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Ranked as 24763 on our all-time top downloads list with 2437 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename nsnandmgr.zip (Download)
Title nsNandMgr
Description A NAND reflashing program for TI-Nspire ClickPad, TouchPad, CX and CM. It deals with the first NAND pages until the beginning of the filesystem: - Manuf data - Boot Code 2 - Boot Data - Diagnostic Software Lets you dump and reflash your Manuf, Boot2 and Diagnostic Software with any compatible version. Lets you customize some things in the Manuf and Boot Data: - reflash the boot graphics on TI-Nspire CX/CM - modify or remove the region code which enables/disables some features - if your ASIC doesn't include a model type (some DVT prototypes for exemple), lets you change your model ID from CAS to non-CAS, or non-CAS to CAS - lets you temporarily reset or remove the minimal installable OS version (downgrade protection) in order to install an older OS - lets you choose the boot order (Boot2 then Diags or Diags then Boot2) Although the included checks should prevent you from doing mistakes (unless you download a modified version), you should note that this program clearly has the ability to permanently brick your TI-Nspire. Use it only if you know what you are doing or have a good tutorial or how-to.
Author Xavier ANDREANI (andreanx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 967,513 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 27 03:56:30 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
nsNandMgr/nsNandMgr.tns   409280
nsNandMgr/README.txt   1319
nsNandMgr/source/charmap.h   14274
nsNandMgr/source/console.c   1698
nsNandMgr/source/console.h   537
nsNandMgr/source/console.o   3248
nsNandMgr/source/imgdump.c   3580
nsNandMgr/source/imgdump.h   56
nsNandMgr/source/imgdump.o   3012
nsNandMgr/source/Makefile   590
nsNandMgr/source/nand.c   1984
nsNandMgr/source/nand.h   3427
nsNandMgr/source/nand.o   1720
nsNandMgr/source/nsNandMgr.c   23443
nsNandMgr/source/nsNandMgr.elf   321026
nsNandMgr/source/nsNandMgr.o   21156
nsNandMgr/source/nsNandMgr.tns   409280
nsNandMgr/source/screen.c   6306
nsNandMgr/source/screen.h   480
nsNandMgr/source/screen.o   8796
nsNandMgr/source/s_screen.c   1166484
nsNandMgr/source/s_screen.o   231097
nsNandMgr/source/tools.c   427
nsNandMgr/source/tools.h   93
nsNandMgr/source/tools.o   1156

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