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Last updated Friday, 31 August 2018
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Most popular file  gbc4nspire v0.92 (Game Boy Color emulator) with 77,489 downloads.

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bmpviewer.zip50k10-08-14File is not ratedNspire Image Viewer
This is an image viewer for TI-Nspire calculators running Ndless. It allows you to view 24-bit .bmp files on the Nspire. Read the README for important instructions.
chip8emu.zip1066k17-12-06File is not ratedChip8Emu
A portage of a project of BestCoder. It's an open source emulator of CHIP8 To load game, add .ch8.tns to your rom extension, and send her to your calc. Then, open the rom. It'll work only if you've already launch the emulator file one time. If you don't, launch the chip8emu.tns file. Then, launch your .ch8 file. It's a project done by V0id and me.
dummyos_nspire_001.tar.bz22k11-04-15File is not ratedDummy OS
This is a dummy OS for the Nspire, which draws data to the screen, and reboots the calculator upon ESC keypress. Use with OSLauncher.
gbc4nspire.zip27k16-01-10File rated 8.49gbc4nspire v0.92 (Game Boy Color emulator)
gbc4nspire is a Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for the TI-Nspire, TI-Nspire CAS, TI-Nspire CX, and TI-Nspire CX CAS written from scratch in ARM assembly. Includes Ndless file association support. Latest version fixes a stack corruption glitch that was causing crashes with new versions of Ndless.
gpspnspire.zip350k12-08-07File rated 8.32gpSP-Nspire Alpha 0.11 (Gameboy Advance emulator)
gpSP-Nspire is a Gameboy Advance emulator ported from the source code of gpSP2X by Exophase and notaz. Several features have been added/removed from the GP2X version, see the readme for more details. Note: Game compatibility is not perfect, and it will never be.
hexeditorv1.0.zip19k11-06-02File is not ratedHEXEDITOR
This is a classical hexadecimal editor that allow you to modify existing files on your nspire.
life_nspire_100.tar.bz25k11-01-23File is not ratedGame of Life for Nspire (v1.00)
This program demonstrates the Game of Life simulation and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI Nspire calculators using Ndless (2.0-pre as of this writing) and related development environment. This is the port from the TI-68k (68000) platform to the Nspire (ARM) platform.
minivmac3.3.3nspire.zip368k13-04-26File is not ratedMini vMac Nspire
This is a port of Mini vMac to the TI-Nspire. It allows you to emulate a Mac Plus right on your Nspire! Supports CX and B/W Nspire's.
mviewer.zip3179k13-11-27File is not ratedmViewer 4.1 (BMP/PNG/JPG image viewer)
For both color and black & white TI-Nspire. Lets you browse your Nspire filesystem and view, zoom in/out, scroll any BMP/PNG/JPG image file. New TSR system which makes the program runnable from a TI-Nspire document without having to close the current document.
myspire.zip535k13-11-27File is not ratedmySpire (boot graphics editor)
For TI-Nspire CX and TI-Nspire CM. (for TI-Nspire ClickPad and TouchPad, boot graphics are hardcoded in the Boot1 and Boot2) Lets you edit a Manuf data dump file. You'll need to dump and reflash the file with another tool (nsNandMgr for example). Note that you cannot insert your own graphics, because the image data flow is signed. But you can customize each one of the twelve boot graphics elements: move, resize, distort, invert colors...
nespire.zip30k12-01-31File rated 7.79NESpire v0.30
NESpire is an emulator for playing Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games on the TI-Nspire series. Now with CX support.
nflags.zip1636k18-08-21File is not ratednFlags
Application that shows the flags of the world. Also includes land area, population and capital. Requires ndless 3.1 or higher.
nfrotzv1.zip55k13-07-15File is not ratednFrotz v1.0
nFrotz is a port of the popular Z-Machine interpreter, Frotz, for the TI-Nspire classic and CX (all versions). It allows you to run any Z-code game, including the classic text-based games (Zork, Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, etc.) as well as new ones created with the programming language Inform. This release fixes many of the bugs from the beta version and adds many new features, including invertable console colors, a working status bar, and of course, unnecessary particle effects!
