custom..{...} 280 - Invalid outside Dialog..EndDlog block 281 - Invalid outside function or program 282 - Invalid outside Loop..EndLoop, For..EndF{...} 283 - Invalid pathname 284 - Invalid polar complex 285 - Invalid program reference 286 - Invalid syntax block 287 - Invalid table 288 - Invalid use of units 289 - Invalid variable name in a Local stateme{...} 290 - Invalid variable or function name 291 - Invalid variable reference 292 - Invalid vector syntax 293 - Link trasmission 294 - Memory 295 - Missing ( 296 - Missing ) 297 - Missing " 298 - Missing ] 299 - Missing } 300 - Missing start or end of block syntax