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Nover 3 (automatic overclocking)


Ranked as 8001 on our all-time top downloads list with 5493 downloads.
Ranked as 2010 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.

Filename nover.zip (Download)
Title Nover 3 (automatic overclocking)
Description Lets you overclock your TI-Nspire ClickPad, TouchPad, CX and CM. If installed in the Ndless startup folder (see readme), the programme will automatically search for the best overclock on the next boot. Calculator may freeze and you may have the press reset manually during the search. But once the search will be completed, it won't be triggered again, unless you remove the generated config file. TI-Nspire ClickPad/TouchPad CPU usually overclocks from 120 to 150MHz, which is the maximum we can set. TI-Nspire CX/CM CPU usually overclocks from 132 to 220-240MHz. Some more rare calculators may overclock a little higher or lower than that.
Author Xavier ANDREANI (andreanx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 1,060,081 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 27 03:51:29 2013
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
nover/license-gplv2-en.txt   18431
nover/license-gplv2-fr.txt   22467
nover/lisezmoi.txt   6752
nover/nover.tns   251092
nover/readme.txt   5923
nover/sources/charmap.h   14274
nover/sources/console.c   1699
nover/sources/console.h   458
nover/sources/console.o   3144
nover/sources/Makefile   529
nover/sources/nover.c   14160
nover/sources/nover.elf   294545
nover/sources/nover.o   14996
nover/sources/nover.tns   251092
nover/sources/screen.c   7885
nover/sources/screen.h   502
nover/sources/screen.o   10248
nover/sources/s_screen.c   1152032
nover/sources/s_screen.o   231097
nover/sources/tools.c   1067
nover/sources/tools.h   281
nover/sources/tools.o   1436

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