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Omnicalc "Killer" Glitch!


Ranked as 33968 on our all-time top downloads list with 1384 downloads.
Ranked as 3980 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename omnicalcglitch.zip (Download)
Title Omnicalc "Killer" Glitch!
Description A very dramatic glitch that only resets your RAM, but it is very cool. Requires omnicalc, which is included.
Author Haylex Alden (haylex123@msn.com)
Category Calculator Technical Information
File Size 247,726 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Feb 4 00:24:11 2009


Review by  ian scott
Reviewed on 2009-02-04
Nice glitch. I actually got it to keep my calc running; well, sort of. When I turned my calc back on at the end of the instructions, it displayed the program menu, like the author said might happen. I scrolled down again to redo the glitch, and woke my calc up again. This time, it displayed a blinking 'invalid' cursor (the one you get if you type too many characters for a prgm name), and graph-screen style x=,y= values on the bottom of the screen. x and y both equal 0.0E-128. And I just discovered that it will still go into sleep mode if I leave it alone long enough...

I wonder what else it will do in this new mode.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
omnicalc glitch.txt   2213
omnicalc.zip   246327

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