nlatein.zip128k11-05-05File is not ratednLatein 0.5.1 BETA
This is a dictionairy from GERMAN to LATIN. It's a German Homebrew ! Dies ist ein Latein Wörterbuch, der für den TI-nspire konszpiert wurde =) Ihr braucht mindestens OS Dies ist eine BETA Version, also kann ich eure Verbesserungsvorschläge gebrauchen =)
nlaunchy.zip62k13-11-27File is not ratednLaunchy 2.3 arbitrary OS launcher
nLaunchy is an independent continuation of nLaunch + nLaunch CX, made by anonymous authors. Like its predecessors, nLaunchy (currently at version 2.3) is a set of FLOSS programs and crafted OS updates suitable for Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad calculators running boot2 1.4.1571 ("1.4"), and Nspire CX calculators running boot2 ("3.1"), but no other versions. nLaunchy enables users to install and launch arbitrary OS updates located into the user-accessible part of the filesystem - especially Linux. nLaunchy also enables one to switch between OS sets (e.g. TI's OS and Linux, OS 3.1 + Ndless & OS 3.2, OS 3.1 + Ndless & OS 3.3, OS 3.1 + Ndless & OS 3.6, etc.) without the need for a computer (unlike nLaunch and nLaunch CX). Other contributors include Xavier "critor" Andréani.
nleash.zip4k10-07-29File rated 8.38Nleash for OS 2.1
Nleash lets you downgrade to the version of the OS you choose, even when not allowed to.
norse.zip85k10-12-30File is not ratedNorse (wireless chatting with the LED)
Lets you encode messages to send them trough the LED. Also includes a manual decoder for received messages. OSes 1.4 and newer have a protection which is locking the LED. See included documentation to unlock it.
nover.zip1035k13-11-27File is not ratedNover 3 (automatic overclocking)
Lets you overclock your TI-Nspire ClickPad, TouchPad, CX and CM. If installed in the Ndless startup folder (see readme), the programme will automatically search for the best overclock on the next boot. Calculator may freeze and you may have the press reset manually during the search. But once the search will be completed, it won't be triggered again, unless you remove the generated config file. TI-Nspire ClickPad/TouchPad CPU usually overclocks from 120 to 150MHz, which is the maximum we can set. TI-Nspire CX/CM CPU usually overclocks from 132 to 220-240MHz. Some more rare calculators may overclock a little higher or lower than that.
npdf0.4b.zip1825k16-03-21File is not ratednPDF
nPDF is a document viewer using MuPDF. It supports PDF, XPS, CBZ, EPUB, HTML, and various image formats. Ndless is required.
nplayer.zip1072k11-06-13File is not ratednPlayer - TI-Nspire Video Player
nPlayer is a video player for the TI-Nspire calculator. The screen shot does not do this project justice; the video is significantly smoother when played on an emulator or actual hardware. You must use Ndless 2.0 in order for this to work (note, it will work on any OS 1.7-2.1, as long as Ndless 2.0 is used). Please read the file "nPlayer.pdf" for instructions on how to use this program.
nsnandmgr.zip944k13-11-27File is not ratednsNandMgr
A NAND reflashing program for TI-Nspire ClickPad, TouchPad, CX and CM. It deals with the first NAND pages until the beginning of the filesystem: - Manuf data - Boot Code 2 - Boot Data - Diagnostic Software Lets you dump and reflash your Manuf, Boot2 and Diagnostic Software with any compatible version. Lets you customize some things in the Manuf and Boot Data: - reflash the boot graphics on TI-Nspire CX/CM - modify or remove the region code which enables/disables some features - if your ASIC doesn't include a model type (some DVT prototypes for exemple), lets you change your model ID from CAS to non-CAS, or non-CAS to CAS - lets you temporarily reset or remove the minimal installable OS version (downgrade protection) in order to install an older OS - lets you choose the boot order (Boot2 then Diags or Diags then Boot2) Although the included checks should prevent you from doing mistakes (unless you download a modified version), you should note that this program clearly has the ability to permanently brick your TI-Nspire. Use it only if you know what you are doing or have a good tutorial or how-to.
nstateflags.zip1232k18-08-31File is not ratednStateFlags
Application that shows the state flags. Also includes land area, population, and capital. Requires ndless 3.1 or higher.
ntradeadvanced.zip88k14-07-28File is not ratednTrade Advanced
NOT A GAME! With this you can trade Pokemons between Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby/Firered/Leafgreen and Emerald.
ntxt17.zip36k13-08-08File is not ratednTxt - Nspire Text Editor
nTxt lets you create/open/edit plain-text files on your calculator. Compatible with all Nspire models. Requires Ndless. See the readme for usage instructions.
oslauncher_nspire_001.tar.bz22k11-04-15File is not ratedOSLauncher
OSLauncher is a tool for launching OS without installing them.
squirrel.zip2008k16-04-09File is not ratedSquirrel
Squirrel is a high level imperative, object-oriented programming language. This program is a port of the language and its interpreter for TI-Nspire. N2DLib binding included.
timer.zip9k13-08-15File is not ratedTimer
A simple timer with start/stop and reset, hours, minutes and seconds. Now compatible with the Nspire CX. Install Ndless 3 to use this program.

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